forked from lijiext/lammps
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#include "Matrix.h"
#include "DenseMatrix.h"
#include "PolynomialSolver.h"
namespace ATC_matrix {
//* performs a matrix-matrix multiply with optional transposes BLAS version
// C = b*C + a*A*B
void MultAB(const MATRIX &A, const MATRIX &B, DENS_MAT &C,
const bool At, const bool Bt, double a, double b)
static char t[2] = {'N','T'};
char *ta=t+At, *tb=t+Bt;
int sA[2] = {A.nRows(), A.nCols()}; // sizes of A
int sB[2] = {B.nRows(), B.nCols()}; // sizes of B
GCK(A, B, sA[!At]!=sB[Bt], "MultAB<double>: matrix-matrix multiply");
if (!C.is_size(sA[At],sB[!Bt]))
if (b != 0.0);
// get pointers to the matrix sizes needed by BLAS
int *M = sA+At; // # of rows in op[A] (op[A] = A' if At='T' else A)
int *N = sB+!Bt; // # of cols in op[B]
int *K = sA+!At; // # of cols in op[A] or # of rows in op[B]
double *pa=A.ptr(), *pb=B.ptr(), *pc=C.ptr();
dgemm_(ta, tb, M, N, K, &a, pa, sA, pb, sB, &b, pc, M);
dgemm_(tb, ta, N, M, K, &a, pb, sB+1, pa, sA+1, &b, pc, N);
//* returns the inverse of a double precision matrix
DenseMatrix<double> inv(const MATRIX& A)
SQCK(A, "DenseMatrix::inv(), matrix not square"); // check matrix is square
DENS_MAT invA(A); // Make copy of A to invert
// setup for call to BLAS
int m, info, lwork=-1;
m = invA.nRows();
int *ipiv = new int[m<<1]; // need 2m storage
int *iwork=ipiv+m;
dgetrf_(&m,&m,invA.ptr(),&m,ipiv,&info); // compute LU factorization
GCK(A,A,info<0,"DenseMatrix::inv() dgetrf error: Argument had bad value.");
GCK(A,A,info>0,"DenseMatrix::inv() dgetrf error: Matrix not invertible.");
if (info > 0) {
delete [] ipiv;
invA = 0;
return invA;
// LU factorization succeeded
// Compute 1-norm of original matrix for use with dgecon
char norm = '1'; // Use 1-norm
double rcond, anorm, *workc = new double[4*m];
anorm = dlange_(&norm,&m,&m,A.ptr(),&m,workc);
// Condition number estimation (warn if bad)
GCK(A,A,info<0, "DenseMatrix::inv(): dgecon error: Argument had bad value.");
GCK(A,A,rcond<1e-14,"DenseMatrix::inv(): Matrix nearly singular, RCOND<e-14");
// Now determine optimal work size for computation of matrix inverse
double work_dummy[2] = {0.0,0.0};
dgetri_(&m, invA.ptr(), &m, ipiv, work_dummy, &lwork, &info);
GCK(A,A,info<0,"DenseMatrix::inv() dgetri error: Argument had bad value.");
GCHK(info>0,"DenseMatrix::inv() dgetri error: Matrix not invertible.");
// Work size query succeded
lwork = (int)work_dummy[0];
double *work = new double[lwork]; // Allocate vector of appropriate size
// Compute and store matrix inverse
GCK(A,A,info<0,"DenseMatrix::inv() dgetri error: Argument had bad value.");
GCHK(info>0,"DenseMatrix::inv() dgetri error: Matrix not invertible.");
// Clean-up
delete [] ipiv;
delete [] workc;
delete [] work;
return invA;
//* returns all eigenvalues & e-vectors of a pair of double precision matrices
DenseMatrix<double> eigensystem(const MATRIX& AA, const MATRIX & BB,
DenseMatrix<double> & eVals, bool normalize)
DENS_MAT A(AA); // Make copy of A
int m = A.nRows(); // size
eVals.resize(m,1); // eigenvectors
SQCK(A, "DenseMatrix::eigensystem(), matrix not square"); // check matrix is square
SQCK(B, "DenseMatrix::eigensystem(), matrix not square"); // check matrix is square
SSCK(A, B, "DenseMatrix::eigensystem(), not same size");// check same size
// workspace
int lwork=-1; //1+(NB+6+2*NMAX)*NMAX)
double tmp[1];
double *work = tmp;
int liwork = -1; // 3+5*NMAX
int itmp[1];
int *iwork = itmp;
// Solve the generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem
// A*x = lambda*B*x (ITYPE = 1)
// only accesses upper triangle
char vectors[] = "Vectors", upper[] = "Upper";
int type = 1, info;
// query optimal sizes
// returns optimal sizes LWOPT = WORK(1), LIWOPT = IWORK(1)
lwork = int(work[0]);
liwork = iwork[0];
work = new double[lwork];
iwork = new int[liwork];
GCK(A,B,info!=0,"DenseMatrix::eigensystem(), error");
// normalize
if (normalize) {
for (int j = 0; j < A.nCols(); j++) {
double scale = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < A.nRows(); i++) {
scale += A(i,j)*A(i,j);
scale = 1.0/sqrt(scale);
for (int i = 0; i < A.nRows(); i++) {
A(i,j) *= scale;
//(A.transpose()).print("normalized e-vectors");
delete [] work;
delete [] iwork;
//return A.transpose();
return A; // column storage
//* returns (1-norm) condition number
double condition_number(const MATRIX& AA)
DenseMatrix<double> eVals, I;
eigensystem(AA, I, eVals);
// [1] William W. Hager, "Condition Estimates," SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 5, 1984, 311-316, 1984.
// [2] Nicholas J. Higham and Françoise Tisseur, "A Block Algorithm for Matrix 1-Norm Estimation with an Application to 1-Norm Pseudospectra, "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 21, 1185-1201, 2000.
double max = eVals.maxabs();
double min = eVals.minabs();
return max/min;
//* returns polar decomposition of a square double precision matrix via SVD
DenseMatrix<double> polar_decomposition(const MATRIX& AA,
DenseMatrix<double> & rotation,
DenseMatrix<double> & stretch,
bool leftRotation)
DENS_MAT A(AA); // Make copy of A
SQCK(A, "DenseMatrix::polar_decomposition(), matrix not square");
int m = A.nRows(); // size
DENS_MAT D(m,1);
DENS_MAT U(m,m), VT(m,m); // left and right SVD rotations
// workspace
int lwork=-1;
double tmp[1];
double *work = tmp;
// calculate singular value decomposition A = U D V^T
char type[] = "A"; // all columns are returned
int info;
// query optimal sizes
work,&lwork,&info); // simple: svd, div&conq: sdd
lwork = int(work[0]); // returns optimal size LWOPT = WORK(1)
work = new double[lwork];
// compute SVD
//GCK(A,B,info!=0,"DenseMatrix::polar_decomposition(), error");
GCK(A,A,info!=0,"DenseMatrix::polar_decomposition(), error");
delete [] work;
rotation = U*VT;
// A = R' U' = (U V^T) (V D V^T)
//if (leftRotation) { stretch = (VT.transpose())*D*VT; }
if (leftRotation) {
DENS_MAT V = VT.transpose();
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
stretch(i,j) = V(i,j)*D(j,0);
stretch = stretch*VT;
// A = V' R' = (U D U^T) (U V^T)
//else { stretch = U*D*(U.transpose()); }
else {
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
stretch(i,j) = U(i,j)*D(j,0);
stretch = stretch*(U.transpose());
return D;
//* computes the determinant of a square matrix by LU decomposition (if n>3)
double det(const MATRIX& A)
static const double sign[2] = {1.0, -1.0};
SQCK(A, "Matrix::det(), matrix not square"); // check matrix is square
int m = A.nRows();
switch (m) // explicit determinant for small matrix sizes
case 1: return A(0,0);
case 2: return A(0,0)*A(1,1)-A(0,1)*A(1,0);
case 3:
return A(0,0)*(A(1,1)*A(2,2)-A(1,2)*A(2,1))
+ A(0,1)*(A(1,2)*A(2,0)-A(1,0)*A(2,2))
+ A(0,2)*(A(1,0)*A(2,1)-A(1,1)*A(2,0));
default: break;
// First compute LU factorization
int info, *ipiv = new int[m];
double det = 1.0;
GCK(A,A,info>0,"Matrix::det() dgetrf error: Bad argument value.");
if (!info) // matrix is non-singular
// Compute det(A) = det(P)*det(L)*det(U) = +/-1 * det(U)
int i, OddNumPivots;
det = PLUA(0,0);
OddNumPivots = ipiv[0]!=(1);
for(i=1; i<m; i++)
det *= PLUA(i,i);
OddNumPivots += (ipiv[i]!=(i+1)); // # pivots even/odd
det *= sign[OddNumPivots&1];
delete [] ipiv; // Clean-up
return det;
//* Returns the maximum eigenvalue of a matrix.
double max_eigenvalue(const Matrix<double>& A)
GCK(A,A,!A.is_size(3,3), "max_eigenvalue only implimented for 3x3");
const double c0 = det(A);
const double c1 = A(1,0)*A(0,1) + A(2,0)*A(0,2) + A(1,2)*A(2,1)
- A(0,0)*A(1,1) - A(0,0)*A(2,2) - A(1,1)*A(2,2);
const double c2 = trace(A);
double c[4] = {c0, c1, c2, -1.0}, x[3];
int num_roots = ATC::solve_cubic(c, x);
double max_root = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<num_roots; i++) max_root = std::max(x[i], max_root);
return max_root;
} // end namescape