2012-07-30 13:53:04 +08:00
2013-11-22 15:29:22 +08:00
# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.
# Line up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and
# the '|' on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.
# You must make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also
# customary to leave one space after the ':' except on otherwise blank lines.
2012-07-30 13:53:04 +08:00
wmphoto+: wmphoto+ (image viewing dockapp for windowmaker)
2013-11-22 15:29:22 +08:00
2012-07-30 13:53:04 +08:00
wmphoto+: wmphoto+ displays the images in the dockable application window.
wmphoto+: You can switch the images manually or display them as a slide show.
wmphoto+: Each image accepts up to two related commands. You can run them
wmphoto+: using mouse buttons when the application displays the image. Using
wmphoto+: the alternative configuration directories you can run a few instances
wmphoto+: of the program which display the different sets of the images.
2012-12-11 21:51:08 +08:00
wmphoto+: homepage: http://linux-bsd-unix.strefa.pl/
2012-07-30 13:53:04 +08:00