Benjamin Trigona-Harany acd3e150e2 python/python-PySnooper: Added (simple debugger for Python).
Signed-off-by: Willy Sudiarto Raharjo <>
2019-04-27 04:47:54 +07:00
APScheduler python/APScheduler: Updated for version 3.4.0. 2017-11-01 07:34:29 +07:00
Automat python/Automat: Updated for version 0.6.0. 2018-01-06 06:55:12 +07:00
Baker python/Baker: Switch to i586. 2016-11-11 20:36:30 +00:00
CANard python/CANard: Added (Controller Area Network python library). 2018-09-08 08:37:40 +07:00
Flask python/Flask: Updated for version 1.0.2. 2018-05-12 06:58:31 +07:00
Flask-Babel python/Flask-Babel: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:41 +07:00
Flask-Compress python/Flask-Compress: Update homepage. 2018-12-01 07:27:41 +07:00
Flask-Cors python/Flask-Cors: Updated for version 3.0.3. 2017-07-08 07:11:48 +07:00
Flask-Gravatar python/Flask-Gravatar: Fix slack-desc. 2017-03-25 13:29:43 +00:00
Flask-HTMLmin python/Flask-HTMLmin: Fix DOWNLOAD url. 2018-02-01 05:54:45 +07:00
Flask-Login python/Flask-Login: Updated for version 0.4.1. 2017-12-09 08:27:53 +07:00
Flask-Mail python/Flask-Mail: Update homepage, fix readme. 2018-12-01 07:27:41 +07:00
Flask-Principal python/Flask-Principal: Fix DOWNLOAD url. 2018-02-01 05:55:40 +07:00
Flask-RESTful python/Flask-RESTful: Updated for version 0.3.6. 2017-07-01 07:41:57 +07:00
Flask-SQLAlchemy python/Flask-SQLAlchemy: Updated for version 2.3.0. 2017-09-30 07:19:05 +07:00
Flask-Security python/Flask-Security: Added (Simple security for Flask apps). 2017-03-05 11:21:37 +07:00
Flask-WTF python/Flask-WTF: Fix DOWNLOAD url. 2018-02-01 05:56:01 +07:00
GeoIP-Python python/GeoIP-Python: enable Python3 2019-03-20 20:45:59 +07:00
Logbook python/Logbook: Switch homepage to https. 2018-10-21 06:46:51 +07:00
Mako python/Mako: Updated for version 1.0.9. 2019-04-27 04:37:53 +07:00
Markdown python/Markdown: Enable Python3 support. 2019-02-07 08:17:21 +07:00
MarkupSafe python/MarkupSafe: Updated for version 1.1.0 2018-11-24 12:35:20 +07:00
Markups python/Markups: Added (Wrapper around various text markups). 2019-01-05 07:49:19 +07:00
Parsley python/Parsley: Added (Parsing and pattern matching in Python). 2016-11-11 20:36:22 +00:00
Paver python/Paver: Updated for version 1.3.4. 2018-01-10 23:56:01 +07:00
PyColorizer python/PyColorizer: Switch to i586. 2016-10-08 08:07:20 +07:00
PyDispatcher python/PyDispatcher: Switch to i586. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
PyGithub python/PyGithub: Switch homepage to https. 2018-10-21 06:46:52 +07:00
PyGreSQL python/PyGreSQL: Updated for version 5.0.6 2018-08-04 08:40:07 +07:00
PyInstaller python/PyInstaller: Updated for version 3.2. 2016-10-29 06:58:15 +07:00
PyPDF2 python/PyPDF2: Added (Python PDF toolkit). 2017-09-04 23:10:57 +01:00
PyRIC python/PyRIC: Added (Linux wireless library for Python). 2017-06-06 07:56:18 +07:00
PySDL2 python/PySDL2: Updated for version 0.9.5. 2016-10-22 08:47:07 +07:00
PyStemmer python/PyStemmer: Added (Snowball stemming algorithms). 2017-03-05 11:02:08 +07:00
PyXB python/PyXB: Updated for version 1.2.5. 2016-11-14 16:42:37 +07:00
Pygments python/Pygments: Updated for version 2.1.3. 2016-08-20 07:49:48 +07:00
Pyro python/Pyro: Updated for version 3.16. 2015-04-03 20:50:22 +07:00
Pyro4 python/Pyro4: Updated for version 4.74. 2018-11-10 07:46:41 +07:00
PythonQt python/PythonQt: Fix build against Qt5-webkit. 2018-09-23 06:11:51 +07:00
RBTools python/RBTools: Update HOMEPAGE and DOWNLOAD urls. 2017-05-27 07:29:32 +07:00
SOAPpy python/SOAPpy: Allow VERSION override, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:44 +00:00
Scrapy python/Scrapy: Updated for version 1.5.1. 2018-08-11 07:23:15 +07:00
Unidecode python/Unidecode: Updated for version 0.04.21. 2018-01-06 06:55:17 +07:00
WTForms python/WTForms: Fixed slack-desc. 2017-03-06 21:34:12 +00:00
XlsxWriter python/XlsxWriter: Updated for version 1.1.2. 2019-03-16 06:53:18 +07:00
affine python/affine: Updated for version 2.2.2. 2018-12-22 08:44:21 +07:00
alabaster python/alabaster: Updated for version 0.7.10. 2018-02-17 07:42:55 +07:00
aniso8601 python/aniso8601: Updated for version 1.3.0. 2017-09-30 07:19:02 +07:00
apsw python/apsw: Updated for version 3.13.0_r1 2016-08-05 18:10:51 +01:00
argcomplete python/argcomplete: Updated for version 1.9.4. 2018-04-07 08:13:20 +07:00
argh python/argh: Update HOMEPAGE url. 2017-04-22 08:11:02 +07:00
args python/args: Switch to i586. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
arrow python/arrow: Updated for version 0.13.1. 2019-03-16 06:53:17 +07:00
artifacts python/artifacts: Updated for version 20190113. 2019-03-16 06:53:18 +07:00
asciimatics python/asciimatics: Fixed deps. 2017-05-18 20:46:13 +01:00
asn1crypto python/asn1crypto: Add support for python3. 2018-11-17 18:33:08 +07:00
astroid python/astroid: Downgraded for version 1.6.5. 2018-08-18 08:39:53 +07:00
async-timeout python/async-timeout: Added (asyncio-compatible timeout class). 2019-03-16 06:53:22 +07:00
atomicwrites python/atomicwrites: Added support python3. 2018-10-13 08:03:06 +07:00
attrs python/attrs: Updated for version 18.2.0. 2018-11-17 18:42:50 +07:00
autopep8 python/autopep8: Updated for version 1.4. 2018-09-21 23:29:50 +01:00
babel python/babel: Updated for version 2.5.3. 2018-02-17 07:42:49 +07:00
babelfish python/babelfish: Updated for version 0.5.5. 2016-09-25 07:05:27 +07:00
backcall python/backcall: Added (backwards compatible callback APIs). 2018-04-07 08:13:11 +07:00
backports-abc python/backports-abc: Updated for version 0.5. 2017-04-08 06:58:08 +07:00
backports.lzma python/backports.lzma: Updated for version 0.0.13. 2019-01-19 04:09:31 +07:00
bencode python/bencode: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
binplist python/binplist: Updated for version 0.1.5. 2016-08-28 00:22:59 +01:00
biplist python/biplist: Added (plist parser/generator module). 2019-01-13 22:12:27 +07:00
bitarray python/bitarray: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:32 +07:00
bleach python/bleach: Updated for version 3.1.0. 2019-01-19 07:20:32 +07:00
blessings python/blessings: Updated for version 1.7. 2018-06-30 07:00:08 +07:00
blinker python/blinker: Updated homepage 2017-05-20 06:52:36 +07:00
boto python/boto: Updated for version 2.42.0 2016-07-30 08:28:40 +07:00
boto3 python/boto3: Updated homepage 2017-05-20 06:52:38 +07:00
bottle-mysql python/bottle-mysql: Added (MySQL integration for Bottle). 2015-06-22 11:12:21 +07:00
bsddb3 python/bsddb3: Updated for version 6.2.6. 2018-08-18 08:39:44 +07:00
buildbot python/buildbot: Added (automated compile/test cycle). 2016-08-31 04:24:39 +07:00
buildbot-slave python/buildbot-slave: Fixed deps. 2016-12-10 00:57:38 +00:00
cairocffi python/cairocffi: Updated for version 0.9.0. 2019-02-17 21:56:30 +07:00
cfgparse python/cfgparse: Added (Python Configuration Parser Module). 2016-08-13 07:22:19 +07:00
characteristic Multiple: Fixed .info file (removed pysetuptools) 2016-01-17 09:40:16 +07:00
cheroot python/cheroot: Update homepage. 2018-04-28 06:40:10 +07:00
chump python/chump: Updated for version 1.5.2. 2016-10-22 08:47:07 +07:00
click python/click: Updated for version 7.0. 2018-10-06 07:25:22 +07:00
click-default-group python/click-default-group: Added (click extends). 2016-09-23 04:34:47 +07:00
click-plugins python/click-plugins: Updated for version 1.1.1. 2019-04-06 07:02:59 +07:00
clint python/clint: Updated for version 0.5.1. 2016-10-22 08:47:07 +07:00
cocos2d python/cocos2d: Added (python game engine). 2017-04-08 06:57:41 +07:00
colorama python/colorama: Updated for version 0.3.9. 2018-12-01 07:27:35 +07:00
colorclass python/colorclass: Added (ANSI color text library for Python). 2016-08-28 00:22:59 +01:00
colored python/colored: Updated for version 1.3.93. 2018-07-07 06:54:23 +07:00
constantly python/constantly: Added (Symbolic constants in Python). 2017-03-08 19:47:36 +00:00
construct python/construct: Updated for version 2.9.45. 2019-01-19 04:10:39 +07:00
cov-core python/cov-core: Switch to i586. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
coverage python/coverage: Updated for version 4.5.1. 2018-02-17 07:43:03 +07:00
crcmod python/crcmod: Added (python CRC Generator) 2018-01-10 23:55:55 +07:00
cryptography python/cryptography: Add python3 support. 2018-11-17 18:32:39 +07:00
cssselect python/cssselect: Updated for version 1.0.3 2018-06-14 01:15:44 +01:00
cssutils python/cssutils: Updated for version 1.0.2 2017-03-18 06:59:24 +07:00
curtsies python/curtsies: Updated for version 0.2.11. 2016-10-29 06:58:15 +07:00
darts.util.lru python/darts.util.lru: Switch to i586. 2016-12-24 07:33:28 +07:00
dbus-python3 python/dbus-python3: Update maintainer email. 2018-03-18 17:17:42 +00:00
decorator python/decorator: Updated for version 4.4.0. 2019-04-06 07:02:59 +07:00
defusedxml python/defusedxml: Updated for version 0.6.0. 2019-04-21 07:31:40 +07:00
dfdatetime python/dfdatetime: Updated for version 20190116. 2019-03-16 06:53:19 +07:00
dfvfs python/dfvfs: Updated for version 20190128. 2019-03-16 06:53:19 +07:00
dfwinreg python/dfwinreg: Updated for version 20190122. 2019-03-16 06:53:19 +07:00
dhcpy6d python/dhcpy6d: Mirror download url. 2018-03-06 02:04:26 +07:00
distorm python/distorm: Updated for version 3.4.1. 2019-03-23 00:43:31 +07:00
dnspython python/dnspython: Added python3 support 2018-01-17 19:46:27 +07:00
docopt python/docopt: Fix .info. 2017-03-25 13:29:44 +00:00
dotty python/dotty: Added (Python query language). 2017-02-11 07:24:31 +07:00
dpkt python/dpkt: Updated for version 1.8.8. 2017-01-24 07:22:54 +07:00
drawille python/drawille: Switch to i586. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
dtfabric python/dtfabric: Updated for version 20190120. 2019-03-16 06:53:19 +07:00
dukpy python/dukpy: Added (JavaScript runtime environment for Python). 2018-06-14 01:13:27 +01:00
dulwich python/dulwich: Updated for version 0.18.6. 2017-11-20 17:59:21 +07:00
dxfwrite python/dxfwrite: Allow VERSION override, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:44 +00:00
easygui python/easygui: Updated for version 0.97.4. 2015-09-11 01:52:56 +07:00
ecdsa python/ecdsa: Add python3 support. 2018-01-04 08:18:58 +07:00
egenix-mx-base python/egenix-mx-base: Switch to https. 2017-08-31 22:57:45 +07:00
elasticsearch5 python/elasticsearch5: Added (python client for Elasticsearch). 2019-01-25 12:11:00 +07:00
entrypoints python/entrypoints: Updated for version 0.3. 2019-01-19 07:20:32 +07:00
enzyme python/enzyme: Switch to i586. 2016-11-11 20:36:30 +00:00
etk.docking python/etk.docking: Updated homepage and download links 2017-05-20 06:53:05 +07:00
euca2ools python/euca2ools: Update homepage. 2018-12-01 07:27:43 +07:00
extras python/extras: Update slack-desc. 2017-03-11 07:03:43 +07:00
fabric python/fabric: Updated for version 1.13.2. 2017-04-29 12:50:54 +07:00
fasteners python/fasteners: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
feedgenerator python/feedgenerator: Updated homepage 2017-05-20 06:53:07 +07:00
feedparser python/feedparser: Allow VERSION override, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:45 +00:00
filechunkio python/filechunkio: Update README. 2016-11-12 06:58:01 +07:00
fixtures python/fixtures: Added (Fixtures package for python). 2017-03-11 07:03:43 +07:00
flake8 python/flakes8: Updated for version 3.5.0. 2017-11-20 17:58:59 +07:00
flask-paginate python/flask-paginate: Updated for version 0.5.0. 2017-07-01 07:41:56 +07:00
flask-restplus python/flask-restplus: Added (Flask extn for building REST APIs). 2016-08-13 07:22:19 +07:00
foolscap python/foolscap: Update md5sum. 2018-02-17 07:43:04 +07:00
frosted python/frosted: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
fudge python/fudge: Fix .info. 2017-03-25 13:29:45 +00:00
funcsigs python/funcsigs: Switch homepage to https. 2018-10-21 06:46:51 +07:00
functools-lru-cache python/functools-lru-cache: Updated for version 1.5. 2018-11-03 07:44:58 +07:00
functools32 python/functools32: Switch to i586. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
getdevinfo python/getdevinfo: Added (A device information gatherer). 2018-07-07 06:54:12 +07:00
git-fame python/git-fame: Updated for version 1.8.0. 2019-03-23 09:59:37 +07:00
githubpy python/githubpy: Added (A simple GitHub v3 API SDK for Python). 2016-08-15 18:15:23 +01:00
gmpy python/gmpy: Fix HOMEPAGE. 2016-10-22 08:47:29 +07:00
gnome-python python/gnome-python: Updated homepage and download links 2017-05-20 06:53:18 +07:00
google-api-python-client python/google-api-python-client: Updated for version 1.6.2. 2017-03-25 00:10:11 +00:00
google-apputils python/google-apputils: Add python3 support. 2018-01-10 23:55:49 +07:00
gst-python python/gst-python: Updated homepage and download links 2017-05-20 06:53:25 +07:00
gst-python3 python/gst-python3: Updated homepage and download links 2017-05-20 06:53:26 +07:00
gst0-python python/gst0-python: Updated homepage and download links 2017-05-20 06:53:22 +07:00
guess-language python/guess-language: Update HOMEPAGE & DOWNLOAD url. 2017-04-22 08:11:02 +07:00
guessit python/guessit: Updated for version 2.0.4. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
gunicorn python/gunicorn: Updated for version 19.9.0. 2019-03-16 06:53:33 +07:00
hachoir-core python/hachoir-core: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
hachoir-metadata python/hachoir-metadata: Fix .info, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:45 +00:00
hachoir-parser python/hachoir-parser: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
halberd python/halberd: Update homepage. 2018-03-31 07:41:28 +07:00
helpy python/helpy: Switch to i586. 2016-10-22 08:47:07 +07:00
hg-git python/hg-git: Updated for version 0.8.11. 2018-04-07 08:13:25 +07:00
hgsubversion python/hgsubversion: Updated for version 1.9. 2017-11-04 07:17:36 +07:00
hpack python/hpack: Add python3 support. 2017-01-14 06:02:10 +07:00
html2text Multiple: Fixed .info file (removed pysetuptools) 2016-01-17 09:40:16 +07:00
html5-parser python/html5-parser: Updated for version 0.4.5 2018-06-14 01:15:44 +01:00
htmlmin python/htmlmin: Added (An HTML Minifier). 2017-03-05 10:58:29 +07:00
httplib2 python/httplib2: Autodect python3, cleanups. 2018-07-14 06:55:59 +07:00
hyperlink python/hyperlink: Updated for version 17.3.1. 2018-01-06 06:55:14 +07:00
i3-py python/i3-py: Switch to i586. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
idna python/idna: Updated for version 2.6. 2018-01-06 06:55:14 +07:00
imagesize python/imagesize: Add python3 support. 2018-02-17 07:42:55 +07:00
incremental python/incremental: Updated for version 17.5.0. 2018-01-06 06:55:15 +07:00
invoke python/invoke: Updated for version 1.0.0.. 2018-05-19 00:43:58 +01:00
ipaddr-py python/ipaddr-py: Update DOWNLOAD url. 2018-02-09 08:29:51 +07:00
ipython python/ipython: Upgraded for version 5.8.0. 2018-08-04 08:40:09 +07:00
ipython_genutils python/ipython_genutils: Remove Python 3 support. 2017-04-22 08:10:27 +07:00
isort python/isort: Updated for version 4.3.4. 2018-11-03 07:44:57 +07:00
itsdangerous python/itsdangerous: Update HOMEPAGE url. 2017-04-22 08:11:03 +07:00
jaraco.classes python/jaraco.classes: Added (functions for Python). 2017-11-20 17:59:12 +07:00
jedi python/jedi: Updated for version 0.13.3. 2019-03-02 07:40:26 +07:00
jellyfish python/jellyfish: Updated for version 0.6.0. 2018-04-14 07:06:37 +07:00
jmespath python/jmespath: Updated for version 0.9.3. 2017-06-06 07:56:23 +07:00
josepy python/josepy: Updated for version 1.1.0. 2018-10-06 07:09:51 +07:00
json-py python/json-py: Updated homepage and download links 2017-05-20 06:53:37 +07:00
jsonschema python/jsonschema: Fixed deps. 2017-05-18 20:46:16 +01:00
kaptan python/kaptan: Switch to i586. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
linecache2 python/linecache2: Fixed deps. 2017-05-18 20:46:14 +01:00
llfuse python/llfuse: Updated for version 1.1. 2016-07-09 08:00:32 +07:00
lockfile python/lockfile: Switch to pypi. 2017-08-12 20:55:25 +07:00
lxml python/lxml: Add python3 bindings by default 2018-11-24 12:35:19 +07:00
mando python/mando: Fixed VERSION. 2016-12-10 00:57:38 +00:00
mechanize python/mechanize: Update download url 2018-02-10 08:09:34 +07:00
mibuild python/mibuild: Added (Milkymist Build system). 2017-11-03 23:18:36 +00:00
migen python/migen: Updated homepage. 2018-03-31 07:41:30 +07:00
mini-amf python/mini-amf: Updated REQUIRES. 2018-08-18 08:39:43 +07:00
minidb python/minidb: Switch to https. 2017-08-12 06:58:16 +07:00
mistune python/mistune: Updated for version 0.8.4. 2018-10-21 06:47:09 +07:00
mnemonic python/mnemonic: Update README, slack-desc. 2016-11-12 06:58:01 +07:00
mock python/mock: Updated for version 2.0.0 + new maintainer. 2018-06-02 07:32:35 +07:00
monotonic python/monotonic: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
monty python/monty: Updated for version 1.0.2. 2017-11-18 12:40:41 +07:00
more-itertools python/more-itertools: Added support python3. 2018-10-13 08:03:06 +07:00
msgpack-python python/msgpack-python: Updated for version 0.5.6. 2018-11-10 07:48:24 +07:00
munch python/munch: Add Python 3 support. 2018-08-12 21:08:38 -07:00
mypy python/mypy: Updated for version 0.701. 2019-04-25 23:47:14 +07:00
mypy_extensions python/mypy_extensions: Change email address. 2018-12-22 19:55:05 +07:00
ndg_httpsclient python/ndg_httpsclient: Updated for version 0.5.1. 2018-08-11 07:23:15 +07:00
netifaces python/netifaces: Updated for version 0.10.7 2018-06-14 01:15:44 +01:00
networkx python/networkx: Added (create and manipulate networks). 2018-01-08 13:02:27 +00:00
node-semver python/node-semver: Added (python version of node-semver). 2017-01-24 07:22:53 +07:00
npyscreen python/npyscreen: Switch to i586. 2016-10-08 08:07:20 +07:00
numexpr python/numexpr: Updated for version 2.4.6. 2015-11-09 18:07:45 +07:00
numpydoc python/numpydoc: Updated for version 0.8.0. 2018-04-07 08:13:18 +07:00
nxt-python python/nxt-python: Switch to github. 2017-08-12 06:58:26 +07:00
nyx python/nyx: Updated for version 2.1.0. 2019-04-18 09:29:04 +07:00
obspy python/obspy: Updated for version 1.1.1. 2019-03-16 06:53:12 +07:00
p4python python/p4python: Mirror download url. 2018-03-06 02:04:26 +07:00
packaging python/packaging: Updated for version 17.1. 2018-08-11 07:22:23 +07:00
pandocfilters python/pandocfilters: Updated for version 1.4.2. 2017-08-12 06:58:57 +07:00
paramiko python/paramiko: Updated for version 2.4.1. 2018-03-24 06:51:19 +07:00
parsel python/parsel: Updated for version 1.4.0. 2018-04-21 07:43:08 +07:00
parso python/parso: Updated for version 0.4.0. 2019-04-13 06:56:59 +07:00
passlib python/passlib: Updated for version 1.7.1. 2017-04-01 06:57:03 +07:00 python/ Updated for version 11.0.1. 2018-04-07 08:13:18 +07:00
pathlib python/pathlib: Added (Object-oriented filesystem paths). 2016-08-13 07:22:19 +07:00
pathlib2 python/parhlib2: Add support for python3. 2018-11-24 12:35:41 +07:00
pattern python/pattern: Updated for version 2.6. 2016-11-26 11:47:24 +07:00
pbr python/pbr: Updated for version 5.1.1. 2019-01-24 18:18:30 +07:00
pefile python/pefile: Updated for version 2018.8.8. 2019-01-19 04:19:32 +07:00
pelican python/pelican: Updated for version 4.0.1. 2019-02-22 09:25:11 +07:00
pendulum python/pendulum: Updated for version 2.0.3. 2018-08-11 07:23:15 +07:00
phply python/phply: Fix collision, script update. 2018-11-03 07:46:40 +07:00
pickleshare python/pickleshare: Updated for version 0.7.5. 2018-10-06 07:25:24 +07:00
pilkit python/pilkit: Updated for version 2.0. 2017-04-13 07:27:59 +07:00
pillowfight python/pillowfight: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
pip python/pip: Updated for version 9.0.3. 2018-04-07 08:13:25 +07:00
pipdeptree python/pipdeptree: Updated for version 0.11.0. 2018-04-07 08:13:20 +07:00
piprot python/piprot: Updated for version 0.9.7. 2016-10-15 07:09:48 +07:00
pipstat python/pipstat: Switch to i586. 2016-10-29 06:58:15 +07:00
pkginfo python/pkginfo: Updated for version 2019-01-26 07:53:36 +07:00
planes python/planes: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
plaso python/plaso: Updated for version 20190131. 2019-03-16 06:53:21 +07:00
pluggy python/pluggy: Updated for version 0.9.0. 2019-03-16 06:53:31 +07:00
pluginbase python/pluginbase: New homepage. 2017-04-13 07:27:50 +07:00
ply python/ply: Updated for version 3.11. 2018-04-07 08:13:20 +07:00
polib python/polib: Fix doc location. 2018-11-24 12:35:25 +07:00
portend python/portend: Updated for version 2.1.2. 2017-07-15 07:33:47 +07:00
poster python/poster: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
progressive python/progressive: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
prompt_toolkit python/prompt_toolkit: Updated for version 2.0.7. 2018-12-15 20:44:31 +07:00
prompt_toolkit1 python/prompt_toolkit1: Added (interactive command lines). 2018-07-07 06:54:14 +07:00
ps_mem python/ps_mem: Updated for version 3.13. 2018-11-17 18:42:47 +07:00
psutil python/psutil: Updated for version 5.4.8 2018-11-10 07:48:10 +07:00
ptpython python/ptpython: Updated for version 0.41. 2017-08-05 07:07:41 +07:00
ptyprocess python/ptyprocess: Updated for version 0.6.0. 2018-07-07 06:54:11 +07:00
purl python/purl: Updated for version 1.5. 2019-03-16 06:53:32 +07:00
py python/py: Added support python3. 2018-10-13 08:03:06 +07:00
py-cpuinfo python/py-cpuinfo: Added (retrieve CPU information). 2017-02-18 07:54:03 +07:00
py3cairo python/py3cairo: Fix build directory variable. 2016-11-20 09:44:58 +07:00
py3sensors python/py3sensors: Fix md5sum, switch to i586. 2017-02-11 23:18:43 +00:00
py4j python/py4j: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
pyOpenSSL python/pyOpenSSL: Add support for python3. 2018-11-17 18:31:49 +07:00
pyPdf python/pyPdf: Updated for version 1.13 + new maintainer. 2017-09-05 23:55:44 +01:00
pySmartDL python/pySmartDL: Updated for version 1.3.1. 2019-03-02 07:40:26 +07:00
pyaes python/pyaes: Add python3 support. 2018-01-04 08:17:34 +07:00
pyamf python/pyamf: Added (Action Message Format support for Python). 2017-11-05 21:42:12 +00:00
pyasn1 python/pyasn1: Updated for version 0.4.4. 2018-09-09 23:16:24 +01:00
pyasn1-modules python/pyasn1-modules: Updated for version 0.2.2. 2018-09-09 23:17:01 +01:00
pybloomfiltermmap python/pybloomfiltermmap: Updated f/v 0.3.15 + moved from libraries/ 2017-04-01 06:57:03 +07:00
pybluez python/pybluez: Update homepage. 2018-05-26 06:59:20 +07:00
pycassa python/pycassa: Updated for version 1.11.1. 2016-11-26 11:47:24 +07:00
pycdio Multiple: Fixed .info file (removed pysetuptools) 2016-01-17 09:40:16 +07:00
pychart python/pychart: Mirror download url. 2018-03-06 02:04:26 +07:00
pychm python/pychm: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
pycld2 python/pycld2: Script clean up. 2018-10-27 09:27:34 +07:00
pycodestyle python/pycodestyle: Downgraded to version 2.3.1. 2019-03-16 06:53:31 +07:00
pycrypto python/pycrypto: Update DOWNLOAD url. 2017-05-20 06:54:10 +07:00
pycryptodome python/pycryptodome: Updated for version 3.8.1. 2019-04-05 07:38:59 +07:00
pycryptopp python/pycryptopp: Updated homepage link. 2017-05-20 06:54:31 +07:00
pycxx Multiple: Fixed .info file (removed pysetuptools) 2016-01-17 09:40:16 +07:00
pydblite python/pydblite: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
pydf python/pydf: Update README. 2016-11-12 06:58:01 +07:00
pydot python/pydot: Fixed version. 2017-01-21 07:04:18 +07:00
pyewmh python/pyewmh: Updated for version 0.1.6. 2018-03-17 08:51:48 +07:00
pyfiglet python/pyfiglet: Switch to i586. 2016-10-29 06:58:15 +07:00
pyflakes python/pyflakes: Updated for version 1.6.0. 2017-11-20 17:58:58 +07:00
pyfltk python/pyfltk: Build with extra/fltk. 2016-01-16 23:36:53 -06:00
pygame python/pygame: Updated for version 1.9.4. 2018-07-21 06:53:33 +07:00
pyglet python/pyglet: Updated for version 1.3.2. 2018-05-12 06:58:31 +07:00
pygobject3-python3 python/pygobject3-python3: Update maintainer email. 2018-03-18 17:17:44 +00:00
pygpgme python/pygpgme: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:31 +07:00
pygrametl python/pygrametl: Updated for version 2.5.0. 2016-09-24 07:05:14 +07:00
pygsl python/pygsl: Updated for version 2.3.0. 2018-04-21 07:42:59 +07:00
pygtksourceview python/pygtksourceview: Allow VERSION override, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:48 +00:00
pygtkspell python/pygtkspell: Allow VERSION override, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:48 +00:00
pyicu python/pyicu: Add python3 support. 2017-04-08 06:57:46 +07:00
pyinotify python/pyinotify: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
pyjwt python/pyjwt: Added (JSON Web Token implementation in Python). 2016-08-13 07:22:19 +07:00
pyliblo python/pyliblo: i486 => i586. 2016-08-20 07:50:03 +07:00
pylirc python/pylirc: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
pymongo python/pymongo: Updated for version 3.5.1. 2017-09-23 16:33:22 +01:00
pymysql python/pymysql: Updated for version 0.9.2 2018-11-24 12:35:19 +07:00
pynzb python/pynzb: Switch to https. 2018-03-02 08:02:03 +07:00
pyorbit python/pyorbit: Allow VERSION override, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:48 +00:00
pyotp python/pyotp: enable Python3 2019-03-20 20:55:54 +07:00
pyparsing python/pyparsing: Updated for version 2.3.1. 2019-01-20 22:02:56 +07:00
pyperclip python/pyperclip: Updated for version 1.6.4. 2018-08-18 08:39:45 +07:00
pypng python/pypng: Updated for version 0.0.19. 2019-01-05 23:50:13 +07:00
pypoppler python/pypoppler: Allow VERSION override, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:49 +00:00
pypy python/pypy: Updated for version 5.9. 2017-11-04 07:17:34 +07:00
pypy3 python/pypy3: Updated for version 5.9_beta. 2017-11-04 07:17:35 +07:00
pyqode.cobol python/pyqode.cobol: Added (Adds COBOL support to pyqode.core). 2016-08-20 07:49:48 +07:00
pyqode.qt python/pyqode.qt: Fix .info file. 2016-08-28 00:27:40 +01:00
pyquery python/pyquery: Switch to https. 2018-03-02 08:01:41 +07:00
pyresample python/pyresample: Updated for version 1.5.0. 2017-05-06 07:03:57 +07:00
pyrfc3339 python/pyrfc3339: Updated for version 1.1. 2018-06-22 19:24:52 +07:00
pyrsistent python/pyrsistent: Updated homepage link. 2017-05-20 06:54:32 +07:00
pysed system/pysed: Switch to i586. 2016-09-24 07:05:14 +07:00
pyserial python/pyserial: Updated for version 3.4. 2017-07-27 15:25:14 +07:00
pysha3 python/pysha3: Added (SHA-3 wrapper for Python). 2019-01-09 06:40:25 +07:00
pyside python/pyside: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
pysmssend python/pysmssend: i486=>i586, rm .gitignore. 2017-03-25 13:29:49 +00:00
pysnmp python/pysnmp: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:41 +07:00
pysqlite python/pysqlite: Added (Python interface to SQLite 3). 2018-03-22 22:33:30 +00:00
pystatsd python/pystatsd: Switch to https. 2018-03-02 07:59:03 +07:00
pysvn python/pysvn: Updated for version 1.8.0. 2016-01-17 09:40:16 +07:00
pyta-lib python/pyta-lib: Fixed tarball handling. 2018-01-06 06:55:20 +07:00
pytables Multiple: Fix .info and README (Cython refs) 2016-01-17 09:40:16 +07:00
pytest python/pytest: Downgraded to version 3.8.2. 2019-02-09 10:30:00 +07:00
pytest-cov python/pytest-cov: Updated for version 2.5.0. 2017-05-13 06:59:50 +07:00
pytest-runner python/pytest-runner: Updated for version 4.2. 2018-03-23 21:11:07 +00:00
python-Levenshtein python/python-Levenshtein: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:41 +07:00
python-MonthDelta python/python-MonthDelta: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
python-PySnooper python/python-PySnooper: Added (simple debugger for Python). 2019-04-27 04:47:54 +07:00
python-Safe python/python-Safe: Added (Check the password strength). 2016-08-13 07:22:19 +07:00
python-argopt python/python-argopt: Updated for version 0.5.0. 2019-01-12 06:58:36 +07:00
python-augeas python/python-augeas: Update DOWNLOAD url. 2017-03-05 08:53:37 +07:00
python-authres python/python-authres: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
python-autobahn python/python-autobahn: Updated for version 18.11.1. 2018-12-01 07:27:44 +07:00
python-axolotl python/python-axolotl: Updated for version 0.1.42. 2018-04-07 08:13:21 +07:00
python-axolotl-curve25519 python/python-axolotl-curve25519: Updated for version 0.4.1.post2. 2018-06-18 08:35:22 +01:00
python-bigfloat python/python-bigfloat: Updated for version 0.3.0. 2017-07-26 18:28:56 +07:00
python-blake2 python/python-blake2: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:33 +07:00
python-branca python/python-branca: Added (HTML and JavaScript generator). 2019-04-12 22:27:34 +07:00
python-cached-property python/python-cached-property: Updated for version 1.4.2. 2018-05-12 06:58:37 +07:00
python-certifi python/python-certifi: Updated for version 2019.3.9. 2019-03-16 06:53:32 +07:00
python-chardet python/python-chardet: Mention optional python3 in README. 2017-07-23 00:05:34 +01:00
python-cheetah python/python-cheetah: Switch to https. 2018-03-02 07:59:43 +07:00
python-clamd python/python-clamd: Switch to i586. 2018-03-31 07:41:37 +07:00
python-cluster python/python-cluster: Allow VERSION override, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:50 +00:00
python-cmdln python/python-cmdln: Updated for version 2.0.0. 2017-07-26 20:42:06 +07:00
python-configargparse python/python-configargparse: Updated for version 0.14.0. 2019-03-17 08:28:34 +07:00
python-d2to1 python/python-d2to1: Fixed slack-desc. 2017-11-01 07:34:07 +07:00
python-daemon Multiple: Fixed .info file (removed pysetuptools) 2016-01-17 09:40:16 +07:00
python-dateutil python/python-dateutil: Updated for version 2.7.5 2018-11-10 07:48:09 +07:00
python-demjson python/python-demjson: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:37 +07:00
python-discid python/python-discid: Switch to https. 2018-03-02 08:00:08 +07:00
python-distro python/python-distro: Updated for version 1.4.0. 2019-02-09 10:30:02 +07:00
python-distutils-extra python/python-distutils-extra: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
python-django python/python-django: Updated for version 1.11.18. 2019-01-26 07:53:39 +07:00
python-django-legacy python/python-django-legacy: Added (Web framework). 2017-04-08 06:57:44 +07:00
python-django-tagging python/python-django-tagging: Updated for version 0.4.3. 2016-09-11 08:53:21 +07:00
python-djvulibre python/python-djvulibre: Added (python bindings for djvulibre). 2017-04-08 06:57:43 +07:00
python-docker python/python-docker: Updated for version 3.3.0. 2018-05-12 06:58:37 +07:00
python-docker-pycreds python/python-docker-pycreds: Updated for version 0.2.3. 2018-05-12 06:58:37 +07:00
python-dockerpty python/python-dockerpty: Update download URL. 2018-05-12 06:58:37 +07:00
python-editor python/python-editor: Updated for version 1.0.3. 2016-12-03 07:21:50 +07:00
python-elementtree python/python-elementtree: i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:50 +00:00
python-elib.intl python/python-elib.intl: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
python-emoji python/python-emoji: Updated for version 0.5.2. 2019-04-13 06:56:59 +07:00
python-esmre python/python-esmre: Switch to i586. 2016-12-24 07:33:29 +07:00
python-evdev python/python-evdev: Updated for version 1.1.2. 2018-09-08 08:37:38 +07:00
python-faulthandler python/python-faulthandler: Updated for version 3.1. 2018-04-27 01:24:46 +07:00
python-fonttools python/python-fonttools: Updated for version 3.40.0. 2019-04-13 06:56:55 +07:00
python-fusepy python/python-fusepy: Updated for version 3.0.1. 2018-11-17 18:42:44 +07:00
python-future python/python-future: Updated for version 0.16.0. 2016-10-29 06:58:15 +07:00
python-gammu python/python-gammu: Added (Python bindings for gammu). 2017-01-28 07:38:09 +07:00
python-gattlib python/python-gattlib: Fixed odd permissions on some files. 2017-09-02 10:22:52 +01:00
python-gflags python/python-gflags: Add python3 support. 2018-01-10 23:55:49 +07:00
python-ipcalc Multiple: Support alternate tarball name. 2016-01-20 23:59:30 +07:00
python-jsonrpclib python/python-jsonrpclib: Updated for version 0.4.0. 2019-03-17 08:30:35 +07:00
python-kerberos python/python-kerberos: Updated for version 1.2.1 + new maintainer. 2018-04-07 08:13:13 +07:00
python-keybinder python/python-keybinder: Fixed download url. 2018-06-23 08:44:09 +07:00
python-keyczar python/python-keyczar: Updated for version 0.716 2016-08-05 18:10:51 +01:00
python-keyring python/python-keyring: Updated for version 17.0.0. 2018-12-01 07:27:36 +07:00
python-keyutils python/python-keyutils: Fix dep. 2017-09-02 10:19:45 +01:00
python-klein python/python-klein: Updated for version 17.10.0. 2018-01-06 06:55:19 +07:00
python-lazy-object-proxy python/python-lazy-object-proxy: Updated for version 1.3.1. 2017-05-13 06:59:46 +07:00
python-ldap python/python-ldap: Updated for version 3.1.0 + new maintainer. 2018-06-03 18:11:02 +01:00
python-lhafile python/python-lhafile: Updated for version 0.2.1. 2015-09-11 03:19:05 +07:00
python-libarchive-c python/python-libarchive-c: Updated for version 2.8. 2018-06-17 20:53:45 +01:00
python-libnacl python/python-libnacl: Updated for version 1.6.1 2018-11-24 12:35:20 +07:00
python-libsass python/python-libsass: Updated for version 0.16.1. 2018-12-01 07:27:36 +07:00
python-libtmux python/python-libtmux: Updated for version 0.6.5. 2017-04-13 07:27:57 +07:00
python-ly python/python-ly: Added (python parser for lilyPond files). 2017-02-11 07:24:30 +07:00
python-lz4 python/python-lz4: Added (python bindings for lz4). 2019-01-24 18:23:24 +07:00
python-m2r python/python-m2r: Updated for version 0.2.1. 2018-11-10 07:46:42 +07:00
python-magic python/python-magic: Updated for version 0.4.15 2018-11-10 07:48:11 +07:00
python-magick python/python-magick: Updated for version 0.9.12. 2016-01-17 09:40:16 +07:00
python-markdown-math python/python-markdown-math: Added (extension for Python-Markdown). 2019-02-01 00:26:55 +07:00
python-mccabe python/python-mccabe: Fixed deps. 2017-05-18 20:46:15 +01:00
python-memcached python/python-memcached: Updated for version 1.58 + new maintainer. 2016-09-04 23:55:52 +07:00
python-mimeparse python/python-mimeparse: Fix DOWNLOAD url. 2018-02-01 05:56:36 +07:00
python-morbid python/python-morbid: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:42 +07:00
python-mpd python/python-mpd: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:42 +07:00
python-musicbrainz2 python/python-musicbrainz2: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
python-mysqlclient python/python-mysqlclient: Updated for version 1.3.13. 2018-11-10 07:46:41 +07:00
python-nbxmpp python/python-nbxmpp: Added python3 support. 2018-10-12 20:07:27 +07:00
python-neovim python/python-neovim: Updated for version 0.3.2. 2019-01-26 07:53:31 +07:00
python-netaddr python/python-netaddr: Updated for version 0.7.19 2017-05-11 09:03:54 +10:00
python-notify2 python/python-notify2: Updated for version 0.3.1. 2018-03-06 02:04:10 +07:00
python-oauth python/python-oauth: Switch to https. 2018-03-02 08:00:28 +07:00
python-oauth2 python/python-oauth2: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:42 +07:00
python-oauth2client python/python-oauth2client: Updated for version 4.0.0. 2016-11-19 07:31:41 +07:00
python-oauthlib python/python-oauthlib: Updated for version 2.1.0. 2018-06-02 07:32:27 +07:00
python-odict python/python-odict: Added (ordered dictionary). 2017-11-01 07:34:01 +07:00
python-orbited python/python-orbited: Switch to https. 2018-03-02 08:01:14 +07:00
python-parse python/python-parse: Added (Python String Parser). 2015-02-05 06:31:11 +07:00
python-parsedatetime python/python-parsedatetime: Updated for version 2.4. 2017-05-20 06:54:07 +07:00
python-patch python/python-patch: Fix README. 2016-11-15 21:41:38 +07:00
python-pbkdf2 python/python-pbkdf2: Add python3 support. 2018-01-04 08:16:24 +07:00
python-pcapy python/python-pcapy: Updated for version 0.11.4. 2018-08-18 08:39:45 +07:00
python-pdfminer python/python-pdfminer: Switch to i586. 2016-12-24 07:33:30 +07:00
python-pmw python/python-pmw: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
python-poppler-qt4 python/python-poppler-qt4: Updated for version 0.24.0. 2017-02-11 07:24:30 +07:00
python-precis-i18n python/python-precis-i18n: Added (Int'd Usernames/Passwords). 2019-01-05 07:49:22 +07:00
python-progress python/python-progress: Updated for version 1.5. 2019-03-16 06:53:13 +07:00
python-prometheus_client python/python-prometheus_client: Updated for version 0.6.0. 2019-02-23 08:26:52 +07:00
python-pydns python/python-pydns: Switch homepage and download to https. 2018-11-24 12:35:07 +07:00
python-pyparted Multiple: Fix slack-desc. 2016-01-20 02:27:21 +07:00
python-pypolicyd-spf python/python-pypolicyd-spf: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
python-pyspf python/python-pyspf: Switch homepage and download to https. 2018-11-24 12:35:08 +07:00
python-qrcode python/python-qrcode: Updated for version 5.3. 2018-06-09 07:15:35 +07:00
python-requestbuilder python/python-requestbuilder: Updated for version 0.7.1 2017-05-06 07:03:51 +07:00
python-requests python/python-requests: Updated for version 2.21.0. 2019-03-29 07:53:26 +07:00
python-requests-kerberos python/python-requests-kerberos: Updated for version 0.12.0. 2018-04-07 08:13:09 +07:00
python-rubymarshal python/python-rubymarshal: Fix HOMEPAGE. 2017-07-26 18:28:54 +07:00
python-scandir python/python-scandir: Updated for version 1.10.0. 2019-03-16 06:53:32 +07:00
python-serpent python/python-serpent: Updated for version 1.27. 2018-11-10 07:46:41 +07:00
python-setuptools-doc python/python-setuptools-doc: Added (HTML docs for setuptools). 2018-07-09 23:39:48 +01:00
python-sh python/python-sh: Updated for version 1.12.14 2018-09-15 19:27:15 +01:00
python-simpy python/python-simpy: Updated for version 3.0.10. 2017-04-13 07:22:25 +07:00
python-slacklog python/python-slacklog: Added (Convert Slackware ChangeLog). 2017-05-27 07:29:22 +07:00
python-slip python/python-slip: Added (convenience & extension code). 2017-06-10 10:47:40 +07:00
python-stomper python/python-stomper: Updated for version 0.4.1. 2017-07-26 20:46:59 +07:00
python-stsci.distutils python/python-stsci.distutils: Added (STScI's packaging utilities). 2017-06-03 07:59:39 +07:00
python-suds python/python-suds: Mirror download url. 2018-03-06 02:04:26 +07:00
python-swiftclient python/python-swiftclient: Updated homepage link. 2017-05-20 06:54:44 +07:00
python-tabulate python/python-tabulate: Switch to i586. 2016-10-22 08:47:07 +07:00
python-tblib python/python-tblib: Updated for version 1.3.2. 2017-04-22 08:10:42 +07:00
python-texttable python/python-texttable: Update download URL. 2018-05-12 06:58:37 +07:00
python-tlslite python/python-tlslite: Add python3 support. 2018-01-10 23:55:50 +07:00
python-transaction python/python-transaction: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:44 +07:00
python-tvrage python/python-tvrage: Switch to i586. 2016-10-08 08:07:20 +07:00
python-twisted python/python-twisted: Update homepage. 2018-04-28 06:40:11 +07:00
python-twitter python/python-twitter: Updated for version 3.4.2. 2018-06-30 07:00:08 +07:00
python-txaio python/python-txaio: Updated for version 18.8.1. 2018-09-10 12:40:58 +01:00
python-unicodecsv python/python-unicodecsv: Switch to i586. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
python-unicodedata2 python/python-fonttools: Updated for version 3.32.0. 2018-11-10 07:48:15 +07:00
python-uri-templates python/python-uri-templates: Added (URI Template). 2015-09-26 07:20:12 +07:00
python-urllib3 python/python-urllib3: Updated for version 1.23. 2018-08-11 07:23:15 +07:00
python-uuid python/python-uuid: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:45 +07:00
python-vatnumber python/python-vatnumber: Updated for version 1.2. 2017-07-26 20:49:22 +07:00
python-vulndb python/python-vulndb: Updated for version 0.1.0. 2018-08-18 08:39:45 +07:00
python-webencodings python/python-webencodings: Add Python 3 support. 2018-10-13 08:03:03 +07:00
python-whisper python/python-whisper: Fix SlackBuild. 2017-09-02 10:19:45 +01:00
python-wordpress-xmlrpc python/python-wordpress-xmlrpc: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
python-wrapt python/python-wrapt: Updated for version 1.11.1. 2019-01-26 07:53:36 +07:00
python-x11_hash python/python-x11_hash: Fixed download. 2016-11-11 20:36:22 +00:00
python-xcffib python/python-xcffib: Updated for version 0.6.0. 2018-03-17 08:52:00 +07:00
python-xlib python/python-xlib: Updated for version 0.23. 2018-04-28 06:40:08 +07:00
python-xlwt python/python-xlwt: Fix invalid chars in desc. 2016-05-27 07:23:29 +07:00
python-yenc python/python-yenc: Mirror download url. 2018-03-06 02:04:26 +07:00
python2-pythondialog python/python2-pythondialog: Switch to i586. 2016-11-11 20:36:30 +00:00
python2-sip python/python2-sip: Update default sip dir. 2018-11-10 07:48:05 +07:00
python3 python/python3: Updated for version 3.7.2. 2019-03-02 07:40:28 +07:00
python3-Cython python/python3-Cython: Updated for version 0.29.6. 2019-03-16 06:53:10 +07:00
python3-Pygments python/python3-Pygments: Updated for version 2.3.1. 2018-12-22 08:44:20 +07:00
python3-aiohttp python/python3-aiohttp: Added (HTTP client/server for asyncio). 2019-03-31 08:55:07 +07:00
python3-aiohttp-socks python/python3-aiohttp-socks: Needed to catch the dep. 2019-03-31 08:56:32 +07:00
python3-aiorpcX python/python3-aiorpcX: Updated for version 0.17.0. 2019-04-25 23:46:37 +07:00
python3-appdirs python/python3-appdirs: Updated for version 1.4.3. 2017-07-28 06:11:28 +07:00
python3-astroid python/python3-astroid: Updated for version 2.2.5. 2019-03-23 07:34:21 +07:00
python3-attrs python/python3-attrs: Update to 19.1.0 2019-04-13 06:56:57 +07:00
python3-augeas python/python3-augeas: Mirror download url. 2018-03-06 02:04:26 +07:00
python3-babel python/python3-babel: Update for new CLDR version. 2019-04-20 08:20:54 +07:00
python3-dateutil python/python3-dateutil: Updated for version 2.8.0. 2019-02-17 21:56:35 +07:00
python3-decorator python/python3-decorator: Updated for version 4.4.0. 2019-04-06 07:02:59 +07:00
python3-defusedxml Multiple: Support alternate tarball name. 2016-01-20 23:59:30 +07:00
python3-django python/python3-django: Updated for version 2.1.5. 2019-01-12 06:58:32 +07:00
python3-docutils python/python3-docutils: Change email address. 2018-12-22 19:57:09 +07:00
python3-dugong python/python3-dugong: Updated for version 3.7. 2016-07-09 08:00:32 +07:00
python3-future python/python3-future: Switch to i586. 2016-10-08 08:07:20 +07:00
python3-ipython python/python3-ipython: Updated for version 7.4.0. 2019-03-30 07:18:24 +07:00
python3-ipython_genutils python/python3-ipython_genutils: Added (IPython for Python3). 2017-04-16 15:03:38 +07:00
python3-isort python/python3-isort: Updated for version 4.3.17. 2019-04-14 07:15:35 +07:00
python3-jedi python/python3-jedi: Updated for version 0.13.3. 2019-03-02 07:40:19 +07:00
python3-jupyter-ipykernel python/python3-jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 5.1.0. 2018-10-21 06:47:09 +07:00
python3-jupyter_client python/python3-jupyter_client: Updated for version 5.2.4. 2018-12-15 20:44:20 +07:00
python3-jupyter_core python/python3-jupyter_core: Updated for version 4.4.0. 2017-11-04 07:17:31 +07:00
python3-kiwisolver python/python3-kiwisolver: Added (Cassowary algorithm). 2018-11-03 07:45:01 +07:00
python3-lazy-object-proxy python/python3-lazy-object-proxy: Added (Python lazy object proxy). 2018-08-11 07:23:09 +07:00
python3-lhafile python/python3-lhafile: Updated for version 0.2.1. 2015-09-11 03:19:06 +07:00
python3-mccabe python/python3-mccabe: Added (Complexity checker for Python). 2018-08-18 08:39:47 +07:00
python3-multidict python/python3-multidict: Update script. 2019-03-23 09:37:30 +07:00
python3-obspy python/python3-obspy: Added (A Python Framework for Seismology). 2019-03-16 06:53:22 +07:00
python3-packaging python/python3-packaging: Added (core utilities for Python pkgs). 2019-04-05 07:39:06 +07:00
python3-parso python/python3-parso: Updated for version 0.4.0. 2019-04-13 06:56:59 +07:00
python3-pexpect python/python3-pexpect: Updated for version 4.7.0. 2019-04-13 06:56:59 +07:00
python3-pickleshare python/python3-pickleshare: Updated for version 0.7.5. 2018-10-06 07:25:24 +07:00
python3-prompt_toolkit python/python3-prompt_toolkit: 2.0.9. 2019-02-23 08:26:53 +07:00
python3-ptyprocess python/python3-ptyprocess: Updated for version 0.6.0. 2018-06-30 07:00:09 +07:00
python3-pycrypto python/python3-pycrypto: Update DOWNLOAD url. 2017-05-20 06:54:10 +07:00
python3-pylint python/python3-pylint: Updated for version 2.3.1. 2019-03-23 07:35:37 +07:00
python3-pyparsing python/python3-pyparsing: Updated for version 2.2.0. 2019-01-05 07:49:17 +07:00
python3-pyparted python/python3-pyparted: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
python3-pyserial python/python3-pyserial: Change email address. 2018-12-22 19:55:42 +07:00
python3-pytest python/python3-pytest: Added (simple powerful testing with Python). 2018-11-03 07:46:45 +07:00
python3-pythondialog python/python3-pythondialog: Added (dialog utility). 2016-10-27 06:51:41 +07:00
python3-pyzmq python/python3-pyzmq: Updated for version 18.0.1 2019-03-16 06:53:35 +07:00
python3-setuptools_autover python/python3-setuptools_autover: Added (version number generator). 2018-06-28 22:40:19 +01:00
python3-simplegeneric python/python3-simplegeneric: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:43 +07:00
python3-sip python/python3-sip: Updated for version 4.19.6. 2018-01-06 06:54:57 +07:00
python3-six python/python3-six: Updated for version 1.12.0. 2018-12-15 20:44:20 +07:00
python3-tornado python/python3-tornado: Updated for version 6.0.2. 2019-03-30 07:18:24 +07:00
python3-traitlets python/python3-traitlets: Added (lightweight Traits-like module). 2017-04-16 22:46:40 +07:00
python3-uth python/python3-uth: Added (Python Unit Test Helpers). 2018-06-28 22:40:52 +01:00
python3-wcwidth python/python3-wcwidth: Fixed slack-desc. 2017-11-01 07:34:08 +07:00
python3-wrapt python/python3-wrapt: Updated for version 1.11.1. 2019-01-20 07:06:17 +07:00
pytsk python/pytsk: Updated for version 20190121. 2019-03-16 06:53:21 +07:00
pytz python/pytz: Updated for version 2018.3. 2018-03-24 06:50:55 +07:00
pytzdata python/pytzdata: Updated for version 2018.9. 2019-02-17 21:56:29 +07:00
pyudev python/pyudev: Updated for version 0.21.0 + new maintainer. 2018-06-23 08:44:02 +07:00
pyusb python/pyusb: Add optional python3 support. 2019-03-16 06:53:33 +07:00
pyutil python/pyutil: Updated homepage and download links. 2017-05-20 06:54:45 +07:00
pywal python/pywal: Updated for version 3.1.0. 2018-10-13 08:02:57 +07:00
pywebkitgtk python/pywebkitgtk: Update HOMEPAGE. 2017-07-26 20:50:28 +07:00
pyxdg python/pyxdg: Updated for version 0.26. 2018-03-17 08:51:48 +07:00
pyzmq python/pyzmq: Updated for version 18.0.1. 2019-03-16 06:53:29 +07:00
queuelib python/queuelib: Updated for version 1.5.0. 2018-04-14 07:06:37 +07:00
ramlfications python/ramlfications: Added (Python RAML parser). 2017-03-22 23:38:36 +07:00
rebulk python/rebulk: Fixed deps. 2017-05-18 20:46:15 +01:00
regex python/regex: Updated for version 2019.03.09. 2019-03-16 06:53:31 +07:00
relatorio python/relatorio: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
requests-futures python/requests-futures: Updated for version 0.9.7. 2018-01-27 07:43:58 +07:00
requests-oauthlib python/requests-oauthlib: Updated for version 1.0.0. 2018-06-30 07:00:08 +07:00
requests-toolbelt python/requests-toolbelt: Updated for version 0.8.0. 2017-05-27 07:28:51 +07:00
requirements-detector python/requirements-detector: Updated for version 0.5.2. 2016-08-28 00:27:40 +01:00
responder python/responder: Added (LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner). 2017-11-18 12:40:24 +07:00
rope python/rope: Updated for version 0.11.0 2018-11-24 12:35:20 +07:00
rsa python/rsa: Updated for version 4.0 2018-11-24 12:35:19 +07:00
rst2ansi python/rst2ansi: Added (A rst converter to ansi-decorated). 2016-08-03 07:29:27 +07:00
ruffus python/ruffus: Updated for version 2.8.1. 2018-12-01 07:27:49 +07:00
s3cmd python/s3cmd: Updated for version 2.0.2 2018-11-24 12:35:20 +07:00
s3transfer python/s3transfer: Updated for version 0.1.13. 2018-03-17 08:52:00 +07:00
scikit-learn python/scikit-learn: Updated for version 0.20.3. 2019-03-16 06:53:29 +07:00
secretstorage python/secretstorage: Added (securely store passwords and secrets). 2017-03-26 11:57:55 +07:00
selenium python/selenium: Updated for version 3.14.0. 2018-08-11 07:23:14 +07:00
send2trash python/send2trash: Updated for version 1.5.0. 2019-02-17 21:56:36 +07:00
service_identity python/service_identity: Updated for version 17.0.0. 2018-01-06 06:55:17 +07:00
setuptools-scm python/setuptools-scm: Updated for version 3.1.0. 2018-08-18 08:39:45 +07:00
setuptools-scm-git-archive python/setuptools-scm-git-archive: Added (setuptools_scm plugin). 2018-04-14 07:06:27 +07:00
sge-pygame python/sge-pygame: Updated for version 1.5. 2017-07-08 07:11:49 +07:00
shutil_get_terminal_size python/shutil_get_terminal_size: Added (get size of term window). 2017-01-24 00:21:53 +00:00
shutil_which python/shutil_which: Updated for version 3.5.2. 2019-01-05 07:49:25 +07:00
shutilwhich python/shutilwhich: Added (shutil.which backport from Python 3.3). 2016-10-23 07:10:47 +07:00
simplegeneric python/simplegeneric: Update HOMEPAGE and DOWNLOAD urls. 2017-05-27 07:29:49 +07:00
simplejson python/simplejson: Updated for version 3.16.1 2018-09-15 19:27:14 +01:00
singledispatch python/singledispatch: Switch to i586. 2016-10-01 07:28:39 +07:00
six python/six: Updated for version 1.12.0 2018-12-15 20:44:30 +07:00
sk1libs python/sk1libs: Update HOMEPAGE. 2017-05-27 07:29:49 +07:00
snowballstemmer python/snowballstemmer: Add python3 support. 2018-02-17 07:42:55 +07:00
snuggs python/snuggs: Updated for version 1.4.3. 2019-03-02 07:40:19 +07:00
soundcloud python/soundcloud: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
speaklater python/speaklater: Update HOMEPAGE and DOWNLOAD urls. 2017-05-27 07:29:55 +07:00
sphinxcontrib-applehelp python/sphinxcontrib-applehelp: Added (Sphinx extension). 2019-04-05 07:39:07 +07:00
sphinxcontrib-devhelp python/sphinxcontrib-devhelp: Added (Sphinx extension). 2019-04-05 07:39:09 +07:00
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp python/sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp: Added (HTML help file generator). 2019-04-05 07:39:11 +07:00
sphinxcontrib-jsmath python/sphinxcontrib-jsmath: Added (Sphinx extension). 2019-04-05 07:39:13 +07:00
sphinxcontrib-plantuml python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml: Updated for version 0.14. 2019-03-17 08:33:29 +07:00
sphinxcontrib-qthelp python/sphinxcontrib-qthelp: Added (QtHelp docs generation). 2019-04-05 07:39:15 +07:00
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml python/sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: Added (Sphinx extension). 2019-04-05 07:43:31 +07:00
sphinxcontrib-websupport python/sphinxcontrib-websupport: Removed Python 2 support. 2019-04-06 07:02:58 +07:00
sql python/sql: Update HOMEPAGE & DOWNLOAD url. 2017-04-22 08:11:04 +07:00
sqlalchemy-migrate python/sqlalchemy-migrate: Updated for version 0.12.0. 2019-03-16 06:53:34 +07:00
sqlparse python/sqlparse: Updated for version 0.2.4. 2017-09-29 13:43:54 +01:00
statsmodels python/statsmodels: Fixed VERSION. 2015-02-15 16:19:49 +07:00
stem python/stem: Updated for version 1.7.1. 2018-12-29 05:23:34 +07:00
stevedore python/stevedore: Updated for version 1.30.0. 2019-02-17 21:56:31 +07:00
stopit python/stopit: Updated for version 1.1.2. 2018-03-18 23:24:30 +00:00
subprocess32 python/subprocess32: Added (subprocess module). 2018-11-03 07:44:57 +07:00
suds-jurko python/suds-jurko: Add python3 support. 2019-03-16 06:53:12 +07:00
tagpy python/tagpy: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
tempita python/tempita: Add optional python3 support. 2019-03-16 06:53:34 +07:00
tempora python/tempora: Updated for version 1.11. 2018-04-07 08:13:20 +07:00
termcolor python/termcolor: Updated HOMEPAGE & DOWNLOAD url. 2019-02-17 21:56:33 +07:00
terminado python/terminado: Updated for version 0.8.1. 2017-12-21 08:19:38 +07:00
terminaltables python/terminaltables: Switch to i586. 2016-11-11 20:36:30 +00:00
testpath python/testpath: Updated for version 0.4.2. 2018-10-13 08:03:03 +07:00
testscenarios python/testscenarios: Added (a pyunit extension). 2017-03-11 07:03:43 +07:00
testtools python/testtools: Update README. 2017-03-11 07:03:42 +07:00
thonny python/thonny: Updated for version 3.1.2. 2019-02-15 07:47:20 +07:00
threadpool python/threadpool: Update HOMEPAGE. 2017-05-27 07:30:07 +07:00
thunarx-python python/thunarx-python: Switch homepage and download to https. 2018-10-21 06:46:53 +07:00
timehash python/timehash: Support Python 3. 2018-11-17 18:42:56 +07:00
tinycss python/tinycss: Switch homepage to https. 2018-10-21 06:46:53 +07:00
tornado_systemd python/tornado_systemd: Switch to i586. 2016-11-11 20:36:30 +00:00
tox python/tox: Updated for version 3.1.2. 2018-08-11 07:23:14 +07:00
tqdm python/tqdm: Updated for version 4.31.1. 2019-02-23 08:27:00 +07:00
traceback2 python/traceback2: Addded (Backports of the traceback module). 2017-03-05 09:03:28 +07:00
traitlets python/traitlets: Updated for version 4.3.2. 2017-04-22 08:10:25 +07:00
traittypes python/traittypes: Added (trait types for numpy, scipy and others). 2018-11-24 12:35:13 +07:00
trezor python/trezor: Updated for version 0.7.9.post1. 2017-02-04 06:59:28 +07:00
trollius python/trollius: Updated for version 2.2. 2018-03-17 08:51:59 +07:00
tweepy python/tweepy: Updated for version 3.1.0. 2015-03-14 16:55:54 +07:00
txi2p python/txi2p: Updated for version 0.3.2. 2018-01-06 06:55:17 +07:00
txrequests python/txrequests: Updated for version 0.9.6. 2018-04-28 06:40:14 +07:00
txsocksx python/txsocksx: Fixed deps. 2017-05-18 20:46:17 +01:00
txtorcon python/txtorcon: Updated for version 0.19.3. 2017-11-24 21:10:19 +00:00
typed_ast python/typed_ast: Updated for version 1.3.4. 2019-04-21 07:32:12 +07:00
typing python/typing: Updated for version 3.6.6. 2019-04-20 08:20:56 +07:00
tzlocal python/tzlocal: Updated for version 1.5.1. 2017-12-16 07:32:19 +07:00
unrardll python/unrardll: Added (enable unraring of files in python). 2017-07-22 06:55:58 +07:00
vanguards python/vanguards: Added (Tor Onion Service Addon). 2019-04-18 09:28:19 +07:00
vcversioner python/vcversioner: Added (use vc tags to discover version numbers). 2017-05-13 06:58:57 +07:00
veryprettytable python/veryprettytable: Added (Python tabular library). 2017-02-17 21:52:08 +00:00
vinetto python/vinetto: Fix .info, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:52 +00:00
virtualenv python/virtualenv: Updated for version 15.1.0. 2016-12-10 00:57:44 +00:00
virtualenv-clone python/virtualenv-clone: Updated for version 0.2.6 + new maintainer. 2016-10-07 19:09:11 +07:00
virtualenvwrapper python/virtualenvwrapper: Updated for version 4.8.4. 2019-02-17 21:56:29 +07:00
vobject python/vobject: Allow VERSION override, i486=>i586. 2017-03-25 13:29:53 +00:00
w3lib python/w3lib: Updated for version 1.19.0. 2018-04-21 07:43:08 +07:00
waitress python/waitress: Updated for version 1.1.0. 2017-11-01 07:34:28 +07:00
wcwidth python/wcwidth: Switch to i586. 2016-10-15 07:09:48 +07:00
webassets python/webassets: Updated for version 0.12.1. 2017-06-18 21:41:05 +01:00
websocket-client python/websocket-client: Updated for version 0.56.0. 2019-03-23 07:33:53 +07:00
werkzeug python/werkzeug: enable Python3 2019-03-20 21:00:36 +07:00
winpdb python/winpdb: Fix download url. 2017-12-09 08:04:37 +07:00
wsgiref python/wsgiref: Fix slack-desc. 2016-11-14 16:47:23 +07:00
xarray python/xarray: Added (N-D labeled arrays and datasets). 2018-11-24 12:35:12 +07:00
xopen python/xopen: Updated for version 0.2.1. 2017-10-11 06:19:51 +07:00
xtermcolor python/xtermcolor: Update HOMEPAGE & DOWNLOAD url. 2017-04-22 08:11:04 +07:00
yara-python python/yara-python: Added (Python for yara). 2017-01-24 07:22:55 +07:00
yarl python/yarl: Added (Yet another URL library). 2019-03-16 06:53:25 +07:00
zxcvbn-python python/zxcvbn-python: Updated for version 4.4.22. 2018-04-07 08:13:20 +07:00