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LAMMPS (15 Jan 2010)
# Pour 2d granular particles into container
dimension 2
atom_style granular
boundary f fm p
newton off
communicate single vel yes
region reg block 0 100 0 50 -0.5 0.5 units box
create_box 1 reg
Created orthogonal box = (0 0 -0.5) to (100 50 0.5)
2 by 2 by 1 processor grid
neighbor 0.2 bin
neigh_modify delay 0
# IMPORTANT NOTE: these values of stiffness (4000) and timestep (0.001)
# are used in this example file to produce a quick simulation and movie.
# More appropriate values for realistic simulations would be
# k = 4.0e5 and dt = 0.0001, as in bench/in.chute (if it were Hertzian).
pair_style gran/hertz/history 4000.0 NULL 100.0 NULL 0.5 0
pair_coeff * *
timestep 0.001
fix 1 all nve/sphere
fix 2 all gravity 1.0 spherical 0.0 -180.0
fix xwalls all wall/gran 4000.0 NULL 100.0 NULL 0 1 xplane 0 100
fix ywalls all wall/gran 4000.0 NULL 100.0 NULL 0 1 yplane 0 NULL
region slab block 1.0 99.0 30 34.5 -0.5 0.5 units box
fix ins all pour 1000 1 4767548 vol 0.4 10 diam 0.5 1.0 region slab
Particle insertion: 224 every 3000 steps, 1000 by step 12001
fix 3 all enforce2d
compute 1 all erotate/sphere
thermo_style custom step atoms ke c_1 vol
thermo 1000
thermo_modify lost ignore norm no
compute_modify thermo_temp dynamic yes
dump id all atom 250 dump.pour
run 25000
Memory usage per processor = 9.24033 Mbytes
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
0 0 -0 0 5000
1000 224 185.87695 0 5000
2000 224 348.08417 0 5000
3000 224 565.2162 0 5000
4000 448 1042.9716 0 5000
5000 448 1542.0614 0 5000
6000 448 1766.5136 41.192729 5000
7000 672 1846.4596 67.352592 5000
8000 672 1814.3429 92.898167 5000
9000 672 1662.3648 111.88801 5000
10000 896 1655.1664 91.582951 5000
11000 896 1550.2472 70.43916 5000
12000 896 1486.6001 65.153062 5000
13000 1000 1476.4232 71.426666 5000
14000 1000 1349.7768 53.749226 5000
15000 1000 1107.954 60.40274 5000
16000 1000 774.48863 54.712077 5000
17000 1000 441.06089 41.934396 5000
18000 1000 325.90138 28.773792 5000
19000 1000 150.83424 30.229981 5000
20000 1000 34.992857 16.39147 5000
21000 1000 22.700146 10.795777 5000
22000 1000 17.092041 8.5901648 5000
23000 1000 12.187351 6.5022377 5000
24000 1000 9.5515285 4.4264435 5000
25000 1000 8.5321058 4.1425938 5000
Loop time of 8.8686 on 4 procs for 25000 steps with 1000 atoms
Pair time (%) = 0.718676 (8.1036)
Neigh time (%) = 0.13757 (1.55121)
Comm time (%) = 3.86459 (43.5761)
Outpt time (%) = 0.146688 (1.65402)
Other time (%) = 4.00107 (45.115)
Nlocal: 250 ave 503 max 0 min
Histogram: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Nghost: 5.25 ave 11 max 0 min
Histogram: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Neighs: 598.5 ave 1221 max 0 min
Histogram: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total # of neighbors = 2394
Ave neighs/atom = 2.394
Neighbor list builds = 2033
Dangerous builds = 0