The Webcore Fonts package contains:
* Microsoft's Core Fonts for the web
* Microsoft Tahoma
* Microsoft's new fonts for Windows Vista
* Lucida Console
This SlackBuild puts two files in in /etc/fonts/conf.avail. The first,
"35-webcore-fonts.conf", sets the "sans" "serif" and "monopace" aliases to
Arial, Times New Roman and Courier New. The second.
"25-noautohint-corefonts.conf", disables the autohinter for core fonts only.
You activate either file by symlinking it into /etc/fonts/conf.d.
Before installing these, please remove "/etc/fonts/conf.d/60-liberation.conf".
That file causes Slackware to display Liberation fonts in the place of
Microsoft fonts. If you have Microsoft fonts, you don't need it.