2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
// A class for wrapping matrix operations with dependency information to speed up execution
#include "ATC_TypeDefs.h"
#include "MatrixLibrary.h"
#include "ATC_Error.h"
#include "MPI_Wrappers.h"
namespace ATC {
class InterscaleManager;
/** memory type */
enum MemoryType
* @class DependencyManager
* @brief Base class for defining objects that manage the dependencies of various objects
class DependencyManager {
// used as a friend so it can perform a depth-first search to have safe deletions of managed dependencies
friend class InterscaleManager;
// constructor
DependencyManager() : needReset_(true), isFixed_(false), memoryType_(TEMPORARY), dfsFound_(false) {};
// destructor
virtual ~DependencyManager() {};
/** registration by other PerAtomQuantity objects */
void register_dependence(DependencyManager * dependentQuantity)
/** removes dependencies from the set */
void remove_dependence(DependencyManager * dependentQuantity)
/** check if a reset is required */
bool need_reset() const {return needReset_ && !isFixed_;};
/** propagate need to reset to to dependencies */
void propagate_reset()
if (!isFixed_) {
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
std::set<DependencyManager *>::iterator it;
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for (it = dependentQuantities_.begin(); it != dependentQuantities_.end(); it++)
/** actions associated with indicating this quantity requires a reset */
void set_reset()
needReset_ = true;
/** flip this object to needing a reset, and get dependencies */
void force_reset()
/** force quantity to be held fixed, enables dependent quantity to be used as persistent storage */
void fix_quantity() {isFixed_ = true;};
/** unfix the quantity */
void unfix_quantity()
if (isFixed_) {
isFixed_ = false;
if (needReset_) propagate_reset();
/** check on the memory type of the quantity */
MemoryType memory_type() const {return memoryType_;};
/** set the memory type of the quantity */
void set_memory_type(MemoryType memoryType) {memoryType_ = memoryType;};
/** list of dependent atomic quantities */
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std::set<DependencyManager * > dependentQuantities_;
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/** flag for needing a recent */
// mutable is applied because there can be internal updates because we update when needed rather than when pushed
mutable bool needReset_;
/** flag for if quantity is being held fixed */
bool isFixed_;
/** flag for if the quantity is temporary (per-run) */
MemoryType memoryType_;
/** flag for if the node has been found in depth-first search */
bool dfsFound_;
* @class MatrixDependencyManager
* @brief Class for defining objects that manage the dependencies of matrices
// Matrix class T, underlying type U
template <template <typename> class T, typename U>
class MatrixDependencyManager : public DependencyManager {
MatrixDependencyManager() {};
MatrixDependencyManager(int nRows, int nCols) : quantity_(nRows,nCols) {};
virtual ~MatrixDependencyManager() {};
/** returns a non-const version for manipulations and changes, resets dependent quantities */
virtual T<U> & set_quantity() {propagate_reset(); return get_quantity();};
/** access to a constant dense matrix of the quantity, indexed by AtC atom counts */
virtual const T<U> & quantity() const {return get_quantity();};
/** number of rows in quantity */
virtual int nRows() const {return (this->quantity()).nRows();};
/** number of columns in quantity */
virtual int nCols() const {return (this->quantity()).nCols();};
/** size of the matrix */
virtual int size() const {return (this->quantity()).size();};
/** reset the quantities size */
void reset(INDEX nRows, INDEX nCols) {get_quantity().reset(nRows,nCols); propagate_reset();};
/** resize the quantities size */
void resize(INDEX nRows, INDEX nCols) {get_quantity().resize(nRows,nCols); propagate_reset();};
/** sets the quantity to a given value */
virtual void operator=(const T<U> & target) {get_quantity()=target; propagate_reset();};
/** sets the quantity to a given constant value */
virtual void operator=(U target) {get_quantity()=target; propagate_reset();};
/** adds the given data to the Lammps quantity */
virtual void operator+=(const T<U> & addition) {get_quantity()+=addition; propagate_reset();};
/** adds the scalar data to the Lammps quantity for AtC atoms */
virtual void operator+=(U addition) {get_quantity()+=addition; propagate_reset();};
/** adds the given data to the Lammps quantity */
virtual void operator-=(const T<U> & subtraction) {get_quantity()-=subtraction; propagate_reset();};
/** adds the scalar data to the Lammps quantity for AtC atoms */
virtual void operator-=(U subtraction) {get_quantity()-=subtraction; propagate_reset();};
/** multiples the Lammps quantity by the given data, input is indexed in AtC atom counts */
virtual void operator*=(const T<U> & multiplier) {get_quantity()*=multiplier; propagate_reset();};
/** multiples the Lammps quantity by the given data, input is indexed in AtC atom counts */
virtual void operator*=(U multiplier) {get_quantity()*=multiplier; propagate_reset();};
/** multiples the Lammps quantity by the given data, input is indexed in AtC atom counts */
virtual void operator/=(const T<U> & divisor) {get_quantity()/=divisor; propagate_reset();};
/** multiples the Lammps quantity by the given data, input is indexed in AtC atom counts */
virtual void operator/=(U divisor) {get_quantity()/=divisor; propagate_reset();};
// I have no idea why these won't compile (JAT, 04/07/11)
/** adds the given data to the Lammps quantity */
virtual void operator+=(const MatrixDependencyManager<T,U> & addition) {get_quantity()+=addition.quantity(); propagate_reset();};
/** adds the given data to the Lammps quantity */
virtual void operator-=(const MatrixDependencyManager<T,U> & subtraction) {get_quantity()-=subtraction.quantity(); propagate_reset();};
/** multiples the Lammps quantity by the given data, input is indexed in AtC atom counts */
virtual void operator*=(const MatrixDependencyManager<T,U> & multiplier) {get_quantity()*=multiplier.quantity(); propagate_reset();};
/** multiples the Lammps quantity by the given data, input is indexed in AtC atom counts */
virtual void operator/=(const MatrixDependencyManager<T,U> & divisor) {get_quantity()/=divisor.quantity(); propagate_reset();};
/** execute the matrix print command */
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virtual void const print(const std::string &name) {get_quantity().print(name);};
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// This getter can be overridden by derived classes if they need e.g. a
// differently-constructed quantity, but would like to use the same operators.
virtual T<U> &get_quantity() const { return quantity_; }
/** matrix */
// mutable is applied because there can be internal updates because we update when needed rather than when pushed
mutable T<U> quantity_;
* @class MatrixDependencyManager<ParSparseMatrix, T>
* @brief Class for defining objects that manage the dependencies of parallelized sparse matrices
template<typename T>
class MatrixDependencyManager<ParSparseMatrix, T> :
public MatrixDependencyManager<SparseMatrix, T>
MatrixDependencyManager(MPI_Comm comm) :
MatrixDependencyManager<SparseMatrix, T>(), quantity_(comm) {};
MatrixDependencyManager(MPI_Comm comm, int nRows, int nCols) :
MatrixDependencyManager<SparseMatrix, T>(), quantity_(comm, nRows, nCols) {};
virtual ~MatrixDependencyManager() {};
// Let the superclass's operators work on our ParSparseMatrix.
virtual ParSparseMatrix<T> &get_quantity() const { return quantity_; }
mutable ParSparseMatrix<T> quantity_;
* @class MatrixDependencyManager<ParDiagonalMatrix, T>
* @brief Class for defining objects that manage the dependencies of parallelized diagonal matrices
template<typename T>
class MatrixDependencyManager<ParDiagonalMatrix, T> :
public MatrixDependencyManager<DiagonalMatrix, T>
MatrixDependencyManager(MPI_Comm comm) :
MatrixDependencyManager<DiagonalMatrix, T>(), quantity_(comm) {};
MatrixDependencyManager(MPI_Comm comm, int nRows, int nCols) :
MatrixDependencyManager<DiagonalMatrix, T>(), quantity_(comm, nRows, nCols) {};
virtual ~MatrixDependencyManager() {};
// Let the superclass's operators work on our ParDiagonalMatrix.
virtual ParDiagonalMatrix<T> &get_quantity() const { return quantity_; }
mutable ParDiagonalMatrix<T> quantity_;
* @class SetDependencyManager
* @brief Class for defining objects that manage the dependencies of standard library sets
template <typename T>
class SetDependencyManager : public DependencyManager {
// constructor
SetDependencyManager() :
DependencyManager(), quantity_() {};
// destructor
virtual ~SetDependencyManager() {};
/** returns a non-const version for manipulations and changes, resets dependent quantities */
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virtual std::set<T> & set_quantity() {propagate_reset(); return quantity_;};
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/** access to a constant dense matrix of the quantity, indexed by AtC atom counts */
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virtual const std::set<T> & quantity() const {return quantity_;};
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/** size of the set */
virtual int size() const {return (this->quantity()).size();};
/** underlying set */
// mutable is applied because there can be internal updates because we update when needed rather than when pushed
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mutable std::set<T> quantity_;
2013-08-08 05:34:54 +08:00
* @class VectorDependencyManager
* @brief Class for defining objects that manage the dependencies of standard library vectors
template <typename T>
class VectorDependencyManager : public DependencyManager {
// constructor
VectorDependencyManager() :
DependencyManager(), quantity_() {};
// destructor
virtual ~VectorDependencyManager() {};
/** returns a non-const version for manipulations and changes, resets dependent quantities */
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virtual std::vector<T> & set_quantity() {propagate_reset(); return quantity_;};
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/** access to a constant dense matrix of the quantity, indexed by AtC atom counts */
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virtual const std::vector<T> & quantity() const {return quantity_;};
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/** size of the set */
virtual int size() const {return (this->quantity()).size();};
/** underlying set */
// mutable is applied because there can be internal updates because we update when needed rather than when pushed
2013-08-22 07:06:07 +08:00
mutable std::vector<T> quantity_;
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