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LAMMPS (15 Feb 2016)
# 2d NEMD simulation
units lj
atom_style atomic
dimension 2
lattice sq2 0.8442
Lattice spacing in x,y,z = 1.53919 1.53919 1.53919
region box prism 0 10 0 8 -0.5 0.5 0 0 0
create_box 2 box
Created triclinic box = (0 0 -0.769595) to (15.3919 12.3135 0.769595) with tilt (0 0 0)
2 by 2 by 1 MPI processor grid
create_atoms 1 box
Created 160 atoms
mass * 1.0
velocity all create 1.44 87287 loop geom
region slice block 4 6 INF INF INF INF
set region slice type 2
40 settings made for type
pair_style lj/cut 2.5
pair_coeff * * 1.0 1.0 1.0
neighbor 0.3 bin
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1
fix 1 all nvt/sllod temp 1.0 1.0 1.0 tchain 1
fix 2 all deform 1 xy erate 0.01 remap v
#dump 1 all custom 5000 dump.nemd id type x y z
#dump 2 all image 1000 image.*.jpg type type adiam 1.2
#dump_modify 2 pad 5
#dump 3 all movie 1000 movie.mpg type type adiam 1.2
#dump_modify 3 pad 5
thermo 1000
run 50000
Neighbor list info ...
1 neighbor list requests
update every 1 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 1.3
ghost atom cutoff = 1.3
binsize = 0.65 -> bins = 24 19 3
Memory usage per processor = 2.49198 Mbytes
Step Temp E_pair E_mol TotEng Press Volume
0 1.44 0 0 1.431 1.2080502 189.52855
1000 1.1682693 0.24486562 0 1.4058332 5.8092954 189.52855
2000 1.0928734 0.27609364 0 1.3621366 6.2237017 189.52855
3000 1.0895801 0.24812344 0 1.3308937 5.6987334 189.52855
4000 1.0231536 0.23938192 0 1.2561408 5.6395384 189.52855
5000 0.92980496 0.29549086 0 1.2194845 6.7361058 189.52855
6000 0.94654468 0.27175873 0 1.2123875 6.1830354 189.52855
7000 1.04513 0.19555104 0 1.234149 5.3099904 189.52855
8000 0.90165043 0.33774203 0 1.2337571 6.8441345 189.52855
9000 1.0559475 0.21527383 0 1.2646217 5.3936713 189.52855
10000 1.0316023 0.25162907 0 1.2767839 6.0630699 189.52855
11000 1.0057873 0.1929355 0 1.1924366 5.1939416 189.52855
12000 0.95976424 0.23631857 0 1.1900843 5.1197849 189.52855
13000 0.96228689 0.2359206 0 1.1921932 5.8485377 189.52855
14000 0.92347491 0.28934379 0 1.207047 6.7279587 189.52855
15000 0.98798195 0.25310368 0 1.2349107 5.5744542 189.52855
16000 0.93800257 0.39455603 0 1.3266961 7.5939651 189.52855
17000 1.1781148 0.21856228 0 1.3893138 5.8347428 189.52855
18000 1.1292943 0.26429204 0 1.3865283 6.0510955 189.52855
19000 1.1047406 0.37926848 0 1.4771045 8.1596576 189.52855
20000 1.1716353 0.34662527 0 1.5109379 7.4616642 189.52855
21000 1.1630831 0.35981763 0 1.5156314 7.1024447 189.52855
22000 1.1249714 0.28308559 0 1.4010259 6.4004855 189.52855
23000 1.1062056 0.28618757 0 1.3854794 6.4957851 189.52855
24000 1.0588756 0.31727536 0 1.369533 6.987661 189.52855
25000 1.0379506 0.30773124 0 1.3391947 6.3814122 189.52855
26000 1.0316899 0.25596718 0 1.281209 6.4851096 189.52855
27000 0.95909019 0.32282679 0 1.2759227 6.480673 189.52855
28000 1.0224651 0.24795447 0 1.2640291 5.5846145 189.52855
29000 0.98739892 0.24878333 0 1.230011 5.6749101 189.52855
30000 1.0099165 0.22964407 0 1.2332486 5.3791167 189.52855
31000 0.93350481 0.2879577 0 1.2156281 6.2148818 189.52855
32000 0.99089487 0.22340991 0 1.2081117 5.639 189.52855
33000 0.89519123 0.26943351 0 1.1590298 6.3869898 189.52855
34000 0.891093 0.28473528 0 1.1702589 6.0284238 189.52855
35000 0.83575157 0.25811245 0 1.0886406 6.4030425 189.52855
36000 0.81108815 0.26558543 0 1.0716043 6.3037393 189.52855
37000 0.92476501 0.18404704 0 1.1030323 5.3793557 189.52855
38000 0.85121163 0.2792429 0 1.1251345 5.9668051 189.52855
39000 0.90345348 0.2399627 0 1.1377696 6.1440023 189.52855
40000 0.93871579 0.2217328 0 1.1545816 4.9454727 189.52855
41000 1.0132854 0.25226008 0 1.2592124 6.2541531 189.52855
42000 0.98600788 0.27213553 0 1.2519809 6.0321859 189.52855
43000 1.0635948 0.27086236 0 1.3278097 6.6622232 189.52855
44000 1.0332292 0.36613701 0 1.3929085 7.4935675 189.52855
45000 1.1168224 0.3374366 0 1.4472788 7.3625776 189.52855
46000 1.0725949 0.37916007 0 1.4450513 6.8897095 189.52855
47000 1.0940234 0.35474661 0 1.4419324 7.4781317 189.52855
48000 1.1093597 0.26705754 0 1.3694837 5.8401116 189.52855
49000 1.0803976 0.29555751 0 1.3692026 6.4769008 189.52855
50000 1.0150244 0.29822696 0 1.3069075 6.4417197 189.52855
Loop time of 1.04457 on 4 procs for 50000 steps with 160 atoms
Performance: 20678409.528 tau/day, 47866.689 timesteps/s
99.1% CPU use with 4 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 0.049384 | 0.050257 | 0.051119 | 0.4 | 4.81
Neigh | 0.043314 | 0.043914 | 0.044468 | 0.3 | 4.20
Comm | 0.35483 | 0.40496 | 0.45232 | 5.9 | 38.77
Output | 0.0010872 | 0.0012692 | 0.0017776 | 0.8 | 0.12
Modify | 0.30946 | 0.35542 | 0.40435 | 6.0 | 34.03
Other | | 0.1887 | | | 18.07
Nlocal: 40 ave 42 max 38 min
Histogram: 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Nghost: 35.5 ave 37 max 34 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Neighs: 88.75 ave 96 max 79 min
Histogram: 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total # of neighbors = 355
Ave neighs/atom = 2.21875
Neighbor list builds = 5284
Dangerous builds = 0
Total wall time: 0:00:01