23 lines
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23 lines
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glulxe (interactive fiction VM)
Glulx is a portable VM, like the Z-machine. Unlike the Z-machine, it
uses 32-bit data and addresses, so it can handle game files up to four
gigabytes long. Also unlike the Z-machine, it has native support for
Glk I/O, so game files can use any capability Glk provides. However,
like the Z-machine -- again -- you can write games in the Inform
language and compile them to Glulx game files.
Optional dependency: cheapglk. Although glulxe-cheapglk is not as
featureful as glulxe-glktermw, it does support the VM debugger,
which glulxe-glktermw does not. If you want this, install cheapglk
before building glulxe. The executable will be installed as
/usr/games/glulxe-cheapglk. If you have cheapglk installed, you can
build without it by setting CHEAPGLK=no in the environment.
Optional dependency: if you want a glulxe that speaks JSON, install
remglk before building this. The JSON executable will be installed
as /usr/games/glulxe-remglk. If you have remglk installed and want to
build without it, export REMGLK=no in the environment. Note that, by
itself, glulxe-remglk can't be used to play games in a human-friendly
way; it's intended for use with a frontend (possibly a web-based one).