2018-07-24 05:58:33 +08:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// MC code used with LAMMPS in client/server mode
// MC is the client, LAMMPS is the server
// Syntax: mc infile mode modearg
// mode = file, zmq
// modearg = filename for file, localhost:5555 for zmq
2018-07-25 01:55:56 +08:00
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "mc.h"
#include "random_park.h"
2018-07-24 05:58:33 +08:00
#include "cslib.h"
using namespace CSLIB_NS;
void error(const char *);
CSlib *cs_create(char *, char *);
#define MAXLINE 256
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// main program
int main(int narg, char **arg)
if (narg != 4) {
error("Syntax: mc infile mode modearg");
// initialize CSlib
CSlib *cs = cs_create(arg[2],arg[3]);
// create MC class and perform run
MC *mc = new MC(arg[1],cs);
// final MC stats
int naccept = mc->naccept;
int nattempt = mc->nattempt;
printf("------ MC stats ------\n");
printf("MC attempts = %d\n",nattempt);
printf("MC accepts = %d\n",naccept);
printf("Acceptance ratio = %g\n",1.0*naccept/nattempt);
// clean up
delete cs;
delete mc;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void error(const char *str)
printf("ERROR: %s\n",str);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
CSlib *cs_create(char *mode, char *arg)
CSlib *cs = new CSlib(0,mode,arg,NULL);
// initial handshake to agree on protocol
cs->pack_string(1,(char *) "mc");
int msgID,nfield;
int *fieldID,*fieldtype,*fieldlen;
msgID = cs->recv(nfield,fieldID,fieldtype,fieldlen);
return cs;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MC class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-08-29 07:08:52 +08:00
MC::MC(char *mcfile, void *cs_caller)
//MC::MC(char *mcfile, CSlib *cs_caller)
2018-07-24 05:58:33 +08:00
2018-08-29 07:08:52 +08:00
cs_void = cs_caller;
2018-07-24 05:58:33 +08:00
// setup MC params
// random # generator
random = new RanPark(seed);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
delete random;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MC::run()
int iatom,accept,msgID,nfield;
double pe_initial,pe_final,edelta;
double dx,dy,dz;
double xold[3],xnew[3];
int *fieldID,*fieldtype,*fieldlen;
2018-08-29 07:08:52 +08:00
CSlib *cs = (CSlib *) cs_void;
2018-07-24 05:58:33 +08:00
// one-time request for atom count from MD
// allocate 1d coord buffer
msgID = cs->recv(nfield,fieldID,fieldtype,fieldlen);
natoms = cs->unpack_int(1);
x = (double *) malloc(3*natoms*sizeof(double));
// loop over MC moves
naccept = nattempt = 0;
for (int iloop = 0; iloop < nloop; iloop++) {
// request current energy from MD
// recv energy, coords from MD
msgID = cs->recv(nfield,fieldID,fieldtype,fieldlen);
pe_initial = cs->unpack_double(1);
double *x = (double *) cs->unpack(2);
// perform simple MC event
// displace a single atom by random amount
iatom = (int) natoms*random->uniform();
xold[0] = x[3*iatom+0];
xold[1] = x[3*iatom+1];
xold[2] = x[3*iatom+2];
dx = 2.0*delta*random->uniform() - delta;
dy = 2.0*delta*random->uniform() - delta;
dz = 2.0*delta*random->uniform() - delta;
xnew[0] = xold[0] + dx;
xnew[1] = xold[1] + dx;
xnew[2] = xold[2] + dx;
// send atom ID and its new coords to MD
// recv new energy
msgID = cs->recv(nfield,fieldID,fieldtype,fieldlen);
pe_final = cs->unpack_double(1);
// decide whether to accept/reject MC event
if (pe_final <= pe_initial) accept = 1;
else if (temperature == 0.0) accept = 0;
else if (random->uniform() >
exp(natoms*(pe_initial-pe_final)/temperature)) accept = 0;
else accept = 1;
if (accept) naccept++;
// send accept (1) or reject (0) flag to MD
msgID = cs->recv(nfield,fieldID,fieldtype,fieldlen);
// send dynamics timesteps
msgID = cs->recv(nfield,fieldID,fieldtype,fieldlen);
// send exit message to MD
msgID = cs->recv(nfield,fieldID,fieldtype,fieldlen);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MC::options(char *filename)
// default params
nsteps = 0;
ndynamics = 100;
delta = 0.1;
temperature = 1.0;
seed = 12345;
// read and parse file
FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"r");
if (fp == NULL) error("Could not open MC file");
char line[MAXLINE];
char *keyword,*value;
char *eof = fgets(line,MAXLINE,fp);
while (eof) {
if (line[0] == '#') { // comment line
eof = fgets(line,MAXLINE,fp);
value = strtok(line," \t\n\r\f");
if (value == NULL) { // blank line
eof = fgets(line,MAXLINE,fp);
keyword = strtok(NULL," \t\n\r\f");
if (keyword == NULL) error("Missing keyword in MC file");
if (strcmp(keyword,"nsteps") == 0) nsteps = atoi(value);
else if (strcmp(keyword,"ndynamics") == 0) ndynamics = atoi(value);
else if (strcmp(keyword,"delta") == 0) delta = atof(value);
else if (strcmp(keyword,"temperature") == 0) temperature = atof(value);
else if (strcmp(keyword,"seed") == 0) seed = atoi(value);
else error("Unknown param in MC file");
eof = fgets(line,MAXLINE,fp);
// derived params
nloop = nsteps/ndynamics;