2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
// ATC Headers
# include "ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic.h"
# include "PhysicsModel.h"
# include "ATC_Error.h"
# include "FieldEulerIntegrator.h"
# include "ATC_Coupling.h"
# include "LammpsInterface.h"
# include "PrescribedDataManager.h"
# include "PoissonSolver.h"
# include "PerAtomQuantityLibrary.h"
# include "AtomToMoleculeTransfer.h"
# include "MoleculeSet.h"
# include "ChargeRegulator.h"
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
# include <set>
using std : : string ;
using std : : vector ;
using std : : map ;
using std : : pair ;
using std : : set ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
namespace ATC {
// Class ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic
// Constructor
ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic
( ExtrinsicModelManager * modelManager ,
ExtrinsicModelType modelType ,
string matFileName ) :
ExtrinsicModel ( modelManager , modelType , matFileName ) ,
poissonSolverType_ ( DIRECT ) , // ITERATIVE | DIRECT
poissonSolverTol_ ( 0 ) ,
poissonSolverMaxIter_ ( 0 ) ,
poissonSolver_ ( NULL ) ,
maxSolves_ ( 0 ) ,
baseSize_ ( 0 ) ,
chargeRegulator_ ( NULL ) ,
useSlab_ ( false ) ,
includeShortRange_ ( true ) ,
atomForces_ ( NULL ) ,
nodalAtomicCharge_ ( NULL ) ,
nodalAtomicGhostCharge_ ( NULL )
physicsModel_ = new PhysicsModelSpeciesElectrostatic ( matFileName ) ;
// set up correct masks for coupling
rhsMaskIntrinsic_ . reset ( NUM_FIELDS , NUM_FLUX ) ;
rhsMaskIntrinsic_ = false ;
if ( atc_ - > track_charge ( ) ) {
if ( ! chargeRegulator_ ) chargeRegulator_ = new ChargeRegulator ( atc_ ) ;
// Destructor
ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : ~ ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic ( )
if ( poissonSolver_ ) delete poissonSolver_ ;
if ( chargeRegulator_ ) delete chargeRegulator_ ;
// modify
bool ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : modify ( int narg , char * * arg )
bool match = false ;
int argIndx = 0 ;
/** */
if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " poisson_solver " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " max_solves " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
maxSolves_ = atoi ( arg [ argIndx ] ) ; }
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " tolerance " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
poissonSolverTol_ = atof ( arg [ argIndx ] ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " max_iterations " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
poissonSolverMaxIter_ = atoi ( arg [ argIndx ] ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " iterative " ) = = 0 ) {
poissonSolverType_ = ITERATIVE ; }
else {
poissonSolverType_ = DIRECT ; }
match = true ;
} // end "poisson_solver"
/** creates fixed charge on faceset
units on surface charge density are lammps charge units / lammps length units ^ 2
fix_modify ATC extrinsic fix_charge faceset_id value
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " fix_charge " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
string facesetName ( arg [ argIndx ] ) ;
argIndx + + ;
double chargeDensity = atof ( arg [ argIndx ] ) ;
surfaceCharges_ [ facesetName ] = chargeDensity ;
match = true ;
/** */
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " unfix_charge " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
string fsetName ( arg [ argIndx ] ) ;
throw ATC_Error ( " Ability to unfix charge not yet implemented " ) ;
match = true ;
# endif
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " control " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " charge " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
if ( ! atc_ - > track_charge ( ) ) throw ATC_Error ( " must have charges to regulate " ) ;
match = chargeRegulator_ - > modify ( narg - argIndx , & arg [ argIndx ] ) ;
/** switch to use slabbing */
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " slab " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " on " ) = = 0 ) {
useSlab_ = true ;
match = true ;
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " off " ) = = 0 ) {
useSlab_ = false ;
match = true ;
2020-03-14 11:38:28 +08:00
/** switch to account for short range interfaces */
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " short_range " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndx + + ;
if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " on " ) = = 0 ) {
includeShortRange_ = true ;
match = true ;
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndx ] , " off " ) = = 0 ) {
includeShortRange_ = false ;
match = true ;
return match ;
// initialize
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : construct_transfers ( )
// add charge density transfer operator
if ( atc_ - > track_charge ( ) ) {
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
// make sure we have gradients at atoms
VectorDependencyManager < SPAR_MAT * > * interpolantGradient = interscaleManager . vector_sparse_matrix ( " InterpolantGradient " ) ;
if ( ! interpolantGradient ) {
interpolantGradient = new PerAtomShapeFunctionGradient ( atc_ ) ;
interscaleManager . add_vector_sparse_matrix ( interpolantGradient ,
" InterpolantGradient " ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
FundamentalAtomQuantity * atomicCharge =
interscaleManager . fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_CHARGE ) ;
AtfShapeFunctionRestriction * nodalAtomicCharge =
new AtfShapeFunctionRestriction ( atc_ , atomicCharge , atc_ - > accumulant ( ) ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( nodalAtomicCharge , " NodalAtomicCharge " ) ;
AtfShapeFunctionMdProjection * nodalAtomicChargeDensity =
new AtfShapeFunctionMdProjection ( atc_ , nodalAtomicCharge , MASS_DENSITY ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( nodalAtomicChargeDensity , " NodalAtomicChargeDensity " ) ;
// get the total charge and dipole moment at the node per molecule
// small molecules require per atom quantities with ghosts
const map < string , pair < MolSize , int > > & moleculeIds ( atc_ - > molecule_ids ( ) ) ;
map < string , pair < MolSize , int > > : : const_iterator molecule ;
PerAtomQuantity < double > * atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions = interscaleManager . per_atom_quantity ( " AtomicProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions " ) ;
FundamentalAtomQuantity * charge = interscaleManager . fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_CHARGE ,
for ( molecule = moleculeIds . begin ( ) ; molecule ! = moleculeIds . end ( ) ; molecule + + ) {
const string moleculeName = molecule - > first ;
SmallMoleculeSet * smallMoleculeSet = interscaleManager . small_molecule_set ( moleculeName ) ;
// calculate nodal charge from the molecules
AtomToSmallMoleculeTransfer < double > * moleculeCharge =
new AtomToSmallMoleculeTransfer < double > ( atc_ , charge , smallMoleculeSet ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( moleculeCharge , " MoleculeCharge " + moleculeName ) ;
MotfShapeFunctionRestriction * nodalAtomicMoleculeCharge =
new MotfShapeFunctionRestriction ( moleculeCharge ,
interscaleManager . sparse_matrix ( " ShapeFunction " + moleculeName ) ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( nodalAtomicMoleculeCharge , " NodalMoleculeCharge " + moleculeName ) ;
AtfShapeFunctionMdProjection * nodalAtomicMoleculeChargeDensity =
new AtfShapeFunctionMdProjection ( atc_ , nodalAtomicMoleculeCharge , MASS_DENSITY ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( nodalAtomicMoleculeChargeDensity , " NodalMoleculeChargeDensity " + moleculeName ) ;
// dipole moment density
// calculate the dipole moment of the molecules
SmallMoleculeCentroid * moleculeCentroid = static_cast < SmallMoleculeCentroid * > ( interscaleManager . dense_matrix ( " MoleculeCentroid " + moleculeName ) ) ;
SmallMoleculeDipoleMoment * dipoleMoment =
new SmallMoleculeDipoleMoment ( atc_ , charge , smallMoleculeSet , atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions , moleculeCentroid ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( dipoleMoment , " DipoleMoment " + moleculeName ) ;
MotfShapeFunctionRestriction * nodalAtomicMoleculeDipole =
new MotfShapeFunctionRestriction ( dipoleMoment ,
interscaleManager . sparse_matrix ( " ShapeFunction " + moleculeName ) ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( nodalAtomicMoleculeDipole , " NodalMoleculeDipole " + moleculeName ) ;
AtfShapeFunctionMdProjection * nodalAtomicMoleculeDipoleDensity =
new AtfShapeFunctionMdProjection ( atc_ , nodalAtomicMoleculeDipole , MASS_DENSITY ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( nodalAtomicMoleculeDipoleDensity , " NodalMoleculeDipoleDensity " + moleculeName ) ;
// initialize
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : initialize ( )
ExtrinsicModel : : initialize ( ) ;
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager = atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ;
int nNodes = atc_ - > num_nodes ( ) ;
atomForces_ = interscaleManager . fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_FORCE ) ;
rhs_ [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] . reset ( nNodes , 1 ) ;
// set fixed potential surfaces form charged surfaces
map < string , double > : : const_iterator isurface ;
for ( isurface = surfaceCharges_ . begin ( ) ; isurface ! = surfaceCharges_ . end ( ) ; isurface + + )
add_charged_surface ( isurface - > first , isurface - > second ) ;
# endif
// set up poisson solver
rhsMask_ . reset ( NUM_FIELDS , NUM_FLUX ) ;
rhsMask_ = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_FLUX ; i + + ) {
rhsMask_ ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL , i ) = atc_ - > fieldMask_ ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL , i ) ;
rhsMask_ ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL , FLUX ) = false ; // for poisson solve & rhs compute
// need to create the bcs for the solver to configure properly
atc_ - > set_fixed_nodes ( ) ;
if ( poissonSolver_ ) delete poissonSolver_ ;
int type = ATC : : LinearSolver : : ITERATIVE_SOLVE_SYMMETRIC ;
if ( poissonSolverType_ = = DIRECT ) {
type = ATC : : LinearSolver : : DIRECT_SOLVE ;
poissonSolver_ = new PoissonSolver ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ,
physicsModel_ , atc_ - > feEngine_ ,
atc_ - > prescribedDataMgr_ , atc_ ,
rhsMask_ , type , true ) ;
if ( poissonSolverTol_ ) poissonSolver_ - > set_tolerance ( poissonSolverTol_ ) ;
if ( poissonSolverMaxIter_ ) poissonSolver_ - > set_max_iterations ( poissonSolverMaxIter_ ) ;
poissonSolver_ - > initialize ( ) ;
// initialize localized Green's function for FE electric field correction
if ( atc_ - > track_charge ( ) & & includeShortRange_ ) {
greensFunctions_ . reserve ( nNodes ) ;
// set up Green's function per node
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nNodes ; i + + ) {
set < int > localNodes ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nNodes ; j + + )
localNodes . insert ( j ) ;
// call Poisson solver to get Green's function for node i
DENS_VEC globalGreensFunction ;
poissonSolver_ - > greens_function ( i , globalGreensFunction ) ;
// store green's functions as sparse vectors only on local nodes
set < int > : : const_iterator thisNode ;
SparseVector < double > sparseGreensFunction ( nNodes ) ;
for ( thisNode = localNodes . begin ( ) ; thisNode ! = localNodes . end ( ) ; thisNode + + )
sparseGreensFunction ( * thisNode ) = globalGreensFunction ( * thisNode ) ;
greensFunctions_ . push_back ( sparseGreensFunction ) ;
if ( atc_ - > track_charge ( ) ) {
double * q = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > atom_charge ( ) ;
if ( ! q ) throw ATC_Error ( " charge tracking requested but charge pointer is null " ) ;
nodalAtomicCharge_ = interscaleManager . dense_matrix ( " NodalAtomicCharge " ) ;
if ( ! nodalAtomicCharge_ ) {
FundamentalAtomQuantity * atomCharge = interscaleManager . fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_CHARGE ) ;
nodalAtomicCharge_ = new AtfShapeFunctionRestriction ( atc_ , atomCharge ,
atc_ - > accumulant ( ) ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( nodalAtomicCharge_ , " NodalAtomicCharge " ) ;
if ( atc_ - > groupbitGhost_ ) {
nodalAtomicGhostCharge_ = interscaleManager . dense_matrix ( " NodalAtomicGhostCharge " ) ;
if ( ! nodalAtomicGhostCharge_ ) {
FundamentalAtomQuantity * ghostCharge = interscaleManager . fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_CHARGE , GHOST ) ;
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
PerAtomSparseMatrix < double > * ghostShapeFunctions = interscaleManager . per_atom_sparse_matrix ( " InterpolantGhost " ) ;
if ( ! ghostShapeFunctions ) {
ghostShapeFunctions = new PerAtomShapeFunction ( atc_ ,
interscaleManager . per_atom_quantity ( " AtomicGhostCoarseGrainingPositions " ) ,
interscaleManager . per_atom_int_quantity ( " AtomGhostElement " ) ,
interscaleManager . add_per_atom_sparse_matrix ( ghostShapeFunctions , " InterpolantGhost " ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
nodalAtomicGhostCharge_ = new AtfShapeFunctionRestriction ( atc_ , ghostCharge ,
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
ghostShapeFunctions ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix ( nodalAtomicGhostCharge_ , " NodalAtomicGhostCharge " ) ;
if ( chargeRegulator_ ) {
if ( ! poissonSolver_ ) throw ATC_Error ( " passing of Poisson solver from ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic to ChargeRegulator failed " ) ;
chargeRegulator_ - > assign_poisson_solver ( poissonSolver_ ) ;
chargeRegulator_ - > construct_methods ( ) ;
chargeRegulator_ - > initialize ( ) ;
// set initial force
post_force ( ) ;
// pre final integration
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : post_init_integrate ( )
if ( chargeRegulator_ ) chargeRegulator_ - > apply_pre_force ( atc_ - > dt ( ) ) ;
// post force
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : post_force ( )
if ( chargeRegulator_ ) chargeRegulator_ - > apply_post_force ( atc_ - > dt ( ) ) ;
// add in correction accounting for lumped mass matrix in charge density
// in atomistic part of domain & account for physics model fluxes,resets rhs
// set Dirchlet data
atc_ - > set_fixed_nodes ( ) ;
// set sources
( atc_ - > prescribed_data_manager ( ) ) - > set_sources ( atc_ - > time ( ) + 0.5 * ( atc_ - > dt ( ) ) , atc_ - > sources ( ) ) ;
// compute Poisson equation RHS sources
atc_ - > compute_rhs_vector ( rhsMask_ , atc_ - > fields_ , rhs_ , atc_ - > source_integration ( ) , physicsModel_ ) ;
// add atomic charges to rhs
DENS_MAT & rhs = rhs_ [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] . set_quantity ( ) ;
if ( atc_ - > track_charge ( ) ) {
rhs + = nodalAtomicCharge_ - > quantity ( ) ;
if ( nodalAtomicGhostCharge_ ) {
rhs + = nodalAtomicGhostCharge_ - > quantity ( ) ;
// solve poisson eqn for electric potential
// electron charge density added to Poisson RHS in solver
DENS_MAT & potential = ( atc_ - > field ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ) ) . set_quantity ( ) ;
if ( maxSolves_ = = 0 | | ( atc_ - > local_step ( ) < maxSolves_ ) ) {
// rhs.print("RHS");
bool converged = poissonSolver_ - > solve ( potential , rhs ) ;
if ( ! converged ) throw ATC_Error ( " Poisson solver did not converge in ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic " ) ;
// do this for intrinsic charges or effective electron charges at atoms
if ( atc_ - > track_charge ( )
| | ( LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > atom_charge ( ) & & atc_ - > source_atomic_quadrature ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ) ) ) {
_atomElectricalForce_ . resize ( atc_ - > nlocal ( ) , atc_ - > nsd ( ) ) ;
add_electrostatic_forces ( potential ) ;
if ( includeShortRange_ )
apply_charged_surfaces ( potential ) ;
# endif
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager_ = atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ;
atomForces_ = interscaleManager_ . fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_FORCE ) ;
( * atomForces_ ) + = _atomElectricalForce_ ; // f_E in ours, f in lammps ultimately
// output
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : output ( OUTPUT_LIST & outputData )
double scale = 1. / ( LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > ftm2v ( ) ) ;
double localF [ 3 ] ;
if ( _atomElectricalForce_ . nRows ( ) > 0 ) {
localF [ 0 ] = scale * ( _atomElectricalForce_ ) . col_sum ( 0 ) ;
localF [ 1 ] = scale * ( _atomElectricalForce_ ) . col_sum ( 1 ) ;
localF [ 2 ] = scale * ( _atomElectricalForce_ ) . col_sum ( 2 ) ;
else {
localF [ 0 ] = 0. ; localF [ 1 ] = 0. ; localF [ 2 ] = 0. ;
LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > allsum ( localF , totalElectricalForce_ , 3 ) ;
if ( LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > rank_zero ( ) ) {
atc_ - > feEngine_ - > add_global ( " electrostatic_force_x " , totalElectricalForce_ [ 0 ] ) ;
atc_ - > feEngine_ - > add_global ( " electrostatic_force_y " , totalElectricalForce_ [ 1 ] ) ;
atc_ - > feEngine_ - > add_global ( " electrostatic_force_z " , totalElectricalForce_ [ 2 ] ) ;
// add in FE fields related to charge
FIELDS & fields ( atc_ - > fields ( ) ) ;
FIELDS : : const_iterator rhoField = fields . find ( CHARGE_DENSITY ) ;
if ( rhoField ! = fields . end ( ) ) {
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
const DENS_MAN * atomicChargeDensity ( interscaleManager . dense_matrix ( " NodalAtomicChargeDensity " ) ) ;
atc_ - > nodal_atomic_field ( CHARGE_DENSITY ) = atomicChargeDensity - > quantity ( ) ;
fields [ CHARGE_DENSITY ] = atomicChargeDensity - > quantity ( ) ;
DENS_MAT & chargeDensity ( fields [ CHARGE_DENSITY ] . set_quantity ( ) ) ;
DENS_MAT & nodalAtomicChargeDensity ( ( atc_ - > nodal_atomic_field ( CHARGE_DENSITY ) ) . set_quantity ( ) ) ;
if ( ( atc_ - > lammps_interface ( ) ) - > rank_zero ( ) ) {
outputData [ " charge_density " ] = & chargeDensity ;
outputData [ " NodalAtomicChargeDensity " ] = & nodalAtomicChargeDensity ;
if ( fields . find ( ELECTRON_DENSITY ) = = fields . end ( ) ) {
fields [ ELECTRON_DENSITY ] . reset ( fields [ CHARGE_DENSITY ] . nRows ( ) , 1 ) ;
DENS_MAT & electronDensity ( fields [ ELECTRON_DENSITY ] . set_quantity ( ) ) ;
if ( ( atc_ - > lammps_interface ( ) ) - > rank_zero ( ) ) {
outputData [ " electron_density " ] = & electronDensity ;
const map < string , pair < MolSize , int > > & moleculeIds ( atc_ - > molecule_ids ( ) ) ;
map < string , pair < MolSize , int > > : : const_iterator molecule ;
for ( molecule = moleculeIds . begin ( ) ; molecule ! = moleculeIds . end ( ) ; molecule + + ) {
// net charge
DENS_MAN & nodalMoleculeChargeDensityOut ( atc_ - > tagged_dens_man ( " NodalMoleculeChargeDensity " + molecule - > first ) ) ;
DENS_MAN * nodalMoleculeChargeDensity ( ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) . dense_matrix ( " NodalMoleculeChargeDensity " + molecule - > first ) ) ;
nodalMoleculeChargeDensityOut = nodalMoleculeChargeDensity - > quantity ( ) ;
// dipole moment
DENS_MAN & nodalMoleculeDipoleDensityOut ( atc_ - > tagged_dens_man ( " NodalMoleculeDipoleDensity " + molecule - > first ) ) ;
DENS_MAN * nodalMoleculeDipoleDensity ( ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) . dense_matrix ( " NodalMoleculeDipoleDensity " + molecule - > first ) ) ;
nodalMoleculeDipoleDensityOut = nodalMoleculeDipoleDensity - > quantity ( ) ;
if ( chargeRegulator_ ) chargeRegulator_ - > output ( outputData ) ;
// size_vector
int ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : size_vector ( int intrinsicSize )
baseSize_ = intrinsicSize ;
return 5 ;
// compute_scalar : added energy = - f.x
double ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : compute_scalar ( void )
const DENS_MAT & atomPosition = ( ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) . fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_POSITION ) ) - > quantity ( ) ;
double local_fdotx = 0 , fdotx ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _atomElectricalForce_ . nRows ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < _atomElectricalForce_ . nCols ( ) ; j + + ) {
local_fdotx - = _atomElectricalForce_ ( i , j ) * atomPosition ( i , j ) ;
LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > allsum ( & local_fdotx , & fdotx , 1 ) ;
// convert
fdotx * = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > mvv2e ( ) ;
return fdotx ;
// compute_vector
bool ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : compute_vector ( int n , double & value )
if ( n = = baseSize_ ) {
double nSum = ( ( atc_ - > field ( ELECTRON_DENSITY ) ) . quantity ( ) ) . col_sum ( ) ;
value = nSum ;
return true ;
else if ( n > baseSize_ & & n < baseSize_ + 4 ) {
int dof = n - baseSize_ - 1 ;
double localF = ( _atomElectricalForce_ ) . col_sum ( dof ) , F = 0 ;
LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > allsum ( & localF , & F , 1 ) ;
double ftm2v = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > ftm2v ( ) ;
value = F / ftm2v ;
return true ;
else if ( n = = baseSize_ + 4 ) {
double nSum = ( ( atc_ - > field ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ) ) . quantity ( ) ) . col_sum ( ) ;
value = nSum ;
return true ;
return false ;
// add_electrostatic_forces
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : add_electrostatic_forces
( MATRIX & potential )
//double qE2f = LammpsInterface::instance()->qe2f();
double qV2e = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > qv2e ( ) ; // charge volts to our energy units
//double ** f = LammpsInterface::instance()->fatom();
double * q = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > atom_charge ( ) ;
// f_ai = \sum_IJ N_Ia Bi_IJ phi_J = \sum_I N_Ia Ei_I
int nsd = atc_ - > nsd ( ) ;
int nLocal = atc_ - > nlocal ( ) ;
DENS_MAT E ( nLocal , nsd ) ;
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
const SPAR_MAT_VEC & shapeFucntionDerivatives ( ( ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) . vector_sparse_matrix ( " InterpolantGradient " ) ) - > quantity ( ) ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
if ( nLocal > 0 ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nsd ; i + + ) {
CLON_VEC Ei = column ( E , i ) ;
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
Ei = - 1. * ( * ( shapeFucntionDerivatives [ i ] ) * potential ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
int dimOffset = 0 ;
if ( useSlab_ ) dimOffset = nsd - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nLocal ; i + + ) {
int atomIdx = atc_ - > internalToAtom_ ( i ) ;
double c = qV2e * q [ atomIdx ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < dimOffset ; j + + )
_atomElectricalForce_ ( i , j ) = 0. ;
for ( int j = dimOffset ; j < nsd ; j + + )
_atomElectricalForce_ ( i , j ) = c * E ( i , j ) ;
// correct field for short range interactions
if ( includeShortRange_ )
correct_electrostatic_forces ( ) ;
// correct_electrostatic_forces
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : correct_electrostatic_forces ( )
// compute restricted sparse shape function set for each atom
// to account for its Green's Function
//double qE2f = LammpsInterface::instance()->qe2f();
double qV2e = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > qv2e ( ) ;
double * q = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > atom_charge ( ) ;
vector < SparseVector < double > > atomicFePotential ;
int nLocal = atc_ - > nlocal ( ) ;
int nGhostLammps = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > nghost ( ) ;
int nLocalLammps = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > nlocal ( ) ;
int nLocalTotal = nLocalLammps + nGhostLammps ; // total number of atoms on this processor
atomicFePotential . reserve ( nLocalTotal ) ;
SparseVector < double > dummy ( atc_ - > num_nodes ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nLocalTotal ; i + + )
atomicFePotential . push_back ( dummy ) ;
// compute local potential contributions from atoms on this processor
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
const SPAR_MAT & myShpFcn ( ( interscaleManager . per_atom_sparse_matrix ( " Interpolant " ) ) - > quantity ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nLocal ; i + + ) {
DenseVector < INDEX > nodeIndices ;
DENS_VEC nodeValues ;
myShpFcn . row ( i , nodeValues , nodeIndices ) ;
int atomIdx = atc_ - > internalToAtom_ ( i ) ;
//double c = qE2f*q[atomIdx];
//double c = qV2e*q[atomIdx];
//nodeValues *= c;
nodeValues * = q [ atomIdx ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nodeIndices . size ( ) ; j + + )
atomicFePotential [ atomIdx ] . add_scaled ( greensFunctions_ [ nodeIndices ( j ) ] , nodeValues ( j ) ) ;
// compute local potential contribtutions for lammps ghost atoms
// which are known to ATC,
// this will grab both processor and periodic neighbors,
// so we need to add in neighbor contributions using lammps indices
// rather than atc indices or we could potentially
// double count periodic contributions
double * * xatom = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > xatom ( ) ;
const int * mask = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > atom_mask ( ) ;
int nodesPerElement = ( ( atc_ - > feEngine_ ) - > fe_mesh ( ) ) - > num_nodes_per_element ( ) ;
int nsd = atc_ - > nsd ( ) ;
for ( int i = nLocalLammps ; i < nLocalTotal ; i + + ) {
if ( mask [ i ] & atc_ - > groupbit_ ) {
DENS_VEC coords ( nsd ) ;
coords . copy ( xatom [ i ] , nsd ) ;
Array < int > nodeIndices ( nodesPerElement ) ;
DENS_VEC nodeValues ( nodesPerElement ) ;
( atc_ - > feEngine_ ) - > shape_functions ( coords , nodeValues , nodeIndices ) ;
//double c = qV2e*q[i];
//nodeValues *= c;
nodeValues * = q [ i ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nodeIndices . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
atomicFePotential [ i ] . add_scaled ( greensFunctions_ [ nodeIndices ( j ) ] , nodeValues ( j ) ) ;
// Get sparse vectors of derivatives at each atom
// to compute this only when the shape functions change
vector < vector < SparseVector < double > > > atomicDerivatives ;
atomicDerivatives . reserve ( nLocal ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nLocal ; i + + ) {
// determine shape function derivatives at atomic location
// and construct sparse vectors to store derivative data
vector < SparseVector < double > > derivativeVectors ;
derivativeVectors . reserve ( nsd ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd ; j + + )
derivativeVectors . push_back ( dummy ) ;
atomicDerivatives . push_back ( derivativeVectors ) ;
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
const SPAR_MAT_VEC & shapeFucntionDerivatives ( ( interscaleManager . vector_sparse_matrix ( " InterpolantGradient " ) ) - > quantity ( ) ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd ; j + + ) {
DenseVector < INDEX > nodeIndices ;
DENS_VEC nodeValues ;
shapeFucntionDerivatives [ j ] - > row ( i , nodeValues , nodeIndices ) ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < nodeIndices . size ( ) ; k + + )
atomicDerivatives [ i ] [ j ] ( nodeIndices ( k ) ) = nodeValues ( k ) ;
// loop over all atoms and correct their efield based on all their
// neighbor's local efield response
// need to use specific coulombic cutoff from different pairs
// see pair_coul_cut for an example of the data structures
// unfortunately don't know how to get at this data in general
// beyond a cast from the LAMMPS pair object (see force.h).
// Until this is fixed, only use this method with the coulombic force
// the same for all pairs and equal to the largest force cutoff.
// Probably the best fix is to implement our own pair style for this.
double cutoffRadius = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > pair_cutoff ( ) ;
double cutoffSq = cutoffRadius * cutoffRadius ;
int inum = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > neighbor_list_inum ( ) ;
int * ilist = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > neighbor_list_ilist ( ) ;
int * numneigh = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > neighbor_list_numneigh ( ) ;
int * * firstneigh = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > neighbor_list_firstneigh ( ) ;
// loop over neighbors of my atoms
for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < inum ; ii + + ) {
int i = ilist [ ii ] ;
if ( mask [ i ] & atc_ - > groupbit_ ) {
double xtmp = xatom [ i ] [ 0 ] ;
double ytmp = xatom [ i ] [ 1 ] ;
double ztmp = xatom [ i ] [ 2 ] ;
int * jlist = firstneigh [ i ] ;
int jnum = numneigh [ i ] ;
for ( int jj = 0 ; jj < jnum ; jj + + ) {
int j = jlist [ jj ] ;
if ( mask [ j ] & atc_ - > groupbit_ ) {
//double factor_coul = LammpsInterface::instance()->coulomb_factor(j);
LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > neighbor_remap ( j ) ;
double delx = xtmp - xatom [ j ] [ 0 ] ;
double dely = ytmp - xatom [ j ] [ 1 ] ;
double delz = ztmp - xatom [ j ] [ 2 ] ;
double rsq = delx * delx + dely * dely + delz * delz ;
if ( rsq < cutoffSq ) {
DENS_VEC efield ( nsd ) ;
efield = 0. ;
int atcIdx = atc_ - > atomToInternal_ [ i ] ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < nsd ; k + + )
efield ( k ) = - 1. * dot ( atomicDerivatives [ atcIdx ] [ k ] , atomicFePotential [ j ] ) ;
// apply correction in atomic forces
//double c = factor_coul*qE2f*q[i];
//double c = factor_coul*qV2e*q[i];
double c = qV2e * q [ i ] ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < nsd ; k + + ) {
if ( ( ! useSlab_ ) | | ( k = = nsd ) ) {
//f[i][k] -= c*efield(k);
_atomElectricalForce_ ( atcIdx , k ) - = c * efield ( k ) ;
// add_charged_surface
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : add_charged_surface ( const string & facesetName ,
const double chargeDensity )
// get faceset information
int nNodes = atc_ - > num_nodes ( ) ;
const FE_Mesh * feMesh = ( atc_ - > feEngine_ ) - > fe_mesh ( ) ;
const set < pair < int , int > > * faceset
= & ( feMesh - > faceset ( facesetName ) ) ;
// set face sources to all point at one function for use in integration
SURFACE_SOURCE faceSources ;
XT_Function * f = XT_Function_Mgr : : instance ( ) - > constant_function ( 1. ) ;
set < pair < int , int > > : : const_iterator iset ;
for ( iset = faceset - > begin ( ) ; iset ! = faceset - > end ( ) ; iset + + ) {
pair < int , int > face = * iset ;
// allocate
Array < XT_Function * > & dof = faceSources [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] [ face ] ;
dof . reset ( 1 ) ;
dof ( 0 ) = f ;
// Get associated nodeset
set < int > nodeset ;
feMesh - > faceset_to_nodeset ( facesetName , nodeset ) ;
// Get coordinates of each node in face set
map < int , pair < DENS_VEC , double > > & myFaceset = chargedSurfaces_ [ facesetName ] ;
set < int > : : const_iterator myNode ;
for ( myNode = nodeset . begin ( ) ; myNode ! = nodeset . end ( ) ; myNode + + ) {
DENS_VEC myCoords = feMesh - > nodal_coordinates ( * myNode ) ;
pair < DENS_VEC , double > myPair ( myCoords , 0. ) ;
myFaceset [ * myNode ] = myPair ;
// computed integrals of nodal shape functions on face
FIELDS nodalFaceWeights ;
nodalFaceWeights [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] . reset ( nNodes , 1 ) ;
Array < bool > fieldMask ( NUM_FIELDS ) ;
fieldMask ( ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ) = true ;
( atc_ - > feEngine_ ) - > add_fluxes ( fieldMask , 0. , faceSources , nodalFaceWeights ) ;
// set up data structure holding charged faceset information
FIELDS sources ;
double coulombConstant = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > coulomb_constant ( ) ;
map < int , pair < DENS_VEC , double > > : : iterator myNodeData ;
for ( myNodeData = myFaceset . begin ( ) ; myNodeData ! = myFaceset . end ( ) ; myNodeData + + ) {
// evaluate voltage at each node I
// set up X_T function for integration: k*chargeDensity/||x_I - x_s||
// integral is approximated in two parts:
// 1) near part with all faces within r < rcrit evaluated as 2 * pi * rcrit * k sigma A/A0, A is area of this region and A0 = pi * rcrit^2, so 2 k sigma A / rcrit
// 2) far part evaluated using Gaussian quadrature on faceset
double rcritSq = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > pair_cutoff ( ) ;
rcritSq * = rcritSq ;
int nodalIndex = myNodeData - > first ;
DENS_VEC myCoords ( ( myNodeData - > second ) . first ) ;
double xtArgs [ 8 ] ;
xtArgs [ 0 ] = myCoords ( 0 ) ; xtArgs [ 1 ] = myCoords ( 1 ) ; xtArgs [ 2 ] = myCoords ( 2 ) ;
xtArgs [ 3 ] = 1. ; xtArgs [ 4 ] = 1. ; xtArgs [ 5 ] = 1. ;
xtArgs [ 6 ] = coulombConstant * chargeDensity ;
xtArgs [ 7 ] = - 1. ;
string radialPower = " radial_power " ;
f = XT_Function_Mgr : : instance ( ) - > function ( radialPower , 8 , xtArgs ) ;
for ( iset = faceset - > begin ( ) ; iset ! = faceset - > end ( ) ; iset + + ) {
pair < int , int > face = * iset ;
// allocate
Array < XT_Function * > & dof = faceSources [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] [ face ] ;
dof . reset ( 1 ) ;
dof ( 0 ) = f ;
// perform integration to get quantities at nodes on facesets
// V_J' = int_S N_J k*sigma/|x_I - x_s| dS
sources [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] . reset ( nNodes , 1 ) ;
( atc_ - > feEngine_ ) - > add_fluxes ( fieldMask , 0. , faceSources , sources ) ;
double myPotential = 0. ;
// sum over all nodes in faceset to get total potential:
// V_I = sum_J VJ'
const DENS_MAT & myPotentialSource ( sources [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] . quantity ( ) ) ;
nodalChargePotential_ [ facesetName ] [ nodalIndex ] = myPotentialSource ( nodalIndex , 0 ) ;
for ( myNode = nodeset . begin ( ) ; myNode ! = nodeset . end ( ) ; myNode + + )
myPotential + = myPotentialSource ( * myNode , 0 ) ;
// assign an XT function per each node and
// then call the prescribed data manager and fix each node individually.
f = XT_Function_Mgr : : instance ( ) - > constant_function ( myPotential ) ;
( atc_ - > prescribedDataMgr_ ) - > fix_field ( nodalIndex , ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL , 0 , f ) ;
// compute effective charge at each node I
// multiply charge density by integral of N_I over face
( myNodeData - > second ) . second = ( nodalFaceWeights [ ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL ] . quantity ( ) ) ( nodalIndex , 0 ) * chargeDensity ;
// apply_charged_surfaces
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : apply_charged_surfaces
2019-10-20 23:24:13 +08:00
( MATRIX & /* potential */ )
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
//double qE2f = LammpsInterface::instance()->qe2f();
double qV2e = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > qv2e ( ) ;
double qqrd2e = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > qqrd2e ( ) ;
//double ** fatom = LammpsInterface::instance()->fatom();
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
//double * qatom = LammpsInterface::instance()->atom_charge();
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
const DENS_MAT & qatom ( ( interscaleManager . fundamental_atom_quantity ( LammpsInterface : : ATOM_CHARGE ) ) - > quantity ( ) ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
double cutoffRadius = LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > pair_cutoff ( ) ;
double cutoffSq = cutoffRadius * cutoffRadius ;
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
int nLocal = qatom . nRows ( ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
int nsd = atc_ - > nsd ( ) ;
int nNodes = atc_ - > num_nodes ( ) ;
double penalty = poissonSolver_ - > penalty_coefficient ( ) ;
if ( penalty < = 0.0 ) throw ATC_Error ( " ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic::apply_charged_surfaces expecting non zero penalty " ) ;
SparseVector < double > dummy ( atc_ - > num_nodes ( ) ) ;
map < string , map < int , pair < DENS_VEC , double > > > : : const_iterator isurface ;
for ( isurface = chargedSurfaces_ . begin ( ) ; isurface ! = chargedSurfaces_ . end ( ) ; isurface + + ) {
string facesetName = isurface - > first ;
map < int , pair < DENS_VEC , double > > : : const_iterator inode ;
for ( inode = ( isurface - > second ) . begin ( ) ; inode ! = ( isurface - > second ) . end ( ) ; inode + + ) {
int nodeId = inode - > first ;
DENS_VEC nodalCoords = ( inode - > second ) . first ;
double nodalCharge = ( inode - > second ) . second ;
double nodalPotential = nodalChargePotential_ [ facesetName ] [ nodeId ] ;
PerAtomQuantity < double > * atomicCoords = ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) . per_atom_quantity ( " AtomicCoarseGrainingPositions " ) ;
const DENS_MAT & myAtomicCoords ( atomicCoords - > quantity ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nLocal ; i + + ) {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
if ( abs ( qatom ( i , 0 ) ) > 0 ) {
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
double distanceSq = 0. ;
double deltaX [ 3 ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd ; j + + ) {
deltaX [ j ] = myAtomicCoords ( i , j ) - nodalCoords ( j ) ;
distanceSq + = deltaX [ j ] * deltaX [ j ] ;
if ( distanceSq < cutoffSq ) {
// first apply pairwise coulombic interaction
if ( ! useSlab_ ) {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
double coulForce = qqrd2e * nodalCharge * qatom ( i , 0 ) / ( distanceSq * sqrtf ( distanceSq ) ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd ; j + + )
//fatom[atomIdx][j] += deltaX[j]*coulForce;
_atomElectricalForce_ ( i , j ) + = deltaX [ j ] * coulForce ;
// second correct for FE potential induced by BCs
// determine shape function derivatives at atomic location
// and construct sparse vectors to store derivative data
vector < SparseVector < double > > derivativeVectors ;
derivativeVectors . reserve ( nsd ) ;
const SPAR_MAT_VEC & shapeFunctionDerivatives ( ( interscaleManager . vector_sparse_matrix ( " InterpolantGradient " ) ) - > quantity ( ) ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd ; j + + ) {
DenseVector < INDEX > nodeIndices ;
DENS_VEC nodeValues ;
shapeFunctionDerivatives [ j ] - > row ( i , nodeValues , nodeIndices ) ;
derivativeVectors . push_back ( dummy ) ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < nodeIndices . size ( ) ; k + + )
derivativeVectors [ j ] ( nodeIndices ( k ) ) = nodeValues ( k ) ;
// compute greens function from charge quadrature
SparseVector < double > shortFePotential ( nNodes ) ;
shortFePotential . add_scaled ( greensFunctions_ [ nodeId ] , penalty * nodalPotential ) ;
// compute electric field induced by charge
DENS_VEC efield ( nsd ) ;
efield = 0. ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd ; j + + )
efield ( j ) = - .1 * dot ( derivativeVectors [ j ] , shortFePotential ) ;
// apply correction in atomic forces
//double c = qE2f*qatom[atomIdx];
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
double c = qV2e * qatom ( i , 0 ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nsd ; j + + )
if ( ( ! useSlab_ ) | | ( j = = nsd ) ) {
//fatom[atomIdx][j] -= c*efield(j);
_atomElectricalForce_ ( i , j ) - = c * efield ( j ) ;
# endif
// Class ExtrinsicModelElectrostaticMomentum
// Constructor
ExtrinsicModelElectrostaticMomentum : : ExtrinsicModelElectrostaticMomentum
( ExtrinsicModelManager * modelManager ,
ExtrinsicModelType modelType ,
string matFileName ) :
ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic ( modelManager , modelType , matFileName )
if ( physicsModel_ ) delete physicsModel_ ;
if ( modelType = = ELECTROSTATIC ) {
physicsModel_ = new PhysicsModelElectrostatic ( matFileName ) ;
else {
physicsModel_ = new PhysicsModelElectrostaticEquilibrium ( matFileName ) ;
// set up correct masks for coupling
rhsMaskIntrinsic_ ( VELOCITY , SOURCE ) = true ;
atc_ - > fieldMask_ ( VELOCITY , EXTRINSIC_SOURCE ) = true ;
// Destructor
ExtrinsicModelElectrostaticMomentum : : ~ ExtrinsicModelElectrostaticMomentum ( )
// do nothing
// modify
bool ExtrinsicModelElectrostaticMomentum : : modify ( int narg , char * * arg )
bool match = false ;
if ( ! match )
match = ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : modify ( narg , arg ) ;
return match ;
// initialize
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostaticMomentum : : initialize ( )
ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : initialize ( ) ;
int nNodes = atc_ - > num_nodes ( ) ;
int nsd = atc_ - > nsd ( ) ;
rhs_ [ VELOCITY ] . reset ( nNodes , nsd ) ;
// set coupling source terms
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostaticMomentum : : set_sources ( FIELDS & fields , FIELDS & sources )
// compute charge density
DENS_MAN & n = atc_ - > field ( ELECTRON_DENSITY ) ;
atc_ - > nodal_projection ( ELECTRON_DENSITY , physicsModel_ , n ) ;
// else {
// FIELDS rhs;
// Array2D<bool> mask;
// atc_->evaluate_rhs_integral(mask,fields,rhs,FULL_DOMAIN,physicsModel_);
// atc_->apply_inverse_mass_matrix(rhs[ELECTRON_DENSITY].quantity(),n.set_quantity(),ELECTRON_DENSITY);
// }
// compute source term with appropriate masking and physics model
atc_ - > evaluate_rhs_integral ( rhsMaskIntrinsic_ , fields , sources ,
atc_ - > source_integration ( ) , physicsModel_ ) ;
//(sources[VELOCITY].quantity()).print("V SRC");
// output
void ExtrinsicModelElectrostaticMomentum : : output ( OUTPUT_LIST & outputData )
ExtrinsicModelElectrostatic : : output ( outputData ) ;
} ;