forked from JointCloud/JCC-RIP
560 lines
23 KiB
560 lines
23 KiB
"message": {
"china": "中文",
"english": "English",
"login": "login",
"logout": "logout",
"back": "Back",
"save": "Save",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"to": "To",
"startDate": "Start",
"endDate": "End",
"search": "Search",
"reset": "Reset",
"count": "Count:",
"create": "Create",
"name": "Name",
"confirm": "confirm",
"easyCreate": "easyCreate",
"next": "next",
"success": "success",
"before": "pre",
"pleaseInput": "Please Input",
"pleaseChoose": "Please Choose",
"loginSuccess": "Login Successful",
"operation": "Operation",
"update": "Modify",
"detail": "Details",
"delete": "Delete",
"isDeleteRule": "Are you sure you want to delete this rule?",
"updateSuccess": "Modification successful",
"addSuccess": "Addition successful",
"submitSuccess": "Submission successful",
"verificationFailed": "Validation failed",
"isDeleteLog": "Are you sure you want to delete this log entry?",
"isDeleteResource": "Are you sure you want to delete this resource?",
"allocationSucce": "Allocation successful",
"deleteConfirmText": "Are you sure you want to delete?",
"close": "Close",
"userNameMsg": "Please enter the correct user name",
"passwordMsg": "The password can not be less than 6 digits",
"check": "Check",
"submit": "Submit"
"menu": {
"taskManagement": "Task",
"taskList": "Task",
"aiList": "AI Task",
"hpcList": "HPC Task",
"cloudList": "Cloud Task",
"jobTask": "TaskList",
"strategyManagement": "Strategy Management",
"schedulingStrategy": "Schedule Management",
"warnStrategy": "Alert Strategy",
"adapterManagement": "Adapter Mgmt",
"adapterList": "Adapter List",
"clusterManagement": "Cluster Management",
"resourceUsageTop": "Resource Usage",
"resourceCenter": "Resource Center",
"scheduleStatus": "Schedule Status",
"messageList": "Message List",
"alertNotification": "Alert",
"hpcManagement": "HPCM",
"aiManagement": "AICM",
"autoStudy": "Auto-Learning",
"warnCenter": "Alert Center",
"warnList": "Alert List",
"warnSet": "Alert Settings",
"overview": "Overview",
"clusterNodes": "Cluster Nodes",
"project": "Projects",
"storage": "Storage",
"workload": "Workloads",
"containerNodes": "Container Nodes",
"services": "Services",
"containerManagement": "Container Mgmt",
"mainEngine": "Hosts",
"virtualMachine": "Virtual Machines",
"volume": "Volumes",
"image": "Images",
"network": "Networking",
"cpu": "CPU",
"namespace": "Namespaces",
"virtualMachineMana": "VM Management",
"systemManagement": "System Mgmt",
"dictManagement": "DicManagement",
"authManagement": "Permission",
"userList": "User Management",
"roleList": "Role Management",
"menuList": "Menu Management",
"resourceList": "API Management",
"oplList": "Operation Logs",
"login": "Login",
"monitorSelect": "Monitor",
"monitorSelectBk": "Resource Center",
"monitorSelectNew": "PCM Overview",
"clusterSelect": "Cluster Management",
"dispatch": "Scheduling",
"strategyCenter": "Policy Center",
"dataSafe": "Data Security",
"storageMana": "Storage Mgmt",
"appObserve": "App Monitoring",
"logMana": "Log Mgmt",
"monitorSelectPcm": "JCCE",
"fileManagement": "File Management"
"check": {
"input": "Please Input",
"select": "Select ...",
"inputInvalid": "Invalid format. Start with a letter, and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens(-).",
"requireSelect": "Require",
"nameNotEmpty": "Name cannot be empty",
"addNotEmpty": "Address cannot be empty"
"permission": {
"editMenu": "Edit Menu",
"addMenu": "Add Menu",
"fatherNode": "Parent Node",
"menuName": "Menu Name",
"routerName": "Route Name",
"router": "Route Path",
"redirect": "Redirect",
"componentPath": "Frontend Component Path",
"sort": "Sorting",
"isShow": "Display or Not",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"show": "Show",
"hide": "Hide",
"root": "Root Directory",
"wantDelete": "Are you sure to delete this menu?",
"editRole": "Edit Role",
"addRole": "Add Role",
"roleName": "Role Name",
"isUse": "Enabled or Not",
"assignMenu": "Allocate Menu",
"assignResource": "Allocate Resources",
"enable": "Enable",
"deactivate": "Disable",
"wantDeleteRole": "Are you sure to delete this role?",
"editUser": "Edit User",
"addUser": "Add User",
"nickName": "Nickname",
"phone": "Phone Number",
"email": "Email",
"editPass": "Change Password",
"newPass": "New Password",
"confirmPass": "Confirm Password",
"differentPass": "Passwords entered do not match",
"lengthRequire": "Length should be between 6 and 20 characters",
"notEmputy": "Confirm Password cannot be empty",
"role": "Role",
"modifyStatus": "Are you sure to modify this status?",
"cancelModify": "Cancel Modification",
"isDelUser": "Are you sure to delete this user?",
"diskFormat": "Disk Format"
"page": {
"cloud": "cloud",
"hpc": "hpc",
"ai": "ai",
"title": "JCCE",
"JointDomainresourceflux": "Joint Domain resource flux",
"task": "Task",
"taskDescription": "Support for creating tasks that are interoperable and interconnected between different computing environments or hardware platforms, ensuring that each task can run independently on different computing environments or hardware platforms.",
"taskName": "Task Name",
"jobStatus": "Job Status",
"policy": "Policy",
"synergyStatus": "Synergy Status",
"adapter": "Adapter",
"cluster": "Cluster",
"startTime": "Start Time",
"more": "More",
"participantName": "Participant Name",
"calculationType": "Type",
"stackName": "Tech Stack",
"stackVersion": "Version",
"address": "address",
"creationTime": "Creation Time",
"delete": "Delete",
"associatedCluster": "associated Cluster",
"description": "description",
"edit": "edit",
"total": "total",
"addAdapter": "Add Adapter",
"updateAdapter": "update Adapter",
"bindCluster": "bind Cluster",
"clusterAssociation": "Cluster association",
"adapterSetting": "Adapter Setting",
"adapterDesc": "supports users to upload and bind new PCM adapter",
"clusterDesc": "Clusters management, including resources, services, and applications.",
"deleteWarn": "Are you sure you want to delete?",
"deleteSuccess": "Deletion successful",
"viewDetail": "View Detail",
"cpType": "Computation Type",
"taskType": "Task Type",
"createApplication": "Create Application",
"createJob": "Scheduled Task",
"memory": "Memory",
"storage": "Storage",
"distributedTask": "Dispatched Tasks",
"reservedTask": "Reserved Tasks",
"errorTask": "Error Tasks",
"reason": "Reason",
"eventDetail": "Event Details",
"updateDate": "Update Time",
"clusterName": "Cluster Name",
"kbVersion": "K8S Version",
"openVersion": "Openstack Version",
"createTime": "Creation Time",
"classification": "Category",
"vmCluster": "Virtual Machine Cluster",
"containerCluster": "Container Cluster",
"hpcDomain": "Supercomputing Domain",
"job": "Job",
"podSum": "Clusters sum",
"vmSum": "VM sum",
"AdapterSum": "Adapter sum",
"TaskSum": "Tasks sum",
"dispatchAdapter": "Dispatched Adapter",
"strategySelected": "Strategy Selected",
"updateCluster": "Update Cluster",
"addCluster": "Add Cluster",
"chooseAdapter": "Choose Adapter",
"name": "Name",
"monitorAddress": "Monitoring Address",
"version": "Version Number",
"otherName": "Alias",
"area": "Region",
"projectId": "Project ID",
"tag": "Tags",
"authType": "Authentication Method",
"skak": "SK/AK Authentication",
"passAuth": "Password Authentication",
"tokenAuth": "Token Authentication",
"userName": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"createVirtualmachine": "Create Virtual Machine",
"createHpcbase": "Create Supercomputing Base Template",
"createAibase": "Create Intelligent Computing Task",
"createAiCard": "Create Specific Computing Power Card Task",
"dict": "Dictionary",
"dictName": "Dictionary Name",
"dictCode": "Code",
"type": "Type",
"status": "Status",
"region": "Region",
"producerDict": "Manufacturer",
"loginTitle": "Welcome to Cloud Computing",
"loginTitle2": "More convenient operation, safer access",
"loginUser": "User Login",
"successTask": "Successful Tasks",
"runningTask": "Running Tasks",
"createTask": "Created Tasks",
"failTask": "Failed Tasks",
"warningType": "Alert Type",
"warningStatus": "Alert Status",
"detail": "Details",
"happenTime": "Occurrence Time",
"taskLog": "Task Logs",
"executionTime": "Execution Time",
"noResource": "The system currently has no resources. Please add resources in the drive management.",
"info": "Note",
"changeAccount": "Change Account",
"notSynergistic": "Not Collaborating",
"synergistic": "Collaborating",
"elapsedTime": "Elapsed Time",
"taskDes": "Task Description",
"startTime2": "Start Time",
"endTime": "End Time",
"taskProperties": "Task Properties",
"inCluster": "Task Cluster",
"resourceFiltering": "Resource Filtering",
"selectDiver": "Please Select a Adapter",
"schedulingPolicies": "Scheduling Policy",
"copiesNum": "Number of Copies",
"staticWeight": "Static Weight",
"loadWeight": "Balance Weight",
"distributionTasks": "Number of Distributed Tasks",
"singleTaskCPU": "CPU for Single Task",
"singleTaskMemory": "Memory for Single Task",
"singleTaskStorage": "Storage for Single Task",
"performancePrice": "Performance/Price Weight Settings",
"performanceFirst": "Performance Priority",
"pricePerformance": "Price/Performance Balance",
"priceFirst": "Price Priority",
"multipleReplicas": "JointCloud Multi-Copies",
"manufacturerPricing": "JointCloud Vendor-Pricing Scheduling",
"staticClusterWeight": "Static Cluster Weight",
"dynamicClusterWeight": "Dynamic Weight",
"position": "Geographical Location",
"createdSuccess": "Creation Succeeded",
"resourceType": "Resource Type",
"appTaskType": "Task Type",
"datasetName": "Dataset Name",
"algorithmName": "Algorithm Name",
"algorithmList": "Algorithm List",
"programVariables": "Program Variables",
"enVariables": "Environment Variables",
"commandLine": "Command Line",
"taskUpload": "Upload Task Configuration",
"imageUpload": "Image Upload",
"datasetUpload": "Upload Job Dataset",
"algorithmUpload": "Upload Algorithm",
"imageTest1": "Image Classification Test 1",
"yamlWarn": "The uploaded file must be in YAML format!",
"creatingIntelligent": "Create Intelligent Computing Application",
"createPod": "Create Container Application",
"inputWarn": "Starts with a letter, only containing lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens (-)",
"mirrorSource": "Image Source",
"public": "Public",
"private": "Private",
"mirrorName": "Image Name",
"mirroreUsername": "Image Repository Username",
"mirrorePassword": "Image Repository Password",
"mirroreAddress": "Image Repository Address",
"deploymentMode": "Deployment Mode",
"fixedInstance": "Fixed Instance",
"elasticExpansion": "Elastic Scaling",
"cpuTips": "CPU Target Value is the CPU Utilization of Any Container",
"numberInstancesRange": "Number of Instances (Range)",
"numberInstances": "Number of Instances",
"networkConfig": "Network Configuration",
"exposedPort": "Container Exposed Port",
"networkAccess": "Network Access",
"clusterDetails": "Cluster Details",
"seeAdapterManagement": "Adapter Management",
"seeTaskManagement": "Task",
"seeStrategyManagement": "Strategy Management",
"moreSetting": "Advanced Settings",
"chooseInput": "Optional",
"startUp": "Startup Command",
"defaultCommand": "Leave blank for default command",
"runCommand": "Run Command",
"commandPar": "Command Parameters",
"example": "For example",
"setFile": "Configuration File",
"fileName": "File Name",
"fileNum": "File Value",
"localStorage": "Local Storage",
"capacityRange": "Capacity Range",
"capacity": "Capacity",
"path": "Path",
"hpcType": "Supercomputing Type",
"nodeNum": "Number of Nodes",
"inputTips": "Leave blank to specify node",
"appType": "Application Type",
"appName": "Application Name",
"commandContent": "Command Line Content",
"runTime": "Runtime Limit",
"warn1": "The job will be forcibly stopped when it reaches the maximum runtime, resulting in a timeout exit.",
"workMenu": "Working Directory",
"outputMenu": "Directory for Job Output",
"taskLogs": "Job Log",
"errorInfo": "Error Information",
"enVariable": "Environment Variables",
"cronExpression": "Cron Expression",
"replicationText": "The JointCloud Multi-Copies strategy is a widely adopted data protection and management strategy in a JointCloud distributed application environment. It improves data reliability, availability, and fault tolerance by running multiple replica tasks across different computing nodes or storage locations spanning multiple vendors, domains, and clusters.",
"resourcesPricingText": "The JointCloud Vendor-Pricing Scheduling strategy is a complex scheduling process that takes into account various factors such as market demand, price costs, competitive environment, and its own service capabilities. Through dynamic task splitting and selection of different serial and parallel execution schemes, it aims to improve user satisfaction and reduce resource execution costs, ultimately achieving greater profits.",
"staticWeightText": "The JointCloud static cluster weight strategy can be applied in multi-strategy adaptive asynchronous task scheduling methods, systems, and devices. During the task allocation and execution process, the user-assigned weights determine the priority of tasks or resource allocation, and the static weighting strategy ensures that these weight values remain unchanged during task execution or resource scheduling.",
"dynamicResourcesText": "The JointCloud Dynamic Weight Strategy is a flexible dynamic allocation strategy that allows for the adjustment of weights based on the real-time balances of multiple resource centers. Task distribution is then performed according to these balance weights.",
"schedulingText": "Provide joint-cloud collaborative scheduling strategies to achieve efficient allocation of resources.",
"warnStrategyText": "Users can customize alert trigger conditions, and the platform will provide monitoring and timely response to cloud resource anomalies.",
"pod": "Container",
"editSrategy": "Edit Policy",
"addSrategy": "Add Policy",
"ruleTitle": "Rule Title",
"podWarn": "Container Alert",
"viturlWarn": "Virtual Machine Alert",
"warnLevel": "Alert Level:",
"emergencyAlarm": "Emergency Alert",
"importantAlarm": "Important Alert",
"generalAlarm": "General Alert",
"effectiveCluster": "Effective Cluster",
"duration": "Duration",
"ruleNotes": "Rule Remarks",
"day": "Days",
"hour": "Hours",
"minute": "Minutes",
"second": "Seconds",
"immediately": "Immediately",
"warnListText": "Real-time display of system anomalies, quick risk identification, and ensuring stable business operation.",
"month": "Month",
"daty": "Day",
"cpuLoad": "Overall CPU Load",
"memoryLoad": "Overall Memory Load",
"cpuLoad2": "Average CPU Load",
"unit": "Unit",
"adapterName": "Adapter Name",
"adapterVersion": "Adapter Version",
"taskNum": "Current Task Invocation Count",
"taskTodayNum": "Tasks Count of the Day",
"historyTaskNum": "Total Task Count in History",
"errorTaskNum": "Failed Task Count",
"cpuUsage": "By CPU Usage",
"cpuAverageLoad": "By Average CPU Load",
"podGroup": "Container Group",
"available": "Available",
"unAvailable": "Unavailable",
"totalNum": "Total",
"clusterInfo": "Cluster Information",
"compStatus": "PCM Component Status",
"cpuUsageTop": "Node CPU Usage",
"memoryUsageTop": "Node Memory Usage",
"resourceUsage": "Cluster Resource Usage",
"resource": "Resource",
"used": "Used",
"allNum": "Total",
"adapterNum": "Total Adapters",
"stackNum": "Total Software Stacks",
"clusterNum": "Total Clusters",
"jobName": "Job Name",
"jobDomain": "Domain of the Job",
"clusterSituation": "Cluster Status",
"centerNum": "Intelligent Computing Centers",
"modelartTaskNum": "Intelligent Computing Tasks",
"cards": "Computing Power Cards",
"current": "Current",
"history": "History",
"centerShow": "Display of Intelligent Computing Centers",
"jobSituation": "Status of Intelligent Computing Tasks",
"computingPower": "Total Computing Power",
"centerName": "DC Name",
"modelartName": "IC Task Name",
"resourceCenterNum": "Number of Resource Centers",
"clusterNumber": "Number of Clusters",
"accessStorage": "Connected Storage Capacity",
"runJob": "Number of Running Jobs",
"method": "Method",
"user": "User",
"code": "Status Code",
"request": "Request Method",
"responseTime": "Response Time",
"add": "Add",
"editResource": "Edit Resource",
"addResource": "Add Resource",
"apiInfo": "Newly added APIs require permission configuration in role management before use",
"apiPath": "API Path",
"apiGroup": "API Group",
"apiDesc": "API Description",
"dictList": "Dictionary List",
"ok": "Okay",
"no": "No need",
"sureDel": "Confirm deletion?",
"addDict": "Add Dictionary Item",
"dictItemList": "Dictionary Item List",
"open": "Enable",
"descLength": "Description should not exceed 256 characters",
"update": "Update",
"new": "Add",
"dictItem": "Dictionary Item",
"nodeList": "Node List",
"flavor": "Specification",
"IPAddress": "IP Address",
"core": "Cores",
"surviveTime": "Uptime",
"addSubnet": "Create Subnet",
"addNetwork": "Create Network",
"shared": "Shared",
"adminStateUp": "Enable Admin Status",
"networkTooltips": "CIDR Network Address (e.g.,, 2001:DB8/48)",
"networkAddress": "Network Address",
"subnetName": "Subnet Name",
"IPVersion": "IP Version",
"gateway": "Gateway IP",
"gatewayTooltips": "Gateway IP Address (e.g., The default value is the first IP of the network address (e.g., for, 2001:DB8::1 for 2001:DB8:/48). Leave blank if you want to use the default value. Check the box below to disable the gateway if you don't want to use it.",
"disableGateway": "Disable Gateway",
"subnetDetail": "Subnet Details",
"enableDhcp": "Activate DHCP",
"allocatePool": "Allocate IP Pool",
"allocateTooltips": "Each record for the IP address allocation pool is: Start IP - End IP (e.g.,, One record per line.",
"dns": "DNS Server",
"dnsTooltips": "List of DNS server IP addresses for this subnet, one per line.",
"host": "Host Route",
"hostTooltips": "Add additional routes for the host. The record format is: Destination CIDR - Next Hop (e.g.,, One record per line.",
"tryDeleteVolume": "You are trying to delete a volume",
"tryDelete": "You are trying to delete",
"size": "Size",
"availableZone": "Availability Zone",
"bootable": "Bootable",
"encrypted": "Encrypted",
"external": "External",
"adminState": "Management Status",
"character": "String",
"number": "Number",
"dictValue": "Dictionary Value",
"showValue": "Display Value",
"warnDetail": "Alert Details",
"owner": "Owner",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"protected": "Protected",
"card": "Use Calculation Card",
"cardType": "Calculation Card Type",
"basicInfo": "Basic Information",
"netSet": "Network Settings",
"monitorData": "Monitoring Data",
"storageAll": "Storage Space",
"disk": "Hard Disk",
"setName": "Custom Name",
"hostIp": "Host IP",
"operatieSys": "Operating System",
"newUpdate": "Last Updated Time",
"physicalNIC": "Physical NIC",
"kenel": "Kernel",
"podRunTime": "Container Runtime",
"macAddress": "MAC Address",
"ipv4": "IPv4 Address",
"moreData": "More Data",
"clone": "Clone",
"instance": "Instance",
"instanceDesc": "Please provide the hostname, availability zone, and number of instances to deploy. Increase the quantity to create multiple instances with the same configuration.",
"instanceName": "Instance Name",
"amount": "Quantity",
"currentUsage": "Current Usage",
"added": "Added",
"remiainUsage": "Remaining Usage",
"insDesc2": "The source of an instance is the template used to create it. You can use an image, a snapshot of an instance (image snapshot), a volume, or a volume snapshot (if the feature is enabled). You can also choose to use persistent storage by creating a new volume.",
"source": "Source",
"typeMana": "Types manage the size of computing, memory, and storage capacity for instances.",
"cloudNet": "In the cloud, networks provide communication channels for instances.",
"virtualCore": "Virtual Cores",
"diskAll": "Total Disk",
"tempDisk": "Temporary Disk",
"viewAlgorithm": "View Algorithm",
"selectCluster": "Select Cluster",
"cardSelect": "Select Card",
"createHpcTask": "Create Supercomputing Task",
"randomWeight": "Random Dispatch Weight",
"randomWeightText": "This strategy provides a simple approach for distributing tasks, data, or requests to multiple resource nodes in a JointCloud computing environment. Its core idea is to achieve rapid load distribution and efficient resource utilization by randomly selecting resource nodes for distribution.",
"subtaskList": "Subtask List",
"subtaskName": "Subtask Name",
"clusterIn": "Cluster",
"taskStatus": "Task status",
"backHome": "Back To Homepage",
"backHomeText": "Return to Homepage to Create New Task.",
"startRelateCuster": "Start Cluster Association",
"startRelateCusterText": "After filling in the adapter information, you need to bind the cluster.",
"addAdapterText": "Please add Adapter first.",
"adapterCheck": "Check Adapter",
"adapterCheckText": "After filling in the adapter information, click the Validate button. Check if the adapter is connected successfully; it must be connected successfully before you can click the Confirm button.",
"bindClusterText": "After binding the cluster, return to the homepage to create a new task.",
"newTask": "Add Task",
"guideFinish": " Guidance has been completed.",
"taskInvocation": "Task Invocation",
"taskCmdInput": "Task command input",
"taskResult": "Deductive Model Check",
"taskSimulateNum": "Number of task simulation",
"picName": "Picture Name",
"result": "Result",
"pictureUpload": "Picture Upload",
"createDeductiveTask": "Create Deductive Task",
"image": "Image",
"initFile": "Init File",
"codeUpload": "Code Upload",
"selectModel": "Select Model",
"modelType": "Task Type",
"start": "Start",
"stop": "Stop"
} |