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# rt-mutex test
# Op: C(ommand)/T(est)/W(ait)
# | opcode
# | | threadid: 0-7
# | | | opcode argument
# | | | |
# C: lock: 0: 0
# Commands
# opcode opcode argument
# schedother nice value
# schedfifo priority
# lock lock nr (0-7)
# locknowait lock nr (0-7)
# lockint lock nr (0-7)
# lockintnowait lock nr (0-7)
# lockcont lock nr (0-7)
# unlock lock nr (0-7)
# lockbkl lock nr (0-7)
# unlockbkl lock nr (0-7)
# signal thread to signal (0-7)
# reset 0
# resetevent 0
# Tests / Wait
# opcode opcode argument
# prioeq priority
# priolt priority
# priogt priority
# nprioeq normal priority
# npriolt normal priority
# npriogt normal priority
# locked lock nr (0-7)
# blocked lock nr (0-7)
# blockedwake lock nr (0-7)
# unlocked lock nr (0-7)
# lockedbkl dont care
# blockedbkl dont care
# unlockedbkl dont care
# opcodeeq command opcode or number
# opcodelt number
# opcodegt number
# eventeq number
# eventgt number
# eventlt number
# Reset event counter
C: resetevent: 0: 0
W: opcodeeq: 0: 0
# Set priorities
C: schedother: 0: 0
C: schedfifo: 1: 80
C: schedfifo: 2: 81
# T0 lock L0
C: lock: 0: 0
W: locked: 0: 0
# T1 lock L0, no wait in the wakeup path
C: locknowait: 1: 0
W: blocked: 1: 0
T: prioeq: 0: 80
T: prioeq: 1: 80
# T2 lock L0 interruptible, no wait in the wakeup path
C: lockintnowait: 2: 0
W: blocked: 2: 0
T: prioeq: 0: 81
T: prioeq: 1: 80
# Interrupt T2
C: signal: 2: 2
W: unlocked: 2: 0
T: prioeq: 1: 80
T: prioeq: 0: 80
T: locked: 0: 0
T: blocked: 1: 0
# T0 unlock L0
C: unlock: 0: 0
# Wait until T1 has locked L0 and exit
W: locked: 1: 0
W: unlocked: 0: 0
T: priolt: 0: 1
C: unlock: 1: 0
W: unlocked: 1: 0