
173 lines
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Raw Normal View History

W. Michael Brown (ORNL)
Class for data management of forces, torques, energies, and virials
This file is part of the LAMMPS Accelerator Library (LAMMPS_AL)
begin :
email :
#ifndef LAL_ANSWER_H
#define LAL_ANSWER_H
#include <cmath>
#include "mpi.h"
#if defined(USE_OPENCL)
#include "geryon/ocl_timer.h"
#include "geryon/ocl_mat.h"
using namespace ucl_opencl;
#elif defined(USE_CUDART)
#include "geryon/nvc_timer.h"
#include "geryon/nvc_mat.h"
using namespace ucl_cudart;
#include "geryon/nvd_timer.h"
#include "geryon/nvd_mat.h"
using namespace ucl_cudadr;
#include "lal_precision.h"
namespace LAMMPS_AL {
template <class numtyp, class acctyp>
class Answer {
~Answer() { clear(); }
/// Current number of local atoms stored
inline int inum() const { return _inum; }
/// Set number of local atoms for future copy operations
inline void inum(const int n) { _inum=n; }
/// Return the maximum number of atoms that can be stored currently
inline int max_inum() const { return _max_local; }
/// Return the number of fields used for energy and virial
inline int ev_fields(const int mode) const {
return (mode == 1) ? _ev_fields : _e_fields;
/// Memory usage per atom in this class
int bytes_per_atom() const;
/// Clear any previous data and set up for a new LAMMPS run
/** \param rot True if atom storage needs quaternions **/
bool init(const int inum, const bool charge, const bool rot, UCL_Device &dev);
/// Check if we have enough device storage and realloc if not
inline void resize(const int inum, bool &success) {
if (inum>_max_local) {
success=success && (force.resize(_max_local*_ans_fields)==UCL_SUCCESS);
success=success && (engv.resize(_max_local*_ev_fields)==UCL_SUCCESS);
/// If already initialized by another LAMMPS style, add fields as necessary
/** \param rot True if atom storage needs quaternions **/
bool add_fields(const bool charge, const bool rot);
/// Free all memory on host and device
void clear();
/// Return the total amount of host memory used by class in bytes
double host_memory_usage() const;
/// Add copy times to timers
inline void acc_timers() {
/// Add copy times to timers
inline void zero_timers() {;
/// Return the total time for host/device data transfer
inline double transfer_time() {
return time_answer.total_seconds();
/// Return the total time for data cast/pack
inline double cast_time() { return _time_cast; }
/// Return number of bytes used on device
inline double gpu_bytes() { return _gpu_bytes; }
// -------------------------COPY FROM GPU -------------------------------
/// Copy answers from device into read buffer asynchronously
void copy_answers(const bool eflag, const bool vflag,
const bool ef_atom, const bool vf_atom);
/// Copy answers from device into read buffer asynchronously
void copy_answers(const bool eflag, const bool vflag,
const bool ef_atom, const bool vf_atom, int *ilist);
/// Copy energy and virial data into LAMMPS memory
double energy_virial(double *eatom, double **vatom, double *virial);
/// Copy energy and virial data into LAMMPS memory
double energy_virial(double *eatom, double **vatom, double *virial,
double &ecoul);
/// Add forces and torques from the GPU into a LAMMPS pointer
void get_answers(double **f, double **tor);
inline double get_answers(double **f, double **tor, double *eatom,
double **vatom, double *virial, double &ecoul) {
double ta=MPI_Wtime();
double ts=MPI_Wtime();
double evdw=energy_virial(eatom,vatom,virial,ecoul);
return evdw;
/// Return the time the CPU was idle waiting for GPU
inline double cpu_idle_time() { return _time_cpu_idle; }
/// Change the command queue used for copies and timers
void cq(const int cq_index);
// ------------------------------ DATA ----------------------------------
/// Force and possibly torque
UCL_Vector<acctyp,acctyp> force;
/// Energy and virial per-atom storage
UCL_Vector<acctyp,acctyp> engv;
/// Device timers
UCL_Timer time_answer;
/// Geryon device
UCL_Device *dev;
bool alloc(const int inum);
bool _allocated, _eflag, _vflag, _ef_atom, _vf_atom, _rot, _charge, _other;
int _max_local, _inum, _e_fields, _ev_fields, _ans_fields;
int *_ilist;
double _time_cast, _time_cpu_idle;
double _gpu_bytes;
bool _newton;