2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
# include "ChargeRegulator.h"
# include "PoissonSolver.h"
# include "LammpsInterface.h"
# include "ATC_Coupling.h"
# include "ATC_Error.h"
# include "Function.h"
# include "PrescribedDataManager.h"
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
# include <sstream>
# include <string>
# include <vector>
# include <utility>
# include <set>
using ATC_Utility : : to_string ;
using std : : stringstream ;
using std : : map ;
using std : : vector ;
using std : : set ;
using std : : pair ;
using std : : string ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
namespace ATC {
// Class ChargeRegulator
// Constructor
ChargeRegulator : : ChargeRegulator ( ATC_Coupling * atc ) :
AtomicRegulator ( atc )
// do nothing
// Destructor
ChargeRegulator : : ~ ChargeRegulator ( )
map < string , ChargeRegulatorMethod * > : : iterator it ;
for ( it = regulators_ . begin ( ) ; it ! = regulators_ . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
if ( it - > second ) delete it - > second ;
// modify:
// parses and adjusts charge regulator state based on
// user input, in the style of LAMMPS user input
bool ChargeRegulator : : modify ( int narg , char * * arg )
bool foundMatch = false ;
return foundMatch ;
// construct methods
void ChargeRegulator : : construct_methods ( )
AtomicRegulator : : construct_methods ( ) ;
if ( atc_ - > reset_methods ( ) ) {
// eliminate existing methods
delete_method ( ) ;
// consruct new ones
map < string , ChargeRegulatorParameters > : : iterator itr ;
for ( itr = parameters_ . begin ( ) ;
itr ! = parameters_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) {
string tag = itr - > first ;
if ( regulators_ . find ( tag ) ! = regulators_ . end ( ) ) delete regulators_ [ tag ] ;
ChargeRegulatorParameters & p = itr - > second ;
LammpsInterface * lammpsInterface = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) ;
p . groupBit = lammpsInterface - > group_bit ( tag ) ;
if ( ! p . groupBit )
throw ATC_Error ( " ChargeRegulator::initialize group not found " ) ;
switch ( p . method ) {
case NONE : {
regulators_ [ tag ] = new ChargeRegulatorMethod ( this , p ) ;
break ;
case FEEDBACK : {
regulators_ [ tag ] = new ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback ( this , p ) ;
break ;
regulators_ [ tag ] = new ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge ( this , p ) ;
break ;
regulators_ [ tag ] = new ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge ( this , p ) ;
break ;
default :
throw ATC_Error ( " ChargeRegulator::construct_method unknown charge regulator type " ) ;
// initialize:
void ChargeRegulator : : initialize ( )
map < string , ChargeRegulatorMethod * > : : iterator itr ;
for ( itr = regulators_ . begin ( ) ;
itr ! = regulators_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) { itr - > second - > initialize ( ) ; }
atc_ - > set_boundary_integration_type ( boundaryIntegrationType_ ) ;
AtomicRegulator : : reset_nlocal ( ) ;
AtomicRegulator : : delete_unused_data ( ) ;
needReset_ = false ;
// apply pre force
void ChargeRegulator : : apply_pre_force ( double dt )
map < string , ChargeRegulatorMethod * > : : iterator itr ;
for ( itr = regulators_ . begin ( ) ;
itr ! = regulators_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) { itr - > second - > apply_pre_force ( dt ) ; }
// apply post force
void ChargeRegulator : : apply_post_force ( double dt )
map < string , ChargeRegulatorMethod * > : : iterator itr ;
for ( itr = regulators_ . begin ( ) ;
itr ! = regulators_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) { itr - > second - > apply_post_force ( dt ) ; }
// output
2014-12-02 10:12:19 +08:00
void ChargeRegulator : : output ( OUTPUT_LIST & outputData ) const
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-12-02 10:12:19 +08:00
map < string , ChargeRegulatorMethod * > : : const_iterator itr ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
for ( itr = regulators_ . begin ( ) ;
itr ! = regulators_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) { itr - > second - > output ( outputData ) ; }
// Class ChargeRegulatorMethod
// Constructor
// Grab references to ATC and ChargeRegulator
ChargeRegulatorMethod : : ChargeRegulatorMethod
( ChargeRegulator * chargeRegulator ,
ChargeRegulator : : ChargeRegulatorParameters & p )
: RegulatorShapeFunction ( chargeRegulator ) ,
chargeRegulator_ ( chargeRegulator ) ,
lammpsInterface_ ( LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) ) ,
rC_ ( 0 ) , rCsq_ ( 0 ) ,
targetValue_ ( NULL ) ,
targetPhi_ ( p . value ) ,
surface_ ( p . faceset ) ,
atomGroupBit_ ( p . groupBit ) ,
boundary_ ( false ) ,
depth_ ( p . depth ) ,
surfaceType_ ( p . surfaceType ) ,
permittivity_ ( p . permittivity ) ,
initialized_ ( false )
const FE_Mesh * feMesh = atc_ - > fe_engine ( ) - > fe_mesh ( ) ;
feMesh - > faceset_to_nodeset ( surface_ , nodes_ ) ;
// assume flat get normal and primary coord
PAIR face = * ( surface_ . begin ( ) ) ;
normal_ . reset ( nsd_ ) ;
feMesh - > face_normal ( face , 0 , normal_ ) ;
DENS_MAT faceCoords ;
feMesh - > face_coordinates ( face , faceCoords ) ;
point_ . reset ( nsd_ ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nsd_ ; i + + ) { point_ ( i ) = faceCoords ( i , 0 ) ; }
stringstream ss ; ss < < " point: ( " < < point_ ( 0 ) < < " , " < < point_ ( 1 ) < < " , " < < point_ ( 2 ) < < " ) normal: ( " < < normal_ ( 0 ) < < " , " < < normal_ ( 1 ) < < " , " < < normal_ ( 2 ) < < " ) depth: " < < depth_ ;
lammpsInterface_ - > print_msg_once ( ss . str ( ) ) ;
# endif
sum_ . reset ( nsd_ ) ;
// Initialize
// nomenclature might be a bit backwark: control --> nodes that exert the control, & influence --> atoms that feel the influence
void ChargeRegulatorMethod : : initialize ( void )
interscaleManager_ = & ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
poissonSolver_ = chargeRegulator_ - > poisson_solver ( ) ;
if ( ! poissonSolver_ ) throw ATC_Error ( " need a poisson solver to initialize charge regulator " ) ;
// atomic vectors
// nodal information
nNodes_ = atc_ - > num_nodes ( ) ;
// constants
rC_ = lammpsInterface_ - > pair_cutoff ( ) ;
rCsq_ = rC_ * rC_ ;
qV2e_ = lammpsInterface_ - > qv2e ( ) ;
qqrd2e_ = lammpsInterface_ - > qqrd2e ( ) ;
// note derived method set intialized to true
int ChargeRegulatorMethod : : nlocal ( ) { return atc_ - > nlocal ( ) ; }
void ChargeRegulatorMethod : : set_greens_functions ( void )
// set up Green's function per node
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nNodes_ ; i + + ) {
set < int > localNodes ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nNodes_ ; j + + )
localNodes . insert ( j ) ;
// call Poisson solver to get Green's function for node i
DENS_VEC globalGreensFunction ;
poissonSolver_ - > greens_function ( i , globalGreensFunction ) ;
// store green's functions as sparse vectors only on local nodes
set < int > : : const_iterator thisNode ;
SparseVector < double > sparseGreensFunction ( nNodes_ ) ;
for ( thisNode = localNodes . begin ( ) ; thisNode ! = localNodes . end ( ) ; thisNode + + )
sparseGreensFunction ( * thisNode ) = globalGreensFunction ( * thisNode ) ;
greensFunctions_ . push_back ( sparseGreensFunction ) ;
// output
void ChargeRegulatorMethod : : output ( OUTPUT_LIST & outputData )
//vector<double> localSum(sum_.size());
DENS_VEC localSum ( sum_ . size ( ) ) ;
lammpsInterface_ - > allsum ( localSum . ptr ( ) , sum_ . ptr ( ) , sum_ . size ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sum_ . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
string name = " charge_regulator_influence_ " + to_string ( i ) ;
// atc_->fe_engine()->add_global(name,sum_[i]);
// Class ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback
// Constructor
ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback : : ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback
( ChargeRegulator * chargeRegulator ,
ChargeRegulator : : ChargeRegulatorParameters & p )
: ChargeRegulatorMethod ( chargeRegulator , p ) ,
controlNodes_ ( nodes_ ) ,
influenceGroupBit_ ( p . groupBit )
nControlNodes_ = controlNodes_ . size ( ) ;
sum_ . resize ( 1 ) ;
// Initialize
void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback : : initialize ( void )
ChargeRegulatorMethod : : initialize ( ) ;
if ( surfaceType_ ! = ChargeRegulator : : CONDUCTOR )
throw ATC_Error ( " currently charge feedback can only mimic a conductor " ) ;
set_influence ( ) ;
set_influence_matrix ( ) ;
initialized_ = true ;
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
// Initialize
void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback : : construct_transfers ( void )
ChargeRegulatorMethod : : construct_transfers ( ) ;
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( ( atomicRegulator_ - > atc_transfer ( ) ) - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
PerAtomSparseMatrix < double > * atomShapeFunctions = interscaleManager . per_atom_sparse_matrix ( " InterpolantGhost " ) ;
if ( ! atomShapeFunctions ) {
atomShapeFunctions = new PerAtomShapeFunction ( atomicRegulator_ - > atc_transfer ( ) ,
interscaleManager . per_atom_quantity ( " AtomicGhostCoarseGrainingPositions " ) ,
interscaleManager . per_atom_int_quantity ( " AtomGhostElement " ) ,
interscaleManager . add_per_atom_sparse_matrix ( atomShapeFunctions , " InterpolantGhost " ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
// find measurement atoms and nodes
void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback : : set_influence ( void )
// get nodes that overlap influence atoms & compact list of influence atoms
boundary_ =
atc_ - > nodal_influence ( influenceGroupBit_ , influenceNodes_ , influenceAtoms_ ) ;
nInfluenceAtoms_ = influenceAtoms_ . size ( ) ; // local
nInfluenceNodes_ = influenceNodes_ . size ( ) ; // global
stringstream ss ; ss < < " control nodes: " < < nControlNodes_ < < " influence nodes: " < < nInfluenceNodes_ < < " local influence atoms: " < < nInfluenceAtoms_ ;
lammpsInterface_ - > print_msg ( ss . str ( ) ) ;
if ( nInfluenceNodes_ = = 0 ) throw ATC_Error ( " no influence nodes " ) ;
const Array < int > & map = ( boundary_ ) ? atc_ - > ghost_to_atom_map ( ) : atc_ - > internal_to_atom_map ( ) ;
for ( set < int > : : const_iterator itr = influenceAtoms_ . begin ( ) ; itr ! = influenceAtoms_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) {
influenceAtomsIds_ . insert ( map ( * itr ) ) ;
// constuct a Green's submatrix
void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback : : set_influence_matrix ( void )
// construct control-influence matrix bar{G}^-1: ds{p} = G{p,m}^-1 dphi{m}
if ( nInfluenceNodes_ < nControlNodes_ ) throw ATC_Error ( " least square not implmented " ) ;
if ( nInfluenceNodes_ > nControlNodes_ ) throw ATC_Error ( " solve not possible " ) ;
DENS_MAT G ( nInfluenceNodes_ , nControlNodes_ ) ;
set < int > : : const_iterator itr , itr2 , itr3 ;
const Array < int > & nmap = atc_ - > fe_engine ( ) - > fe_mesh ( ) - > global_to_unique_map ( ) ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( itr = influenceNodes_ . begin ( ) ; itr ! = influenceNodes_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) {
poissonSolver_ - > greens_function ( * itr , G_I ) ;
int j = 0 ;
for ( itr2 = controlNodes_ . begin ( ) ; itr2 ! = controlNodes_ . end ( ) ; itr2 + + ) {
int jnode = nmap ( * itr2 ) ;
G ( i , j + + ) = G_I ( jnode ) ;
i + + ;
invG_ = inv ( G ) ;
// construct the prolong-restrict projector N N^T for influence nodes only
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
const SPAR_MAT & N_Ia = ( boundary_ ) ?
( interscaleManager . per_atom_sparse_matrix ( " InterpolantGhost " ) ) - > quantity ( ) :
( interscaleManager . per_atom_sparse_matrix ( " Interpolant " ) ) - > quantity ( ) ;
NT_ . reset ( nInfluenceAtoms_ , nInfluenceNodes_ ) ;
DENS_MAT NNT ( nInfluenceNodes_ , nInfluenceNodes_ ) ;
int k = 0 ;
for ( itr3 = influenceAtoms_ . begin ( ) ; itr3 ! = influenceAtoms_ . end ( ) ; itr3 + + ) {
int katom = * itr3 ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( itr = influenceNodes_ . begin ( ) ; itr ! = influenceNodes_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) {
int Inode = * itr ;
int j = 0 ;
NT_ ( k , i ) = N_Ia ( katom , Inode ) ;
for ( itr2 = influenceNodes_ . begin ( ) ; itr2 ! = influenceNodes_ . end ( ) ; itr2 + + ) {
int Jnode = * itr2 ;
NNT ( i , j + + ) + = N_Ia ( katom , Inode ) * N_Ia ( katom , Jnode ) ;
i + + ;
k + + ;
// swap contributions across processors
int count = NNT . nRows ( ) * NNT . nCols ( ) ;
lammpsInterface_ - > allsum ( localNNT . ptr ( ) , NNT . ptr ( ) , count ) ;
invNNT_ = inv ( NNT ) ;
// total influence matrix
if ( nInfluenceAtoms_ > 0 ) { NTinvNNTinvG_ = NT_ * invNNT_ * invG_ ; }
// change potential/charge pre-force calculation
void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback : : apply_pre_force ( double dt )
sum_ = 0 ;
if ( nInfluenceAtoms_ = = 0 ) return ; // nothing to do
apply_feedback_charges ( ) ;
// apply feedback charges to atoms
void ChargeRegulatorMethodFeedback : : apply_feedback_charges ( )
double * q = lammpsInterface_ - > atom_charge ( ) ;
// calculate error in potential on the control nodes
const DENS_MAT & phiField = ( atc_ - > field ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ) ) . quantity ( ) ;
DENS_MAT dphi ( nControlNodes_ , 1 ) ;
int i = 0 ;
set < int > : : const_iterator itr ;
for ( itr = controlNodes_ . begin ( ) ; itr ! = controlNodes_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) {
dphi ( i + + , 0 ) = targetPhi_ - phiField ( * itr , 0 ) ;
// construct the atomic charges consistent with the correction
DENS_MAT dq = NTinvNNTinvG_ * dphi ;
i = 0 ;
for ( itr = influenceAtomsIds_ . begin ( ) ; itr ! = influenceAtomsIds_ . end ( ) ; itr + + ) {
sum_ ( 0 ) + = dq ( i , 0 ) ;
q [ * itr ] + = dq ( i + + , 0 ) ;
( interscaleManager_ - > fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_CHARGE ) ) - > force_reset ( ) ;
( interscaleManager_ - > fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_CHARGE , GHOST ) ) - > force_reset ( ) ;
// Class ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge
// Constructor
ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge : : ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge
( ChargeRegulator * chargeRegulator ,
ChargeRegulator : : ChargeRegulatorParameters & p )
: ChargeRegulatorMethod ( chargeRegulator , p ) ,
imageNodes_ ( nodes_ )
// Initialize
void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge : : initialize ( void )
ChargeRegulatorMethod : : initialize ( ) ;
if ( surfaceType_ ! = ChargeRegulator : : DIELECTRIC ) throw ATC_Error ( " currently image charge can only mimic a dielectric " ) ;
double eps1 = permittivity_ ; // dielectric
double eps2 = lammpsInterface_ - > dielectric ( ) ; // ambient
permittivityRatio_ = ( eps2 - eps1 ) / ( eps2 + eps1 ) ;
stringstream ss ; ss < < " permittivity ratio: " < < permittivityRatio_ ;
lammpsInterface_ - > print_msg_once ( ss . str ( ) ) ;
# endif
set_greens_functions ( ) ;
initialized_ = true ;
// change potential/charge post-force calculation
void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge : : apply_post_force ( double dt )
sum_ = 0 ;
apply_local_forces ( ) ;
// apply local coulomb forces
// -- due to image charges
void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge : : apply_local_forces ( )
int inum = lammpsInterface_ - > neighbor_list_inum ( ) ;
int * ilist = lammpsInterface_ - > neighbor_list_ilist ( ) ;
int * numneigh = lammpsInterface_ - > neighbor_list_numneigh ( ) ;
int * * firstneigh = lammpsInterface_ - > neighbor_list_firstneigh ( ) ;
const int * mask = lammpsInterface_ - > atom_mask ( ) ;
double * * x = lammpsInterface_ - > xatom ( ) ;
double * * f = lammpsInterface_ - > fatom ( ) ;
double * q = lammpsInterface_ - > atom_charge ( ) ;
// loop over neighbor list
for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < inum ; ii + + ) {
int i = ilist [ ii ] ;
double qi = q [ i ] ;
if ( ( mask [ i ] & atomGroupBit_ ) & & qi ! = 0. ) {
double * fi = f [ i ] ;
DENS_VEC xi ( x [ i ] , nsd_ ) ;
// distance to surface
double dn = reflect ( xi ) ;
// all ions near the interface/wall
// (a) self image
if ( dn < rC_ ) { // close enough to wall to have explicit image charges
double factor_coul = 1 ;
double dx = 2. * dn ; // distance to image charge
double fn = factor_coul * qi * qi * permittivityRatio_ / dx ;
fi [ 0 ] + = fn * normal_ [ 0 ] ;
fi [ 1 ] + = fn * normal_ [ 1 ] ;
fi [ 2 ] + = fn * normal_ [ 2 ] ;
sum_ + = fn * normal_ ;
// (b) neighbor images
int * jlist = firstneigh [ i ] ;
int jnum = numneigh [ i ] ;
for ( int jj = 0 ; jj < jnum ; jj + + ) {
int j = jlist [ jj ] ;
// this changes j
double factor_coul = lammpsInterface_ - > coulomb_factor ( j ) ;
double qj = q [ j ] ;
if ( qj ! = 0. ) { // all charged neighbors
DENS_VEC xj ( x [ j ] , nsd_ ) ;
dn = reflect ( xj ) ;
DENS_VEC dx = xi - xj ;
double r2 = dx . norm_sq ( ) ;
// neighbor image j' inside cutoff from i
if ( r2 < rCsq_ ) {
double fm = factor_coul * qi * qj * permittivityRatio_ / r2 ;
fi [ 0 ] + = fm * dx ( 0 ) ;
fi [ 1 ] + = fm * dx ( 1 ) ;
fi [ 2 ] + = fm * dx ( 2 ) ;
sum_ + = fm * dx ;
} // end i < rC if
// update managed data
( interscaleManager_ - > fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_FORCE ) ) - > force_reset ( ) ;
// correct charge densities
// - to reflect image charges
void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge : : correct_charge_densities ( )
// correct_forces
// - due to image charge density used in short-range solution
void ChargeRegulatorMethodImageCharge : : correct_forces ( )
// Class ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge
// Constructor
ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge : : ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge (
ChargeRegulator * chargeRegulator ,
ChargeRegulator : : ChargeRegulatorParameters & p )
: ChargeRegulatorMethod ( chargeRegulator , p ) ,
chargeDensity_ ( p . value ) ,
useSlab_ ( false )
// add_charged_surface
void ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge : : initialize ( )
ChargeRegulatorMethod : : initialize ( ) ;
boundary_ = atc_ - > is_ghost_group ( atomGroupBit_ ) ;
// set face sources to all point at unit function for use in integration
SURFACE_SOURCE faceSources ;
map < PAIR , Array < XT_Function * > > & fs ( faceSources [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] ) ;
XT_Function * f = XT_Function_Mgr : : instance ( ) - > constant_function ( 1. ) ;
set < PAIR > : : const_iterator fsItr ;
for ( fsItr = surface_ . begin ( ) ; fsItr ! = surface_ . end ( ) ; fsItr + + ) {
Array < XT_Function * > & dof = fs [ * fsItr ] ;
dof . reset ( 1 ) ;
dof ( 0 ) = f ;
// computed integrals of nodal shape functions on face
FIELDS nodalFaceWeights ;
Array < bool > fieldMask ( NUM_FIELDS ) ; fieldMask ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ) = true ;
( atc_ - > fe_engine ( ) ) - > compute_fluxes ( fieldMask , 0. , faceSources , nodalFaceWeights ) ;
const DENS_MAT & w = ( nodalFaceWeights [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] . quantity ( ) ) ;
// Get coordinates of each node in face set
for ( set < int > : : const_iterator n = nodes_ . begin ( ) ; n ! = nodes_ . end ( ) ; n + + ) {
DENS_VEC x = atc_ - > fe_engine ( ) - > fe_mesh ( ) - > nodal_coordinates ( * n ) ;
// compute effective charge at each node I
// multiply charge density by integral of N_I over face
double v = w ( * n , 0 ) * chargeDensity_ ;
pair < DENS_VEC , double > p ( x , v ) ;
nodeXFMap_ [ * n ] = p ;
// set up data structure holding charged faceset information
FIELDS sources ;
double k = lammpsInterface_ - > coulomb_constant ( ) ;
string fname = " radial_power " ;
double xtArgs [ 8 ] ;
xtArgs [ 0 ] = 0 ; xtArgs [ 1 ] = 0 ; xtArgs [ 2 ] = 0 ;
xtArgs [ 3 ] = 1 ; xtArgs [ 4 ] = 1 ; xtArgs [ 5 ] = 1 ;
xtArgs [ 6 ] = k * chargeDensity_ ;
xtArgs [ 7 ] = - 1. ;
const DENS_MAT & s ( sources [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] . quantity ( ) ) ;
NODE_TO_XF_MAP : : iterator XFitr ;
for ( XFitr = nodeXFMap_ . begin ( ) ; XFitr ! = nodeXFMap_ . end ( ) ; XFitr + + ) {
// evaluate voltage at each node I
// set up X_T function for integration: k*chargeDensity_/||x_I - x_s||
// integral is approximated in two parts:
// 1) near part with all faces within r < rcrit evaluated as 2 * pi * rcrit * k sigma A/A0, A is area of this region and A0 = pi * rcrit^2, so 2 k sigma A / rcrit
// 2) far part evaluated using Gaussian quadrature on faceset
DENS_VEC x ( ( XFitr - > second ) . first ) ;
xtArgs [ 0 ] = x ( 0 ) ; xtArgs [ 1 ] = x ( 1 ) ; xtArgs [ 2 ] = x ( 2 ) ;
f = XT_Function_Mgr : : instance ( ) - > function ( fname , 8 , xtArgs ) ;
for ( fsItr = surface_ . begin ( ) ; fsItr ! = surface_ . end ( ) ; fsItr + + ) {
fs [ * fsItr ] = f ;
// perform integration to get quantities at nodes on facesets
// V_J' = int_S N_J k*sigma/|x_I - x_s| dS
( atc_ - > fe_engine ( ) ) - > compute_fluxes ( fieldMask , 0. , faceSources , sources ) ;
// sum over all nodes in faceset to get total potential:
// V_I = sum_J VJ'
int node = XFitr - > first ;
nodalChargePotential_ [ node ] = s ( node , 0 ) ;
double totalPotential = 0. ;
for ( set < int > : : const_iterator n = nodes_ . begin ( ) ; n ! = nodes_ . end ( ) ; n + + ) {
totalPotential + = s ( * n , 0 ) ; }
// assign an XT function per each node and
// then call the prescribed data manager and fix each node individually.
f = XT_Function_Mgr : : instance ( ) - > constant_function ( totalPotential ) ;
( atc_ - > prescribed_data_manager ( ) ) - > fix_field ( node , ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL , 0 , f ) ;
initialized_ = true ;
// add effective forces post LAMMPS force call
void ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge : : apply_post_force ( double dt )
apply_local_forces ( ) ;
// apply_charged_surfaces
void ChargeRegulatorMethodEffectiveCharge : : apply_local_forces ( )
double * q = lammpsInterface_ - > atom_charge ( ) ;
_atomElectricalForce_ . resize ( nlocal ( ) , nsd_ ) ;
double penalty = poissonSolver_ - > penalty_coefficient ( ) ;
if ( penalty < = 0.0 ) throw ATC_Error ( " ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic::apply_charged_surfaces expecting non zero penalty " ) ;
double dx [ 3 ] ;
const DENS_MAT & xa ( ( interscaleManager_ - > per_atom_quantity ( " AtomicCoarseGrainingPositions " ) ) - > quantity ( ) ) ;
// WORKSPACE - most are static
SparseVector < double > dv ( nNodes_ ) ;
vector < SparseVector < double > > derivativeVectors ;
derivativeVectors . reserve ( nsd_ ) ;
const SPAR_MAT_VEC & shapeFunctionDerivatives ( ( interscaleManager_ - > vector_sparse_matrix ( " InterpolateGradient " ) ) - > quantity ( ) ) ;
DenseVector < INDEX > nodeIndices ;
DENS_VEC nodeValues ;
NODE_TO_XF_MAP : : const_iterator inode ;
for ( inode = nodeXFMap_ . begin ( ) ; inode ! = nodeXFMap_ . end ( ) ; inode + + ) {
int node = inode - > first ;
DENS_VEC xI = ( inode - > second ) . first ;
double qI = ( inode - > second ) . second ;
double phiI = nodalChargePotential_ [ node ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nlocal ( ) ; i + + ) {
int atom = ( atc_ - > internal_to_atom_map ( ) ) ( i ) ;
double qa = q [ atom ] ;
if ( qa ! = 0 ) {
double dxSq = 0. ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd_ ; j + + ) {
dx [ j ] = xa ( i , j ) - xI ( j ) ;
dxSq + = dx [ j ] * dx [ j ] ;
if ( dxSq < rCsq_ ) {
// first apply pairwise coulombic interaction
if ( ! useSlab_ ) {
double coulForce = qqrd2e_ * qI * qa / ( dxSq * sqrtf ( dxSq ) ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd_ ; j + + ) {
_atomElectricalForce_ ( i , j ) + = dx [ j ] * coulForce ; }
// second correct for FE potential induced by BCs
// determine shape function derivatives at atomic location
// and construct sparse vectors to store derivative data
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd_ ; j + + ) {
shapeFunctionDerivatives [ j ] - > row ( i , nodeValues , nodeIndices ) ;
derivativeVectors . push_back ( dv ) ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < nodeIndices . size ( ) ; k + + ) {
derivativeVectors [ j ] ( nodeIndices ( k ) ) = nodeValues ( k ) ; }
// compute greens function from charge quadrature
SparseVector < double > shortFePotential ( nNodes_ ) ;
shortFePotential . add_scaled ( greensFunctions_ [ node ] , penalty * phiI ) ;
// compute electric field induced by charge
DENS_VEC efield ( nsd_ ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd_ ; j + + ) {
efield ( j ) = - .1 * dot ( derivativeVectors [ j ] , shortFePotential ) ; }
// apply correction in atomic forces
double c = qV2e_ * qa ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd_ ; j + + ) {
if ( ( ! useSlab_ ) | | ( j = = nsd_ ) ) {
_atomElectricalForce_ ( i , j ) - = c * efield ( j ) ;
} ; // end namespace