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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "dump.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class DumpCustom : public Dump {
DumpCustom(class LAMMPS *, int, char **);
virtual ~DumpCustom();
int nevery; // dump frequency to check Fix against
int iregion; // -1 if no region, else which region
char *idregion; // region ID
int nthresh; // # of defined threshholds
int *thresh_array; // array to threshhhold on for each nthresh
int *thresh_op; // threshhold operation for each nthresh
double *thresh_value; // threshhold value for each nthresh
int *vtype; // type of each vector (INT, DOUBLE)
char **vformat; // format string for each vector element
char *columns; // column labels
int nchoose; // # of selected atoms
int maxlocal; // size of atom selection and variable arrays
int *choose; // local indices of selected atoms
double *dchoose; // value for each atom to threshhold against
int *clist; // compressed list of indices of selected atoms
int nfield; // # of keywords listed by user
int ioptional; // index of start of optional args
int *field2index; // which compute,fix,variable calcs this field
int *argindex; // index into compute,fix scalar_atom,vector_atom
// 0 for scalar_atom, 1-N for vector_atom values
int ncompute; // # of Compute objects used by dump
char **id_compute; // their IDs
class Compute **compute; // list of ptrs to the Compute objects
int nfix; // # of Fix objects used by dump
char **id_fix; // their IDs
class Fix **fix; // list of ptrs to the Fix objects
int nvariable; // # of Variables used by dump
char **id_variable; // their names
int *variable; // list of indices for the Variables
double **vbuf; // local storage for variable evaluation
int ntypes; // # of atom types
char **typenames; // array of element names for each type
// private methods
virtual void init_style();
virtual void write_header(bigint);
int count();
void pack(int *);
virtual void write_data(int, double *);
bigint memory_usage();
int parse_fields(int, char **);
int add_compute(char *);
int add_fix(char *);
int add_variable(char *);
virtual int modify_param(int, char **);
typedef void (DumpCustom::*FnPtrHeader)(bigint);
FnPtrHeader header_choice; // ptr to write header functions
void header_binary(bigint);
void header_binary_triclinic(bigint);
void header_item(bigint);
void header_item_triclinic(bigint);
typedef void (DumpCustom::*FnPtrData)(int, double *);
FnPtrData write_choice; // ptr to write data functions
void write_binary(int, double *);
void write_text(int, double *);
// customize by adding a method prototype
typedef void (DumpCustom::*FnPtrPack)(int);
FnPtrPack *pack_choice; // ptrs to pack functions
void pack_compute(int);
void pack_fix(int);
void pack_variable(int);
void pack_id(int);
void pack_molecule(int);
void pack_type(int);
void pack_mass(int);
void pack_x(int);
void pack_y(int);
void pack_z(int);
void pack_xs(int);
void pack_ys(int);
void pack_zs(int);
void pack_xs_triclinic(int);
void pack_ys_triclinic(int);
void pack_zs_triclinic(int);
void pack_xu(int);
void pack_yu(int);
void pack_zu(int);
void pack_xu_triclinic(int);
void pack_yu_triclinic(int);
void pack_zu_triclinic(int);
void pack_xsu(int);
void pack_ysu(int);
void pack_zsu(int);
void pack_xsu_triclinic(int);
void pack_ysu_triclinic(int);
void pack_zsu_triclinic(int);
void pack_ix(int);
void pack_iy(int);
void pack_iz(int);
void pack_vx(int);
void pack_vy(int);
void pack_vz(int);
void pack_fx(int);
void pack_fy(int);
void pack_fz(int);
void pack_q(int);
void pack_mux(int);
void pack_muy(int);
void pack_muz(int);
void pack_mu(int);
void pack_radius(int);
void pack_diameter(int);
void pack_omegax(int);
void pack_omegay(int);
void pack_omegaz(int);
void pack_angmomx(int);
void pack_angmomy(int);
void pack_angmomz(int);
void pack_tqx(int);
void pack_tqy(int);
void pack_tqz(int);
void pack_spin(int);
void pack_eradius(int);
void pack_ervel(int);
void pack_erforce(int);
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:
E: No dump custom arguments specified
The dump custom command requires that atom quantities be specified to
output to dump file.
E: Invalid attribute in dump custom command
E: Dump_modify format string is too short
There are more fields to be dumped in a line of output than
your format string specifies.
E: Could not find dump custom compute ID
The compute ID needed by dump custom to compute a per-atom quantity
does not exist.
E: Could not find dump custom fix ID
E: Dump custom and fix not computed at compatible times
The fix must produce per-atom quantities on timesteps that dump custom
needs them.
E: Could not find dump custom variable name
E: Region ID for dump custom does not exist
E: Threshhold for an atom property that isn't allocated
A dump threshhold has been requested on a quantity that is
not defined by the atom style used in this simulation.
E: Dumping an atom property that isn't allocated
The chosen atom style does not define the per-atom quantity being
E: Dumping an atom quantity that isn't allocated
Only per-atom quantities that are defined for the atom style being
used are allowed.
E: Dump custom compute does not compute per-atom info
E: Dump custom compute does not calculate per-atom vector
E: Dump custom compute does not calculate per-atom array
E: Dump custom compute vector is accessed out-of-range
E: Dump custom fix does not compute per-atom info
E: Dump custom fix does not compute per-atom vector
E: Dump custom fix does not compute per-atom array
E: Dump custom fix vector is accessed out-of-range
E: Dump custom variable is not atom-style variable
Only atom-style variables generate per-atom quantities, needed for
dump output.
E: Illegal ... command
Self-explanatory. Check the input script syntax and compare to the
documentation for the command. You can use -echo screen as a
command-line option when running LAMMPS to see the offending line.
E: Dump_modify region ID does not exist
E: Dump modify element names do not match atom types
Number of element names must equal number of atom types.
E: Invalid attribute in dump modify command
E: Could not find dump modify compute ID
E: Dump modify compute ID does not compute per-atom info
E: Dump modify compute ID does not compute per-atom vector
E: Dump modify compute ID does not compute per-atom array
E: Dump modify compute ID vector is not large enough
E: Could not find dump modify fix ID
E: Dump modify fix ID does not compute per-atom info
E: Dump modify fix ID does not compute per-atom vector
E: Dump modify fix ID does not compute per-atom array
E: Dump modify fix ID vector is not large enough
E: Could not find dump modify variable name
E: Dump modify variable is not atom-style variable
E: Invalid dump_modify threshhold operator
Operator keyword used for threshold specification in not recognized.