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"LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c
fix ave/time command :h3
fix ID group-ID ave/time Nevery Nrepeat Nfreq style ID flag file :pre
ID, group-ID are documented in "fix"_fix.html command
ave/time = style name of this fix command
Nevery = calculate property every this many timesteps
Nrepeat = # of times to repeat the Nevery calculation before averaging
Nfreq = timestep frequency at which the average value is written to file
style = {compute} or {fix}
ID = ID of compute or fix that performs the calculation
flag = 0 for scalar quantity, 1 for vector quantity, 2 for both
file = filename to write results to :ul
fix 1 all ave/time 100 5 1000 compute myTemp 0 temp.stats :pre
fix 1 all ave/time 1 100 1000 fix indenter 0 temp.indent :pre
Calculate one or more instantaneous quantities every few timesteps,
average them over a longer timescale, and print the results to a file.
This can be used to time-average a "compute"_compute.html which
calculates a global quantity such as a temperature or pressure or a
"fix"_fix.html which calculates such a global quantity. Note that
per-atom computes cannot be used with this fix; their values can be
averaged by the "fix ave/spatial"_fix_ave_spatial.html or "fix
ave/atom"_fix_ave_atom.html commands.
For style {compute} the {ID} specifies a "compute"_compute.html which
calculates the desired property. The compute must be a "global"
compute that calculates one or more global properties rather than a
"per-atom" compute. The fix must be previously defined in the input
script. Or it can be a compute defined by "thermodynamic
output"_thermo_style.html or other fixes such as "fix
nvt"_fix_nvt.html or "fix temp/rescale"_fix_temp_rescale.html. Users
can write code for their own compute styles and "add them to
For style {fix} the {ID} specifies a "fix"_fix.html which calculates
the desired property. The fix must calculate a global scalar or
vector quantity, which only a few fixes do. See the doc page for
individual fix commands for details. The fix must be previously
defined in the input script. Users can write code for their own fix
styles and "add them to LAMMPS"_Section_modify.html.
The {Nevery}, {Nrepeat}, and {Nfreq} arguments specify how the
property will be time-averaged. The final averaged value(s) are
computed every {Nfreq} timesteps. The average is over {Nrepeat}
values, computed in the preceeding portion of the simulation every
{Nevery} timesteps. Thus if Nevery=2, Nrepeat=6, and Nfreq=100, then
values on timesteps 90,92,94,96,98,100 will be used to compute the
final average written to the file on timestep 100. Similary for
timesteps 190,192,194,196,198,200 on timestep 200, etc.
The {flag} argument chooses whether the scalar and/or vector
calculation of the compute or fix is invoked. The former computes a
single global value. The latter computes N global values, where N is
defined by the compute or fix, e.g. 6 pressure tensor components. In
the vector case, each of the N values is averaged independently and N
values are written to the file at each output.
Since the calculation is performed by the compute or fix which stores
its own "group" definition, the group specified for with the fix
ave/time command is ignored.
If the style is {compute} and the compute calculates pressure, it will
cause the force computations performed by LAMMPS (pair, bond, angle,
etc) to calculate virial terms each Nevery timesteps. If this is more
frequent than thermodynamic output, this adds extra cost to a
simulation. However, if a constant pressure simulation is being run
("fix npt"_fix_npt.html or "fix nph"_fix_nph.html), LAMMPS is already
calculating virial terms for the pressure every timestep.
[Restart, fix_modify, thermo output, run start/stop, minimize info:]
No information about this fix is written to "binary restart
files"_restart.html. None of the "fix_modify"_fix_modify.html options
are relevant to this fix. No quantities calculated by this fix can be
output by the "thermo_style custom"_thermo_style.html command. No
parameter of this fix can be used with the {start/stop} keywords of
the "run"_run.html command. This fix is not invoked during "energy
[Restrictions:] none
[Related commands:]
"compute"_compute.html, "fix ave/atom"_fix_ave_atom.html, "fix
[Default:] none