From 2ef708d91e84c5465730ddaf8093c25eb147fe91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sjplimp Syntax:
delete_atoms style args
delete_atoms style args keyword value ...
compress value = no or yes
delete_atoms group edge
-delete_atoms region sphere
+delete_atoms region sphere compress no
delete_atoms overlap 0.3 all all
delete_atoms overlap 0.5 solvent colloid
delete_atoms porosity cube 0.1
@@ -72,10 +78,12 @@ randomly. There is no guarantee that the exact fraction of atoms will
be deleted, or that the same atoms will be deleted when running on
different numbers of processors.
After atoms are deleted, if the system is not molecular (no bonds), -then atom IDs are re-assigned so that they run from 1 to the number of -atoms in the system. This is not done for molecular systems, since it -would foul up the bond connectivity that has already been assigned. +
If the compress keyword is set to yes, then after atoms are +deleted, then atom IDs are re-assigned so that they run from 1 to the +number of atoms in the system. This is not done for molecular systems +(see the atom_style command), regardless of the +compress setting, since it would foul up the bond connectivity that +has already been assigned.
@@ -98,6 +106,8 @@ deleting one atom in a bonded pair anyway. -Default: none +
Default: +
+The option defaults are compress = yes.