forked from lijiext/lammps
git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ d = dump("dump.*") wildcard expands to multiple files
d = dump("dump.*",0) two args = store filenames, but don't read
incomplete and duplicate snapshots are deleted
if atoms have 5 or 8 columns, assign id,type,x,y,z (ix,iy,iz)
atoms will be unscaled if stored in files as scaled
self-describing column names assigned
time = read next snapshot from dump files
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ time = read next snapshot from dump files
return -1 if no snapshots left or last snapshot is incomplete
no column name assignment or unscaling is performed
||||,"id",3,"x") assign names to atom columns (1-N)
||||,"id",3,"x") assign names to columns (1-N)
not needed if dump file is self-describing
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ d.write("file",head,app) write selected steps/atoms to dump file
d.scatter("tmp") write selected steps/atoms to multiple files
write() can be specified with 2 additional flags
headd = 0/1 for no/yes snapshot header, app = 0/1 for write vs append
head = 0/1 for no/yes snapshot header, app = 0/1 for write vs append
scatter() files are given timestep suffix: e.g. tmp.0, tmp.100, etc
d.scale() scale x,y,z to 0-1 for all timesteps
@ -115,10 +115,9 @@ fx,fy,... = d.vecs(1000,"fx","fy",...) return vector(s) for timestep N
vecs() returns vectors with one value for each selected atom in the timestep
index,time,flag = d.iterator(0/1) loop over dump snapshots
time,box,atoms,bonds,tris = d.viz(index) return list of viz objects
time,box,atoms,bonds,tris,lines = d.viz(index) return list of viz objects
d.atype = "color" set column returned as "type" by viz
d.extra("") read bond list from dump file
d.extra(data) extract bond/tri/line list from data
d.extra(obj) extract bond/tri/line info from obj
iterator() loops over selected timesteps
iterator() called with arg = 0 first time, with arg = 1 on subsequent calls
@ -126,17 +125,21 @@ d.extra(data) extract bond/tri/line list from data
time = timestep value
flag = -1 when iteration is done, 1 otherwise
viz() returns info for selected atoms for specified timestep index
can also call as viz(time,1) and will find index of preceding snapshot
time = timestep value
box = [xlo,ylo,zlo,xhi,yhi,zhi]
box = \[xlo,ylo,zlo,xhi,yhi,zhi\]
atoms = id,type,x,y,z for each atom as 2d array
bonds = id,type,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,t1,t2 for each bond as 2d array
if bonds() was used to define bonds, else empty list
if extra() used to define bonds, else NULL
tris = id,type,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,nx,ny,nz for each tri as 2d array
if extra() was used to define tris, else empty list
if extra() used to define tris, else NULL
lines = id,type,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 for each line as 2d array
if extra() was used to define lines, else empty list
if extra() used to define lines, else NULL
atype is column name viz() will return as atom type (def = "type")
extra() stores list of bonds/tris/lines to return each time viz() is called
extra() extracts bonds/tris/lines from obj each time viz() is called
obj can be data object for bonds, cdata object for tris and lines,
bdump object for bonds, tdump object for tris, ldump object for lines.
mdump object for tris
# History
@ -153,6 +156,7 @@ d.extra(data) extract bond/tri/line list from data
# increment = 1 if reading snapshots one-at-a-time
# nextfile = which file to read from via next()
# eof = ptr into current file for where to read via next()
# scale_original = 0/1/-1 if coords were read in as unscaled/scaled/unknown
# nsnaps = # of snapshots
# nselect = # of selected snapshots
# snaps = list of snapshots
@ -161,20 +165,22 @@ d.extra(data) extract bond/tri/line list from data
# tselect = class for time selection
# aselect = class for atom selection
# atype = name of vector used as atom type by viz extract
# bondflag = 0 if no bonds, 1 if they are defined statically
# bondlist = static list of bonds to viz() return for all snapshots
# only a list of atom pairs, coords have to be created for each snapshot
# bondflag = 0 if no bonds, 1 if they are defined statically, 2 if dynamic
# bondlist = static list of bonds to return w/ viz() for all snapshots
# triflag = 0 if no tris, 1 if they are defined statically, 2 if dynamic
# trilist = static list of tris to return via viz() for all snapshots
# lineflag = 0 if no lines, 1 if they are defined statically
# linelist = static list of lines to return via viz() for all snapshots
# trilist = static list of tris to return w/ viz() for all snapshots
# lineflag = 0 if no lines, 1 if they are defined statically, 2 if dynamic
# linelist = static list of lines to return w/ viz() for all snapshots
# objextra = object to get bonds,tris,lines from dynamically
# Snap = one snapshot
# time = time stamp
# tselect = 0/1 if this snapshot selected
# natoms = # of atoms
# boxstr = format string after BOX BOUNDS, if it exists
# triclinic = 0/1 for orthogonal/triclinic based on BOX BOUNDS fields
# nselect = # of selected atoms in this snapshot
# aselect[i] = 0/1 for each atom
# xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,zlo,zhi = box bounds (float)
# xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,zlo,zhi,xy,xz,yz = box bounds (float)
# atoms[i][j] = 2d array of floats, i = 0 to natoms-1, j = 0 to ncols-1
# Imports and external programs
@ -210,9 +216,9 @@ class dump:
self.bondlist = []
self.triflag = 0
self.trilist = []
self.triobj = 0
self.lineflag = 0
self.linelist = []
self.objextra = None
# flist = list of all dump file names
@ -263,19 +269,9 @@ class dump:
# set default names for atom columns if file wasn't self-describing
# print column assignments
if len(self.snaps) == 0:
print "no column assignments made"
elif len(self.names):
print "assigned columns:",self.names2str()
elif self.snaps[0].atoms == None:
print "no column assignments made"
elif len(self.snaps[0].atoms[0]) == 5:
print "assigned columns:",self.names2str()
elif len(self.snaps[0].atoms[0]) == 8:
if len(self.names):
print "assigned columns:",self.names2str()
print "no column assignments made"
@ -285,10 +281,11 @@ class dump:
if (not self.names.has_key("x")) or \
(not self.names.has_key("y")) or \
(not self.names.has_key("z")):
print "no unscaling could be performed"
print "dump scaling status is unknown"
elif self.nsnaps > 0:
if self.scaled(self.nsnaps-1): self.unscale()
else: print "dump is already unscaled"
if self.scale_original == 1: self.unscale()
elif self.scale_original == 0: print "dump is already unscaled"
else: print "dump scaling status is unknown"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# read next snapshot from list of files
@ -333,8 +330,10 @@ class dump:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# read a single snapshot from file f
# return snapshot or 0 if failed
# assign column names if not already done and file is self-describing
# convert xs,xu to x
# for first snapshot only:
# assign column names (file must be self-describing)
# set scale_original to 0/1/-1 for unscaled/scaled/unknown
# convert xs,xu to x in names
def read_snapshot(self,f):
@ -347,25 +346,61 @@ class dump:
snap.aselect = np.zeros(snap.natoms)
item = f.readline()
words = item.split("BOUNDS ")
if len(words) == 1: snap.boxstr = ""
else: snap.boxstr = words[1].strip()
if "xy" in snap.boxstr: snap.triclinic = 1
else: snap.triclinic = 0
words = f.readline().split()
snap.xlo,snap.xhi = float(words[0]),float(words[1])
if len(words) == 2:
snap.xlo,snap.xhi,snap.xy = float(words[0]),float(words[1]),0.0
snap.xlo,snap.xhi,snap.xy = \
words = f.readline().split()
snap.ylo,snap.yhi = float(words[0]),float(words[1])
if len(words) == 2:
snap.ylo,snap.yhi,snap.xz = float(words[0]),float(words[1]),0.0
snap.ylo,snap.yhi,snap.xz = \
words = f.readline().split()
snap.zlo,snap.zhi = float(words[0]),float(words[1])
if len(words) == 2:
snap.zlo,snap.zhi,snap.yz = float(words[0]),float(words[1]),0.0
snap.zlo,snap.zhi,snap.yz = \
item = f.readline()
if len(self.names) == 0:
self.scale_original = -1
xflag = yflag = zflag = -1
words = item.split()[2:]
if len(words):
for i in range(len(words)):
if words[i] == "xs" or words[i] == "xu":
if words[i] == "x" or words[i] == "xu":
xflag = 0
self.names["x"] = i
elif words[i] == "ys" or words[i] == "yu":
elif words[i] == "xs" or words[i] == "xsu":
xflag = 1
self.names["x"] = i
elif words[i] == "y" or words[i] == "yu":
yflag = 0
self.names["y"] = i
elif words[i] == "zs" or words[i] == "zu":
elif words[i] == "ys" or words[i] == "ysu":
yflag = 1
self.names["y"] = i
elif words[i] == "z" or words[i] == "zu":
zflag = 0
self.names["z"] = i
elif words[i] == "zs" or words[i] == "zsu":
zflag = 1
self.names["z"] = i
else: self.names[words[i]] = i
if xflag == 0 and yflag == 0 and zflag == 0: self.scale_original = 0
if xflag == 1 and yflag == 1 and zflag == 1: self.scale_original = 1
if snap.natoms:
words = f.readline().split()
@ -387,27 +422,6 @@ class dump:
return 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# decide if snapshot i is scaled/unscaled from coords of first and last atom
def scaled(self,i):
ix = self.names["x"]
iy = self.names["y"]
iz = self.names["z"]
natoms = self.snaps[i].natoms
if natoms == 0: return 0
x1 = self.snaps[i].atoms[0][ix]
y1 = self.snaps[i].atoms[0][iy]
z1 = self.snaps[i].atoms[0][iz]
x2 = self.snaps[i].atoms[natoms-1][ix]
y2 = self.snaps[i].atoms[natoms-1][iy]
z2 = self.snaps[i].atoms[natoms-1][iz]
if x1 >= -0.1 and x1 <= 1.1 and y1 >= -0.1 and y1 <= 1.1 and \
z1 >= -0.1 and z1 <= 1.1 and x2 >= -0.1 and x2 <= 1.1 and \
y2 >= -0.1 and y2 <= 1.1 and z2 >= -0.1 and z2 <= 1.1:
return 1
else: return 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# map atom column names
@ -418,9 +432,8 @@ class dump:
j = i + 1
self.names[pairs[j]] = pairs[i]-1
# delete unselected snapshots
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# delete unselected snapshots
def delete(self):
ndel = i = 0
@ -435,6 +448,7 @@ class dump:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# scale coords to 0-1 for all snapshots or just one
# use 6 params as h-matrix to treat orthongonal or triclinic boxes
def scale(self,*list):
if len(list) == 0:
@ -453,17 +467,52 @@ class dump:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def scale_one(self,snap,x,y,z):
if snap.atoms == None: return
if snap.xy == 0.0 and snap.xz == 0.0 and snap.yz == 0.0:
xprdinv = 1.0 / (snap.xhi - snap.xlo)
yprdinv = 1.0 / (snap.yhi - snap.ylo)
zprdinv = 1.0 / (snap.zhi - snap.zlo)
atoms = snap.atoms
if atoms != None:
atoms[:,x] = (atoms[:,x] - snap.xlo) * xprdinv
atoms[:,y] = (atoms[:,y] - snap.ylo) * yprdinv
atoms[:,z] = (atoms[:,z] - snap.zlo) * zprdinv
xlo_bound = snap.xlo; xhi_bound = snap.xhi
ylo_bound = snap.ylo; yhi_bound = snap.yhi
zlo_bound = snap.zlo; zhi_bound = snap.zhi
xy = snap.xy
xz = snap.xz
yz = snap.yz
xlo = xlo_bound - min((0.0,xy,xz,xy+xz))
xhi = xhi_bound - max((0.0,xy,xz,xy+xz))
ylo = ylo_bound - min((0.0,yz))
yhi = yhi_bound - max((0.0,yz))
zlo = zlo_bound
zhi = zhi_bound
h0 = xhi - xlo
h1 = yhi - ylo
h2 = zhi - zlo
h3 = yz
h4 = xz
h5 = xy
h0inv = 1.0 / h0
h1inv = 1.0 / h1
h2inv = 1.0 / h2
h3inv = yz / (h1*h2)
h4inv = (h3*h5 - h1*h4) / (h0*h1*h2)
h5inv = xy / (h0*h1)
atoms = snap.atoms
if atoms != None:
atoms[:,x] = (atoms[:,x] - snap.xlo)*h0inv + \
(atoms[:,y] - snap.ylo)*h5inv + \
(atoms[:,z] - snap.zlo)*h4inv
atoms[:,y] = (atoms[:,y] - snap.ylo)*h1inv + \
(atoms[:,z] - snap.zlo)*h3inv
atoms[:,z] = (atoms[:,z] - snap.zlo)*h2inv
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# unscale coords from 0-1 to box size for all snapshots or just one
# use 6 params as h-matrix to treat orthongonal or triclinic boxes
def unscale(self,*list):
if len(list) == 0:
@ -482,14 +531,39 @@ class dump:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def unscale_one(self,snap,x,y,z):
if snap.atoms == None: return
if snap.xy == 0.0 and snap.xz == 0.0 and snap.yz == 0.0:
xprd = snap.xhi - snap.xlo
yprd = snap.yhi - snap.ylo
zprd = snap.zhi - snap.zlo
atoms = snap.atoms
if atoms != None:
atoms[:,x] = snap.xlo + atoms[:,x]*xprd
atoms[:,y] = snap.ylo + atoms[:,y]*yprd
atoms[:,z] = snap.zlo + atoms[:,z]*zprd
xlo_bound = snap.xlo; xhi_bound = snap.xhi
ylo_bound = snap.ylo; yhi_bound = snap.yhi
zlo_bound = snap.zlo; zhi_bound = snap.zhi
xy = snap.xy
xz = snap.xz
yz = snap.yz
xlo = xlo_bound - min((0.0,xy,xz,xy+xz))
xhi = xhi_bound - max((0.0,xy,xz,xy+xz))
ylo = ylo_bound - min((0.0,yz))
yhi = yhi_bound - max((0.0,yz))
zlo = zlo_bound
zhi = zhi_bound
h0 = xhi - xlo
h1 = yhi - ylo
h2 = zhi - zlo
h3 = yz
h4 = xz
h5 = xy
atoms = snap.atoms
if atoms != None:
atoms[:,x] = snap.xlo + atoms[:,x]*h0 + atoms[:,y]*h5 + atoms[:,z]*h4
atoms[:,y] = snap.ylo + atoms[:,y]*h1 + atoms[:,z]*h3
atoms[:,z] = snap.zlo + atoms[:,z]*h2
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# wrap coords from outside box to inside
@ -537,6 +611,7 @@ class dump:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# wrap coords to same image as atom ID stored in "other" column
# if dynamic extra lines or triangles defined, owrap them as well
def owrap(self,other):
print "Wrapping to other ..."
@ -563,14 +638,17 @@ class dump:
atoms[i][x] += (atoms[i][ix]-atoms[j][ix])*xprd
atoms[i][y] += (atoms[i][iy]-atoms[j][iy])*yprd
atoms[i][z] += (atoms[i][iz]-atoms[j][iz])*zprd
# should bonds also be owrapped ?
if self.lineflag == 2 or self.triflag == 2:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert column names assignment to a string, in column order
def names2str(self):
ncol = len(self.snaps[0].atoms[0])
pairs = self.names.items()
values = self.names.values()
ncol = len(pairs)
str = ""
for i in xrange(ncol):
if i in values: str += pairs[values.index(i)][0] + ' '
@ -614,6 +692,12 @@ class dump:
if len(self.snaps): namestr = self.names2str()
if not append: f = open(file,"w")
else: f = open(file,"a")
if "id" in self.names: id = self.names["id"]
else: id = -1
if "type" in self.names: type = self.names["type"]
else: type = -1
for snap in self.snaps:
if not snap.tselect: continue
print snap.time,
@ -624,7 +708,13 @@ class dump:
print >>f,snap.time
print >>f,snap.nselect
print >>f,"ITEM: BOX BOUNDS"
if snap.boxstr: print >>f,"ITEM: BOX BOUNDS",snap.boxstr
else: print >>f,"ITEM: BOX BOUNDS"
if snap.triclinic:
print >>f,snap.xlo,snap.xhi,snap.xy
print >>f,snap.ylo,snap.yhi,snap.xz
print >>f,snap.zlo,snap.zhi,snap.yz
print >>f,snap.xlo,snap.xhi
print >>f,snap.ylo,snap.yhi
print >>f,snap.zlo,snap.zhi
@ -636,7 +726,7 @@ class dump:
if not snap.aselect[i]: continue
line = ""
for j in xrange(nvalues):
if (j < 2):
if j == id or j == type:
line += str(int(atoms[i][j])) + " "
line += str(atoms[i][j]) + " "
@ -660,7 +750,13 @@ class dump:
print >>f,snap.time
print >>f,snap.nselect
print >>f,"ITEM: BOX BOUNDS"
if snap.boxstr: print >>f,"ITEM: BOX BOUNDS",snap.boxstr
else: print >>f,"ITEM: BOX BOUNDS"
if snap.triclinic:
print >>f,snap.xlo,snap.xhi,snap.xy
print >>f,snap.ylo,snap.yhi,snap.xz
print >>f,snap.zlo,snap.zhi,snap.yz
print >>f,snap.xlo,snap.xhi
print >>f,snap.ylo,snap.yhi
print >>f,snap.zlo,snap.zhi
@ -897,9 +993,20 @@ class dump:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# return list of atoms to viz for snapshot isnap
# if called with flag, then index is timestep, so convert to snapshot index
# augment with bonds, tris, lines if extra() was invoked
def viz(self,isnap):
def viz(self,index,flag=0):
if not flag: isnap = index
times = self.time()
n = len(times)
i = 0
while i < n:
if times[i] > index: break
i += 1
isnap = i - 1
snap = self.snaps[isnap]
time = snap.time
@ -919,18 +1026,22 @@ class dump:
atom = snap.atoms[i]
# create list of current bond coords from static bondlist
# create list of bonds from static or dynamic bond list
# then generate bond coords from bondlist
# alist = dictionary of atom IDs for atoms list
# lookup bond atom IDs in alist and grab their coords
# try is used since some atoms may be unselected
# any bond with unselected atom is not returned to viz caller
# any bond with unselected atom is not added to bonds
# need Numeric/Numpy mode here
bonds = []
if self.bondflag:
if self.bondflag == 1: bondlist = self.bondlist
elif self.bondflag == 2:
tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,bondlist,tmp4,tmp5 = self.objextra.viz(time,1)
alist = {}
for i in xrange(len(atoms)): alist[int(atoms[i][0])] = i
for bond in self.bondlist:
for bond in bondlist:
i = alist[bond[2]]
j = alist[bond[3]]
@ -940,15 +1051,23 @@ class dump:
except: continue
# create list of tris from static or dynamic tri list
# if dynamic, could eliminate tris for unselected atoms
tris = []
if self.triflag:
if self.triflag == 1: tris = self.trilist
elif self.triflag == 2:
timetmp,boxtmp,atomstmp,bondstmp, \
tris,linestmp = self.triobj.viz(time,1)
tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tris,tmp5 = self.objextra.viz(time,1)
# create list of lines from static or dynamic tri list
# if dynamic, could eliminate lines for unselected atoms
lines = []
if self.lineflag: lines = self.linelist
if self.lineflag:
if self.lineflag == 1: lines = self.linelist
elif self.lineflag == 2:
tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5,lines = self.objextra.viz(time,1)
return time,box,atoms,bonds,tris,lines
@ -991,49 +1110,14 @@ class dump:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# grab bonds/tris/lines from another object
# if static, grab once, else store obj to grab dynamically
def extra(self,arg):
# read bonds from bond dump file
# data object, grab bonds statically
if type(arg) is types.StringType:
f = open(arg,'r')
item = f.readline()
time = int(f.readline())
item = f.readline()
nbonds = int(f.readline())
item = f.readline()
if not"BONDS",item):
raise StandardError, "could not read bonds from dump file"
words = f.readline().split()
ncol = len(words)
for i in xrange(1,nbonds):
words += f.readline().split()
# convert values to int and absolute value since can be negative types
if oldnumeric: bondlist = np.zeros((nbonds,4),np.Int)
else: bondlist = np.zeros((nbonds,4),
ints = [abs(int(value)) for value in words]
start = 0
stop = 4
for i in xrange(nbonds):
bondlist[i] = ints[start:stop]
start += ncol
stop += ncol
if bondlist:
self.bondflag = 1
self.bondlist = bondlist
raise StandardError,"could not read from bond dump file"
# request bonds from data object
elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".data" in str(arg.__class__):
if type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".data" in str(arg.__class__):
self.bondflag = 0
bondlist = []
bondlines = arg.sections["Bonds"]
@ -1047,9 +1131,10 @@ class dump:
raise StandardError,"could not extract bonds from data object"
# request tris/lines from cdata object
# cdata object, grab tris and lines statically
elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".cdata" in str(arg.__class__):
self.triflag = self.lineflag = 0
tmp,tmp,tmp,tmp,tris,lines = arg.viz(0)
if tris:
@ -1061,14 +1146,29 @@ class dump:
raise StandardError,"could not extract tris/lines from cdata object"
# request tris from mdump object
# mdump object, grab tris dynamically
elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".mdump" in str(arg.__class__):
self.triflag = 2
self.triobj = arg
raise StandardError,"could not extract tris from mdump object"
self.objextra = arg
# bdump object, grab bonds dynamically
elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".bdump" in str(arg.__class__):
self.bondflag = 2
self.objextra = arg
# ldump object, grab lines dynamically
elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".ldump" in str(arg.__class__):
self.lineflag = 2
self.objextra = arg
# tdump object, grab tris dynamically
elif type(arg) is types.InstanceType and ".tdump" in str(arg.__class__):
self.triflag = 2
self.objextra = arg
raise StandardError,"unrecognized argument to dump.extra()"
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ g.plot(a,b) plot B against A
g.plot(a,b,c,d,...) plot B against A, D against C, etc
g.mplot(M,N,S,"file",a,b,...) multiple plots saved to file0000.eps, etc
each plot argument can be a tuple, list, or Numeric vector
each plot argument can be a tuple, list, or Numeric/NumPy vector
mplot loops over range(M,N,S) and create one plot per iteration
last args are same as list of vectors for plot(), e.g. 1, 2, 4 vectors
each plot is made from a portion of the vectors, depending on loop index i
@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ class log:
if == 1:
s1 = txt.find(self.firststr)
s2 = txt.find("\n--",s1)
if (s2 == -1):
s2 = txt.find("\nLoop time of",s1)
pattern = "\s(\S*)\s*="
keywords = re.findall(pattern,txt[s1:s2])
@ -270,8 +272,6 @@ class log:
s1 = txt.find(self.firststr,start)
s2 = txt.find("Loop time of",start+1)
if s2 == -1:
s2 = txt.find("ERROR",start+1)
if s1 >= 0 and s2 >= 0 and s1 < s2: # found s1,s2 with s1 before s2
if == 2:
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@ class log:
if txt.find("Loop time of",start) == start: # end of file, so exit
eof -= len(txt) - start # reset eof to "Loop"
if txt.find("ERROR",start) == start: # end of file, so exit
eof -= len(txt) - start # reset eof to "ERROR"
last = 1 # entire read is a chunk
s1 = 0
@ -324,6 +321,7 @@ class log:
word2 = re.findall(pat2,section)
words = word1 + word2
lines = chunk.split("\n")
for line in lines:
Reference in New Issue