2011-08-27 02:21:27 +08:00
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4. Packages :h3
LAMMPS includes many optional packages, which are groups of files that
enable a specific set of features. For example, force fields for
molecular systems or granular systems are in packages. You can see
the list of all packages by typing "make package" from within the src
directory of the LAMMPS distribution.
See "this section"_Section_start.html#start_3 of the manual for
details on how to include/exclude specific packages as part of the
LAMMPS build process, and for more details about the differences
between standard packages and user packages in LAMMPS.
Below, the packages currently availabe in LAMMPS are listed. For
standard packages, just a one-line description is given. For user
packages, more details are provided.
4.1 "Standard packages"_#pkg_1
4.2 "User packages"_#pkg_2 :all(b)
4.1 Standard packages :h4,link(pkg_1)
The current list of standard packages is as follows:
2011-08-27 05:25:33 +08:00
Package, Description, Author(s), Doc page, Example, Library
ASPHERE, aspherical particles, -, "howto"_Section_howto.html#howto_14, ellipse, -
CLASS2, class 2 force fields, -, "pair_style lj/class2"_pair_class2.html, -, -
COLLOID, colloidal particles, -, "atom_style colloid"_atom_style.html, colloid, -
DIPOLE, point dipole particles, -, "pair_style dipole/cut"_pair_dipole.html, dipole, -
GPU, GPU-enabled potentials, Mike Brown (ORNL), "accelerate"_Section_accelerate.html#acc_3, gpu, lib/gpu
GRANULAR, granular systems, -, "howto"_Section_howto.html#howto_6, pour, -
KSPACE, long-range Coulombic solvers, -, "kspace_style"_kspace_style.html, peptide, fft
MANYBODY, many-body potentials, -, "pair_style tersoff"_pair_tersoff.html, shear, -
MEAM, modified EAM potential, Greg Wagner (Sandia), "pair_style meam"_pair_meam.html, meam, lib/meam
MC, Monte Carlo options, -, "fix gcmc"_fix_gcmc.html, -, -
MOLECULE, molecular system force fields, -, "howto"_Section_howto.html#howto_3, peptide, -
OPT, optimized pair potentials, Fischer & Richie & Natoli (1), "howto"_Section_accelerate.html#acc_1, -, -
PERI, Peridynamics models, Mike Parks (Sandia), "pair_style peri"_pair_peri.html, peri, -
POEMS, coupled rigid body motion, Rudra Mukherjee (JPL), "fix poems"_fix_poems.html, rigid, lib/poems
REAX, ReaxFF potential, Aidan Thompson (Sandia), "pair_style reax"_pair_reax.html, reax, lib/reax
REPLICA, multi-replica methods, -, "howto"_Section_howto.html#howto_5, tad, -
SHOCK, shock loading methods, -, "fix msst"_fix_msst.html, -, -
SRD, stochastic rotation dynamics, -, "fix srd"_fix_srd.html, srd, -
XTC, dumps in XTC format, -, "dump"_dump.html, -, -
The "Authors" column lists a name(s) if a specific person is
responible for creating and maintaining the package.
(1) The OPT package was created by James Fischer (High Performance
Technologies), David Richie, and Vincent Natoli (Stone Ridge
The "Doc page" column links to either a portion of the
"Section_howto"_Section_howto.html of the manual, or an input script
command implemented as part of the package.
The "Example" column is a sub-directory in the examples directory of
the distribution which has an input script that uses the package.
E.g. "peptide" refers to the examples/peptide directory.
The "Library" column lists an external library which must be built
first and which LAMMPS links to when it is built. These are in the
lib directory of the distribution, except for "fft" which means LAMMPS
must be built with an external 1d FFT library, such as
"FFTW"_http://www.fftw.org. "This
section"_Section_start.html#start_3_3 of the manual gives details on
the 2-step build process with external libraries.
2011-08-27 02:21:27 +08:00
4.2 User packages :h4,link(pkg_2)
2011-08-27 05:25:33 +08:00
The current list of user-contributed packages is as follows:
2011-08-27 02:21:27 +08:00
2011-08-27 05:25:33 +08:00
Package, Description, Authors, Doc page, Example, Pic/movie, Library
USER-MISC, single-file contributions, USER-MISC/README, -, -, -, -
USER-ATC, atom-to-continuum coupling, Jones & Zimmerman & Templeton (2), "fix atc"_fix_atc.html & USER/atc, USER/atc, "atc"_atc, lib/atc
USER-AWPMD, wave-packet MD, Ilya Valuev (JIHT), "pair_style awpmd/cut"_pair_awpmd.html, USER/awpmd, -, lib/awpmd
USER-CG-CMM, coarse-graining model, Axel Kohlmeyer (Temple U), "pair_style cg/cmm"_pair_cmm.html, USER/cg-cmm, "cg"_cg, -
USER-CUDA, NVIDIA GPU styles, Christian Trott (U Tech Ilmenau), "accelerate"_Section_accelerate.html#acc_4, USER/cuda, -, lib/cuda
USER-EFF, electron force field, Andres Jaramillo-Botero (Caltech), "pair_style eff/cut"_pair_eff.html, USER/eff, "eff"_eff, -
USER-EWALDN, Ewald for 1/R^n, Pieter in' t Veld (BASF), "kspace_style"_kspace_style.html, -, -, -
USER-REAXC, C version of ReaxFF, Metin Aktulga (LBNL), "pair_style reaxc"_pair_reax_c.html, reax, -, -
The "Authors" column lists a name(s) if a specific person is
responible for creating and maintaining the package.
(2) The ATC package was created by Reese Jones, Jon Zimmerman, and
Jeremy Templeton (Sandia).
The "Doc page" column links to either a portion of the
"Section_howto"_Section_howto.html of the manual, or an input script
command implemented as part of the package. In some cases, additional
documentation is in a sub-directory of doc/USER, e.g. doc/USER/atc.
The "Example" column is a sub-directory in the examples directory of
the distribution which has an input script that uses the package.
E.g. "peptide" refers to the examples/peptide directory. USER/cuda
refers to the examples/USER/cuda directory.
The "Library" column lists an external library which must be built
first and which LAMMPS links to when it is built. These are in the
lib directory of the distribution. "This
section"_Section_start.html#start_3_3 of the manual gives details on
the 2-step build process with external libraries.
More details on each package, from the USER-blah/README file
is given below.
2011-08-27 02:21:27 +08:00
2011-08-27 05:25:33 +08:00
USER-MISC package :h4
USER-ATC package :h4
USER-AWPMD package :h4
USER-CG-CMM package :h4
USER-CUDA package :h4
USER-EFF package :h4
USER-EWALDN package :h4
USER-REAXC package :h4
2011-08-27 02:21:27 +08:00