29 lines
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29 lines
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package scala.build
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys.{ artifact, externalDependencyClasspath, moduleID, resourceManaged }
object ScaladocSettings {
// when this changes, the integrity check in HtmlFactory.scala also needs updating
val webjarResources = Seq(
"org.webjars" % "jquery" % "3.7.1"
def extractResourcesFromWebjar = Def.task {
def isWebjar(s: Attributed[File]): Boolean =
s.get(artifact.key).isDefined && s.get(moduleID.key).exists(_.organization == "org.webjars")
val dest = (resourceManaged.value / "webjars").getAbsoluteFile
// externalDependencyClasspath (not dependencyClasspath) to avoid compiling
// upstream projects (library, reflect, compiler) on bsp `buildTarget/resources`
val classpaths = (Compile / externalDependencyClasspath).value
val files: Seq[File] = classpaths.filter(isWebjar).flatMap { classpathEntry =>
val jarFile = classpathEntry.data
IO.unzip(jarFile, dest)
(files ** "*.min.js").get()