2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2011-03-17 04:03:49 +08:00
#include "lmptype.h"
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "style_integrate.h"
#include "style_minimize.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "fix.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "region.h"
#include "compute.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Update::Update(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pointers(lmp)
int n;
char *str;
ntimestep = 0;
first_update = 0;
whichflag = 0;
firststep = laststep = 0;
beginstep = endstep = 0;
setupflag = 0;
multireplica = 0;
restrict_output = 0;
eflag_global = vflag_global = -1;
unit_style = NULL;
2011-05-21 01:33:20 +08:00
integrate_style = NULL;
integrate = NULL;
minimize_style = NULL;
minimize = NULL;
2011-06-07 23:25:20 +08:00
if (lmp->cuda) {
str = (char *) "verlet/cuda";
} else {
str = (char *) "verlet";
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
str = (char *) "cg";
2011-05-21 01:33:20 +08:00
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
delete [] unit_style;
delete [] integrate_style;
delete integrate;
delete [] minimize_style;
delete minimize;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Update::init()
2011-06-07 23:25:20 +08:00
// if USER-CUDA mode is enabled:
// integrate/minimize style must be CUDA variant
if (whichflag == 1 && lmp->cuda)
if (strstr(integrate_style,"cuda") == NULL)
error->all("USER-CUDA mode requires CUDA variant of run style");
if (whichflag == 2 && lmp->cuda)
if (strstr(minimize_style,"cuda") == NULL)
error->all("USER-CUDA mode requires CUDA variant of min style");
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
// init the appropriate integrate and/or minimize class
// if neither (e.g. from write_restart) then just return
if (whichflag == 0) return;
if (whichflag == 1) integrate->init();
else if (whichflag == 2) minimize->init();
// only set first_update if a run or minimize is being performed
first_update = 1;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Update::set_units(const char *style)
// physical constants from:
// http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/Table/allascii.txt
// using thermochemical calorie = 4.184 J
if (strcmp(style,"lj") == 0) {
force->boltz = 1.0;
force->mvv2e = 1.0;
force->ftm2v = 1.0;
force->mv2d = 1.0;
force->nktv2p = 1.0;
force->qqr2e = 1.0;
force->qe2f = 1.0;
force->vxmu2f = 1.0;
force->xxt2kmu = 1.0;
dt = 0.005;
neighbor->skin = 0.3;
} else if (strcmp(style,"real") == 0) {
force->boltz = 0.0019872067;
force->mvv2e = 48.88821291 * 48.88821291;
force->ftm2v = 1.0 / 48.88821291 / 48.88821291;
force->mv2d = 1.0 / 0.602214179;
force->nktv2p = 68568.415;
force->qqr2e = 332.06371;
force->qe2f = 23.060549;
force->vxmu2f = 1.4393264316e4;
force->xxt2kmu = 0.1;
dt = 1.0;
neighbor->skin = 2.0;
} else if (strcmp(style,"metal") == 0) {
force->boltz = 8.617343e-5;
force->mvv2e = 1.0364269e-4;
force->ftm2v = 1.0 / 1.0364269e-4;
force->mv2d = 1.0 / 0.602214179;
force->nktv2p = 1.6021765e6;
force->qqr2e = 14.399645;
force->qe2f = 1.0;
force->vxmu2f = 0.6241509647;
force->xxt2kmu = 1.0e-4;
dt = 0.001;
neighbor->skin = 2.0;
} else if (strcmp(style,"si") == 0) {
force->boltz = 1.3806504e-23;
force->mvv2e = 1.0;
force->ftm2v = 1.0;
force->mv2d = 1.0;
force->nktv2p = 1.0;
force->qqr2e = 8.9876e9;
force->qe2f = 1.0;
force->vxmu2f = 1.0;
force->xxt2kmu = 1.0;
dt = 1.0e-8;
neighbor->skin = 0.001;
} else if (strcmp(style,"cgs") == 0) {
force->boltz = 1.3806504e-16;
force->mvv2e = 1.0;
force->ftm2v = 1.0;
force->mv2d = 1.0;
force->nktv2p = 1.0;
force->qqr2e = 1.0;
force->qe2f = 1.0;
force->vxmu2f = 1.0;
force->xxt2kmu = 1.0;
dt = 1.0e-8;
neighbor->skin = 0.1;
} else if (strcmp(style,"electron") == 0) {
force->boltz = 3.16681534e-6;
force->mvv2e = 1.06657236;
force->ftm2v = 0.937582899;
force->mv2d = 1.0;
force->nktv2p = 2.94210108e13;
force->qqr2e = 1.0;
force->qe2f = 1.94469051e-10;
force->vxmu2f = 3.39893149e1;
force->xxt2kmu = 3.13796367e-2;
dt = 0.001;
neighbor->skin = 2.0;
} else error->all("Illegal units command");
delete [] unit_style;
int n = strlen(style) + 1;
unit_style = new char[n];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2011-05-21 00:16:34 +08:00
void Update::create_integrate(int narg, char **arg, char *suffix)
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
if (narg < 1) error->all("Illegal run_style command");
delete [] integrate_style;
delete integrate;
2011-05-21 01:33:20 +08:00
int sflag;
if (sflag) {
char estyle[256];
int n = strlen(estyle) + 1;
integrate_style = new char[n];
} else {
int n = strlen(arg[0]) + 1;
integrate_style = new char[n];
2011-05-21 00:16:34 +08:00
2011-05-23 22:04:44 +08:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create the Integrate style, first with suffix appended
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2011-05-21 00:16:34 +08:00
2011-05-21 01:33:20 +08:00
void Update::new_integrate(char *style, int narg, char **arg,
char *suffix, int &sflag)
2011-05-23 22:04:44 +08:00
int success = 0;
2011-06-01 06:36:53 +08:00
if (suffix && lmp->suffix_enable) {
2011-05-21 01:33:20 +08:00
sflag = 1;
2011-05-21 00:16:34 +08:00
char estyle[256];
2011-05-21 01:33:20 +08:00
2011-05-23 22:04:44 +08:00
success = 1;
2011-05-21 00:16:34 +08:00
if (0) return;
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
#define IntegrateStyle(key,Class) \
2011-05-21 01:33:20 +08:00
else if (strcmp(estyle,#key) == 0) integrate = new Class(lmp,narg,arg);
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
#include "style_integrate.h"
2011-05-21 00:35:26 +08:00
#undef IntegrateStyle
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
2011-05-23 22:04:44 +08:00
else success = 0;
2011-05-21 00:16:34 +08:00
2011-05-23 22:04:44 +08:00
if (!success) {
2011-06-09 04:23:48 +08:00
sflag = 0;
2011-05-23 22:04:44 +08:00
if (0) return;
2011-05-21 00:16:34 +08:00
#define IntegrateStyle(key,Class) \
2011-05-23 22:04:44 +08:00
else if (strcmp(style,#key) == 0) integrate = new Class(lmp,narg,arg);
2011-05-21 00:16:34 +08:00
#include "style_integrate.h"
2011-05-21 00:35:26 +08:00
#undef IntegrateStyle
2011-05-21 00:16:34 +08:00
2011-05-23 22:04:44 +08:00
else error->all("Illegal integrate style");
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Update::create_minimize(int narg, char **arg)
if (narg != 1) error->all("Illegal min_style command");
delete [] minimize_style;
delete minimize;
if (0) return; // dummy line to enable else-if macro expansion
#define MinimizeStyle(key,Class) \
else if (strcmp(arg[0],#key) == 0) minimize = new Class(lmp);
#include "style_minimize.h"
else error->all("Illegal min_style command");
int n = strlen(arg[0]) + 1;
minimize_style = new char[n];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reset timestep from input script
do not allow dump files or a restart to be defined
do not allow any timestep-dependent fixes to be defined
do not allow any dynamic regions to be defined
reset eflag/vflag global so nothing will think eng/virial are current
reset invoked flags of computes,
so nothing will think they are current between runs
clear timestep list of computes that store future invocation times
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Update::reset_timestep(int narg, char **arg)
if (narg != 1) error->all("Illegal reset_timestep command");
for (int i = 0; i < output->ndump; i++)
if (output->last_dump[i] >= 0)
error->all("Cannot reset timestep with dump file already written to");
if (output->restart && output->last_restart >= 0)
error->all("Cannot reset timestep with restart file already written");
for (int i = 0; i < modify->nfix; i++)
if (modify->fix[i]->time_depend)
error->all("Cannot reset timestep with a time-dependent fix defined");
for (int i = 0; i < domain->nregion; i++)
if (domain->regions[i]->dynamic_check())
error->all("Cannot reset timestep with a dynamic region defined");
eflag_global = vflag_global = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < modify->ncompute; i++) {
modify->compute[i]->invoked_scalar = -1;
modify->compute[i]->invoked_vector = -1;
modify->compute[i]->invoked_array = -1;
modify->compute[i]->invoked_peratom = -1;
modify->compute[i]->invoked_local = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < modify->ncompute; i++)
if (modify->compute[i]->timeflag) modify->compute[i]->clearstep();
ntimestep = ATOBIGINT(arg[0]);
if (ntimestep < 0) error->all("Timestep must be >= 0");
if (ntimestep > MAXBIGINT) error->all("Too big a timestep");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
memory usage of update and integrate/minimize
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2011-03-17 04:03:49 +08:00
bigint Update::memory_usage()
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
2011-03-17 04:03:49 +08:00
bigint bytes = 0;
2011-02-23 06:49:15 +08:00
if (whichflag == 1) bytes += integrate->memory_usage();
else if (whichflag == 2) bytes += minimize->memory_usage();
return bytes;