forked from lijiext/lammps
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LAMMPS (13 Oct 2016)
# sample LAMMPS input script for viscosity of 2d LJ liquid
# use shearing wall, thermostat via fix langevin
# settings
variable x equal 20
variable y equal 20
variable ylo equal -2.5
variable yhi equal 23
variable rho equal 0.6
variable t equal 1.0
variable rc equal 2.5
variable srate equal 2.7
# problem setup
units lj
dimension 2
atom_style atomic
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1
lattice sq2 ${rho}
lattice sq2 0.6
Lattice spacing in x,y,z = 1.82574 1.82574 1.82574
region simbox block 0 $x ${ylo} ${yhi} -0.1 0.1
region simbox block 0 20 ${ylo} ${yhi} -0.1 0.1
region simbox block 0 20 -2.5 ${yhi} -0.1 0.1
region simbox block 0 20 -2.5 23 -0.1 0.1
create_box 3 simbox
Created orthogonal box = (0 -4.56435 -0.182574) to (36.5148 41.9921 0.182574)
1 by 1 by 1 MPI processor grid
create_atoms 1 box
Created 1020 atoms
mass * 1.0
pair_style lj/cut ${rc}
pair_style lj/cut 2.5
pair_coeff * * 1 1
region lower block INF INF INF 0.0 INF INF
region upper block INF INF $y INF INF INF
region upper block INF INF 20 INF INF INF
group lower region lower
120 atoms in group lower
group upper region upper
120 atoms in group upper
set group lower type 2
120 settings made for type
set group upper type 3
120 settings made for type
group wall union lower upper
240 atoms in group wall
group flow subtract all wall
780 atoms in group flow
velocity flow create $t 97287
velocity flow create 1 97287
velocity upper set ${srate} 0.0 0.0 units box
velocity upper set 2.7 0.0 0.0 units box
compute thermal flow temp/partial 0 1 0
compute flow flow temp
fix 1 all nve
fix 2 flow langevin $t $t 0.1 498094
fix 2 flow langevin 1 $t 0.1 498094
fix 2 flow langevin 1 1 0.1 498094
fix_modify 2 temp thermal
fix 3 wall setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
compute layers all chunk/atom bin/1d y center 0.05 units reduced
fix 4 all ave/chunk 20 500 10000 layers vx file profile.wall.2d
fix 5 all enforce2d
# equilibration run
variable ybox equal $y*ylat
variable ybox equal 20*ylat
compute tilt flow temp/ramp vx 0 ${srate} y 0 ${ybox} units box
compute tilt flow temp/ramp vx 0 2.7 y 0 ${ybox} units box
compute tilt flow temp/ramp vx 0 2.7 y 0 36.5148371670111 units box
thermo 1000
thermo_style custom step temp c_tilt epair etotal press pxy
run 20000
Neighbor list info ...
1 neighbor list requests
update every 1 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 2.8
ghost atom cutoff = 2.8
binsize = 1.4 -> bins = 27 34 1
Memory usage per processor = 2.7306 Mbytes
Step Temp c_tilt E_pair TotEng Press Pxy
0 1.1937193 2.1893943 -1.4419854 -0.24943634 -0.78936698 0.014349737
1000 1.3454512 1.9300306 -1.5968842 -0.25275207 0.66766599 -0.14162185
2000 1.4039195 1.7346977 -1.5342235 -0.13168039 1.0083734 0.018811845
3000 1.3945539 1.6038724 -1.5472166 -0.15402987 0.89714673 -0.21459294
4000 1.4507445 1.5640577 -1.5682837 -0.11896142 0.80780492 -0.11602642
5000 1.5081166 1.5260484 -1.4466585 0.059979546 1.5213379 0.15651364
6000 1.471403 1.3275791 -1.5730732 -0.10311276 0.76780953 -0.028043991
7000 1.5811576 1.3851463 -1.5518076 0.027799848 1.0149281 0.004725238
8000 1.5298095 1.3333038 -1.536974 -0.0086643578 1.2325979 -0.11754624
9000 1.5269137 1.253444 -1.5995915 -0.074174772 0.72678912 0.068344793
10000 1.6201621 1.2415469 -1.4659459 0.15262788 1.4780324 0.12762214
11000 1.6422795 1.2595346 -1.5659612 0.074708257 1.0471534 -0.039697954
12000 1.7111306 1.1978075 -1.5685671 0.14088596 0.97371007 0.099889098
13000 1.6871075 1.1495076 -1.4967158 0.18873768 1.3445558 -0.058891196
14000 1.7237433 1.1976445 -1.5857394 0.13631394 0.96603231 0.082195882
15000 1.7080799 1.1550766 -1.4962561 0.21014912 1.3733324 0.062008565
16000 1.7030363 1.1186642 -1.5735945 0.12777215 1.0071474 -0.12038271
17000 1.7442786 1.1134856 -1.5544631 0.18810536 0.98640596 -0.10793154
18000 1.7433517 1.0565945 -1.4702226 0.27141996 1.5983127 -0.1847178
19000 1.7909641 1.071494 -1.5628363 0.22637195 1.0487763 -0.16215298
20000 1.8291721 1.1152277 -1.4955372 0.33184161 1.4404718 0.13157652
Loop time of 4.60977 on 1 procs for 20000 steps with 1020 atoms
Performance: 1874278.390 tau/day, 4338.607 timesteps/s
99.9% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 2.2771 | 2.2771 | 2.2771 | 0.0 | 49.40
Neigh | 0.77127 | 0.77127 | 0.77127 | 0.0 | 16.73
Comm | 0.08461 | 0.08461 | 0.08461 | 0.0 | 1.84
Output | 0.00045896 | 0.00045896 | 0.00045896 | 0.0 | 0.01
Modify | 1.3487 | 1.3487 | 1.3487 | 0.0 | 29.26
Other | | 0.1277 | | | 2.77
Nlocal: 1020 ave 1020 max 1020 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 319 ave 319 max 319 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 6977 ave 6977 max 6977 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 6977
Ave neighs/atom = 6.8402
Neighbor list builds = 3091
Dangerous builds = 0
# data gathering run
variable visc equal -pxy/(v_srate/ly)
fix vave all ave/time 1000 1 1000 v_visc ave running
thermo_style custom step temp pxy v_visc f_vave
thermo_modify temp tilt
WARNING: Temperature for thermo pressure is not for group all (../thermo.cpp:474)
# only need to run for 5000 steps to make a good 100-frame movie
#dump 1 all custom 50 dump.wall.2d id type x y z vx
#dump 2 all image 50 image.*.jpg vx type zoom 1.6 adiam 1.2
#dump_modify 2 pad 5 amap 0.0 ${srate} ca 0.0 2 min blue max red
run 50000
Memory usage per processor = 2.73133 Mbytes
Step Temp Pxy v_visc f_vave
20000 1.1152277 0.14873839 -2.5647136 -2.5647136
21000 1.0675243 -0.064336523 1.1093622 -0.72767568
22000 1.1044647 -0.092189802 1.5896396 0.044762746
23000 1.0278193 -0.16030404 2.7641414 0.72460741
24000 1.032998 -0.025162118 0.43387337 0.6664606
25000 1.012257 0.15289388 -2.6363671 0.11598931
26000 1.0678095 -0.15317374 2.6411929 0.47673268
27000 0.99951185 -0.013635884 0.23512515 0.44653174
28000 1.0663423 -0.061009474 1.0519935 0.51380527
29000 1.0753719 -0.037018843 0.63832026 0.52625677
30000 1.0749259 -0.0092916614 0.16021721 0.49298044
31000 1.0171594 -0.14103555 2.4318926 0.65455646
32000 1.0811717 -0.22037237 3.7999068 0.89650648
33000 1.0123567 -0.076368085 1.3168239 0.92652915
34000 1.0923478 -0.017551868 0.30264892 0.88493714
35000 1.0252013 0.0042522796 -0.073322558 0.82504591
36000 1.0205412 -0.17942577 3.0938596 0.95850554
37000 1.016861 -0.15185242 2.6184092 1.0507224
38000 1.0156825 -0.058057333 1.0010894 1.0481101
39000 1.0299458 -0.028138186 0.48519005 1.0199641
40000 1.0109947 0.069370747 -1.1961679 0.91443404
41000 0.99255941 -0.20057649 3.4585639 1.0300763
42000 0.93280953 -0.20797609 3.5861562 1.1412102
43000 0.98040039 0.070643632 -1.2181165 1.0429049
44000 1.001795 -0.06620924 1.1416537 1.0468549
45000 0.96231963 0.028026245 -0.48325983 0.98800432
46000 1.0193639 -0.15553891 2.6819757 1.050744
47000 1.0241202 0.0053565438 -0.092363514 1.0099187
48000 0.9736932 0.12643935 -2.1802085 0.89991435
49000 0.96326617 -0.14719163 2.5380426 0.95451862
50000 0.99008772 0.03563038 -0.61437884 0.90390903
51000 1.0689018 -0.11122259 1.9178243 0.93559388
52000 1.0123467 0.021882959 -0.37733044 0.89580829
53000 1.0075671 0.20840798 -3.5936033 0.76376678
54000 0.97454265 -0.027528034 0.47466913 0.75550684
55000 1.0072632 -0.02991098 0.51575854 0.74884717
56000 0.94706748 -0.29624115 5.108121 0.86666538
57000 1.0411989 -0.043160809 0.74422691 0.86344332
58000 1.0040809 0.10858868 -1.8724074 0.7932933
59000 1.0101096 -0.17512944 3.0197775 0.8489554
60000 0.97394086 0.025630293 -0.44194616 0.81747
61000 0.97631407 -0.21776922 3.7550203 0.88741167
62000 0.9650689 -0.036733674 0.63340305 0.88150449
63000 1.0401136 0.11852825 -2.0437965 0.81502038
64000 0.99261276 -0.20362786 3.5111792 0.87493502
65000 1.0397086 -0.056685607 0.97743658 0.87716332
66000 1.0115793 -0.20411863 3.5196415 0.93338626
67000 1.1243059 -0.086897372 1.4983816 0.94515699
68000 1.0005962 0.081847197 -1.4113008 0.89706602
69000 1.0412065 -0.21375629 3.6858249 0.95284119
70000 0.97952466 -0.060208765 1.0381868 0.95451464
Loop time of 11.6259 on 1 procs for 50000 steps with 1020 atoms
Performance: 1857923.682 tau/day, 4300.749 timesteps/s
99.9% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 5.6901 | 5.6901 | 5.6901 | 0.0 | 48.94
Neigh | 2.0175 | 2.0175 | 2.0175 | 0.0 | 17.35
Comm | 0.21634 | 0.21634 | 0.21634 | 0.0 | 1.86
Output | 0.00069594 | 0.00069594 | 0.00069594 | 0.0 | 0.01
Modify | 3.3775 | 3.3775 | 3.3775 | 0.0 | 29.05
Other | | 0.3236 | | | 2.78
Nlocal: 1020 ave 1020 max 1020 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 332 ave 332 max 332 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 6969 ave 6969 max 6969 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 6969
Ave neighs/atom = 6.83235
Neighbor list builds = 8088
Dangerous builds = 0
Total wall time: 0:00:16