Added short neighbor list implementation for tersoff/zbl/gpu and tersoff/mod/gpu

This commit is contained in:
Trung Nguyen 2017-07-08 14:59:48 -05:00
parent 77c60189b8
commit 34fe2273f6
6 changed files with 365 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ int TersoffMT::init(const int ntypes, const int nlocal, const int nall, const in
int success;
"k_tersoff_mod_three_center", "k_tersoff_mod_three_end");
"k_tersoff_mod_three_center", "k_tersoff_mod_three_end",
if (success!=0)
return success;
@ -157,11 +158,16 @@ int TersoffMT::init(const int ntypes, const int nlocal, const int nall, const in
UCL_H_Vec<numtyp> cutsq_view(nparams,*(this->ucl_device),
for (int i=0; i<nparams; i++)
double cutsqmax = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<nparams; i++) {
if (cutsqmax < host_cutsq[i]) cutsqmax = host_cutsq[i];
_cutshortsq = static_cast<numtyp>(cutsqmax);
UCL_H_Vec<int> dview_elem2param(nelements*nelements*nelements,
*(this->ucl_device), UCL_WRITE_ONLY);
@ -250,7 +256,7 @@ void TersoffMT::compute(const int f_ago, const int inum_full, const int nall,
this->reset_nbors(nall, inum, nlist, ilist, numj, firstneigh, success);
if (!success)
_max_nbors = this->nbor->max_nbor_loop(nlist,numj,ilist);
this->_max_nbors = this->nbor->max_nbor_loop(nlist,numj,ilist);
@ -258,11 +264,13 @@ void TersoffMT::compute(const int f_ago, const int inum_full, const int nall,
// re-allocate zetaij if necessary
if (nall*_max_nbors > _zetaij.cols()) {
if (nall*this->_max_nbors > _zetaij.cols()) {
int _nmax=static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(nall)*1.10);
int _eflag;
if (eflag)
@ -329,7 +337,7 @@ int ** TersoffMT::compute(const int ago, const int inum_full,
// Build neighbor list on GPU if necessary
if (ago==0) {
_max_nbors = this->build_nbor_list(inum, inum_full-inum, nall, host_x, host_type,
this->_max_nbors = this->build_nbor_list(inum, inum_full-inum, nall, host_x, host_type,
sublo, subhi, tag, nspecial, special, success);
if (!success)
return NULL;
@ -343,11 +351,13 @@ int ** TersoffMT::compute(const int ago, const int inum_full,
// re-allocate zetaij if necessary
if (nall*_max_nbors > _zetaij.cols()) {
if (nall*this->_max_nbors > _zetaij.cols()) {
int _nmax=static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(nall)*1.10);
int _eflag;
if (eflag)
@ -402,9 +412,32 @@ void TersoffMT::loop(const bool _eflag, const bool _vflag, const int evatom) {
int ainum=this->ans->inum();
// build the short neighbor list
int ainum=this->_ainum;
int nbor_pitch=this->nbor->nbor_pitch();
int GX=static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<double>(this->ans->inum())/
int GX=static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<double>(ainum)/
this->>atom->x, &_cutshortsq,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&this->dev_short_nbor, &ainum,
&nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom);
this->>atom->x, &ts1, &ts2, &ts3, &ts4, &ts5, &cutsq,
&map, &elem2param, &_nelements, &_nparams, &_zetaij,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&_eflag, &this->_ainum, &nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom);
@ -423,6 +456,7 @@ void TersoffMT::loop(const bool _eflag, const bool _vflag, const int evatom) {
this->>atom->x, &ts1, &ts2, &ts4, &ts5, &cutsq,
&map, &elem2param, &_nelements, &_nparams, &_zetaij,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&this->ans->force, &this->ans->engv, &eflag, &vflag, &ainum,
&nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom, &evatom);
@ -437,7 +471,7 @@ void TersoffMT::loop(const bool _eflag, const bool _vflag, const int evatom) {
this->>atom->x, &ts1, &ts2, &ts4, &ts5, &cutsq,
&map, &elem2param, &_nelements, &_nparams, &_zetaij,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&this->nbor->dev_acc, &this->dev_short_nbor,
&end_ans->force, &end_ans->engv, &eflag, &vflag, &ainum,
&nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom, &this->_gpu_nbor);
@ -446,7 +480,7 @@ void TersoffMT::loop(const bool _eflag, const bool _vflag, const int evatom) {
this->>atom->x, &ts1, &ts2, &ts4, &ts5, &cutsq,
&map, &elem2param, &_nelements, &_nparams, &_zetaij,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&this->nbor->dev_acc, &this->dev_short_nbor,
&end_ans->force, &end_ans->engv, &eflag, &vflag, &ainum,
&nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom, &this->_gpu_nbor);

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ texture<int4> ts5_tex;
ans[ii]=old; \
#define store_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset) \
#define acc_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset) \
if (t_per_atom>1) { \
__local acctyp red_acc[BLOCK_PAIR]; \
red_acc[tid]=z; \
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ texture<int4> ts5_tex;
ans[ii]=old; \
#define store_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset) \
#define acc_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset) \
if (t_per_atom>1) { \
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) { \
z += shfl_xor(z, s, t_per_atom); \
@ -164,6 +164,57 @@ texture<int4> ts5_tex;
__kernel void k_tersoff_mod_short_nbor(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const numtyp cutshortsq,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
__global int * dev_short_nbor,
const int inum, const int nbor_pitch,
const int t_per_atom) {
__local int n_stride;
int tid, ii, offset;
if (ii<inum) {
int nbor, nbor_end;
int i, numj;
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
int ncount = 0;
int m = nbor;
dev_short_nbor[m] = 0;
int nbor_short = nbor+n_stride;
for ( ; nbor<nbor_end; nbor+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor];
int nj = j;
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
// Compute r12
numtyp delx = ix.x-jx.x;
numtyp dely = ix.y-jx.y;
numtyp delz = ix.z-jx.z;
numtyp rsq = delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
if (rsq<cutshortsq) {
dev_short_nbor[nbor_short] = nj;
nbor_short += n_stride;
} // for nbor
// store the number of neighbors for each thread
dev_short_nbor[m] = ncount;
} // if ii
// Tersoff is currently used for 3 elements at most: 3*3*3 = 27 entries
// while the block size should never be less than 32.
// SHARED_SIZE = 32 for now to reduce the pressure on the shared memory per block
@ -184,6 +235,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_zeta(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
__global acctyp4 * zetaij,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const __global int * dev_short_nbor,
const int eflag, const int inum,
const int nbor_pitch, const int t_per_atom) {
__local int tpa_sq,n_stride;
@ -218,15 +270,20 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_zeta(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
int offset_k=tid & (t_per_atom-1);
int nborj_start = nbor_j;
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
int itype=ix.w;
// recalculate numj and nbor_end for use of the short nbor list
numj = dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
nbor_j += n_stride;
int nborj_start = nbor_j;
nbor_end = nbor_j+fast_mul(numj,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_j<nbor_end; nbor_j+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor_j];
int j=dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
@ -244,11 +301,14 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_zeta(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
if (rsq1 > cutsq[ijparam]) continue;
// compute zeta_ij
z = (numtyp)0;
z = (acctyp)0;
int nbor_k = nborj_start-offset_j+offset_k;
for ( ; nbor_k < nbor_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int numk = dev_short_nbor[nbor_k-n_stride];
int k_end = nbor_k+fast_mul(numk,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_k < k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == j) continue;
@ -287,10 +347,11 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_zeta(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int jj = (nbor_j-offset_j-2*nbor_pitch)/n_stride;
//int idx = jj*n_stride + i*t_per_atom + offset_j;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
i, nbor_j, offset_j, idx);
store_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset_k);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to nbor_j in dev_short_nbor
int idx = nbor_j - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// i, nbor_j, offset_j, idx);
acc_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset_k);
numtyp4 ts1_ijparam = ts1[ijparam]; //fetch4(ts1_ijparam,ijparam,ts1_tex);
numtyp ijparam_lam2 = ts1_ijparam.y;
@ -430,6 +491,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_center(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global acctyp4 *restrict zetaij,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const __global int * dev_short_nbor,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ans,
__global acctyp *restrict engv,
const int eflag, const int vflag,
@ -470,15 +532,20 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_center(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
int offset_k=tid & (t_per_atom-1);
int nborj_start = nbor_j;
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
int itype=ix.w;
// recalculate numj and nbor_end for use of the short nbor list
numj = dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
nbor_j += n_stride;
int nborj_start = nbor_j;
nbor_end = nbor_j+fast_mul(numj,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_j<nbor_end; nbor_j+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor_j];
int j=dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
@ -501,9 +568,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_center(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int jj = (nbor_j-offset_j-2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = jj*n_stride + i*t_per_atom + offset_j;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
i, nbor_j, offset_j, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to nbor_j in dev_short_nbor
int idx = nbor_j - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// i, nbor_j, offset_j, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_ij = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_ij,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp force = zeta_ij.x*tpainv;
numtyp prefactor = zeta_ij.y;
@ -524,9 +592,12 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_center(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
virial[5] += delr1[1]*delr1[2]*mforce;
int nbor_k=nborj_start-offset_j+offset_k;
for ( ; nbor_k<nbor_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int nbor_k = nborj_start-offset_j+offset_k;
int numk = dev_short_nbor[nbor_k-n_stride];
int k_end = nbor_k+fast_mul(numk,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (j == k) continue;
@ -606,6 +677,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const __global int * dev_acc,
const __global int * dev_short_nbor,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ans,
__global acctyp *restrict engv,
const int eflag, const int vflag,
@ -653,9 +725,15 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
numtyp tpainv = ucl_recip((numtyp)t_per_atom);
// recalculate numj and nbor_end for use of the short nbor list
numj = dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
nbor_j += n_stride;
nbor_end = nbor_j+fast_mul(numj,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_j<nbor_end; nbor_j+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor_j];
int j=dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
@ -693,13 +771,18 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
// recalculate numk and k_end for the use of short neighbor list
numk = dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
nbor_k += n_stride;
k_end = nbor_k+fast_mul(numk,n_stride);
int nbork_start = nbor_k;
// look up for zeta_ji: find i in the j's neighbor list
int m = tid / t_per_atom;
int ijnum = -1;
for ( ; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == i) {
ijnum = nbor_k;
@ -721,9 +804,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int iix = (ijnum - offset_kf - 2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = iix*n_stride + j*t_per_atom + offset_kf;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
j, ijnum, offset_kf, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to ijnum in dev_short_nbor
int idx = ijnum - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// j, ijnum, offset_kf, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_ji = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_ji,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp force = zeta_ji.x*tpainv;
numtyp prefactor_ji = zeta_ji.y;
@ -746,7 +830,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
// attractive forces
for (nbor_k = nbork_start ; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == i) continue;
@ -790,9 +874,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int kk = (nbor_k - offset_k - 2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = kk*n_stride + j*t_per_atom + offset_k;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
j, nbor_k, offset_k, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to nbor_k in dev_short_nbor
int idx = nbor_k - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// j, nbor_k, offset_k, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_jk = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_jk,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp prefactor_jk = zeta_jk.y;
int jkiparam=elem2param[jtype*nelements*nelements+ktype*nelements+itype];
@ -841,6 +926,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const __global int * dev_acc,
const __global int * dev_short_nbor,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ans,
__global acctyp *restrict engv,
const int eflag, const int vflag,
@ -888,9 +974,15 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
numtyp tpainv = ucl_recip((numtyp)t_per_atom);
// recalculate numj and nbor_end for use of the short nbor list
numj = dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
nbor_j += n_stride;
nbor_end = nbor_j+fast_mul(numj,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_j<nbor_end; nbor_j+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor_j];
int j=dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
@ -928,13 +1020,18 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
// recalculate numk and k_end for the use of short neighbor list
numk = dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
nbor_k += n_stride;
k_end = nbor_k+fast_mul(numk,n_stride);
int nbork_start = nbor_k;
// look up for zeta_ji
int m = tid / t_per_atom;
int ijnum = -1;
for ( ; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == i) {
ijnum = nbor_k;
@ -956,9 +1053,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int iix = (ijnum - offset_kf - 2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = iix*n_stride + j*t_per_atom + offset_kf;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
j, ijnum, offset_kf, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to ijnum in dev_short_nbor
int idx = ijnum - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// j, ijnum, offset_kf, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_ji = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_ji,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp force = zeta_ji.x*tpainv;
numtyp prefactor_ji = zeta_ji.y;
@ -981,7 +1079,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
// attractive forces
for (nbor_k = nbork_start; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == i) continue;
@ -1032,9 +1130,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_mod_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int kk = (nbor_k - offset_k - 2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = kk*n_stride + j*t_per_atom + offset_k;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
j, nbor_k, offset_k, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to nbor_k in dev_short_nbor
int idx = nbor_k - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// j, nbor_k, offset_k, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_jk = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_jk,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp prefactor_jk = zeta_jk.y;

View File

@ -104,8 +104,7 @@ class TersoffMod : public BaseThree<numtyp, acctyp> {
UCL_Kernel k_zeta;
UCL_Texture ts1_tex, ts2_tex, ts3_tex, ts4_tex, ts5_tex;
int _max_nbors;
numtyp _cutshortsq;
bool _allocated;

View File

@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ int TersoffZT::init(const int ntypes, const int nlocal, const int nall,
int success;
"k_tersoff_zbl_three_center", "k_tersoff_zbl_three_end");
"k_tersoff_zbl_three_center", "k_tersoff_zbl_three_end",
if (success!=0)
return success;
@ -177,11 +178,16 @@ int TersoffZT::init(const int ntypes, const int nlocal, const int nall,
UCL_H_Vec<numtyp> cutsq_view(nparams,*(this->ucl_device),
for (int i=0; i<nparams; i++)
double cutsqmax = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<nparams; i++) {
if (cutsqmax < host_cutsq[i]) cutsqmax = host_cutsq[i];
_cutshortsq = static_cast<numtyp>(cutsqmax);
UCL_H_Vec<int> dview_elem2param(nelements*nelements*nelements,
*(this->ucl_device), UCL_WRITE_ONLY);
@ -275,7 +281,7 @@ void TersoffZT::compute(const int f_ago, const int inum_full, const int nall,
this->reset_nbors(nall, inum, nlist, ilist, numj, firstneigh, success);
if (!success)
_max_nbors = this->nbor->max_nbor_loop(nlist,numj,ilist);
this->_max_nbors = this->nbor->max_nbor_loop(nlist,numj,ilist);
@ -283,11 +289,13 @@ void TersoffZT::compute(const int f_ago, const int inum_full, const int nall,
// re-allocate zetaij if necessary
if (nall*_max_nbors > _zetaij.cols()) {
if (nall*this->_max_nbors > _zetaij.cols()) {
int _nmax=static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(nall)*1.10);
int _eflag;
if (eflag)
@ -354,7 +362,7 @@ int ** TersoffZT::compute(const int ago, const int inum_full,
// Build neighbor list on GPU if necessary
if (ago==0) {
_max_nbors = this->build_nbor_list(inum, inum_full-inum, nall, host_x, host_type,
this->_max_nbors = this->build_nbor_list(inum, inum_full-inum, nall, host_x, host_type,
sublo, subhi, tag, nspecial, special, success);
if (!success)
return NULL;
@ -368,11 +376,13 @@ int ** TersoffZT::compute(const int ago, const int inum_full,
// re-allocate zetaij if necessary
if (nall*_max_nbors > _zetaij.cols()) {
if (nall*this->_max_nbors > _zetaij.cols()) {
int _nmax=static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(nall)*1.10);
int _eflag;
if (eflag)
@ -427,9 +437,32 @@ void TersoffZT::loop(const bool _eflag, const bool _vflag, const int evatom) {
int ainum=this->ans->inum();
// build the short neighbor list
int ainum=this->_ainum;
int nbor_pitch=this->nbor->nbor_pitch();
int GX=static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<double>(this->ans->inum())/
int GX=static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<double>(ainum)/
this->>atom->x, &_cutshortsq,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&this->dev_short_nbor, &ainum,
&nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom);
this->>atom->x, &ts1, &ts2, &ts3, &ts4, &ts5, &cutsq,
&map, &elem2param, &_nelements, &_nparams, &_zetaij,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&_eflag, &this->_ainum, &nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom);
@ -449,6 +482,7 @@ void TersoffZT::loop(const bool _eflag, const bool _vflag, const int evatom) {
this->>atom->x, &ts1, &ts2, &ts4, &cutsq,
&map, &elem2param, &_nelements, &_nparams, &_zetaij,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&this->ans->force, &this->ans->engv, &eflag, &vflag, &ainum,
&nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom, &evatom);
@ -463,7 +497,7 @@ void TersoffZT::loop(const bool _eflag, const bool _vflag, const int evatom) {
this->>atom->x, &ts1, &ts2, &ts4, &cutsq,
&map, &elem2param, &_nelements, &_nparams, &_zetaij,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&this->nbor->dev_acc, &this->dev_short_nbor,
&end_ans->force, &end_ans->engv, &eflag, &vflag, &ainum,
&nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom, &this->_gpu_nbor);
@ -472,7 +506,7 @@ void TersoffZT::loop(const bool _eflag, const bool _vflag, const int evatom) {
this->>atom->x, &ts1, &ts2, &ts4, &cutsq,
&map, &elem2param, &_nelements, &_nparams, &_zetaij,
&this->nbor->dev_nbor, &this->_nbor_data->begin(),
&this->nbor->dev_acc, &this->dev_short_nbor,
&end_ans->force, &end_ans->engv, &eflag, &vflag, &ainum,
&nbor_pitch, &this->_threads_per_atom, &this->_gpu_nbor);

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ texture<int4> ts6_tex;
ans[ii]=old; \
#define store_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset) \
#define acc_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset) \
if (t_per_atom>1) { \
__local acctyp red_acc[BLOCK_PAIR]; \
red_acc[tid]=z; \
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ texture<int4> ts6_tex;
ans[ii]=old; \
#define store_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset) \
#define acc_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset) \
if (t_per_atom>1) { \
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) { \
z += shfl_xor(z, s, t_per_atom); \
@ -167,6 +167,57 @@ texture<int4> ts6_tex;
__kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_short_nbor(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const numtyp cutshortsq,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
__global int * dev_short_nbor,
const int inum, const int nbor_pitch,
const int t_per_atom) {
__local int n_stride;
int tid, ii, offset;
if (ii<inum) {
int nbor, nbor_end;
int i, numj;
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
int ncount = 0;
int m = nbor;
dev_short_nbor[m] = 0;
int nbor_short = nbor+n_stride;
for ( ; nbor<nbor_end; nbor+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor];
int nj = j;
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
// Compute r12
numtyp delx = ix.x-jx.x;
numtyp dely = ix.y-jx.y;
numtyp delz = ix.z-jx.z;
numtyp rsq = delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
if (rsq<cutshortsq) {
dev_short_nbor[nbor_short] = nj;
nbor_short += n_stride;
} // for nbor
// store the number of neighbors for each thread
dev_short_nbor[m] = ncount;
} // if ii
// Tersoff is currently used for 3 elements at most: 3*3*3 = 27 entries
// while the block size should never be less than 32.
// SHARED_SIZE = 32 for now to reduce the pressure on the shared memory per block
@ -188,6 +239,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_zeta(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
__global acctyp4 * zetaij,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const __global int * dev_short_nbor,
const int eflag, const int inum,
const int nbor_pitch, const int t_per_atom) {
__local int tpa_sq,n_stride;
@ -224,15 +276,20 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_zeta(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
int offset_k=tid & (t_per_atom-1);
int nborj_start = nbor_j;
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
int itype=ix.w;
// recalculate numj and nbor_end for use of the short nbor list
numj = dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
nbor_j += n_stride;
int nborj_start = nbor_j;
nbor_end = nbor_j+fast_mul(numj,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_j<nbor_end; nbor_j+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor_j];
int j=dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
@ -253,8 +310,11 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_zeta(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
z = (acctyp)0;
int nbor_k = nborj_start-offset_j+offset_k;
for ( ; nbor_k < nbor_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int numk = dev_short_nbor[nbor_k-n_stride];
int k_end = nbor_k+fast_mul(numk,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_k < k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == j) continue;
@ -290,10 +350,11 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_zeta(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int jj = (nbor_j-offset_j-2*nbor_pitch)/n_stride;
//int idx = jj*n_stride + i*t_per_atom + offset_j;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
i, nbor_j, offset_j, idx);
store_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset_k);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to nbor_j in dev_short_nbor
int idx = nbor_j - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// i, nbor_j, offset_j, idx);
acc_zeta(z, tid, t_per_atom, offset_k);
numtyp4 ts1_ijparam = ts1[ijparam]; //fetch4(ts1_ijparam,ijparam,ts1_tex);
numtyp ijparam_lam2 = ts1_ijparam.y;
@ -448,6 +509,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_center(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global acctyp4 *restrict zetaij,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const __global int * dev_short_nbor,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ans,
__global acctyp *restrict engv,
const int eflag, const int vflag,
@ -486,15 +548,20 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_center(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
int offset_k=tid & (t_per_atom-1);
int nborj_start = nbor_j;
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
int itype=ix.w;
// recalculate numj and nbor_end for use of the short nbor list
numj = dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
nbor_j += n_stride;
int nborj_start = nbor_j;
nbor_end = nbor_j+fast_mul(numj,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_j<nbor_end; nbor_j+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor_j];
int j=dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
@ -517,9 +584,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_center(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int jj = (nbor_j-offset_j-2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = jj*n_stride + i*t_per_atom + offset_j;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
i, nbor_j, offset_j, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to nbor_j in dev_short_nbor
int idx = nbor_j - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// i, nbor_j, offset_j, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_ij = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_ij,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp force = zeta_ij.x*tpainv;
numtyp prefactor = zeta_ij.y;
@ -540,9 +608,12 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_center(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
virial[5] += delr1[1]*delr1[2]*mforce;
int nbor_k=nborj_start-offset_j+offset_k;
for ( ; nbor_k<nbor_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int nbor_k = nborj_start-offset_j+offset_k;
int numk = dev_short_nbor[nbor_k-n_stride];
int k_end = nbor_k+fast_mul(numk,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (j == k) continue;
@ -618,6 +689,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const __global int * dev_acc,
const __global int * dev_short_nbor,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ans,
__global acctyp *restrict engv,
const int eflag, const int vflag,
@ -663,9 +735,15 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
numtyp tpainv = ucl_recip((numtyp)t_per_atom);
// recalculate numj and nbor_end for use of the short nbor list
numj = dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
nbor_j += n_stride;
nbor_end = nbor_j+fast_mul(numj,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_j<nbor_end; nbor_j+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor_j];
int j=dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
@ -703,13 +781,18 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
// recalculate numk and k_end for the use of short neighbor list
numk = dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
nbor_k += n_stride;
k_end = nbor_k+fast_mul(numk,n_stride);
int nbork_start = nbor_k;
// look up for zeta_ji: find i in the j's neighbor list
int m = tid / t_per_atom;
int ijnum = -1;
for ( ; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == i) {
ijnum = nbor_k;
@ -731,9 +814,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int iix = (ijnum - offset_kf - 2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = iix*n_stride + j*t_per_atom + offset_kf;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
j, ijnum, offset_kf, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to ijnum in dev_short_nbor
int idx = ijnum - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// j, ijnum, offset_kf, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_ji = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_ji,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp force = zeta_ji.x*tpainv;
numtyp prefactor_ji = zeta_ji.y;
@ -756,7 +840,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
// attractive forces
for (nbor_k = nbork_start ; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == i) continue;
@ -797,9 +881,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int kk = (nbor_k - offset_k - 2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = kk*n_stride + j*t_per_atom + offset_k;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
j, nbor_k, offset_k, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to nbor_k in dev_short_nbor
int idx = nbor_k - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// j, nbor_k, offset_k, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_jk = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_jk,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp prefactor_jk = zeta_jk.y;
int jkiparam=elem2param[jtype*nelements*nelements+ktype*nelements+itype];
@ -844,6 +929,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const __global int * dev_acc,
const __global int * dev_short_nbor,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ans,
__global acctyp *restrict engv,
const int eflag, const int vflag,
@ -889,9 +975,15 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
numtyp tpainv = ucl_recip((numtyp)t_per_atom);
// recalculate numj and nbor_end for use of the short nbor list
numj = dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
nbor_j += n_stride;
nbor_end = nbor_j+fast_mul(numj,n_stride);
for ( ; nbor_j<nbor_end; nbor_j+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor_j];
int j=dev_short_nbor[nbor_j];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
@ -929,13 +1021,18 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
// recalculate numk and k_end for the use of short neighbor list
numk = dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
nbor_k += n_stride;
k_end = nbor_k+fast_mul(numk,n_stride);
int nbork_start = nbor_k;
// look up for zeta_ji
int m = tid / t_per_atom;
int ijnum = -1;
for ( ; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == i) {
ijnum = nbor_k;
@ -957,9 +1054,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int iix = (ijnum - offset_kf - 2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = iix*n_stride + j*t_per_atom + offset_kf;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
j, ijnum, offset_kf, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to ijnum in dev_short_nbor
int idx = ijnum - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// j, ijnum, offset_kf, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_ji = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_ji,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp force = zeta_ji.x*tpainv;
numtyp prefactor_ji = zeta_ji.y;
@ -982,7 +1080,7 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
// attractive forces
for (nbor_k = nbork_start; nbor_k<k_end; nbor_k+=n_stride) {
int k=dev_packed[nbor_k];
int k=dev_short_nbor[nbor_k];
if (k == i) continue;
@ -1030,9 +1128,10 @@ __kernel void k_tersoff_zbl_three_end_vatom(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
//int kk = (nbor_k - offset_k - 2*nbor_pitch) / n_stride;
//int idx = kk*n_stride + j*t_per_atom + offset_k;
int idx;
zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
j, nbor_k, offset_k, idx);
//idx to zetaij is shifted by n_stride relative to nbor_k in dev_short_nbor
int idx = nbor_k - n_stride;
// zeta_idx(dev_nbor,dev_packed, nbor_pitch, n_stride, t_per_atom,
// j, nbor_k, offset_k, idx);
acctyp4 zeta_jk = zetaij[idx]; // fetch(zeta_jk,idx,zeta_tex);
numtyp prefactor_jk = zeta_jk.y;

View File

@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ class TersoffZBL : public BaseThree<numtyp, acctyp> {
UCL_Kernel k_zeta;
UCL_Texture ts1_tex, ts2_tex, ts3_tex, ts4_tex, ts5_tex, ts6_tex;
int _max_nbors;
numtyp _global_e,_global_a_0,_global_epsilon_0;
numtyp _cutshortsq;
bool _allocated;