Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/reset-ids-sort' into move-ubuf-to-lmptype

This commit is contained in:
Axel Kohlmeyer 2020-06-11 18:11:51 -04:00
commit 006f7956c1
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GPG Key ID: D9B44E93BF0C375A
7 changed files with 439 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -8,14 +8,22 @@ Syntax
.. code-block:: LAMMPS
reset_ids keyword values ...
* zero or more keyword/value pairs may be appended
* keyword = *sort*
.. parsed-literal::
*sort* value = *yes* or *no*
.. code-block:: LAMMPS
reset_ids sort yes
@ -33,11 +41,32 @@ e.g. due to atoms moving outside a simulation box with fixed
boundaries (see the "boundary command"), or due to evaporation (see
the "fix evaporate" command).
Note that the resetting of IDs is not really a compression, where gaps
in atom IDs are removed by decrementing atom IDs that are larger.
Instead the IDs for all atoms are erased, and new IDs are assigned so
that the atoms owned by an individual processor have consecutive IDs,
as the :doc:`create_atoms <create_atoms>` command explains.
If the *sort* keyword is used with a setting of *yes*, then the
assignment of new atom IDs will be the same no matter how many
processors LAMMPS is running on. This is done by first doing a
spatial sort of all the atoms into bins and sorting them within each
bin. Because the set of bins is independent of the number of
processors, this enables a consistent assignment of new IDs to each
This can be useful to do after using the "create_atoms" command and/or
"replicate" command. In general those commands do not guarantee
assignment of the same atom ID to the same physical atom when LAMMPS
is run on different numbers of processors. Enforcing consistent IDs
can be useful for debugging or comparing output from two different
Note that the spatial sort requires communication of atom IDs and
coordinates bewteen processors in an all-to-all manner. This is done
efficiently in LAMMPS, but it is more expensive than how atom IDs are
reset without sorting.
Note that whether sorting or not, the resetting of IDs is not a
compression, where gaps in atom IDs are removed by decrementing atom
IDs that are larger. Instead the IDs for all atoms are erased, and
new IDs are assigned so that the atoms owned by an individual
processor have consecutive IDs, as the :doc:`create_atoms
<create_atoms>` command explains.
.. note::
@ -59,4 +88,7 @@ Related commands
:doc:`delete_atoms <delete_atoms>`
**Default:** none
By default, *sort* is no.

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@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ FixRigidSmall::FixRigidSmall(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
create_attribute = 1;
dof_flag = 1;
enforce2d_flag = 1;
stores_ids = 1;

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@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ FixShake::FixShake(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
thermo_virial = 1;
create_attribute = 1;
dof_flag = 1;
stores_ids = 1;
// error check
molecular = atom->molecular;

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@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ Fix::Fix(LAMMPS *lmp, int /*narg*/, char **arg) :
maxexchange = 0;
maxexchange_dynamic = 0;
pre_exchange_migrate = 0;
stores_ids = 0;
scalar_flag = vector_flag = array_flag = 0;
peratom_flag = local_flag = 0;
global_freq = local_freq = peratom_freq = -1;

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@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ class Fix : protected Pointers {
int maxexchange; // max # of per-atom values for Comm::exchange()
int maxexchange_dynamic; // 1 if fix sets maxexchange dynamically
int pre_exchange_migrate; // 1 if fix migrates atoms in pre_exchange()
int stores_ids; // 1 if fix stores atom IDs
int scalar_flag; // 0/1 if compute_scalar() function exists
int vector_flag; // 0/1 if compute_vector() function exists

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@ -13,10 +13,13 @@
#include "reset_ids.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#include <cstring>
#include "atom.h"
#include "atom_vec.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "fix.h"
#include "special.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
@ -24,25 +27,54 @@
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
#if defined(LMP_QSORT)
// allocate space for static class variable
// prototype for non-class function
ResetIDs::AtomRvous *ResetIDs::sortrvous;
static int compare_coords(const void *, const void *);
#include "mergesort.h"
// prototype for non-class function
static int compare_coords(const int, const int, void *);
#define PERBIN 10
#define BIG 1.0e20
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ResetIDs::ResetIDs(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pointers(lmp) {}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ResetIDs::command(int narg, char ** /* arg */)
void ResetIDs::command(int narg, char **arg)
if (domain->box_exist == 0)
error->all(FLERR,"Reset_ids command before simulation box is defined");
if (narg != 0) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal reset_ids command");
if (atom->tag_enable == 0)
error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use reset_ids unless atoms have IDs");
// NOTE: check if any fixes exist which store atom IDs?
// if so, this operation will mess up the fix
for (int i = 0; i < modify->nfix; i++)
if (modify->fix[i]->stores_ids)
error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use reset_ids when a fix exists that stores atom IDs");
if (comm->me == 0) utils::logmesg(lmp,"Resetting atom IDs ...\n");
// process args
int sortflag = 0;
int iarg = 0;
while (iarg < narg) {
if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"sort") == 0) {
if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal reset_ids command");
if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"yes") == 0) sortflag = 1;
else if (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"no") == 0) sortflag = 0;
else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal reset_ids command");
iarg += 2;
} else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal reset_ids command");
// create an atom map if one doesn't exist already
int mapflag = 0;
@ -84,9 +116,12 @@ void ResetIDs::command(int narg, char ** /* arg */)
tag[i] = 0;
// assign new contiguous IDs to owned atoms via tag_extend()
// assign new contiguous IDs to owned atoms
// if sortflag = no: use fast tag_extend()
// if sortflag = yes: use slower full spatial sort plus rendezvous comm
if (sortflag == 0) atom->tag_extend();
else sort();
// newIDs = copy of new IDs
// restore old IDs, consistent with existing atom map
@ -96,7 +131,7 @@ void ResetIDs::command(int narg, char ** /* arg */)
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
newIDs[i][0] = tag[i];
newIDs[i][0] = ubuf(tag[i]).d;
tag[i] = oldIDs[i];
@ -225,10 +260,10 @@ void ResetIDs::command(int narg, char ** /* arg */)
// reset IDs and atom map for owned atoms
atom->nghost = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) tag[i] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[i][0]);
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) tag[i] = (tagint) ubuf(newIDs[i][0]).i;
@ -251,3 +286,317 @@ void ResetIDs::command(int narg, char ** /* arg */)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
spatial sort of atoms followed by rendezvous comm to reset atom IDs
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ResetIDs::sort()
double mylo[3],myhi[3],bboxlo[3],bboxhi[3];
int me = comm->me;
int nprocs = comm->nprocs;
int dim = domain->dimension;
// bboxlo,bboxhi = bounding box on all atoms in system
// expanded by 0.01 percent
// bbox should work for orthogonal or triclinic system
double **x = atom->x;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
mylo[0] = mylo[1] = mylo[2] = BIG;
myhi[0] = myhi[1] = myhi[2] = -BIG;
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
mylo[0] = MIN(mylo[0],x[i][0]);
mylo[1] = MIN(mylo[1],x[i][1]);
mylo[2] = MIN(mylo[2],x[i][2]);
myhi[0] = MAX(myhi[0],x[i][0]);
myhi[1] = MAX(myhi[1],x[i][1]);
myhi[2] = MAX(myhi[2],x[i][2]);
if (dim == 2) mylo[2] = myhi[2] = 0.0;
bboxlo[0] -= 0.0001 * (bboxhi[0]-bboxlo[0]);
bboxlo[1] -= 0.0001 * (bboxhi[1]-bboxlo[1]);
bboxlo[2] -= 0.0001 * (bboxhi[2]-bboxlo[2]);
bboxhi[0] += 0.0001 * (bboxhi[0]-bboxlo[0]);
bboxhi[1] += 0.0001 * (bboxhi[1]-bboxlo[1]);
bboxhi[2] += 0.0001 * (bboxhi[2]-bboxlo[2]);
// nbin_estimate = estimate of total number of bins, each with PERBIN atoms
// binsize = edge length of a cubic bin
// nbin xyz = bin count in each dimension
bigint nbin_estimate = atom->natoms / PERBIN;
double vol;
if (dim == 2) vol = (bboxhi[0]-bboxlo[0]) * (bboxhi[1]-bboxlo[1]);
else vol = (bboxhi[0]-bboxlo[0]) * (bboxhi[1]-bboxlo[1]) * (bboxhi[2]-bboxlo[2]);
double binsize = pow(vol/nbin_estimate,1.0/dim);
int nbinx = static_cast<int> ((bboxhi[0]-bboxlo[0]) / binsize) + 1;
int nbiny = static_cast<int> ((bboxhi[1]-bboxlo[1]) / binsize) + 1;
int nbinz = static_cast<int> ((bboxhi[2]-bboxlo[2]) / binsize) + 1;
double invx = 1.0 / (bboxhi[0]-bboxlo[0]);
double invy = 1.0 / (bboxhi[1]-bboxlo[1]);
double invz;
if (dim == 2) invz = 0.0;
else invz = 1.0 / (bboxhi[2]-bboxlo[2]);
// nbins = actual total number of bins
// bins are split evenly across procs
// lo-numbered procs may have own one bin less than rest of procs
// nlo = # of bins/proc for lowest procs
// nhi = nlo+1 = # of bins/proc for highest procs
// nplo = # of procs in low group
// nbinlo = # of bins owned by low group procs
// binlo to binhi-1 = bin indices this proc will own in Rvous decomp
// bins are numbered from 0 to Nbins-1
bigint nbins = (bigint) nbinx*nbiny*nbinz;
int nlo = nbins / nprocs;
int nhi = nlo + 1;
int nplo = nprocs - (nbins % nprocs);
bigint nbinlo = nplo*nlo;
if (me < nplo) {
binlo = me * nlo;
binhi = (me+1) * nlo;
} else {
binlo = nbinlo + (me-nplo) * nhi;
binhi = nbinlo + (me+1-nplo) * nhi;
// fill atombuf with info on my atoms
// ibin = which bin the atom is in
// proclist = proc that owns ibin
int *proclist;
AtomRvous *atombuf = (AtomRvous *)
memory->smalloc((bigint) nlocal*sizeof(AtomRvous),"resetIDs:idbuf");
int ibinx,ibiny,ibinz,iproc;
bigint ibin;
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
ibinx = static_cast<int> ((x[i][0]-bboxlo[0])*invx * nbinx);
ibiny = static_cast<int> ((x[i][1]-bboxlo[1])*invy * nbiny);
ibinz = static_cast<int> ((x[i][2]-bboxlo[2])*invz * nbinz);
ibin = (bigint) ibinz*nbiny*nbinx + (bigint) ibiny*nbinx + ibinx;
if (ibin < nbinlo) iproc = ibin / nlo;
else iproc = nplo + (ibin-nbinlo) / nhi;
proclist[i] = iproc;
atombuf[i].ibin = ibin;
atombuf[i].proc = me;
atombuf[i].ilocal = i;
atombuf[i].x[0] = x[i][0];
atombuf[i].x[1] = x[i][1];
atombuf[i].x[2] = x[i][2];
// perform rendezvous operation, send atombuf to other procs
char *buf;
int nreturn = comm->rendezvous(1,nlocal,(char *) atombuf,sizeof(AtomRvous),
sort_bins,0,buf,sizeof(IDRvous),(void *) this);
IDRvous *outbuf = (IDRvous *) buf;
// set new ID for all owned atoms
int ilocal;
for (int i = 0; i < nreturn; i++) {
ilocal = outbuf[i].ilocal;
atom->tag[ilocal] = outbuf[i].newID;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
process data for atoms assigned to me in rendezvous decomposition
inbuf = list of N AtomRvous datums
outbuf = list of N IDRvous datums, sent back to sending proc
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ResetIDs::sort_bins(int n, char *inbuf,
int &flag, int *&proclist, char *&outbuf,
void *ptr)
int i,ibin,index;
ResetIDs *rptr = (ResetIDs *) ptr;
Memory *memory = rptr->memory;
Error *error = rptr->error;
MPI_Comm world = rptr->world;
bigint binlo = rptr->binlo;
bigint binhi = rptr->binhi;
// nbins = my subset of bins from binlo to binhi-1
// initialize linked lists of my Rvous atoms in each bin
int *next,*head,*last,*count;
int nbins = binhi - binlo;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) next[i] = -1;
for (ibin = 0; ibin < nbins; ibin++) {
head[ibin] = last[ibin] = -1;
count[ibin] = 0;
AtomRvous *in = (AtomRvous *) inbuf;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (in[i].ibin < binlo || in[i].ibin >= binhi) {
//printf("BAD me %d i %d %d ibin %d binlohi %d %d\n",
// rptr->comm->me,i,n,in[i].ibin,binlo,binhi);
error->one(FLERR,"Bad spatial bin assignment in reset_ids sort");
ibin = in[i].ibin - binlo;
if (head[ibin] < 0) head[ibin] = i;
if (last[ibin] >= 0) next[last[ibin]] = i;
last[ibin] = i;
int maxcount = 0;
for (ibin = 0; ibin < nbins; ibin++)
maxcount = MAX(maxcount,count[ibin]);
int *order;
// sort atoms in each bin by their spatial position
// recreate linked list for each bin based on sorted order
for (ibin = 0; ibin < nbins; ibin++) {
index = head[ibin];
for (i = 0; i < count[ibin]; i++) {
order[i] = index;
index = next[index];
#if defined(LMP_QSORT)
sortrvous = in;
merge_sort(order,count[ibin],(void *) in,compare_coords);
head[ibin] = last[ibin] = -1;
for (i = 0; i < count[ibin]; i++) {
if (head[ibin] < 0) head[ibin] = order[i];
if (last[ibin] >= 0) next[last[ibin]] = order[i];
last[ibin] = order[i];
// MPI_Scan() to find out where my atoms begin in globally sorted list
tagint ntag = n;
tagint nprev;
nprev -= n;
// loop over bins and sorted atoms in each bin, reset ids to be consecutive
// pass outbuf of IDRvous datums back to comm->rendezvous
int nout = n;
IDRvous *out = (IDRvous *)
tagint one = nprev + 1;
for (ibin = 0; ibin < nbins; ibin++) {
index = head[ibin];
for (i = 0; i < count[ibin]; i++) {
proclist[index] = in[index].proc;
out[index].newID = one++;
out[index].ilocal = in[index].ilocal;
index = next[index];
outbuf = (char *) out;
// clean up
// Comm::rendezvous will delete proclist and out (outbuf)
// flag = 2: new outbuf
flag = 2;
return nout;
#if defined(LMP_QSORT)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
comparison function invoked by qsort()
accesses static class member sortrvous, set before call to qsort()
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int compare_coords(const void *iptr, const void *jptr)
int i = *((int *) iptr);
int j = *((int *) jptr);
ResetIDs::AtomRvous *rvous = ResetIDs::sortrvous;
double *xi = rvous[i].x;
double *xj = rvous[j].x;
if (xi[0] < xj[0]) return -1;
if (xi[0] > xj[0]) return 1;
if (xi[1] < xj[1]) return -1;
if (xi[1] > xj[1]) return 1;
if (xi[2] < xj[2]) return -1;
if (xi[2] > xj[2]) return 1;
return 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
comparison function invoked by merge_sort()
void pointer contains sortrvous
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int compare_coords(const int i, const int j, void *ptr)
ResetIDs::AtomRvous *rvous = (ResetIDs::AtomRvous *) ptr;
double *xi = rvous[i].x;
double *xj = rvous[j].x;
if (xi[0] < xj[0]) return -1;
if (xi[0] > xj[0]) return 1;
if (xi[1] < xj[1]) return -1;
if (xi[1] > xj[1]) return 1;
if (xi[2] < xj[2]) return -1;
if (xi[2] > xj[2]) return 1;
return 0;

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@ -26,10 +26,44 @@ namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class ResetIDs : protected Pointers {
struct AtomRvous {
bigint ibin;
int proc,ilocal;
double x[3];
struct IDRvous {
tagint newID;
int ilocal;
#if defined(LMP_QSORT)
// static variable across all ResetID objects, for qsort callback
static AtomRvous *sortrvous;
ResetIDs(class LAMMPS *);
void command(int, char **);
bigint binlo,binhi;
// callback functions for rendezvous communication
static int sort_bins(int, char *, int &, int *&, char *&, void *);
void sort();
// union data struct for packing 32-bit and 64-bit ints into double bufs
// see atom_vec.h for documentation
union ubuf {
double d;
int64_t i;
ubuf(double arg) : d(arg) {}
ubuf(int64_t arg) : i(arg) {}
ubuf(int arg) : i(arg) {}