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2018-11-29 03:46:47 +08:00
LAMMPS (27 Nov 2018)
using 1 OpenMP thread(s) per MPI task
# 2d rounded polygon bodies
variable r index 4
variable steps index 100000
variable T index 0.5
variable P index 0.1
variable seed index 980411
units lj
dimension 2
atom_style body rounded/polygon 1 6
atom_modify map array
read_data data.squares
orthogonal box = (0 0 -0.5) to (12 12 0.5)
2 by 2 by 1 MPI processor grid
reading atoms ...
2 atoms
2 bodies
replicate $r $r 1
replicate 4 $r 1
replicate 4 4 1
orthogonal box = (0 0 -0.5) to (48 48 0.5)
2 by 2 by 1 MPI processor grid
32 atoms
Time spent = 0.000329733 secs
velocity all create $T ${seed} dist gaussian mom yes rot yes
velocity all create 0.5 ${seed} dist gaussian mom yes rot yes
velocity all create 0.5 980411 dist gaussian mom yes rot yes
change_box all boundary p f p
variable cut_inner equal 0.5
variable k_n equal 100
variable k_na equal 2
variable c_n equal 0.1
variable c_t equal 0.1
variable mu equal 0.1
variable delta_ua equal 0.5
pair_style body/rounded/polygon ${c_n} ${c_t} ${mu} ${delta_ua} ${cut_inner}
pair_style body/rounded/polygon 0.1 ${c_t} ${mu} ${delta_ua} ${cut_inner}
pair_style body/rounded/polygon 0.1 0.1 ${mu} ${delta_ua} ${cut_inner}
pair_style body/rounded/polygon 0.1 0.1 0.1 ${delta_ua} ${cut_inner}
pair_style body/rounded/polygon 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 ${cut_inner}
pair_style body/rounded/polygon 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.5
pair_coeff * * ${k_n} ${k_na}
pair_coeff * * 100 ${k_na}
pair_coeff * * 100 2
comm_modify vel yes
neighbor 0.5 bin
neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check yes
timestep 0.001
#fix 1 all nve/body
#fix 1 all nvt/body temp $T $T 1.0
fix 1 all npt/body temp $T $T 1.0 x 0.001 $P 1.0 fixedpoint 0 0 0
fix 1 all npt/body temp 0.5 $T 1.0 x 0.001 $P 1.0 fixedpoint 0 0 0
fix 1 all npt/body temp 0.5 0.5 1.0 x 0.001 $P 1.0 fixedpoint 0 0 0
fix 1 all npt/body temp 0.5 0.5 1.0 x 0.001 0.1 1.0 fixedpoint 0 0 0
fix 2 all enforce2d
fix 3 all wall/body/polygon 2000 50 50 yplane 0.0 48.0
#compute 1 all body/local id 1 2 3
#dump 1 all local 100000 dump.polygon.* index c_1[1] c_1[2] c_1[3] c_1[4]
thermo_style custom step ke pe etotal press
thermo 1000
#dump 2 all image 10000 image.*.jpg type type zoom 2.0 # adiam 1.5 body type 0 0
#dump_modify 2 pad 6
run ${steps}
run 100000
Neighbor list info ...
update every 1 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 6.15685
ghost atom cutoff = 6.15685
binsize = 3.07843, bins = 16 16 1
1 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 1 0 0
(1) pair body/rounded/polygon, perpetual
attributes: half, newton on
pair build: half/bin/atomonly/newton
stencil: half/bin/2d/newton
bin: standard
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 4.773 | 4.773 | 4.773 Mbytes
Step KinEng PotEng TotEng Press
0 0.484375 0.25 0.734375 0.0067274306
1000 0.51467204 0.00099202506 0.51566407 0.013452386
2000 0.55674899 0.0040762275 0.56082522 0.0034529066
3000 0.7546177 0.02259362 0.77721132 0.003650781
4000 0.72710218 0.10284108 0.82994326 0.0059629371
5000 0.57710119 0.069052154 0.64615335 0.00053937664
6000 0.53848104 0.041891152 0.58037219 0.0018693259
7000 0.61777485 0.033380825 0.65115568 0.0027584782
8000 0.47427732 0.059553658 0.53383098 0.017087698
9000 0.46820943 0.064379697 0.53258913 0.02325702
10000 0.46605511 0.02332689 0.489382 0.013699209
11000 0.57547516 0.090133398 0.66560855 0.0083913962
12000 0.465348 0.084853345 0.55020135 0.006231552
13000 0.55340889 0.07116165 0.62457054 0.030622563
14000 0.58866362 0.052281859 0.64094548 0.0079106838
15000 0.51757672 0.12255618 0.6401329 0.014005369
16000 0.42696011 0.086987541 0.51394765 -0.0017128649
17000 0.37612579 0.13054778 0.50667357 0.0046284992
18000 0.47659682 0.14670523 0.62330205 0.02206928
19000 0.47897909 0.15540332 0.63438241 0.02544138
20000 0.59377323 0.15357757 0.7473508 0.030262926
21000 0.52781204 0.22074491 0.74855695 -0.0022170167
22000 0.44843285 0.12779345 0.5762263 0.0097268482
23000 0.60400735 0.18098124 0.78498858 0.05778325
24000 0.58254338 0.1570243 0.73956769 0.022530491
25000 0.60524318 0.23660272 0.8418459 0.062530421
26000 0.45892702 0.34294121 0.80186823 0.038657393
27000 0.58418023 0.19551937 0.7796996 -0.0055396645
28000 0.45655369 0.26718934 0.72374303 0.006593108
29000 0.50277299 0.1747088 0.67748179 0.016059369
30000 0.38640717 0.1631573 0.54956447 0.036055723
31000 0.46944541 0.22076826 0.69021367 0.014334038
32000 0.53862858 0.26867594 0.80730452 0.057406282
33000 0.45666352 0.21796554 0.67462906 0.056555205
34000 0.51644038 0.21866786 0.73510824 0.015713
35000 0.50489584 0.1596236 0.66451945 0.040400644
36000 0.41723489 0.16227853 0.57951342 0.02863261
37000 0.481638 0.28830624 0.76994424 0.038381986
38000 0.6036094 0.33479287 0.93840227 0.0032059452
39000 0.47822122 0.18876355 0.66698476 0.029252649
40000 0.54949607 0.35011086 0.89960693 0.093909148
41000 0.54876522 0.27501735 0.82378257 -0.0084167014
42000 0.67801592 0.18102522 0.85904114 -0.0058395209
43000 0.54342066 0.34322081 0.88664146 0.12263806
44000 0.46672513 0.29749157 0.76421671 0.051073701
45000 0.4679867 0.25820875 0.72619545 0.069790993
46000 0.59598501 0.22285276 0.81883777 0.050578807
47000 0.48858341 0.29811577 0.78669917 0.080971431
48000 0.41238073 0.29362937 0.7060101 0.031893588
49000 0.61516435 0.33082609 0.94599044 -0.010710982
50000 0.57576635 0.37137185 0.94713819 0.062160249
51000 0.54614001 0.36960628 0.91574629 -0.0083424769
52000 0.42232354 0.25214442 0.67446796 0.028666126
53000 0.43025129 0.24479385 0.67504514 0.030342054
54000 0.54614922 0.29602426 0.84217348 0.083070642
55000 0.60719748 0.3577285 0.96492598 0.053799744
56000 0.47073149 0.31070429 0.78143579 0.083895368
57000 0.56861582 0.33249784 0.90111366 0.032324233
58000 0.75061035 0.33313728 1.0837476 0.031039937
59000 0.59473893 0.48870773 1.0834467 0.039503585
60000 0.55252481 0.38350562 0.93603043 0.0027643882
61000 0.45010855 0.43945065 0.8895592 0.028168222
62000 0.63942467 0.53372899 1.1731537 0.13790959
63000 0.69407873 0.37980402 1.0738828 0.035919608
64000 0.54898275 0.39910419 0.94808693 0.0015016851
65000 0.58229838 0.42300361 1.005302 0.089787193
66000 0.53443537 0.5597136 1.094149 -0.015781756
67000 0.59212426 0.56172146 1.1538457 0.030464683
68000 0.68164926 0.48724393 1.1688932 0.071465948
69000 0.59721737 0.49476309 1.0919805 0.07575647
70000 0.52314551 0.31950477 0.84265028 0.11206672
71000 0.53230509 0.53846575 1.0707708 0.0047204701
72000 0.71341933 0.4924749 1.2058942 0.116568
73000 0.70498496 0.54121008 1.246195 0.11210249
74000 0.54188682 0.61729607 1.1591829 0.044083048
75000 0.44073609 0.42072284 0.86145893 -0.041508511
76000 0.51225567 0.36848317 0.88073884 -0.028636748
77000 0.6517329 0.5503086 1.2020415 0.049605026
78000 0.60053898 0.52760266 1.1281416 0.094361256
79000 0.51560788 0.46563043 0.98123832 -0.03336136
80000 0.53357884 0.60743981 1.1410186 0.027259883
81000 0.6256228 0.40412923 1.029752 0.083274981
82000 0.6903519 0.69599412 1.386346 0.168747
83000 0.62621394 0.50082841 1.1270424 0.12294403
84000 0.5682146 0.73827702 1.3064916 0.085884707
85000 0.48179077 0.73669563 1.2184864 0.065002035
86000 0.61101399 0.80673836 1.4177523 0.037555163
87000 0.52278725 0.71608722 1.2388745 0.020943688
88000 0.53318823 0.50916748 1.0423557 -0.01946691
89000 0.56428713 0.56042234 1.1247095 0.040998134
90000 0.58720508 0.66023073 1.2474358 0.040313529
91000 0.61509407 0.86254343 1.4776375 0.15215034
92000 0.5640475 0.57694543 1.1409929 0.10238679
93000 0.60586378 0.67978456 1.2856483 -0.043948113
94000 0.75406595 0.74795347 1.5020194 0.015341415
95000 0.4974314 0.60192267 1.0993541 -0.018173218
96000 0.50048302 0.82845218 1.3289352 0.045394283
97000 0.65335222 0.6470855 1.3004377 0.011624967
98000 0.65693072 0.45222133 1.109152 0.13763684
99000 0.60573344 0.50284289 1.1085763 0.12853674
100000 0.50677068 0.58143063 1.0882013 0.11351254
Loop time of 3.24642 on 4 procs for 100000 steps with 32 atoms
Performance: 2661396.711 tau/day, 30803.203 timesteps/s
94.4% CPU use with 4 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 0.64148 | 0.70244 | 0.76391 | 6.5 | 21.64
Neigh | 0.0049012 | 0.0050417 | 0.0052478 | 0.2 | 0.16
Comm | 0.79447 | 0.88412 | 0.97443 | 8.1 | 27.23
Output | 0.001776 | 0.0031438 | 0.0072262 | 4.2 | 0.10
Modify | 1.325 | 1.3684 | 1.4049 | 2.4 | 42.15
Other | | 0.2833 | | | 8.73
Nlocal: 8 ave 9 max 7 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1
Nghost: 14 ave 15 max 13 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1
Neighs: 13.25 ave 16 max 11 min
Histogram: 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Total # of neighbors = 53
Ave neighs/atom = 1.65625
Neighbor list builds = 2654
Dangerous builds = 0
Total wall time: 0:00:03