diff --git a/doc/pair_soft.html b/doc/pair_soft.html
index bb30a94e4a..d99219730f 100644
--- a/doc/pair_soft.html
+++ b/doc/pair_soft.html
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ commands, or by mixing as described below:
 cutoff is used.
 <P>The <A HREF = "fix_adapt.html">fix adapt</A> command can be used to vary A for one
-or more pair types over the course of a simulation, in which case the
-pair_coeff setting for A must still be specified, but will be
+or more pair types over the course of a simulation, in which case
+pair_coeff settings for A must still be specified, but will be
 overridden.  For example these commands will vary the prefactor A for
 all pairwise interactions from 0.0 at the beginning to 30.0 at the end
 of a 10,000 step run:
diff --git a/doc/pair_soft.txt b/doc/pair_soft.txt
index 84e074ae10..562ee0bdbb 100644
--- a/doc/pair_soft.txt
+++ b/doc/pair_soft.txt
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ The last coefficient is optional.  If not specified, the global soft
 cutoff is used.
 The "fix adapt"_fix_adapt.html command can be used to vary A for one
-or more pair types over the course of a simulation, in which case the
-pair_coeff setting for A must still be specified, but will be
+or more pair types over the course of a simulation, in which case
+pair_coeff settings for A must still be specified, but will be
 overridden.  For example these commands will vary the prefactor A for
 all pairwise interactions from 0.0 at the beginning to 30.0 at the end
 of a 10,000 step run: