2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
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10. Future and history :h3
This section lists features we are planning to add to LAMMPS, features
of previous versions of LAMMPS, and features of other parallel
molecular dynamics codes I've distributed.
10.1 "Coming attractions"_#10_1
10.2 "Past versions"_#10_2 :all(b)
10.1 Coming attractions :h4,link(10_1)
The current version of LAMMPS incorporates nearly all the features
2006-09-28 03:12:31 +08:00
from previous parallel MD codes developed at Sandia. These include
earlier versions of LAMMPS itself, Warp and ParaDyn for metals, and
GranFlow for granular materials.
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
2006-09-28 03:12:31 +08:00
These are new features we'd like to eventually add to LAMMPS. Some
are being worked on; some haven't been implemented because of lack of
time or interest; others are just a lot of work!
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
2007-10-05 23:58:23 +08:00
more complete per-atom energy and stress computations
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
Monte Carlo bond-swapping for polymers (was in Fortran LAMMPS)
torsional shear boundary conditions and temperature calculation
2007-06-23 07:41:35 +08:00
NPT with changing box shape (Parinello-Rahman)
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
bond creation potentials
2007-06-23 07:41:35 +08:00
long-range point dipole solver
2007-10-05 23:58:23 +08:00
charge equilibration
2007-06-23 07:41:35 +08:00
ReaxFF force field from Bill Goddard's group :ul
2006-09-22 00:22:34 +08:00
10.2 Past versions :h4,link(10_2)
LAMMPS development began in the mid 1990s under a cooperative research
& development agreement (CRADA) between two DOE labs (Sandia and LLNL)
and 3 companies (Cray, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Dupont). Soon after
the CRADA ended, a final F77 version of the code, LAMMPS 99, was
released. As development of LAMMPS continued at Sandia, the memory
management in the code was converted to F90; a final F90 version was
released as LAMMPS 2001.
The current LAMMPS is a rewrite in C++ and was first publicly released
in 2004. It includes many new features, including features from other
parallel molecular dynamics codes written at Sandia, namely ParaDyn,
Warp, and GranFlow. ParaDyn is a parallel implementation of the
popular serial DYNAMO code developed by Stephen Foiles and Murray Daw
for their embedded atom method (EAM) metal potentials. ParaDyn uses
atom- and force-decomposition algorithms to run in parallel. Warp is
also a parallel implementation of the EAM potentials designed for
large problems, with boundary conditions specific to shearing solids
in varying geometries. GranFlow is a granular materials code with
potentials and boundary conditions peculiar to granular systems. All
of these codes (except ParaDyn) use spatial-decomposition techniques
for their parallelism.
These older codes are available for download from the "LAMMPS WWW
site"_lws, except for Warp & GranFlow which were primarily used
internally. A brief listing of their features is given here.
F90 + MPI
dynamic memory
spatial-decomposition parallelism
NVE, NVT, NPT, NPH, rRESPA integrators
LJ and Coulombic pairwise force fields
all-atom, united-atom, bead-spring polymer force fields
CHARMM-compatible force fields
class 2 force fields
3d/2d Ewald & PPPM
various force and temperature constraints
Hessian-free truncated-Newton minimizer
user-defined diagnostics :ul
F77 + MPI
static memory allocation
spatial-decomposition parallelism
most of the LAMMPS 2001 features with a few exceptions
no 2d Ewald & PPPM
molecular force fields are missing a few CHARMM terms
no SHAKE :ul
F90 + MPI
spatial-decomposition parallelism
embedded atom method (EAM) metal potentials + LJ
lattice and grain-boundary atom creation
NVE, NVT integrators
boundary conditions for applying shear stresses
temperature controls for actively sheared systems
per-atom energy and centro-symmetry computation and output :ul
F77 + MPI
atom- and force-decomposition parallelism
embedded atom method (EAM) metal potentials
lattice atom creation
NVE, NVT, NPT integrators
all serial DYNAMO features for controls and constraints :ul
F90 + MPI
spatial-decomposition parallelism
frictional granular potentials
NVE integrator
boundary conditions for granular flow and packing and walls
particle insertion :ul