clamav-unofficial-sigs \- Download, test, and install third-party ClamAV signature databases.
\fBclamav-unofficial-sigs\fP provides a simple way to download, test, and update third-party signature databases provided by Sanesecurity, FOXHOLE, OITC, Scamnailer, BOFHLAND, CRDF, Porcupine, Securiteinfo, MalwarePatrol, Yara-Rules Project, etc. It will also generate and install cron, logrotate, and man files.
Script updates can be found at: \fB\fP
This script follows the standard GNU command line syntax.
\fB\-c, \-\-config \fR Use a specific configuration file or directory eg: '\-c /your/dir' or ' \-c /your/' Note: If a directory is specified the directory must contain atleast: master.conf, os.conf or user.conf Default Directory: /etc/clamav\-unofficial\-sigs
\fB\-d, \-\-decode\-sig \fR Decode a third\-party signature either by signature name (eg: Sanesecurity.Junk.15248) or hexadecimal string. This flag will 'NOT' decode image signatures
\fB\-f, \-\-encode\-formatted \fR Hexadecimal encode a formatted input string containing signature spacing fields '{}, (), *', without encoding the spacing fields, so that the encoded signature can be used in any '*.ndb' signature database file
\fB\-m, \-\-make\-database \fR Make a signature database from an ascii file containing data strings, with one data string per line. Additional information is provided when using this flag
\fB\-o, \-\-output\-triggered \fR If HAM directory scanning is enabled in the script's configuration file, then output names of any third\-party signatures that triggered during the HAM directory scan
\fB\-w, \-\-whitelist \fR Adds a signature whitelist entry in the newer ClamAV IGN2 format to 'my\-whitelist.ign2' in order to temporarily resolve a false\-positive issue with a specific third\-party signature. Script added whitelist entries will automatically be removed if the original signature is either modified or removed from the third\-party signature database