Qt Creator 2 is a Cross-Platform Qt IDE.
The goal of Qt Creator is to provide a cross-platform, complete
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to develop Qt projects.
NOTE1: This package conflicts with qt-creator: install only one of
the two.
NOTE2: QmlDesigner needs Qt Private Headers. If you intend to build the
QmlDesigner you need to specify the Qt source location. Besides,
it is required to apply all patches from Slackware tree and run
configure. Note that the configure process takes some time to
finish due to the qmake compile process.
Follow these steps to prepare source tree:
1 - Copy Qt SlackBuild directory from Slackware source tree to /tmp;
2 - Edit qt-nowebkit.SlackBuild and place an exit command AFTER the
configure command;
3 - Execute qt.SlackBuild;
4 - move /tmp/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-x.x.x to /usr/src
QTSOURCEDIR is set to /usr/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-x.x.x
(Qt version from Slackware tree).