2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
#include "AtomicRegulator.h"
#include "PerAtomQuantityLibrary.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
#include <string>
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
namespace ATC {
static const int myLambdaMaxIterations = 50;
// forward declarations
class ThermalTimeIntegrator;
class AtfShapeFunctionRestriction;
class FundamentalAtomQuantity;
class PrescribedDataManager;
* @class Thermostat
* @brief Manager class for atom-continuum control of thermal energy
class Thermostat : public AtomicRegulator {
// constructor
Thermostat(ATC_Coupling * atc,
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
// destructor
virtual ~Thermostat(){};
/** parser/modifier */
virtual bool modify(int narg, char **arg);
/** instantiate up the desired method(s) */
virtual void construct_methods();
// data access, intended for method objects
/** reset the nodal power to a prescribed value */
virtual void reset_lambda_contribution(const DENS_MAT & target);
/** return value for the correction maximum number of iterations */
int lambda_max_iterations() {return lambdaMaxIterations_;};
// data regarding fixed nodes and applied fluxes
/** set of all fixed nodes */
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
std::set<int> fixedNodes_;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** set of all nodes which have a flux applied */
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
std::set<int> fluxNodes_;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** maximum number of iterations used in iterative solve for lambda */
int lambdaMaxIterations_;
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatShapeFunction
* @brief Class for thermostat algorithms using the shape function matrices
* (thermostats have general for of N^T w N lambda = rhs)
class ThermostatShapeFunction : public RegulatorShapeFunction {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatShapeFunction(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatShapeFunction() {};
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
// methods
/** set weighting factor for in matrix Nhat^T * weights * Nhat */
virtual void set_weights();
// member data
/** MD mass matrix */
DIAG_MAN & mdMassMatrix_;
/** pointer to atom velocities */
FundamentalAtomQuantity * atomVelocities_;
/** workspace variables */
DENS_VEC _weightVector_, _maskedWeightVector_;
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatRescale
* @brief Enforces constraint on atomic kinetic energy based on FE temperature
class ThermostatRescale : public ThermostatShapeFunction {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
friend class KinetoThermostatRescale; // since this is sometimes used as a set of member functions for friend
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatRescale(AtomicRegulator * thermostat);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatRescale() {};
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the post-corrector phase */
virtual void apply_post_corrector(double dt);
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
/** compute boundary flux, requires thermostat input since it is part of the coupling scheme */
virtual void compute_boundary_flux(FIELDS & fields)
{boundaryFlux_[TEMPERATURE] = 0.;};
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** get data for output */
virtual void output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData);
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
/** set weighting factor for in matrix Nhat^T * weights * Nhat */
virtual void set_weights();
/** sets up and solves thermostat equations */
virtual void compute_thermostat(double dt);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** apply solution to atomic quantities */
void apply_to_atoms(PerAtomQuantity<double> * atomVelocities);
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
/** construct the RHS vector */
virtual void set_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** FE temperature field */
DENS_MAN & nodalTemperature_;
/** construction for prolongation of lambda to atoms */
AtomicVelocityRescaleFactor * atomVelocityRescalings_;
/** workspace variables */
DENS_MAT _rhs_;
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatRescaleMixedKePe
* @brief Enforces constraint on atomic kinetic energy based on FE temperature
* when the temperature is a mix of the KE and PE
class ThermostatRescaleMixedKePe : public ThermostatRescale {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatRescaleMixedKePe(AtomicRegulator * thermostat);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatRescaleMixedKePe() {};
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
/** pre-run initialization of method data */
virtual void initialize();
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
/** set weighting factor for in matrix Nhat^T * weights * Nhat */
virtual void set_weights();
/** construct the RHS vector */
virtual void set_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** nodal fluctuating potential energy */
DENS_MAN * nodalAtomicFluctuatingPotentialEnergy_;
/** fraction of temperature from KE */
double keMultiplier_;
/** fraction of temperature from PE */
double peMultiplier_;
// DO NOT define this
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
* @class ThermostatFsSolver
* @brief Class for solving the linear system for lambda
* (thermostats have general for of N^T w N lambda = rhs)
class ThermostatFsSolver : public RegulatorShapeFunction {
ThermostatFsSolver(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations,
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
virtual ~ThermostatFsSolver() {};
/** pre-run initialization of method data */
virtual void initialize();
/* sets up and solves the linear system for lambda */
virtual void compute_lambda(const DENS_MAT & rhs,
bool iterateSolution = true);
/* scales lambda */
virtual void scale_lambda(double factor) {*lambda_ *= factor;};
/** change the time step factor */
virtual void set_timestep_factor(double dtFactor) {dtFactor_ = dtFactor;};
// methods
/** solves the non-linear equation for lambda iteratively */
void iterate_lambda(const MATRIX & rhs);
/** set weighting factor for in matrix Nhat^T * weights * Nhat */
virtual void set_weights();
// data
/** mapping from all to regulated nodes */
DENS_MAT rhsMap_;
/** maximum number of iterations used in iterative solve for lambda */
int lambdaMaxIterations_;
/** pointer to the values of lambda interpolated to atoms */
DENS_MAN * rhsLambdaSquared_;
/** fraction of timestep over which constraint is exactly enforced */
double dtFactor_;
// workspace
DENS_MAT _lambdaOld_; // lambda from previous iteration
DENS_MAT _rhsOverlap_; // normal RHS vector mapped to overlap nodes
DENS_VEC _rhsTotal_; // normal + 2nd order RHS for the iteration loop
DENS_VEC _weightVector_, _maskedWeightVector_;
// DO NOT define this
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
* @class ThermostatGlcFs
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
* @brief Class for thermostat algorithms which perform the time-integration component of the fractional step method
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
class ThermostatGlcFs : public RegulatorMethod {
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatGlcFs(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations,
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatGlcFs() {};
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
/** pre-run initialization of method data */
virtual void initialize();
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the predictor phase */
virtual void apply_pre_predictor(double dt);
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the pre-corrector phase */
virtual void apply_pre_corrector(double dt);
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the post-corrector phase */
virtual void apply_post_corrector(double dt);
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
/** compute boundary flux, requires regulator input since it is part of the coupling scheme */
virtual void compute_boundary_flux(FIELDS & fields);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** get data for output */
virtual void output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData);
/* flag for performing the full lambda prediction calculation */
bool full_prediction();
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
/** set up atom to material identification */
virtual void reset_atom_materials(const Array<int> & elementToMaterialMap,
const MatrixDependencyManager<DenseMatrix, int> * atomElement);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
// methods
/** sets up appropriate rhs for thermostat equations */
virtual void set_thermostat_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs,
double dt) = 0;
/** apply forces to atoms */
virtual void apply_to_atoms(PerAtomQuantity<double> * atomicVelocity,
const DENS_MAN * nodalAtomicEnergy,
const DENS_MAT & lambdaForce,
DENS_MAT & nodalAtomicLambdaPower,
double dt);
/** add contributions from thermostat to FE energy */
virtual void add_to_energy(const DENS_MAT & nodalLambdaPower,
DENS_MAT & deltaEnergy,
double dt) = 0;
/* sets up and solves the linear system for lambda */
virtual void compute_lambda(double dt,
bool iterateSolution = true);
// member data
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
/** solver for lambda linear system */
ThermostatFsSolver * lambdaSolver_;
/** MD mass matrix */
DIAG_MAN & mdMassMatrix_;
/** pointer to atom velocities */
FundamentalAtomQuantity * atomVelocities_;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** reference to AtC FE temperature */
DENS_MAN & temperature_;
/** pointer to a time filtering object */
TimeFilter * timeFilter_;
/** power induced by lambda */
DENS_MAN * nodalAtomicLambdaPower_;
/** filtered lambda power */
DENS_MAN * lambdaPowerFiltered_;
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
/** lambda at atomic locations */
PerAtomQuantity<double> * atomLambdas_;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** atomic force induced by lambda */
AtomicThermostatForce * atomThermostatForces_;
/** pointer to atom masses */
FundamentalAtomQuantity * atomMasses_;
/** hack to determine if first timestep has been passed */
bool isFirstTimestep_;
/** nodal atomic energy */
DENS_MAN * nodalAtomicEnergy_;
/** local version of velocity used as predicted final veloctiy */
PerAtomQuantity<double> * atomPredictedVelocities_;
/** predicted nodal atomic energy */
AtfShapeFunctionRestriction * nodalAtomicPredictedEnergy_;
/** pointer for force applied in first time step */
DENS_MAN * firstHalfAtomForces_;
/** FE temperature change from thermostat during predictor phase in second half of timestep */
DENS_MAT deltaEnergy1_;
/** FE temperature change from thermostat during corrector phase in second half of timestep */
DENS_MAT deltaEnergy2_;
/** right-hand side data for thermostat equation */
DENS_MAT rhs_;
// workspace
DENS_MAT _lambdaPowerOutput_; // power applied by lambda in output format
DENS_MAT _velocityDelta_; // change in velocity when lambda force is applied
DENS_VEC _lambdaOverlap_; // lambda in MD overlapping FE nodes
// DO NOT define this
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
* @class ThermostatSolverFlux
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
* @brief Class enforces GLC on atomic forces based on FE power when using fractional step time integration
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
class ThermostatSolverFlux : public ThermostatFsSolver {
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatSolverFlux(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations,
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatSolverFlux() {};
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
// methods
/** sets up the transfer which is the set of nodes being regulated */
virtual void construct_regulated_nodes();
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatIntegratorFlux
* @brief Class integrates GLC on atomic forces based on FE power when using fractional step time integration
class ThermostatIntegratorFlux : public ThermostatGlcFs {
ThermostatIntegratorFlux(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations,
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
virtual ~ThermostatIntegratorFlux() {};
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** pre-run initialization of method data */
virtual void initialize();
/** sets up appropriate rhs for thermostat equations */
virtual void set_thermostat_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs,
double dt);
/** add contributions from thermostat to FE energy */
virtual void add_to_energy(const DENS_MAT & nodalLambdaPower,
DENS_MAT & deltaEnergy,
double dt);
// data
/** reference to ATC sources coming from prescribed data, AtC coupling, and extrinsic coupling */
DENS_MAN & heatSource_;
// DO NOT define this
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
* @class ThermostatSolverFixed
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
* @brief Class enforces GLC on atomic forces based on FE power when using fractional step time integration
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
class ThermostatSolverFixed : public ThermostatFsSolver {
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatSolverFixed(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations,
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
virtual ~ThermostatSolverFixed() {};
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
// methods
/** sets up the transfer which is the set of nodes being regulated */
virtual void construct_regulated_nodes();
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatIntegratorFixed
* @brief Class integrates GLC on atomic forces based on FE power when using fractional step time integration
class ThermostatIntegratorFixed : public ThermostatGlcFs {
ThermostatIntegratorFixed(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations,
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatIntegratorFixed() {};
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
/** pre-run initialization of method data */
virtual void initialize();
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the predictor phase */
virtual void apply_pre_predictor(double dt);
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the pre-corrector phase */
virtual void apply_pre_corrector(double dt);
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the post-corrector phase */
virtual void apply_post_corrector(double dt);
/** compute boundary flux, requires thermostat input since it is part of the coupling scheme */
virtual void compute_boundary_flux(FIELDS & fields)
{boundaryFlux_[TEMPERATURE] = 0.;};
/** determine if local shape function matrices are needed */
virtual bool use_local_shape_functions() const {return atomicRegulator_->use_localized_lambda();};
// methods
/** initialize data for tracking the change in nodal atomic temperature */
virtual void initialize_delta_nodal_atomic_energy(double dt);
/** compute the change in nodal atomic temperature */
virtual void compute_delta_nodal_atomic_energy(double dt);
/** sets up appropriate rhs for thermostat equations */
virtual void set_thermostat_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs,
double dt);
/** add contributions from thermostat to FE energy */
virtual void add_to_energy(const DENS_MAT & nodalLambdaPower,
DENS_MAT & deltaEnergy,
double dt);
/* sets up and solves the linear system for lambda */
virtual void compute_lambda(double dt,
bool iterateSolution = true);
/** flag for halving the applied force to mitigate numerical errors */
bool halve_force();
// data
/** change in FE energy over a timestep */
DENS_MAT deltaFeEnergy_;
/** initial FE energy used to compute change */
DENS_MAT initialFeEnergy_;
/** change in restricted atomic FE energy over a timestep */
DENS_MAT deltaNodalAtomicEnergy_;
/** intial restricted atomic FE energy used to compute change */
DENS_MAT initialNodalAtomicEnergy_;
/** filtered nodal atomic energy */
DENS_MAN nodalAtomicEnergyFiltered_;
/** forces depending on predicted velocities for correct updating with fixed nodes */
AtomicThermostatForce * atomThermostatForcesPredVel_;
/** coefficient to account for effect of time filtering on rhs terms */
double filterCoefficient_;
/** kinetic energy multiplier in total energy (used for temperature expression) */
double keMultiplier_;
// workspace
DENS_MAT _tempNodalAtomicEnergyFiltered_; // stores filtered energy change in atoms for persistence during predictor
// DO NOT define this
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
* @class ThermostatIntegratorFluxFiltered
* @brief Class integrates GLC on atomic forces based on FE power when using fractional step time integration
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
* in conjunction with time filtering
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
class ThermostatIntegratorFluxFiltered : public ThermostatIntegratorFlux {
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatIntegratorFluxFiltered(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations,
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatIntegratorFluxFiltered() {};
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** pre-run initialization of method data */
virtual void initialize();
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the post-corrector phase */
virtual void apply_post_corrector(double dt);
/** get data for output */
virtual void output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData);
/** sets up appropriate rhs for thermostat equations */
virtual void set_thermostat_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs,
double dt);
/** add contributions from thermostat to FE energy */
virtual void add_to_energy(const DENS_MAT & nodalLambdaPower,
DENS_MAT & deltaEnergy,
double dt);
// data
/** heat source time history required to get instantaneous heat sources */
DENS_MAT heatSourceOld_;
DENS_MAT instantHeatSource_;
DENS_MAT timeStepSource_;
// DO NOT define this
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
* @class ThermostatIntegratorFixedFiltered
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
* @brief Class for thermostatting using the temperature matching constraint and is compatible with
the fractional step time-integration with time filtering
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
class ThermostatIntegratorFixedFiltered : public ThermostatIntegratorFixed {
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatIntegratorFixedFiltered(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations,
const std::string & regulatorPrefix = "");
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatIntegratorFixedFiltered() {};
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** get data for output */
virtual void output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData);
// methods
/** initialize data for tracking the change in nodal atomic temperature */
virtual void initialize_delta_nodal_atomic_energy(double dt);
/** compute the change in nodal atomic temperature */
virtual void compute_delta_nodal_atomic_energy(double dt);
/** sets up appropriate rhs for thermostat equations */
virtual void set_thermostat_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs,
double dt);
/** add contributions from thermostat to temperature for uncoupled nodes */
virtual void add_to_energy(const DENS_MAT & nodalLambdaPower,
DENS_MAT & deltaEnergy,
double dt);
// DO NOT define this
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
* @class ThermostatFluxFixed
* @brief Class for thermostatting using the temperature matching constraint one one set of nodes and the flux matching constraint on another
class ThermostatFluxFixed : public RegulatorMethod {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatFluxFixed(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations,
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
bool constructThermostats = true);
virtual ~ThermostatFluxFixed();
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
/** pre-run initialization of method data */
virtual void initialize();
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the predictor phase */
virtual void apply_pre_predictor(double dt);
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the pre-corrector phase */
virtual void apply_pre_corrector(double dt);
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the post-corrector phase */
virtual void apply_post_corrector(double dt);
/** get data for output */
virtual void output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData);
/** compute boundary flux, requires thermostat input since it is part of the coupling scheme */
virtual void compute_boundary_flux(FIELDS & fields)
// data
/** thermostat for imposing the fluxes */
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatIntegratorFlux * thermostatFlux_;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** thermostat for imposing fixed nodes */
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatIntegratorFixed * thermostatFixed_;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
/** pointer to whichever thermostat should compute the flux, based on coupling method */
ThermostatGlcFs * thermostatBcs_;
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatFluxFixedFiltered
* @brief Class for thermostatting using the temperature matching constraint one one set of nodes and the flux matching constraint on another with time filtering
class ThermostatFluxFixedFiltered : public ThermostatFluxFixed {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatFluxFixedFiltered(AtomicRegulator * thermostat,
int lambdaMaxIterations);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatFluxFixedFiltered(){};
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatGlc
* @brief Class for thermostat algorithms based on Gaussian least constraints (GLC)
class ThermostatGlc : public ThermostatShapeFunction {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatGlc(AtomicRegulator * thermostat);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatGlc() {};
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
// methods
/** apply forces to atoms */
virtual void apply_to_atoms(PerAtomQuantity<double> * atomicVelocity,
const DENS_MAT & lambdaForce,
double dt);
// member data
/** pointer to a time filtering object */
TimeFilter * timeFilter_;
/** filtered lambda power */
DENS_MAN * lambdaPowerFiltered_;
/** atomic force induced by lambda */
PerAtomQuantity<double> * atomThermostatForces_;
/** pointer to access prescribed data for fixed nodes */
PrescribedDataManager * prescribedDataMgr_;
/** pointer to atom masses */
FundamentalAtomQuantity * atomMasses_;
/** workspace variables */
DENS_MAT _velocityDelta_;
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatPowerVerlet
* @brief Class for thermostatting using the heat flux matching constraint and is compatible with
the Gear time-integration
class ThermostatPowerVerlet : public ThermostatGlc {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatPowerVerlet(AtomicRegulator * thermostat);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatPowerVerlet() {};
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
/** pre-run initialization of method data */
virtual void initialize();
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the predictor phase */
virtual void apply_pre_predictor(double dt);
/** applies thermostat to atoms in the pre-corrector phase */
virtual void apply_pre_corrector(double dt);
/** get data for output */
virtual void output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData);
/** final tasks of a run */
virtual void finish();
/** determine if local shape function matrices are needed */
virtual bool use_local_shape_functions() const {return (!(atomicRegulator_->use_lumped_lambda_solve()) && atomicRegulator_->use_localized_lambda());};
/** nodal temperature rate of change */
DENS_MAN & nodalTemperatureRoc_;
/** reference to ATC sources coming from prescribed data, AtC coupling, and extrinsic coupling */
DENS_MAN & heatSource_;
/** pointer to nodal atomic power */
DENS_MAN * nodalAtomicPower_;
/** power applied to each atom by lambda force */
AtfShapeFunctionRestriction * nodalAtomicLambdaPower_;
/** workspace variables */
DENS_MAT _rhs_;
/** sets up and solves thermostat equations */
virtual void compute_thermostat(double dt);
/** sets up appropriate rhs for thermostat equations */
virtual void set_thermostat_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs_nodes);
/** add contributions (if any) to the finite element right-hand side */
virtual void add_to_rhs(FIELDS & rhs);
// workspace
DENS_MAT _nodalAtomicLambdaPowerOut_; // power induced by lambda in output format
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatHooverVerlet
* @brief Classfor thermostatting using the temperature matching constraint and is compatible with
Gear time-integration
class ThermostatHooverVerlet : public ThermostatPowerVerlet {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatHooverVerlet(AtomicRegulator * thermostat);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatHooverVerlet() {};
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
/** final tasks of a run */
virtual void finish() {};
/** compute boundary flux, requires thermostat input since it is part of the coupling scheme */
virtual void compute_boundary_flux(FIELDS & fields)
{boundaryFlux_[TEMPERATURE] = 0.;};
/** lambda coupling parameter for hoover thermostat */
DENS_MAN * lambdaHoover_;
/** workspace variables */
DENS_MAT _myNodalLambdaPower_;
/** sets up and solves thermostat equations */
virtual void compute_thermostat(double dt);
/** sets up Hoover component of the thermostat */
void set_hoover_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs);
/** add Hoover contributions to lambda power */
void add_to_lambda_power(const DENS_MAT & myLambdaForce,
double dt);
/** power applied to each atom by hoover lambda force */
AtfShapeFunctionRestriction * nodalAtomicHooverLambdaPower_;
/** add contributions (if any) to the finite element right-hand side */
virtual void add_to_rhs(FIELDS & rhs);
// DO NOT implement this
* @class ThermostatPowerVerletFiltered
* @brief Class for thermostatting using the heat flux matching constraint and is compatible with
Gear time-integration with time filtering
class ThermostatPowerVerletFiltered : public ThermostatPowerVerlet {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatPowerVerletFiltered(AtomicRegulator * thermostat);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatPowerVerletFiltered(){};
/** get data for output */
virtual void output(OUTPUT_LIST & outputData);
/** compute boundary flux, requires thermostat input since it is part of the coupling scheme */
virtual void compute_boundary_flux(FIELDS & fields);
/** sets up appropriate rhs for thermostat equations */
virtual void set_thermostat_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs_nodes);
/** add contributions (if any) to the finite element right-hand side */
virtual void add_to_rhs(FIELDS & rhs);
/** nodal temperature 2nd rate of change (i.e. second time derivative) */
DENS_MAN & nodalTemperature2Roc_;
/** reference to ATC rate of change sources coming from prescribed data, AtC coupling, and extrinsic coupling */
DENS_MAN heatSourceRoc_;
/** references to ATC field rates of changing for inverting the filtered heat sources */
FIELDS & fieldsRoc_;
/** flux rate of changes for inverting filtered fluxes */
FIELDS fluxRoc_;
/** time scale for the time filter */
double filterScale_;
// DO NOT define this
* @class ThermostatHooverVerletFiltered
* @brief Class for thermostatting using the temperature matching constraint and is compatible with
Gear time-integration with time filtering
class ThermostatHooverVerletFiltered : public ThermostatPowerVerletFiltered {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
ThermostatHooverVerletFiltered(AtomicRegulator * thermostat);
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
virtual ~ThermostatHooverVerletFiltered() {};
/** instantiate all needed data */
virtual void construct_transfers();
/** final tasks of a run */
virtual void finish() {};
/** compute boundary flux, requires thermostat input since it is part of the coupling scheme */
virtual void compute_boundary_flux(FIELDS & fields)
{boundaryFlux_[TEMPERATURE] = 0.;};
/** lambda coupling parameter for hoover thermostat */
DENS_MAN * lambdaHoover_;
/** workspace variables */
DENS_MAT _myNodalLambdaPower_;
/** sets up and solves thermostat equations */
virtual void compute_thermostat(double dt);
/** sets up Hoover component of the thermostat */
void set_hoover_rhs(DENS_MAT & rhs);
/** add Hoover contributions to lambda power */
void add_to_lambda_power(const DENS_MAT & myLambdaForce,
double dt);
/** power applied to each atom by hoover lambda force */
DENS_MAN * nodalAtomicHooverLambdaPower_;
/** add contributions (if any) to the finite element right-hand side */
virtual void add_to_rhs(FIELDS & rhs);
// DO NOT implement this