240 lines
7.2 KiB
240 lines
7.2 KiB
diff -U 3 -H -b -B -d -r -N -- xbgi-364/CMakeLists.txt xbgi-364.new/CMakeLists.txt
--- xbgi-364/CMakeLists.txt 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ xbgi-364.new/CMakeLists.txt 2014-06-11 16:37:15.304000974 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+set (VERSION 364)
+ Functions.txt
+ License.txt
+ TODO.txt
+ Using.txt
+install(FILES ${DOC_FILES}
diff -U 3 -H -b -B -d -r -N -- xbgi-364/src/CMakeLists.txt xbgi-364.new/src/CMakeLists.txt
--- xbgi-364/src/CMakeLists.txt 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ xbgi-364.new/src/CMakeLists.txt 2014-06-11 17:34:49.036184249 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+set (sources
+ _graphfreemem.c
+ _graphgetmem.c
+ arc.c
+ bar.c
+ bar3d.c
+ circle.c
+ cleardevice.c
+ clearviewport.c
+ closegraph.c
+ detectgraph.c
+ drawpoly.c
+ ellipse.c
+ fillellipse.c
+ fillpoly.c
+ floodfill.c
+ getarccoords.c
+ getaspectratio.c
+ getbkcolor.c
+ getch.c
+ getcolor.c
+ getdate.c
+ getdefaultpalette.c
+ getdrivername.c
+ getfillpattern.c
+ getfillsettings.c
+ getgraphmode.c
+ getimage.c
+ getlinesettings.c
+ getmaxcolor.c
+ getmaxmode.c
+ getmaxx.c
+ getmaxy.c
+ getmodename.c
+ getmoderange.c
+ getpalette.c
+ getpalettesize.c
+ getpixel.c
+ gettextsettings.c
+ getviewsettings.c
+ getx.c
+ gety.c
+ graphdefaults.c
+ grapherrormsg.c
+ graphresult.c
+ imagesize.c
+ initgraph.c
+ installuserdriver.c
+ installuserfont.c
+ kbhit.c
+ line.c
+ linerel.c
+ lineto.c
+ moverel.c
+ moveto.c
+ outtext.c
+ outtextxy.c
+ pieslice.c
+ putimage.c
+ putpixel.c
+ rectangle.c
+ registerbgidriver.c
+ registerbgifont.c
+ restorecrtmode.c
+ rotated.c
+ sector.c
+ setactivepage.c
+ setallpalette.c
+ setaspectratio.c
+ setbkcolor.c
+ setcolor.c
+ setfillpattern.c
+ setfillstyle.c
+ setgraphbufsize.c
+ setgraphmode.c
+ setlinestyle.c
+ setpalette.c
+ setrgbpalette.c
+ settextjustify.c
+ settextstyle.c
+ setusercharsize.c
+ setviewport.c
+ setvisualpage.c
+ setwritemode.c
+ textheight.c
+ textwidth.c
+ delay.c
+ getmaxheight.c
+ getmaxwidth.c
+ getmouseclick.c
+ initwindow.c
+ ismouseclick.c
+ mouseclick.c
+ mousex.c
+ mousey.c
+ _putpixel.c
+ setrgbcolor.c
+ setbkrgbcolor.c
+ getevent.c
+ converttorgb.c
+ xkbhit.c
+ refresh.c
+add_library(Xbgi STATIC ${sources})
+include(FindPkgConfig QUIET)
+ configure_file("libXbgi.pc.in" "libXbgi.pc" @ONLY)
+ install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libXbgi.pc"
+install(TARGETS Xbgi
+install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/graphics.h"
diff -U 3 -H -b -B -d -r -N -- xbgi-364/src/Makefile xbgi-364.new/src/Makefile
--- xbgi-364/src/Makefile 2013-10-28 10:31:21.000000000 -0200
+++ xbgi-364.new/src/Makefile 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 0.1 1993/12/10 01:24:53 king Exp king $
-SRC = _graphfreemem.c _graphgetmem.c arc.c bar.c bar3d.c circle.c\
- cleardevice.c clearviewport.c closegraph.c detectgraph.c drawpoly.c\
- ellipse.c fillellipse.c fillpoly.c floodfill.c\
- getarccoords.c getaspectratio.c getbkcolor.c getch.c getcolor.c\
- getdate.c getdefaultpalette.c getdrivername.c getfillpattern.c\
- getfillsettings.c getgraphmode.c getimage.c getlinesettings.c\
- getmaxcolor.c getmaxmode.c getmaxx.c getmaxy.c getmodename.c\
- getmoderange.c getpalette.c getpalettesize.c getpixel.c\
- gettextsettings.c getviewsettings.c getx.c gety.c graphdefaults.c\
- grapherrormsg.c graphresult.c imagesize.c initgraph.c\
- installuserdriver.c installuserfont.c kbhit.c line.c linerel.c lineto.c\
- moverel.c moveto.c outtext.c outtextxy.c pieslice.c putimage.c\
- putpixel.c rectangle.c registerbgidriver.c registerbgifont.c\
- restorecrtmode.c rotated.c sector.c setactivepage.c setallpalette.c\
- setaspectratio.c setbkcolor.c setcolor.c setfillpattern.c\
- setfillstyle.c setgraphbufsize.c setgraphmode.c setlinestyle.c\
- setpalette.c setrgbpalette.c settextjustify.c settextstyle.c\
- setusercharsize.c setviewport.c setvisualpage.c setwritemode.c\
- textheight.c textwidth.c delay.c\
- COLOR.c getmaxheight.c getmaxwidth.c getmouseclick.c\
- initwindow.c ismouseclick.c mouseclick.c mousex.c mousey.c _putpixel.c\
- IS_BGI_COLOR.c IS_RGB_COLOR.c setrgbcolor.c setbkrgbcolor.c\
- getevent.c converttorgb.c xkbhit.c refresh.c
-OBJ = _graphfreemem.o _graphgetmem.o arc.o bar.o bar3d.o circle.o\
- cleardevice.o clearviewport.o closegraph.o detectgraph.o drawpoly.o\
- ellipse.o fillellipse.o fillpoly.o floodfill.o\
- getarccoords.o getaspectratio.o getbkcolor.o getch.o getcolor.o\
- getdate.o getdefaultpalette.o getdrivername.o getfillpattern.o\
- getfillsettings.o getgraphmode.o getimage.o getlinesettings.o\
- getmaxcolor.o getmaxmode.o getmaxx.o getmaxy.o getmodename.o\
- getmoderange.o getpalette.o getpalettesize.o getpixel.o\
- gettextsettings.o getviewsettings.o getx.o gety.o graphdefaults.o\
- grapherrormsg.o graphresult.o imagesize.o initgraph.o\
- installuserdriver.o installuserfont.o kbhit.o line.o linerel.o lineto.o\
- moverel.o moveto.o outtext.o outtextxy.o pieslice.o putimage.o\
- putpixel.o rectangle.o registerbgidriver.o registerbgifont.o\
- restorecrtmode.o rotated.o sector.o setactivepage.o setallpalette.o\
- setaspectratio.o setbkcolor.o setcolor.o setfillpattern.o\
- setfillstyle.o setgraphbufsize.o setgraphmode.o setlinestyle.o\
- setpalette.o setrgbpalette.o settextjustify.o settextstyle.o\
- setusercharsize.o setviewport.o setvisualpage.o setwritemode.o\
- textheight.o textwidth.o delay.o\
- COLOR.o getmaxheight.o getmaxwidth.o getmouseclick.o\
- initwindow.o ismouseclick.o mouseclick.o mousex.o mousey.o _putpixel.o\
- IS_BGI_COLOR.o IS_RGB_COLOR.o setrgbcolor.o setbkrgbcolor.o\
- getevent.o converttorgb.o xkbhit.o refresh.o
-LIB = libXbgi.a
-# C compiler: tested with gcc and clang
-CC = gcc
-AR = ar
-INC_DIR = /usr/include
-LIB_DIR = /usr/lib
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-libXbgi.a: $(OBJ)
- $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIB) $(OBJ)
-install: $(LIB) graphics.h
- cp $(LIB) $(LIB_DIR);\
- cp graphics.h $(INC_DIR)
-demo: demo.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o demo demo.c $(LIB) -lX11 -lm
- rm -f $(OBJ) *~ usleep.o demo
-usleep.o: usleep.c
- gcc -c -D_BSD_SIGNALS -DC usleep.c
Binary files xbgi-364/src/libXbgi.a and xbgi-364.new/src/libXbgi.a differ
diff -U 3 -H -b -B -d -r -N -- xbgi-364/src/libXbgi.pc.in xbgi-364.new/src/libXbgi.pc.in
--- xbgi-364/src/libXbgi.pc.in 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ xbgi-364.new/src/libXbgi.pc.in 2014-06-11 17:20:58.927827248 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description: Xlib-based port of old Borland Graphics Interface to X11
+Version: @VERSION@
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lXbgi -lX11 -lm
+Cflags: -I${includedir}