2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
// ATC Headers
# include "AtomicRegulator.h"
# include "ATC_Error.h"
# include "ATC_Coupling.h"
# include "PrescribedDataManager.h"
# include "TimeIntegrator.h"
# include "LinearSolver.h"
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
using std : : map ;
using std : : string ;
using std : : set ;
using std : : pair ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
namespace ATC {
// only one regulator method at time, i.e. fixed & flux, thermo & elastic
// regulator manages lambda variables, creates new ones when requested with dimensions and zero ics (map of tag to lambda)
// regulator keeps track of which lambda are being used, unused lambdas deleted (map of tag to bool), all tags set to unused on start of initialization
// method requests needed lambda from regulator
// method sets up all needed linear solvers, null linear solver does nothing
// regulator adds nodes to fixed or fluxed lists it owns, based on localization and type
// method gets lists of fixed nodes and fluxed nodes
// method lumps fluxed lambdas and truncates fixed lambdas based on single localized bool in regulator
// inherited methods should be fixed, fluxed, combined
// Class AtomicRegulator
// Constructor
AtomicRegulator : : AtomicRegulator ( ATC_Coupling * atc ,
const string & regulatorPrefix ) :
atc_ ( atc ) ,
howOften_ ( 1 ) ,
needReset_ ( true ) ,
maxIterations_ ( myMaxIterations ) ,
tolerance_ ( myTolerance ) ,
regulatorTarget_ ( NONE ) ,
couplingMode_ ( UNCOUPLED ) ,
nNodes_ ( 0 ) ,
nsd_ ( atc_ - > nsd ( ) ) ,
nLocal_ ( 0 ) ,
useLocalizedLambda_ ( false ) ,
useLumpedLambda_ ( false ) ,
timeFilter_ ( NULL ) ,
regulatorMethod_ ( NULL ) ,
boundaryIntegrationType_ ( NO_QUADRATURE ) ,
regulatorPrefix_ ( regulatorPrefix )
applyInDirection_ . resize ( atc_ - > nsd ( ) , true ) ;
// Destructor
AtomicRegulator : : ~ AtomicRegulator ( )
delete_method ( ) ;
set_all_data_to_unused ( ) ;
delete_unused_data ( ) ;
// delete_method:
// deletes the method
void AtomicRegulator : : delete_method ( )
if ( regulatorMethod_ )
delete regulatorMethod_ ;
// delete_unused_data:
// deletes all data that is currently not in use
void AtomicRegulator : : delete_unused_data ( )
map < string , pair < bool , DENS_MAN * > > : : iterator it ;
for ( it = regulatorData_ . begin ( ) ; it ! = regulatorData_ . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
if ( ( ( it - > second ) . first ) ) {
delete ( it - > second ) . second ;
regulatorData_ . erase ( it ) ;
// get_regulator_data:
// gets a pointer to the requested data, is crated if
// if doesn't exist
DENS_MAN * AtomicRegulator : : regulator_data ( const string tag , int nCols )
DENS_MAN * data ( NULL ) ;
map < string , pair < bool , DENS_MAN * > > : : iterator it = regulatorData_ . find ( tag ) ;
if ( it = = regulatorData_ . end ( ) ) {
data = new DENS_MAN ( nNodes_ , nCols ) ;
regulatorData_ . insert ( pair < string , pair < bool , DENS_MAN * > > ( tag , pair < bool , DENS_MAN * > ( false , data ) ) ) ;
else {
data = ( it - > second ) . second ;
if ( ( data - > nRows ( ) ! = nNodes_ ) | | ( data - > nCols ( ) ! = nCols ) ) {
data - > reset ( nNodes_ , nCols ) ;
( it - > second ) . first = false ;
return data ;
// get_regulator_data:
// gets a pointer to the requested data, or NULL if
// if doesn't exist
const DENS_MAN * AtomicRegulator : : regulator_data ( const string tag ) const
map < string , pair < bool , DENS_MAN * > > : : const_iterator it = regulatorData_ . find ( tag ) ;
if ( it = = regulatorData_ . end ( ) ) {
return NULL ;
else {
return const_cast < DENS_MAN * > ( ( it - > second ) . second ) ;
// set_all_data_to_unused:
// sets bool such that all data is unused
void AtomicRegulator : : set_all_data_to_unused ( )
map < string , pair < bool , DENS_MAN * > > : : iterator it ;
for ( it = regulatorData_ . begin ( ) ; it ! = regulatorData_ . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
( it - > second ) . first = true ;
// set_all_data_to_used:
// sets bool such that all data is used
void AtomicRegulator : : set_all_data_to_used ( )
map < string , pair < bool , DENS_MAN * > > : : iterator it ;
for ( it = regulatorData_ . begin ( ) ; it ! = regulatorData_ . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
( it - > second ) . first = false ;
// modify:
// parses and adjusts controller state based on
// user input, in the style of LAMMPS user input
2019-10-20 23:24:13 +08:00
bool AtomicRegulator : : modify ( int /* narg */ , char * * arg )
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
bool foundMatch = false ;
// set parameters for numerical matrix solutions
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
/*! \page man_control fix_modify AtC control
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
\ section syntax
fix_modify AtC control < physics_type > < solution_parameter > < value > \ n
- physics_type ( string ) = thermal | momentum \ n
- solution_parameter ( string ) = max_iterations | tolerance \ n
fix_modify AtC transfer < physics_type > control max_iterations < max_iterations > \ n
- max_iterations ( int ) = maximum number of iterations that will be used by iterative matrix solvers \ n
fix_modify AtC transfer < physics_type > control tolerance < tolerance > \ n
- tolerance ( float ) = relative tolerance to which matrix equations will be solved \ n
\ section examples
< TT > fix_modify AtC control thermal max_iterations 10 < / TT > \ n
< TT > fix_modify AtC control momentum tolerance 1.e-5 < / TT > \ n
\ section description
Sets the numerical parameters for the matrix solvers used in the specified control algorithm . Many solution approaches require iterative solvers , and these methods enable users to provide the maximum number of iterations and the relative tolerance .
\ section restrictions
only for be used with specific controllers :
thermal , momentum \ n
They are ignored if a lumped solution is requested
\ section related
\ section default
max_iterations is the number of rows in the matrix \ n
tolerance is 1.e-10
int argIndex = 0 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " max_iterations " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndex + + ;
maxIterations_ = atoi ( arg [ argIndex ] ) ;
if ( maxIterations_ < 1 ) {
throw ATC_Error ( " Bad maximum iteration count " ) ;
needReset_ = true ;
foundMatch = true ;
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " tolerance " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndex + + ;
tolerance_ = atof ( arg [ argIndex ] ) ;
if ( tolerance_ < 0. ) {
throw ATC_Error ( " Bad tolerance value " ) ;
needReset_ = true ;
foundMatch = true ;
/*! \page man_localized_lambda fix_modify AtC control localized_lambda
\ section syntax
fix_modify AtC control localized_lambda < on | off >
\ section examples
< TT > fix_modify atc control localized_lambda on < / TT > \ n
\ section description
Turns on localization algorithms for control algorithms to restrict the influence of FE coupling or boundary conditions to a region near the boundary of the MD region . Control algorithms will not affect atoms in elements not possessing faces on the boundary of the region . Flux - based control is localized via row - sum lumping while quantity control is done by solving a truncated matrix equation .
\ section restrictions
\ section related
\ section default
Default is off .
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " localized_lambda " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndex + + ;
if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " on " ) = = 0 ) {
useLocalizedLambda_ = true ;
foundMatch = true ;
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " off " ) = = 0 ) {
useLocalizedLambda_ = false ;
foundMatch = true ;
/*! \page man_lumped_lambda_solve fix_modify AtC control lumped_lambda_solve
\ section syntax
fix_modify AtC control lumped_lambda_solve < on | off >
\ section examples
< TT > fix_modify atc control lumped_lambda_solve on < / TT > \ n
\ section description
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
Command to use or not use lumped matrix for lambda solve
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
\ section restrictions
\ section related
\ section default
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " lumped_lambda_solve " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndex + + ;
if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " on " ) = = 0 ) {
useLumpedLambda_ = true ;
foundMatch = true ;
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " off " ) = = 0 ) {
useLumpedLambda_ = false ;
foundMatch = true ;
/*! \page man_mask_direction fix_modify AtC control mask_direction
\ section syntax
fix_modify AtC control mask_direction < direction > < on | off >
\ section examples
< TT > fix_modify atc control mask_direction 0 on < / TT > \ n
\ section description
Command to mask out certain dimensions from the atomic regulator
\ section restrictions
\ section related
\ section default
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " mask_direction " ) = = 0 ) {
argIndex + + ;
int dir = atoi ( arg [ argIndex ] ) ;
argIndex + + ;
if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " on " ) = = 0 ) {
applyInDirection_ [ dir ] = false ;
foundMatch = true ;
else if ( strcmp ( arg [ argIndex ] , " off " ) = = 0 ) {
applyInDirection_ [ dir ] = true ;
foundMatch = true ;
return foundMatch ;
// reset_nlocal:
// resizes lambda force if necessary
void AtomicRegulator : : reset_nlocal ( )
nLocal_ = atc_ - > nlocal ( ) ;
if ( regulatorMethod_ )
regulatorMethod_ - > reset_nlocal ( ) ;
// reset_atom_materials:
// resets the localized atom to material map
void AtomicRegulator : : reset_atom_materials ( const Array < int > & elementToMaterialMap ,
const MatrixDependencyManager < DenseMatrix , int > * atomElement )
if ( regulatorMethod_ )
regulatorMethod_ - > reset_atom_materials ( elementToMaterialMap ,
atomElement ) ;
// reset_method:
// sets up methods, if necessary
void AtomicRegulator : : reset_method ( )
// set up defaults for anything that didn't get set
if ( ! regulatorMethod_ )
regulatorMethod_ = new RegulatorMethod ( this ) ;
if ( ! timeFilter_ )
timeFilter_ = ( atc_ - > time_filter_manager ( ) ) - > construct ( ) ;
// md_fixed_nodes:
// determines if any fixed nodes overlap the MD region
bool AtomicRegulator : : md_fixed_nodes ( FieldName fieldName ) const
FixedNodes fixedNodes ( atc_ , fieldName ) ;
const set < int > & myNodes ( fixedNodes . quantity ( ) ) ;
if ( myNodes . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
return false ;
else {
return true ;
// md_flux_nodes:
// determines if any nodes with fluxes overlap the MD region
bool AtomicRegulator : : md_flux_nodes ( FieldName fieldName ) const
FluxNodes fluxNodes ( atc_ , fieldName ) ;
const set < int > & myNodes ( fluxNodes . quantity ( ) ) ;
if ( myNodes . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
return false ;
else {
return true ;
// construct_methods:
// sets up methods before a run
void AtomicRegulator : : construct_methods ( )
// get base-line data that was set in stages 1 & 2 of ATC_Method::initialize
// computational geometry
nNodes_ = atc_ - > num_nodes ( ) ;
// make sure consistent boundary integration is being used
atc_ - > set_boundary_integration_type ( boundaryIntegrationType_ ) ;
// construct_transfers:
// pass through to appropriate transfer constuctors
void AtomicRegulator : : construct_transfers ( )
regulatorMethod_ - > construct_transfers ( ) ;
// initialize:
// sets up methods before a run
void AtomicRegulator : : initialize ( )
regulatorMethod_ - > initialize ( ) ;
needReset_ = false ;
// output:
// pass through to appropriate output methods
void AtomicRegulator : : output ( OUTPUT_LIST & outputData ) const
regulatorMethod_ - > output ( outputData ) ;
// finish:
// pass through to appropriate end-of-run methods
void AtomicRegulator : : finish ( )
regulatorMethod_ - > finish ( ) ;
set_all_data_to_unused ( ) ;
// apply_pre_predictor:
// applies the controller in the pre-predictor
// phase of the time integrator
void AtomicRegulator : : apply_pre_predictor ( double dt , int timeStep )
if ( timeStep % howOften_ = = 0 ) // apply full integration scheme, including filter
regulatorMethod_ - > apply_pre_predictor ( dt ) ;
// apply_mid_predictor:
// applies the controller in the mid-predictor
// phase of the time integrator
void AtomicRegulator : : apply_mid_predictor ( double dt , int timeStep )
if ( timeStep % howOften_ = = 0 ) // apply full integration scheme, including filter
regulatorMethod_ - > apply_mid_predictor ( dt ) ;
// apply_post_predictor:
// applies the controller in the post-predictor
// phase of the time integrator
void AtomicRegulator : : apply_post_predictor ( double dt , int timeStep )
if ( timeStep % howOften_ = = 0 ) // apply full integration scheme, including filter
regulatorMethod_ - > apply_post_predictor ( dt ) ;
// apply_pre_corrector:
// applies the controller in the pre-corrector phase
// of the time integrator
void AtomicRegulator : : apply_pre_corrector ( double dt , int timeStep )
if ( timeStep % howOften_ = = 0 ) // apply full integration scheme, including filter
regulatorMethod_ - > apply_pre_corrector ( dt ) ;
// apply_post_corrector:
// applies the controller in the post-corrector phase
// of the time integrator
void AtomicRegulator : : apply_post_corrector ( double dt , int timeStep )
if ( timeStep % howOften_ = = 0 ) // apply full integration scheme, including filter
regulatorMethod_ - > apply_post_corrector ( dt ) ;
// pre_exchange
void AtomicRegulator : : pre_exchange ( )
regulatorMethod_ - > pre_exchange ( ) ;
// pre_force
void AtomicRegulator : : pre_force ( )
regulatorMethod_ - > post_exchange ( ) ;
// pack_fields
// bundle all allocated field matrices into a list
// for output needs
void AtomicRegulator : : pack_fields ( RESTART_LIST & data )
map < string , pair < bool , DENS_MAN * > > : : iterator it ;
for ( it = regulatorData_ . begin ( ) ; it ! = regulatorData_ . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
data [ ( it - > first ) ] = & ( ( ( it - > second ) . second ) - > set_quantity ( ) ) ;
// compute_boundary_flux:
// computes the boundary flux to be consistent with
// the controller
void AtomicRegulator : : compute_boundary_flux ( FIELDS & fields )
regulatorMethod_ - > compute_boundary_flux ( fields ) ;
// add_to_rhs:
// adds any controller contributions to the FE rhs
void AtomicRegulator : : add_to_rhs ( FIELDS & rhs )
regulatorMethod_ - > add_to_rhs ( rhs ) ;
// Class RegulatorMethod
// Constructor
RegulatorMethod : : RegulatorMethod ( AtomicRegulator * atomicRegulator ,
const string & regulatorPrefix ) :
atomicRegulator_ ( atomicRegulator ) ,
atc_ ( atomicRegulator_ - > atc_transfer ( ) ) ,
boundaryFlux_ ( atc_ - > boundary_fluxes ( ) ) ,
fieldMask_ ( NUM_FIELDS , NUM_FLUX ) ,
nNodes_ ( atomicRegulator_ - > num_nodes ( ) ) ,
regulatorPrefix_ ( atomicRegulator - > regulator_prefix ( ) + regulatorPrefix ) ,
shpFcnDerivs_ ( NULL )
fieldMask_ = false ;
// compute_boundary_flux
// default computation of boundary flux based on
// finite
void RegulatorMethod : : compute_boundary_flux ( FIELDS & fields )
atc_ - > compute_boundary_flux ( fieldMask_ ,
fields ,
boundaryFlux_ ,
atomMaterialGroups_ ,
shpFcnDerivs_ ) ;
// Class RegulatorShapeFunction
// Constructor
RegulatorShapeFunction : : RegulatorShapeFunction ( AtomicRegulator * atomicRegulator ,
const string & regulatorPrefix ) :
RegulatorMethod ( atomicRegulator , regulatorPrefix ) ,
lambda_ ( NULL ) ,
atomLambdas_ ( NULL ) ,
shapeFunctionMatrix_ ( NULL ) ,
linearSolverType_ ( AtomicRegulator : : NO_SOLVE ) ,
maxIterations_ ( atomicRegulator - > max_iterations ( ) ) ,
tolerance_ ( atomicRegulator - > tolerance ( ) ) ,
matrixSolver_ ( NULL ) ,
regulatedNodes_ ( NULL ) ,
applicationNodes_ ( NULL ) ,
boundaryNodes_ ( NULL ) ,
shpFcn_ ( NULL ) ,
atomicWeights_ ( NULL ) ,
elementMask_ ( NULL ) ,
lambdaAtomMap_ ( NULL ) ,
weights_ ( NULL ) ,
nsd_ ( atomicRegulator_ - > nsd ( ) ) ,
nLocal_ ( atomicRegulator_ - > nlocal ( ) )
// do nothing
// Destructor
RegulatorShapeFunction : : ~ RegulatorShapeFunction ( )
if ( matrixSolver_ )
delete matrixSolver_ ;
// create_node_maps
// - creates the node mappings between all nodes and the
// subset which are regulated
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : create_node_maps ( )
this - > construct_regulated_nodes ( ) ;
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
nodeToOverlapMap_ = static_cast < NodeToSubset * > ( interscaleManager . dense_matrix_int ( regulatorPrefix_ + " NodeToOverlapMap " ) ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
if ( ! nodeToOverlapMap_ ) {
nodeToOverlapMap_ = new NodeToSubset ( atc_ , regulatedNodes_ ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix_int ( nodeToOverlapMap_ ,
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
regulatorPrefix_ + " NodeToOverlapMap " ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
overlapToNodeMap_ = static_cast < SubsetToNode * > ( interscaleManager . dense_matrix_int ( regulatorPrefix_ + " OverlapToNodeMap " ) ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
if ( ! overlapToNodeMap_ ) {
overlapToNodeMap_ = new SubsetToNode ( nodeToOverlapMap_ ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix_int ( overlapToNodeMap_ ,
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
regulatorPrefix_ + " OverlapToNodeMap " ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
// construct_transfers
// - create all the needed transfer operators, in this
// case weights for the lambda matrix
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : construct_transfers ( )
this - > set_weights ( ) ; // construct specific weighting matrix transfer
// specialized quantities for boundary flux integration if the lambda atom map exists
if ( lambdaAtomMap_ & & ( atomicRegulator_ - > boundary_integration_type ( ) = = FE_INTERPOLATION ) ) {
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
// atomic weights
PerAtomDiagonalMatrix < double > * atomWeights ( interscaleManager . per_atom_diagonal_matrix ( " AtomVolume " ) ) ;
atomicWeights_ = new MappedDiagonalMatrix ( atc_ ,
atomWeights ,
lambdaAtomMap_ ) ;
interscaleManager . add_diagonal_matrix ( atomicWeights_ ,
regulatorPrefix_ + " RegulatorAtomWeights " ) ;
// shape function
shpFcn_ = new RowMappedSparseMatrix ( atc_ ,
interscaleManager . per_atom_sparse_matrix ( " Interpolant " ) ,
lambdaAtomMap_ ) ;
interscaleManager . add_sparse_matrix ( shpFcn_ ,
regulatorPrefix_ + " RegulatorShapeFunction " ) ;
// shape function derivatives
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
VectorDependencyManager < SPAR_MAT * > * interpolantGradient = interscaleManager . vector_sparse_matrix ( " InterpolantGradient " ) ;
if ( ! interpolantGradient ) {
interpolantGradient = new PerAtomShapeFunctionGradient ( atc_ ) ;
interscaleManager . add_vector_sparse_matrix ( interpolantGradient ,
" InterpolantGradient " ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
shpFcnDerivs_ = new RowMappedSparseMatrixVector ( atc_ ,
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
interpolantGradient ,
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
lambdaAtomMap_ ) ;
interscaleManager . add_vector_sparse_matrix ( shpFcnDerivs_ ,
regulatorPrefix_ + " RegulatorShapeFunctionGradient " ) ;
// initialize
// - pre-run work, in this cases constructs the linear
// solver
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : initialize ( )
if ( ! shapeFunctionMatrix_ ) {
throw ATC_Error ( " RegulatorShapeFunction::initialize - shapeFunctionMatrix_ must be created before the initialize phase " ) ;
if ( matrixSolver_ )
delete matrixSolver_ ;
if ( linearSolverType_ = = AtomicRegulator : : RSL_SOLVE ) {
matrixSolver_ = new LambdaMatrixSolverLumped ( matrixTemplate_ ,
shapeFunctionMatrix_ ,
maxIterations_ ,
tolerance_ ,
applicationNodes_ ,
nodeToOverlapMap_ ) ;
else if ( linearSolverType_ = = AtomicRegulator : : CG_SOLVE ) {
matrixSolver_ = new LambdaMatrixSolverCg ( matrixTemplate_ ,
shapeFunctionMatrix_ ,
maxIterations_ ,
tolerance_ ) ;
else {
throw ATC_Error ( " RegulatorShapeFunction::initialize - unsupported solver type " ) ;
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
compute_sparsity ( ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
// compute_sparsity
// - creates sparsity template
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : compute_sparsity ( void )
// first get local pattern from N N^T
int nNodeOverlap = nodeToOverlapMap_ - > size ( ) ;
DENS_MAT tmpLocal ( nNodeOverlap , nNodeOverlap ) ;
DENS_MAT tmp ( nNodeOverlap , nNodeOverlap ) ;
const SPAR_MAT & myShapeFunctionMatrix ( shapeFunctionMatrix_ - > quantity ( ) ) ;
if ( myShapeFunctionMatrix . nRows ( ) > 0 ) {
tmpLocal = myShapeFunctionMatrix . transMat ( myShapeFunctionMatrix ) ;
// second accumulate total pattern across processors
LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > allsum ( tmpLocal . ptr ( ) , tmp . ptr ( ) , tmp . size ( ) ) ;
// third extract non-zero entries & construct sparse template
SPAR_MAT & myMatrixTemplate ( matrixTemplate_ . set_quantity ( ) ) ;
myMatrixTemplate . reset ( nNodeOverlap , nNodeOverlap ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nNodeOverlap ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nNodeOverlap ; j + + ) {
if ( abs ( tmp ( i , j ) ) > 0 ) {
myMatrixTemplate . add ( i , j , 0. ) ;
myMatrixTemplate . compress ( ) ;
// solve_for_lambda
// solves matrix equation for lambda using given rhs
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : solve_for_lambda ( const DENS_MAT & rhs ,
DENS_MAT & lambda )
// assemble N^T W N with appropriate weighting matrix
DIAG_MAT weights ;
if ( shapeFunctionMatrix_ - > nRows ( ) > 0 ) {
weights . reset ( weights_ - > quantity ( ) ) ;
matrixSolver_ - > assemble_matrix ( weights ) ;
// solve on overlap nodes
int nNodeOverlap = nodeToOverlapMap_ - > size ( ) ;
DENS_MAT rhsOverlap ( nNodeOverlap , rhs . nCols ( ) ) ;
map_unique_to_overlap ( rhs , rhsOverlap ) ;
DENS_MAT lambdaOverlap ( nNodeOverlap , lambda . nCols ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < rhs . nCols ( ) ; i + + ) {
CLON_VEC tempLambda ( lambdaOverlap , CLONE_COL , i ) ;
if ( atomicRegulator_ - > apply_in_direction ( i ) ) {
CLON_VEC tempRHS ( rhsOverlap , CLONE_COL , i ) ;
matrixSolver_ - > execute ( tempRHS , tempLambda ) ;
else {
tempLambda = 0. ;
// map solution back to all nodes
map_overlap_to_unique ( lambdaOverlap , lambda ) ;
// reset_nlocal:
// resets data dependent on local atom count
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : reset_nlocal ( )
RegulatorMethod : : reset_nlocal ( ) ;
nLocal_ = atomicRegulator_ - > nlocal ( ) ;
// reset_atom_materials:
// resets the localized atom to material map
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : reset_atom_materials ( const Array < int > & elementToMaterialMap ,
const MatrixDependencyManager < DenseMatrix , int > * atomElement )
// specialized quantities for boundary flux integration if the lambda atom map exists
if ( lambdaAtomMap_ & & ( atomicRegulator_ - > boundary_integration_type ( ) = = FE_INTERPOLATION ) ) {
int nMaterials = ( atc_ - > physics_model ( ) ) - > nMaterials ( ) ;
atomMaterialGroups_ . reset ( nMaterials ) ;
const INT_ARRAY & atomToElementMap ( atomElement - > quantity ( ) ) ;
const INT_ARRAY & map ( lambdaAtomMap_ - > quantity ( ) ) ;
int idx ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nLocal_ ; i + + ) {
idx = map ( i , 0 ) ;
if ( idx > - 1 ) {
atomMaterialGroups_ ( elementToMaterialMap ( atomToElementMap ( i , 0 ) ) ) . insert ( idx ) ;
// map_unique_to_overlap:
// maps unique node data to overlap node data
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : map_unique_to_overlap ( const MATRIX & uniqueData ,
MATRIX & overlapData )
const INT_ARRAY & nodeToOverlapMap ( nodeToOverlapMap_ - > quantity ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nNodes_ ; i + + ) {
if ( nodeToOverlapMap ( i , 0 ) > - 1 ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < uniqueData . nCols ( ) ; j + + ) {
overlapData ( nodeToOverlapMap ( i , 0 ) , j ) = uniqueData ( i , j ) ;
// map_overlap_to_unique:
// maps overlap node data to unique node data
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : map_overlap_to_unique ( const MATRIX & overlapData ,
MATRIX & uniqueData )
const INT_ARRAY & overlapToNodeMap ( overlapToNodeMap_ - > quantity ( ) ) ;
uniqueData . resize ( nNodes_ , overlapData . nCols ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < overlapToNodeMap . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < overlapData . nCols ( ) ; j + + ) {
uniqueData ( overlapToNodeMap ( i , 0 ) , j ) = overlapData ( i , j ) ;
// construct_regulated_nodes:
// constructs the set of nodes being regulated
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : construct_regulated_nodes ( )
InterscaleManager & interscaleManager ( atc_ - > interscale_manager ( ) ) ;
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
regulatedNodes_ = interscaleManager . set_int ( " RegulatedNodes " ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
if ( ! regulatedNodes_ ) {
if ( ! ( atomicRegulator_ - > use_localized_lambda ( ) ) ) {
regulatedNodes_ = new RegulatedNodes ( atc_ ) ;
else {
regulatedNodes_ = new AllRegulatedNodes ( atc_ ) ;
interscaleManager . add_set_int ( regulatedNodes_ ,
regulatorPrefix_ + " RegulatedNodes " ) ;
// application and regulated are same, unless specified
applicationNodes_ = regulatedNodes_ ;
// boundary and regulated nodes are same, unless specified
boundaryNodes_ = regulatedNodes_ ;
// special set of boundary elements
if ( atomicRegulator_ - > use_localized_lambda ( ) ) {
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
elementMask_ = interscaleManager . dense_matrix_bool ( regulatorPrefix_ + " BoundaryElementMask " ) ;
if ( ! elementMask_ ) {
elementMask_ = new ElementMaskNodeSet ( atc_ , boundaryNodes_ ) ;
interscaleManager . add_dense_matrix_bool ( elementMask_ ,
regulatorPrefix_ + " BoundaryElementMask " ) ;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
// compute_boundary_flux
// default computation of boundary flux based on
// finite
void RegulatorShapeFunction : : compute_boundary_flux ( FIELDS & fields )
atc_ - > compute_boundary_flux ( fieldMask_ ,
fields ,
boundaryFlux_ ,
atomMaterialGroups_ ,
shpFcnDerivs_ ,
shpFcn_ ,
atomicWeights_ ,
elementMask_ ,
boundaryNodes_ ) ;
// Class LambdaMatrixSolver
// Constructor
// Grab references to necessary data
LambdaMatrixSolver : : LambdaMatrixSolver ( SPAR_MAN & matrixTemplate , SPAR_MAN * shapeFunctionMatrix , int maxIterations , double tolerance ) :
matrixTemplate_ ( matrixTemplate ) ,
shapeFunctionMatrix_ ( shapeFunctionMatrix ) ,
maxIterations_ ( maxIterations ) ,
tolerance_ ( tolerance )
// do nothing
// assemble_matrix
// Assemble the matrix using the shape function
// matrices and weights. This improves efficiency
// when multiple solves or iterations are required.
void LambdaMatrixSolver : : assemble_matrix ( DIAG_MAT & weights )
// form matrix : sum_a N_Ia * W_a * N_Ja
SPAR_MAT lambdaMatrixLocal ( matrixTemplate_ . quantity ( ) ) ;
if ( weights . nRows ( ) > 0 )
lambdaMatrixLocal . weighted_least_squares ( shapeFunctionMatrix_ - > quantity ( ) , weights ) ;
// swap contributions
lambdaMatrix_ = matrixTemplate_ . quantity ( ) ;
LammpsInterface : : instance ( ) - > allsum ( lambdaMatrixLocal . ptr ( ) ,
lambdaMatrix_ . ptr ( ) , lambdaMatrix_ . size ( ) ) ;
// Class LambdaMatrixSolverLumped
// Constructor
// Grab references to necessary data
2014-11-21 02:59:03 +08:00
LambdaMatrixSolverLumped : : LambdaMatrixSolverLumped ( SPAR_MAN & matrixTemplate , SPAR_MAN * shapeFunctionMatrix , int maxIterations , double tolerance , const SetDependencyManager < int > * applicationNodes , const NodeToSubset * nodeToOverlapMap ) :
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
LambdaMatrixSolver ( matrixTemplate , shapeFunctionMatrix , maxIterations , tolerance ) ,
applicationNodes_ ( applicationNodes ) ,
nodeToOverlapMap_ ( nodeToOverlapMap )
// do nothing
// assemble_matrix
// Assemble the matrix using the shape function
// matrices and weights. This improves efficiency
// when multiple solves or iterations are required.
void LambdaMatrixSolverLumped : : assemble_matrix ( DIAG_MAT & weights )
LambdaMatrixSolver : : assemble_matrix ( weights ) ;
lumpedMatrix_ = lambdaMatrix_ . row_sum_lump ( ) ;
void LambdaMatrixSolverLumped : : execute ( VECTOR & rhs , VECTOR & lambda )
// solve lumped equation
const set < int > & applicationNodes ( applicationNodes_ - > quantity ( ) ) ;
const INT_ARRAY & nodeToOverlapMap ( nodeToOverlapMap_ - > quantity ( ) ) ;
lambda = 0. ;
set < int > : : const_iterator iset ;
for ( iset = applicationNodes . begin ( ) ; iset ! = applicationNodes . end ( ) ; iset + + ) {
int node = nodeToOverlapMap ( * iset , 0 ) ;
lambda ( node ) = rhs ( node ) / lumpedMatrix_ ( node , node ) ;
// Class LambdaMatrixSolverCg
// Constructor
// Grab references to necessary data
LambdaMatrixSolverCg : : LambdaMatrixSolverCg ( SPAR_MAN & matrixTemplate , SPAR_MAN * shapeFunctionMatrix , int maxIterations , double tolerance ) :
LambdaMatrixSolver ( matrixTemplate , shapeFunctionMatrix , maxIterations , tolerance )
// do nothing
void LambdaMatrixSolverCg : : execute ( VECTOR & rhs , VECTOR & lambda )
if ( lambdaMatrix_ . size ( ) < 1 )
throw ATC_Error ( " solver given zero size matrix in LambdaMatrixSolverCg::execute() " ) ;
LinearSolver solver ( lambdaMatrix_ , ATC : : LinearSolver : : ITERATIVE_SOLVE_SYMMETRIC , true ) ;
int myMaxIt = maxIterations_ > 0 ? maxIterations_ : 2 * lambdaMatrix_ . nRows ( ) ;
solver . set_max_iterations ( myMaxIt ) ;
solver . set_tolerance ( tolerance_ ) ;
solver . solve ( lambda , rhs ) ;
} ;