WildFly is a free, open source, Java EE certified platform
for developing and deploying enterprise Java applications, Web
applications, and Portals, WildFly Application Server provides the
full range of Jakarta EE 10 features as well as extended enterprise
services including clustering, caching, and persistence.
WildFly requires a "wildfly" user and group; create these before
running the SlackBuild script. Examples:
# groupadd -g 282 -r wildfly
# useradd -u 282 -M -r -s /bin/bash -d /usr/share/wildfly \
-c "WildFly Application Server" -g wildfly wildfly
Read the documentation https://docs.wildfly.org
This script created a default installation so the application
is available at http://localhost:8080 and the administration
console at http://localhost:9990/console.
To connect to the console, you need to create an admin user with
# /sbin/add-user.sh -m -u wildfly -p **secret**