<LI>one or more keyword/value pairs may be appended to args
<LI>keyword = <I>region</I> or <I>global</I> or <I>local</I> or <I>near</I> or <I>attempt</I> or <I>rate</I> or <I>vx</I> or <I>vy</I> or <I>vz</I> or <I>units</I>
<PRE><I>region</I> value = region-ID
region-ID = ID of region to use as insertion volume
<I>global</I> values = lo hi
lo,hi = put new particle a distance lo-hi above all other particles (distance units)
<I>local</I> values = lo hi delta
lo,hi = put new particle a distance lo-hi above any nearby particle beneath it (distance units)
delta = lateral distance within which a neighbor is considered "nearby" (distance units)
<I>near</I> value = R
R = only insert particle if further than R from existing particles (distance units)
<I>attempt</I> value = Q
Q = attempt a single insertion up to Q times
<I>rate</I> value = V
V = z velocity (y in 2d) at which insertion volume moves (velocity units)
<I>vx</I> values = vxlo vxhi
vxlo,vxhi = range of x velocities for inserted particle (velocity units)
<I>vy</I> values = vylo vyhi
vylo,vyhi = range of y velocities for inserted particle (velocity units)
<I>vz</I> values = vzlo vzhi
vzlo,vzhi = range of z velocities for inserted particle (velocity units)
<I>units</I> value = <I>lattice</I> or <I>box</I>
lattice = the geometry is defined in lattice units
box = the geometry is defined in simulation box units
<PRE>fix 3 all deposit 1000 2 100 29494 region myblock local 1.0 1.0 1.0 units box
fix 2 newatoms deposit 10000 1 500 12345 region disk near 2.0 vz -1.0 -0.8
<P>Insert a single particle into the simulation domain every M timesteps
until N particles have been inserted. This is useful for simulating
the deposition of particles onto a surface.
<P>Inserted particles have the specified atom type and are assigned to
two groups: the default group "all" and the group specified in the fix
deposit command (which can also be "all").
<P>If you are computing temperature values which include inserted