mumble-sever is the VoIP server component for Mumble. Murmur is
installed in a system-wide fashion, but can also be run by
individual users. Each mumble-server process supports multiple virtual
servers, each with their own user base and channel list.
Administration of mumble-server is done through D-Bus.
This script requires the system to have a mumble-server user and group:
# groupadd -g 261 murmur
# useradd -g murmur -u 261 -d /var/lib/mumble-server -s /bin/false murmur
To use a different user and/or group:
# MURMUR_USER=user MURMUR_GROUP=group ./mumble-server.SlackBuild
To run mumble-server at boot:
# chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.mumble-server
Add the following to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.mumble-server ]; then
/etc/rc.d/rc.mumble-server start
Note that the project changed the name from murmurd to mumble-server.
Not all of the upstream documentation has been updated yet.
- This does not build the mumble client (mumble).
- ZeroC Ice is optional for server RPC support. Build with
ICE=yes ./mumble-server.SlackBuild