[BOX32][WRAPPER] Added some more 32bits wrapped function, and fixed a few more

This commit is contained in:
ptitSeb 2024-09-25 12:29:46 +02:00
parent 24a5917b44
commit 144830bc05
14 changed files with 325 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ def generate_files(root: str, files: Iterable[str], ver: str, gbls: SortedGlobal
"\n#error Invalid return type: wo structure declaration\n", # B
"\n#error Invalid return type: end of structure declaration\n", # _
"R_EAX = to_cstring(fn({0}));", # t
"\n#error Invalid return type: Display* declaration\n", # X
"R_EAX = to_ptrv(FindDisplay(fn({0})));", # X
asargs = [
"emu, ", # E
@ -1296,6 +1296,7 @@ def generate_files(root: str, files: Iterable[str], ver: str, gbls: SortedGlobal
int of_convert32(int);
void* getDisplay(void*);
void* FindDisplay(void*);
"wrapper32.h": """

View File

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
#() tFi -> tFi
#() tFu -> tFu
#() tFp -> tFp
#() XFv -> XFv
#() iFBp_ -> iFB
#() LFrL_ -> LFB
#() pFrL_ -> pFB
@ -272,6 +273,7 @@
#() vFlip -> vFlip
#() vFllp -> vFllp
#() vFlpp -> vFlpp
#() vFpii -> vFpii
#() vFpip -> vFpip
#() vFpuU -> vFpuU
#() vFpuf -> vFpuf
@ -319,6 +321,7 @@
#() iFpuu -> iFpuu
#() iFpuU -> iFpuU
#() iFpLi -> iFpLi
#() iFpLp -> iFpLp
#() iFppi -> iFppi
#() iFppu -> iFppu
#() iFppL -> iFppL
@ -332,6 +335,7 @@
#() iFSli -> iFSli
#() iFXip -> iFXip
#() iFXuu -> iFXuu
#() iFXLl -> iFXLl
#() iFXLL -> iFXLL
#() iFXLp -> iFXLp
#() iFXpu -> iFXpu
@ -350,7 +354,6 @@
#() fFuii -> fFuii
#() fFfff -> fFfff
#() fFffp -> fFffp
#() fFppa -> fFppa
#() dFddd -> dFddd
#() dFddp -> dFddp
#() lFipL -> lFipL
@ -369,6 +372,7 @@
#() pFEXL -> pFEXL
#() pFEXp -> pFEXp
#() pFipi -> pFipi
#() pFipL -> pFipL
#() pFulu -> pFulu
#() pFpii -> pFpii
#() pFpiL -> pFpiL
@ -391,6 +395,7 @@
#() iFBp_pi -> iFBpi
#() IFpBp_i -> IFpBi
#() UFpBp_i -> UFpBi
#() fFpBp_a -> fFpBa
#() dFpBp_i -> dFpBi
#() dFpBp_a -> dFpBa
#() lFpBp_i -> lFpBi
@ -538,11 +543,13 @@
#() lFEipi -> lFEipi
#() lFiipL -> lFiipL
#() lFipLi -> lFipLi
#() lFipLl -> lFipLl
#() lFpuip -> lFpuip
#() LFEXii -> LFEXii
#() LFpLLS -> LFpLLS
#() LFppLp -> LFppLp
#() LFppLa -> LFppLa
#() LFXCii -> LFXCii
#() LFXLpi -> LFXLpi
#() pFEupp -> pFEupp
#() pFEppi -> pFEppi
@ -571,6 +578,7 @@
#() LFpbp_Lp -> LFpBLp
#() iFEpprLL_ -> iFEppB
#() vFXLrpLiL_L -> vFXLBL
#() iFuirLL_BLL_ -> iFuiBB
#() iFXLpBLWWWcc_ -> iFXLpB
#() LFpLpriiiiiiiiilt_ -> LFpLpB
#() vFEuipp -> vFEuipp
@ -676,6 +684,8 @@
#() iFEpppi -> iFEpppi
#() iFEpppp -> iFEpppp
#() iFEXLpi -> iFEXLpi
#() iFEXpLp -> iFEXpLp
#() iFEXppp -> iFEXppp
#() iFiiipu -> iFiiipu
#() iFiiipp -> iFiiipp
#() iFiLLLL -> iFiLLLL
@ -700,6 +710,7 @@
#() pFpippp -> pFpippp
#() pFppuup -> pFppuup
#() pFppupp -> pFppupp
#() pFXpipi -> pFXpipi
#() iFEBh_ppp -> iFEBppp
#() LFpbp_LLp -> LFpBLLp
#() LFpBp_LLp -> LFpBLLp
@ -773,16 +784,19 @@
#() vFpdddii -> vFpdddii
#() vFppupii -> vFppupii
#() vFpppppp -> vFpppppp
#() vFXLiiii -> vFXLiiii
#() iFEuppup -> iFEuppup
#() iFEuppLp -> iFEuppLp
#() iFEpiLpp -> iFEpiLpp
#() iFEpppup -> iFEpppup
#() iFEXLilp -> iFEXLilp
#() iFEXpiup -> iFEXpiup
#() iFEXpppp -> iFEXpppp
#() iFuiiuup -> iFuiiuup
#() iFpiippp -> iFpiippp
#() iFppiiii -> iFppiiii
#() iFXLiiiL -> iFXLiiiL
#() iFXLpppp -> iFXLpppp
#() iFXpIppp -> iFXpIppp
#() uFupuufp -> uFupuufp
#() lFipLipu -> lFipLipu
@ -843,6 +857,7 @@
#() vFpipipiu -> vFpipipiu
#() vFpddiidd -> vFpddiidd
#() iFEpLiipV -> iFEpLiipV
#() iFEXLpppp -> iFEXLpppp
#() iFuiiiuup -> iFuiiiuup
#() iFpWCiWCi -> iFpWCiWCi
#() iFpupLpLi -> iFpupLpLi
@ -886,6 +901,7 @@
#() uFuupuuiuf -> uFuupuuiuf
#() uFulpppppp -> uFulpppppp
#() LFXLpuuLLu -> LFXLpuuLLu
#() iFXLLiippBL_ -> iFXLLiippB
#() vFiiiiiiiii -> vFiiiiiiiii
#() vFiiiiiiill -> vFiiiiiiill
#() vFiiiiillli -> vFiiiiillli
@ -939,6 +955,7 @@
#() vFffffffffff -> vFffffffffff
#() iFuiiiuuiiip -> iFuiiiuuiiip
#() iFXuuLiuiiLL -> iFXuuLiuiiLL
#() pFpppppppppp -> pFpppppppppp
#() pFXpuiipuuii -> pFXpuiipuuii
#() vFiiiiillliip -> vFiiiiillliip
#() vFiiiiilllilp -> vFiiiiilllilp
@ -956,6 +973,7 @@
#() vFUufffffffff -> vFUufffffffff
#() vFpipipiipiiu -> vFpipipiipiiu
#() iFEXLppiiiiuu -> iFEXLppiiiiuu
#() iFEXpLLiiLWpi -> iFEXpLLiiLWpi
#() iFuiiiiuuiiip -> iFuiiiiuuiiip
#() pFEXpuiipuuii -> pFEXpuiipuuii
#() vFuiiiiiiiiuUC -> vFuiiiiiiiiuUC
@ -966,6 +984,7 @@
#() vFuuuuuuuuuuuu -> vFuuuuuuuuuuuu
#() vFffffffffffff -> vFffffffffffff
#() pFEXLiiuuLipii -> pFEXLiiuuLipii
#() iFXLLlliLBL_pBL_BL_Bp_ -> iFXLLlliLBpBBB
#() vFuiiiiiiiiiuup -> vFuiiiiiiiiiuup
#() vFuuuuuuuuuuuuu -> vFuuuuuuuuuuuuu
#() vFuUuuuuuuuuuuu -> vFuUuuuuuuuuuuu
@ -1380,6 +1399,7 @@ wrappedlibrt:
- iFp:
- XDestroyImage
- XFreeExtensionList
- XInitImage
- _XInitImageFuncPtrs
- iFX:
@ -1387,10 +1407,14 @@ wrappedlibx11:
- pFp:
- XOpenDisplay
- XSetErrorHandler
- iFpL:
- XFilterEvent
- iFXp:
- XNextEvent
- pFpV:
- XCreateIC
- pFXp:
- XListExtensions
- vFXLp:
- XSetWMNormalHints
- iFpip:
@ -1404,18 +1428,25 @@ wrappedlibx11:
- XGetPixel
- iFXLpi:
- XSetWMProtocols
- iFXppp:
- XIfEvent
- iFXLilp:
- XSendEvent
- iFXpiup:
- Xutf8TextListToTextProperty
- iFXpppp:
- XQueryExtension
- pFpiiuu:
- XSubImage
- iFXLpppp:
- XQueryTree
- iFXLLLiipi:
- XChangeProperty
- pFXLiiuuLi:
- XGetImage
- vFXLpppippp:
- XSetWMProperties
- Xutf8SetWMProperties
- iFXLppiiiiuu:
- XPutImage
- pFXpuiipuuii:
@ -1432,6 +1463,11 @@ wrappedlibxrandr:
- pFXpL:
- XRRGetCrtcInfo
- XRRGetOutputInfo
- XRRGetPanning
- iFXpLp:
- XRRSetPanning
- iFXpLLiiLWpi:
- XRRSetCrtcConfig
- vFv:

View File

@ -14,17 +14,22 @@
typedef int32_t (*iFp_t)(void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFX_t)(void*);
typedef void* (*pFp_t)(void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFpL_t)(void*, uintptr_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXp_t)(void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpV_t)(void*, ...);
typedef void* (*pFXp_t)(void*, void*);
typedef void (*vFXLp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFpip_t)(void*, int32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXip_t)(void*, int32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFXii_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLpi_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXppp_t)(void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLilp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, intptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXpiup_t)(void*, void*, int32_t, uint32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXpppp_t)(void*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFpiiuu_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLpppp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLLLiipi_t)(void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFXLiiuuLi_t)(void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uintptr_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFXLpppippp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*, void*, void*, int32_t, void*, void*, void*);
@ -35,13 +40,16 @@ typedef uintptr_t (*LFXLiiuuuiupLp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32
GO(XDestroyImage, iFp_t) \
GO(XFreeExtensionList, iFp_t) \
GO(XInitImage, iFp_t) \
GO(_XInitImageFuncPtrs, iFp_t) \
GO(XCloseDisplay, iFX_t) \
GO(XOpenDisplay, pFp_t) \
GO(XSetErrorHandler, pFp_t) \
GO(XFilterEvent, iFpL_t) \
GO(XNextEvent, iFXp_t) \
GO(XCreateIC, pFpV_t) \
GO(XListExtensions, pFXp_t) \
GO(XSetWMNormalHints, vFXLp_t) \
GO(XStringListToTextProperty, iFpip_t) \
GO(XCheckTypedEvent, iFXip_t) \
@ -49,12 +57,16 @@ typedef uintptr_t (*LFXLiiuuuiupLp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32
GO(XSetWMHints, iFXLp_t) \
GO(XGetPixel, LFXii_t) \
GO(XSetWMProtocols, iFXLpi_t) \
GO(XIfEvent, iFXppp_t) \
GO(XSendEvent, iFXLilp_t) \
GO(Xutf8TextListToTextProperty, iFXpiup_t) \
GO(XQueryExtension, iFXpppp_t) \
GO(XSubImage, pFpiiuu_t) \
GO(XQueryTree, iFXLpppp_t) \
GO(XChangeProperty, iFXLLLiipi_t) \
GO(XGetImage, pFXLiiuuLi_t) \
GO(XSetWMProperties, vFXLpppippp_t) \
GO(Xutf8SetWMProperties, vFXLpppippp_t) \
GO(XPutImage, iFXLppiiiiuu_t) \
GO(XCreateImage, pFXpuiipuuii_t) \
GO(XGetSubImage, pFXLiiuuLipii_t) \

View File

@ -13,10 +13,15 @@
typedef void* (*pFXL_t)(void*, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFXpL_t)(void*, void*, uintptr_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXpLp_t)(void*, void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXpLLiiLWpi_t)(void*, void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, uintptr_t, uint16_t, void*, int32_t);
GO(XRRGetScreenResources, pFXL_t) \
GO(XRRGetCrtcInfo, pFXpL_t) \
GO(XRRGetOutputInfo, pFXpL_t)
GO(XRRGetOutputInfo, pFXpL_t) \
GO(XRRGetPanning, pFXpL_t) \
GO(XRRSetPanning, iFXpLp_t) \
GO(XRRSetCrtcConfig, iFXpLLiiLWpi_t)
#endif // __wrappedlibxrandrTYPES32_H_

View File

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ void VulkanTox86(void* src, void* save);
int of_convert32(int);
void* getDisplay(void*);
void* FindDisplay(void*);
typedef void (*vFv_t)(void);
typedef void (*vFc_t)(int8_t);
@ -159,6 +160,7 @@ typedef void* (*aFa_t)(void*);
typedef char* (*tFi_t)(int32_t);
typedef char* (*tFu_t)(uint32_t);
typedef char* (*tFp_t)(void*);
typedef void* (*XFv_t)(void);
typedef int32_t (*iFBp__t)(struct_p_t*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFrL__t)(struct_L_t*);
typedef void* (*pFrL__t)(struct_L_t*);
@ -361,6 +363,7 @@ typedef void (*vFlii_t)(intptr_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFlip_t)(intptr_t, int32_t, void*);
typedef void (*vFllp_t)(intptr_t, intptr_t, void*);
typedef void (*vFlpp_t)(intptr_t, void*, void*);
typedef void (*vFpii_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFpip_t)(void*, int32_t, void*);
typedef void (*vFpuU_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint64_t);
typedef void (*vFpuf_t)(void*, uint32_t, float);
@ -408,6 +411,7 @@ typedef int32_t (*iFpuC_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint8_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFpuu_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFpuU_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint64_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFpLi_t)(void*, uintptr_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFpLp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFppi_t)(void*, void*, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFppu_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFppL_t)(void*, void*, uintptr_t);
@ -421,6 +425,7 @@ typedef int32_t (*iFSIi_t)(void*, int64_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFSli_t)(void*, intptr_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXip_t)(void*, int32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXuu_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLl_t)(void*, uintptr_t, intptr_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLL_t)(void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXpu_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t);
@ -439,7 +444,6 @@ typedef uint32_t (*uFpuU_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint64_t);
typedef float (*fFuii_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef float (*fFfff_t)(float, float, float);
typedef float (*fFffp_t)(float, float, void*);
typedef float (*fFppa_t)(void*, void*, void*);
typedef double (*dFddd_t)(double, double, double);
typedef double (*dFddp_t)(double, double, void*);
typedef intptr_t (*lFipL_t)(int32_t, void*, uintptr_t);
@ -458,6 +462,7 @@ typedef void* (*pFEpV_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEXL_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFEXp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFipi_t)(int32_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFipL_t)(int32_t, void*, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFulu_t)(uint32_t, intptr_t, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpii_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpiL_t)(void*, int32_t, uintptr_t);
@ -480,6 +485,7 @@ typedef int32_t (*iFBp_LL_t)(struct_p_t*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFBp_pi_t)(struct_p_t*, void*, int32_t);
typedef int64_t (*IFpBp_i_t)(void*, struct_p_t*, int32_t);
typedef uint64_t (*UFpBp_i_t)(void*, struct_p_t*, int32_t);
typedef float (*fFpBp_a_t)(void*, struct_p_t*, void*);
typedef double (*dFpBp_i_t)(void*, struct_p_t*, int32_t);
typedef double (*dFpBp_a_t)(void*, struct_p_t*, void*);
typedef intptr_t (*lFpBp_i_t)(void*, struct_p_t*, int32_t);
@ -627,11 +633,13 @@ typedef uint32_t (*uFpCCC_t)(void*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
typedef intptr_t (*lFEipi_t)(x64emu_t*, int32_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef intptr_t (*lFiipL_t)(int32_t, int32_t, void*, uintptr_t);
typedef intptr_t (*lFipLi_t)(int32_t, void*, uintptr_t, int32_t);
typedef intptr_t (*lFipLl_t)(int32_t, void*, uintptr_t, intptr_t);
typedef intptr_t (*lFpuip_t)(void*, uint32_t, int32_t, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFEXii_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFpLLS_t)(void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFppLp_t)(void*, void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFppLa_t)(void*, void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFXCii_t)(void*, uint8_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFXLpi_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef void* (*pFEupp_t)(x64emu_t*, uint32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEppi_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, int32_t);
@ -660,6 +668,7 @@ typedef intptr_t (*lFiibp_L_t)(int32_t, int32_t, struct_p_t*, uintptr_t);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFpbp_Lp_t)(void*, struct_p_t*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpprLL__t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, struct_LL_t*);
typedef void (*vFXLrpLiL_L_t)(void*, uintptr_t, struct_pLiL_t*, uintptr_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFuirLL_BLL__t)(uint32_t, int32_t, struct_LL_t*, struct_LL_t*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLpBLWWWcc__t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*, struct_LWWWcc_t*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFpLpriiiiiiiiilt__t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*, struct_iiiiiiiiilt_t*);
typedef void (*vFEuipp_t)(x64emu_t*, uint32_t, int32_t, void*, void*);
@ -765,6 +774,8 @@ typedef int32_t (*iFEppiV_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, int32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpppi_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpppp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEXLpi_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uintptr_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEXpLp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEXppp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFiiipu_t)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFiiipp_t)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFiLLLL_t)(int32_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
@ -789,6 +800,7 @@ typedef void* (*pFpiiuu_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void* (*pFpippp_t)(void*, int32_t, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFppuup_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, void*);
typedef void* (*pFppupp_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFXpipi_t)(void*, void*, int32_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEBh_ppp_t)(x64emu_t*, struct_h_t*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFpbp_LLp_t)(void*, struct_p_t*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFpBp_LLp_t)(void*, struct_p_t*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, void*);
@ -862,16 +874,19 @@ typedef void (*vFpipipV_t)(void*, int32_t, void*, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef void (*vFpdddii_t)(void*, double, double, double, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFppupii_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t, void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFpppppp_t)(void*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void (*vFXLiiii_t)(void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEuppup_t)(x64emu_t*, uint32_t, void*, void*, uint32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEuppLp_t)(x64emu_t*, uint32_t, void*, void*, uintptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpiLpp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, int32_t, uintptr_t, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpppup_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, uint32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEXLilp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, intptr_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEXpiup_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, int32_t, uint32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEXpppp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFuiiuup_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFpiippp_t)(void*, int32_t, int32_t, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFppiiii_t)(void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLiiiL_t)(void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uintptr_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLpppp_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXpIppp_t)(void*, void*, int64_t, void*, void*, void*);
typedef uint32_t (*uFupuufp_t)(uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, float, void*);
typedef intptr_t (*lFipLipu_t)(int32_t, void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, void*, uint32_t);
@ -932,6 +947,7 @@ typedef void (*vFlliiiip_t)(intptr_t, intptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32
typedef void (*vFpipipiu_t)(void*, int32_t, void*, int32_t, void*, int32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void (*vFpddiidd_t)(void*, double, double, int32_t, int32_t, double, double);
typedef int32_t (*iFEpLiipV_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFEXLpppp_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uintptr_t, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFuiiiuup_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFpWCiWCi_t)(void*, uint16_t, uint8_t, int32_t, uint16_t, uint8_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFpupLpLi_t)(void*, uint32_t, void*, uintptr_t, void*, uintptr_t, int32_t);
@ -975,6 +991,7 @@ typedef uint32_t (*uFuipppppp_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, void*, void*, void*, void*,
typedef uint32_t (*uFuupuuiuf_t)(uint32_t, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, float);
typedef uint32_t (*uFulpppppp_t)(uint32_t, intptr_t, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef uintptr_t (*LFXLpuuLLu_t)(void*, uintptr_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLLiippBL__t)(void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*, void*, struct_L_t*);
typedef void (*vFiiiiiiiii_t)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFiiiiiiill_t)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, intptr_t, intptr_t);
typedef void (*vFiiiiillli_t)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, int32_t);
@ -1028,6 +1045,7 @@ typedef void (*vFuddiiddiip_t)(uint32_t, double, double, int32_t, int32_t, doubl
typedef void (*vFffffffffff_t)(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float);
typedef int32_t (*iFuiiiuuiiip_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*);
typedef int32_t (*iFXuuLiuiiLL_t)(void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, uintptr_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
typedef void* (*pFpppppppppp_t)(void*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*);
typedef void* (*pFXpuiipuuii_t)(void*, void*, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFiiiiillliip_t)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*);
typedef void (*vFiiiiilllilp_t)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, int32_t, intptr_t, void*);
@ -1045,6 +1063,7 @@ typedef void (*vFuffffffffff_t)(uint32_t, float, float, float, float, float, flo
typedef void (*vFUufffffffff_t)(uint64_t, uint32_t, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float);
typedef void (*vFpipipiipiiu_t)(void*, int32_t, void*, int32_t, void*, int32_t, int32_t, void*, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEXLppiiiiuu_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uintptr_t, void*, void*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFEXpLLiiLWpi_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, uintptr_t, uint16_t, void*, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFuiiiiuuiiip_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*);
typedef void* (*pFEXpuiipuuii_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, void*, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef void (*vFuiiiiiiiiuUC_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, uint8_t);
@ -1055,6 +1074,7 @@ typedef void (*vFuuiiiiiiiuup_t)(uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t,
typedef void (*vFuuuuuuuuuuuu_t)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void (*vFffffffffffff_t)(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float);
typedef void* (*pFEXLiiuuLipii_t)(x64emu_t*, void*, uintptr_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uintptr_t, int32_t, void*, int32_t, int32_t);
typedef int32_t (*iFXLLlliLBL_pBL_BL_Bp__t)(void*, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, int32_t, uintptr_t, struct_L_t*, void*, struct_L_t*, struct_L_t*, struct_p_t*);
typedef void (*vFuiiiiiiiiiuup_t)(uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, void*);
typedef void (*vFuuuuuuuuuuuuu_t)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef void (*vFuUuuuuuuuuuuu_t)(uint32_t, uint64_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
@ -1160,6 +1180,7 @@ void aFa_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { aFa_t fn = (aFa_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_lo
void tFi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { tFi_t fn = (tFi_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_cstring(fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4))); }
void tFu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { tFu_t fn = (tFu_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_cstring(fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4))); }
void tFp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { tFp_t fn = (tFp_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_cstring(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4))); }
void XFv_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { XFv_t fn = (XFv_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(FindDisplay(fn())); }
void iFBp__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFBp__t fn = (iFBp__t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_4={0}; R_EAX = fn(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4))) ? &arg_4 : NULL); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4))), &arg_4); }
void LFrL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFrL__t fn = (LFrL__t)fcn; struct_L_t arg_4={0}; from_struct_L(&arg_4, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4)))); R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4))) ? &arg_4 : NULL)); }
void pFrL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFrL__t fn = (pFrL__t)fcn; struct_L_t arg_4={0}; from_struct_L(&arg_4, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4)))); R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4))) ? &arg_4 : NULL)); }
@ -1362,6 +1383,7 @@ void vFlii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFlii_t fn = (vFlii_t)fcn; fn(to_l
void vFlip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFlip_t fn = (vFlip_t)fcn; fn(to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 4)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12)); }
void vFllp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFllp_t fn = (vFllp_t)fcn; fn(to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 4)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12)); }
void vFlpp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFlpp_t fn = (vFlpp_t)fcn; fn(to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12)); }
void vFpii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpii_t fn = (vFpii_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
void vFpip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpip_t fn = (vFpip_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12)); }
void vFpuU_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpuU_t fn = (vFpuU_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint64_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
void vFpuf_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpuf_t fn = (vFpuf_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 12)); }
@ -1409,6 +1431,7 @@ void iFpuC_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpuC_t fn = (iFpuC_t)fcn; R_EAX =
void iFpuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpuu_t fn = (iFpuu_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFpuU_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpuU_t fn = (iFpuU_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint64_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFpLi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpLi_t fn = (iFpLi_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFpLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpLp_t fn = (iFpLp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFppi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppi_t fn = (iFppi_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFppu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppu_t fn = (iFppu_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFppL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppL_t fn = (iFppL_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12))); }
@ -1422,6 +1445,7 @@ void iFSIi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFSIi_t fn = (iFSIi_t)fcn; R_EAX =
void iFSli_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFSli_t fn = (iFSli_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(io_convert32(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFXip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXip_t fn = (iFXip_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFXuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXuu_t fn = (iFXuu_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFXLl_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXLl_t fn = (iFXLl_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 12))); }
void iFXLL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXLL_t fn = (iFXLL_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12))); }
void iFXLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXLp_t fn = (iFXLp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12)); }
void iFXpu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXpu_t fn = (iFXpu_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12)); }
@ -1440,7 +1464,6 @@ void uFpuU_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFpuU_t fn = (uFpuU_t)fcn; R_EAX =
void fFuii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFuii_t fn = (fFuii_t)fcn; float fl = fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12)); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = fl; }
void fFfff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFfff_t fn = (fFfff_t)fcn; float fl = fn(from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 12)); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = fl; }
void fFffp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFffp_t fn = (fFffp_t)fcn; float fl = fn(from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12)); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = fl; }
void fFppa_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFppa_t fn = (fFppa_t)fcn; float fl = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_locale(from_ptri(ptr_t, R_ESP + 12))); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = fl; }
void dFddd_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { dFddd_t fn = (dFddd_t)fcn; double db = fn(from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 20)); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = db; }
void dFddp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { dFddp_t fn = (dFddp_t)fcn; double db = fn(from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20)); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = db; }
void lFipL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFipL_t fn = (lFipL_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_long(fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)))); }
@ -1459,6 +1482,7 @@ void pFEpV_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEpV_t fn = (pFEpV_t)fcn; R_EAX =
void pFEXL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEXL_t fn = (pFEXL_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)))); }
void pFEXp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEXp_t fn = (pFEXp_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8))); }
void pFipi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFipi_t fn = (pFipi_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12))); }
void pFipL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFipL_t fn = (pFipL_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)))); }
void pFulu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFulu_t fn = (pFulu_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12))); }
void pFpii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpii_t fn = (pFpii_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12))); }
void pFpiL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpiL_t fn = (pFpiL_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)))); }
@ -1481,6 +1505,7 @@ void iFBp_LL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFBp_LL_t fn = (iFBp_LL_t)fcn; s
void iFBp_pi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFBp_pi_t fn = (iFBp_pi_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_4={0}; R_EAX = fn(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4))) ? &arg_4 : NULL, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12)); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4))), &arg_4); }
void IFpBp_i_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { IFpBp_i_t fn = (IFpBp_i_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_8={0}; ui64_t r; r.i = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))) ? &arg_8 : NULL, from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12)); R_EAX = r.d[0]; R_EDX = r.d[1]; if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))), &arg_8); }
void UFpBp_i_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { UFpBp_i_t fn = (UFpBp_i_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_8={0}; ui64_t r; r.u = (uint64_t)fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))) ? &arg_8 : NULL, from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12)); R_EAX = r.d[0]; R_EDX = r.d[1]; if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))), &arg_8); }
void fFpBp_a_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { fFpBp_a_t fn = (fFpBp_a_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_8={0}; float fl = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))) ? &arg_8 : NULL, from_locale(from_ptri(ptr_t, R_ESP + 12))); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = fl; if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))), &arg_8); }
void dFpBp_i_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { dFpBp_i_t fn = (dFpBp_i_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_8={0}; double db = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))) ? &arg_8 : NULL, from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12)); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = db; if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))), &arg_8); }
void dFpBp_a_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { dFpBp_a_t fn = (dFpBp_a_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_8={0}; double db = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))) ? &arg_8 : NULL, from_locale(from_ptri(ptr_t, R_ESP + 12))); fpu_do_push(emu); ST0val = db; if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))), &arg_8); }
void lFpBp_i_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFpBp_i_t fn = (lFpBp_i_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_8={0}; R_EAX = to_long(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))) ? &arg_8 : NULL, from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12))); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))), &arg_8); }
@ -1628,11 +1653,13 @@ void uFpCCC_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFpCCC_t fn = (uFpCCC_t)fcn; R_EA
void lFEipi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFEipi_t fn = (lFEipi_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_long(fn(emu, from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12))); }
void lFiipL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFiipL_t fn = (lFiipL_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_long(fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 16)))); }
void lFipLi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFipLi_t fn = (lFipLi_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_long(fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16))); }
void lFipLl_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFipLl_t fn = (lFipLl_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_long(fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 16)))); }
void lFpuip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFpuip_t fn = (lFpuip_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_long(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16))); }
void LFEXii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFEXii_t fn = (LFEXii_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12))); }
void LFpLLS_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFpLLS_t fn = (LFpLLS_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), io_convert32(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16)))); }
void LFppLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFppLp_t fn = (LFppLp_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16))); }
void LFppLa_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFppLa_t fn = (LFppLa_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), from_locale(from_ptri(ptr_t, R_ESP + 16)))); }
void LFXCii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFXCii_t fn = (LFXCii_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptri(uint8_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16))); }
void LFXLpi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFXLpi_t fn = (LFXLpi_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16))); }
void pFEupp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEupp_t fn = (pFEupp_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(emu, from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12))); }
void pFEppi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEppi_t fn = (pFEppi_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(emu, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12))); }
@ -1661,6 +1688,7 @@ void lFiibp_L_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFiibp_L_t fn = (lFiibp_L_t)fcn
void LFpbp_Lp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFpbp_Lp_t fn = (LFpbp_Lp_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_8={0}; from_struct_p(&arg_8, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))); R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))) ? &arg_8 : NULL, to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16))); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))), &arg_8); }
void iFEpprLL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpprLL__t fn = (iFEpprLL__t)fcn; struct_LL_t arg_12={0}; from_struct_LL(&arg_12, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 12)))); R_EAX = fn(emu, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 12))) ? &arg_12 : NULL); }
void vFXLrpLiL_L_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFXLrpLiL_L_t fn = (vFXLrpLiL_L_t)fcn; struct_pLiL_t arg_12={0}; from_struct_pLiL(&arg_12, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 12)))); fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 12))) ? &arg_12 : NULL, to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 16))); }
void iFuirLL_BLL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFuirLL_BLL__t fn = (iFuirLL_BLL__t)fcn; struct_LL_t arg_12={0}; from_struct_LL(&arg_12, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 12)))); struct_LL_t arg_16={0}; R_EAX = fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 12))) ? &arg_12 : NULL, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 16))) ? &arg_16 : NULL); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 16)))) to_struct_LL(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 16))), &arg_16); }
void iFXLpBLWWWcc__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXLpBLWWWcc__t fn = (iFXLpBLWWWcc__t)fcn; struct_LWWWcc_t arg_16={0}; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 16))) ? &arg_16 : NULL); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 16)))) to_struct_LWWWcc(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 16))), &arg_16); }
void LFpLpriiiiiiiiilt__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFpLpriiiiiiiiilt__t fn = (LFpLpriiiiiiiiilt__t)fcn; struct_iiiiiiiiilt_t arg_16={0}; from_struct_iiiiiiiiilt(&arg_16, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 16)))); R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 16))) ? &arg_16 : NULL)); }
void vFEuipp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFEuipp_t fn = (vFEuipp_t)fcn; fn(emu, from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16)); }
@ -1766,6 +1794,8 @@ void iFEppiV_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEppiV_t fn = (iFEppiV_t)fcn; R
void iFEpppi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpppi_t fn = (iFEpppi_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFEpppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpppp_t fn = (iFEpppp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFEXLpi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEXLpi_t fn = (iFEXLpi_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFEXpLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEXpLp_t fn = (iFEXpLp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFEXppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEXppp_t fn = (iFEXppp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16)); }
void iFiiipu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFiiipu_t fn = (iFiiipu_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFiiipp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFiiipp_t fn = (iFiiipp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFiLLLL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFiLLLL_t fn = (iFiLLLL_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 16)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 20))); }
@ -1790,6 +1820,7 @@ void pFpiiuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpiiuu_t fn = (pFpiiuu_t)fcn; R
void pFpippp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpippp_t fn = (pFpippp_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20))); }
void pFppuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFppuup_t fn = (pFppuup_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20))); }
void pFppupp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFppupp_t fn = (pFppupp_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20))); }
void pFXpipi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFXpipi_t fn = (pFXpipi_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20))); }
void iFEBh_ppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEBh_ppp_t fn = (iFEBh_ppp_t)fcn; struct_h_t arg_4={0}; R_EAX = fn(emu, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4))) ? &arg_4 : NULL, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16)); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4)))) to_struct_h(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 4))), &arg_4); }
void LFpbp_LLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFpbp_LLp_t fn = (LFpbp_LLp_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_8={0}; from_struct_p(&arg_8, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))); R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))) ? &arg_8 : NULL, to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 16)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20))); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))), &arg_8); }
void LFpBp_LLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFpBp_LLp_t fn = (LFpBp_LLp_t)fcn; struct_p_t arg_8={0}; R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))) ? &arg_8 : NULL, to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 16)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20))); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 8))), &arg_8); }
@ -1863,16 +1894,19 @@ void vFpipipV_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpipipV_t fn = (vFpipipV_t)fcn
void vFpdddii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpdddii_t fn = (vFpdddii_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36)); }
void vFppupii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFppupii_t fn = (vFppupii_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24)); }
void vFpppppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpppppp_t fn = (vFpppppp_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24)); }
void vFXLiiii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFXLiiii_t fn = (vFXLiiii_t)fcn; fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24)); }
void iFEuppup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEuppup_t fn = (iFEuppup_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFEuppLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEuppLp_t fn = (iFEuppLp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 16)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFEpiLpp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpiLpp_t fn = (iFEpiLpp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFEpppup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpppup_t fn = (iFEpppup_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFEXLilp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEXLilp_t fn = (iFEXLilp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 16)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFEXpiup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEXpiup_t fn = (iFEXpiup_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFEXpppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEXpppp_t fn = (iFEXpppp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20)); }
void iFuiiuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFuiiuup_t fn = (iFuiiuup_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24)); }
void iFpiippp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpiippp_t fn = (iFpiippp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24)); }
void iFppiiii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFppiiii_t fn = (iFppiiii_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24)); }
void iFXLiiiL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXLiiiL_t fn = (iFXLiiiL_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 24))); }
void iFXLpppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXLpppp_t fn = (iFXLpppp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24)); }
void iFXpIppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXpIppp_t fn = (iFXpIppp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int64_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 28)); }
void uFupuufp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFupuufp_t fn = (uFupuufp_t)fcn; R_EAX = (uint32_t)fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24)); }
void lFipLipu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { lFipLipu_t fn = (lFipLipu_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_long(fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 24))); }
@ -1933,6 +1967,7 @@ void vFlliiiip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFlliiiip_t fn = (vFlliiiip_t)
void vFpipipiu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpipipiu_t fn = (vFpipipiu_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 28)); }
void vFpddiidd_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpddiidd_t fn = (vFpddiidd_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(double, R_ESP + 40)); }
void iFEpLiipV_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEpLiipV_t fn = (iFEpLiipV_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptrv(R_ESP + 24)); }
void iFEXLpppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEXLpppp_t fn = (iFEXLpppp_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24)); }
void iFuiiiuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFuiiiuup_t fn = (iFuiiiuup_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 28)); }
void iFpWCiWCi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpWCiWCi_t fn = (iFpWCiWCi_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint16_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint8_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint16_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint8_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28)); }
void iFpupLpLi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFpupLpLi_t fn = (iFpupLpLi_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 16)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 24)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28)); }
@ -1976,6 +2011,7 @@ void uFuipppppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFuipppppp_t fn = (uFuipppppp
void uFuupuuiuf_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFuupuuiuf_t fn = (uFuupuuiuf_t)fcn; R_EAX = (uint32_t)fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 32)); }
void uFulpppppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { uFulpppppp_t fn = (uFulpppppp_t)fcn; R_EAX = (uint32_t)fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 28), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 32)); }
void LFXLpuuLLu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { LFXLpuuLLu_t fn = (LFXLpuuLLu_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ulong(fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 24)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 28)), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 32))); }
void iFXLLiippBL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXLLiippBL__t fn = (iFXLLiippBL__t)fcn; struct_L_t arg_32={0}; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 28), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 32))) ? &arg_32 : NULL); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 32)))) to_struct_L(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 32))), &arg_32); }
void vFiiiiiiiii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFiiiiiiiii_t fn = (vFiiiiiiiii_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36)); }
void vFiiiiiiill_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFiiiiiiill_t fn = (vFiiiiiiill_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 32)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 36))); }
void vFiiiiillli_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFiiiiillli_t fn = (vFiiiiillli_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 24)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 28)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 32)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36)); }
@ -2029,6 +2065,7 @@ void vFuddiiddiip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuddiiddiip_t fn = (vFuddi
void vFffffffffff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFffffffffff_t fn = (vFffffffffff_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 40)); }
void iFuiiiuuiiip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFuiiiuuiiip_t fn = (iFuiiiuuiiip_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 40)); }
void iFXuuLiuiiLL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXuuLiuiiLL_t fn = (iFXuuLiuiiLL_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 16)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 32), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 36)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 40))); }
void pFpppppppppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFpppppppppp_t fn = (pFpppppppppp_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 28), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 32), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 36), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 40))); }
void pFXpuiipuuii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFXpuiipuuii_t fn = (pFXpuiipuuii_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 40))); }
void vFiiiiillliip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFiiiiillliip_t fn = (vFiiiiillliip_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 24)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 28)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 32)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 40), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 44)); }
void vFiiiiilllilp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFiiiiilllilp_t fn = (vFiiiiilllilp_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 24)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 28)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 32)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 40)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 44)); }
@ -2046,6 +2083,7 @@ void vFuffffffffff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuffffffffff_t fn = (vFuf
void vFUufffffffff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFUufffffffff_t fn = (vFUufffffffff_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(uint64_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 40), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 44), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 48)); }
void vFpipipiipiiu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFpipipiipiiu_t fn = (vFpipipiipiiu_t)fcn; fn(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 40), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 44)); }
void iFEXLppiiiiuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEXLppiiiiuu_t fn = (iFEXLppiiiiuu_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 12), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 40)); }
void iFEXpLLiiLWpi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFEXpLLiiLWpi_t fn = (iFEXpLLiiLWpi_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 16)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 28)), from_ptri(uint16_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 40)); }
void iFuiiiiuuiiip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFuiiiiuuiiip_t fn = (iFuiiiiuuiiip_t)fcn; R_EAX = fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 40), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 44)); }
void pFEXpuiipuuii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEXpuiipuuii_t fn = (pFEXpuiipuuii_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 40))); }
void vFuiiiiiiiiuUC_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuiiiiiiiiuUC_t fn = (vFuiiiiiiiiuUC_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 40), from_ptri(uint64_t, R_ESP + 44), from_ptri(uint8_t, R_ESP + 52)); }
@ -2056,6 +2094,7 @@ void vFuuiiiiiiiuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuuiiiiiiiuup_t fn = (vF
void vFuuuuuuuuuuuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuuuuuuuuuuuu_t fn = (vFuuuuuuuuuuuu_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 40), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 44), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 48)); }
void vFffffffffffff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFffffffffffff_t fn = (vFffffffffffff_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 40), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 44), from_ptri(float, R_ESP + 48)); }
void pFEXLiiuuLipii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { pFEXLiiuuLipii_t fn = (pFEXLiiuuLipii_t)fcn; R_EAX = to_ptrv(fn(emu, getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 24), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 28)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 40), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 44))); }
void iFXLLlliLBL_pBL_BL_Bp__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { iFXLLlliLBL_pBL_BL_Bp__t fn = (iFXLLlliLBL_pBL_BL_Bp__t)fcn; struct_L_t arg_32={0}; struct_L_t arg_40={0}; struct_L_t arg_44={0}; struct_p_t arg_48={0}; R_EAX = fn(getDisplay(from_ptriv(R_ESP + 4)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 8)), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 12)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 16)), to_long(from_ptri(long_t, R_ESP + 20)), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), to_ulong(from_ptri(ulong_t, R_ESP + 28)), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 32))) ? &arg_32 : NULL, from_ptriv(R_ESP + 36), *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 40))) ? &arg_40 : NULL, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 44))) ? &arg_44 : NULL, *(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 48))) ? &arg_48 : NULL); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 32)))) to_struct_L(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 32))), &arg_32); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 40)))) to_struct_L(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 40))), &arg_40); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 44)))) to_struct_L(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 44))), &arg_44); if (*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 48)))) to_struct_p(*(ptr_t*)(from_ptr((R_ESP + 48))), &arg_48); }
void vFuiiiiiiiiiuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuiiiiiiiiiuup_t fn = (vFuiiiiiiiiiuup_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(int32_t, R_ESP + 40), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 44), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 48), from_ptriv(R_ESP + 52)); }
void vFuuuuuuuuuuuuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuuuuuuuuuuuuu_t fn = (vFuuuuuuuuuuuuu_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 12), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 40), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 44), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 48), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 52)); }
void vFuUuuuuuuuuuuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fcn) { vFuUuuuuuuuuuuu_t fn = (vFuUuuuuuuuuuuu_t)fcn; fn(from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 4), from_ptri(uint64_t, R_ESP + 8), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 16), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 20), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 24), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 28), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 32), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 36), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 40), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 44), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 48), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 52), from_ptri(uint32_t, R_ESP + 56)); }
@ -2123,9 +2162,9 @@ int isRetX87Wrapper32(wrapper_t fun) {
if (fun == &fFuii_32) return 1;
if (fun == &fFfff_32) return 1;
if (fun == &fFffp_32) return 1;
if (fun == &fFppa_32) return 1;
if (fun == &dFddd_32) return 1;
if (fun == &dFddp_32) return 1;
if (fun == &fFpBp_a_32) return 1;
if (fun == &dFpBp_i_32) return 1;
if (fun == &dFpBp_a_32) return 1;
#if defined(HAVE_LD80BITS)

View File

@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ void aFa_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void tFi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void tFu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void tFp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void XFv_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFBp__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFrL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFrL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -313,6 +314,7 @@ void vFlii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFlip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFllp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFlpp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpuU_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpuf_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -360,6 +362,7 @@ void iFpuC_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpuU_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpLi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -373,6 +376,7 @@ void iFSIi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFSli_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXLl_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXLL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXpu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -391,7 +395,6 @@ void uFpuU_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFuii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFfff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFffp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFppa_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void dFddd_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void dFddp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void lFipL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -410,6 +413,7 @@ void pFEpV_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEXL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEXp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFipi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFipL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFulu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpiL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -432,6 +436,7 @@ void iFBp_LL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFBp_pi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void IFpBp_i_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void UFpBp_i_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void fFpBp_a_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void dFpBp_i_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void dFpBp_a_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void lFpBp_i_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -579,11 +584,13 @@ void uFpCCC_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void lFEipi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void lFiipL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void lFipLi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void lFipLl_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void lFpuip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFEXii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFpLLS_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFppLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFppLa_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFXCii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFXLpi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEupp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEppi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -612,6 +619,7 @@ void lFiibp_L_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFpbp_Lp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpprLL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFXLrpLiL_L_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFuirLL_BLL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXLpBLWWWcc__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFpLpriiiiiiiiilt__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFEuipp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -717,6 +725,8 @@ void iFEppiV_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpppi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEXLpi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEXpLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEXppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFiiipu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFiiipp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFiLLLL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -741,6 +751,7 @@ void pFpiiuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpippp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFppuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFppupp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFXpipi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEBh_ppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFpbp_LLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFpBp_LLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -814,16 +825,19 @@ void vFpipipV_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpdddii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFppupii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpppppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFXLiiii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEuppup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEuppLp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpiLpp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpppup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEXLilp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEXpiup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEXpppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFuiiuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpiippp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFppiiii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXLiiiL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXLpppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXpIppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFupuufp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void lFipLipu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -884,6 +898,7 @@ void vFlliiiip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpipipiu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpddiidd_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEpLiipV_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEXLpppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFuiiiuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpWCiWCi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFpupLpLi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -927,6 +942,7 @@ void uFuipppppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFuupuuiuf_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void uFulpppppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void LFXLpuuLLu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXLLiippBL__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFiiiiiiiii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFiiiiiiill_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFiiiiillli_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -980,6 +996,7 @@ void vFuddiiddiip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFffffffffff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFuiiiuuiiip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXuuLiuiiLL_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFpppppppppp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFXpuiipuuii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFiiiiillliip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFiiiiilllilp_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -997,6 +1014,7 @@ void vFuffffffffff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFUufffffffff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFpipipiipiiu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEXLppiiiiuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFEXpLLiiLWpi_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFuiiiiuuiiip_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEXpuiipuuii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFuiiiiiiiiuUC_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
@ -1007,6 +1025,7 @@ void vFuuiiiiiiiuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFuuuuuuuuuuuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFffffffffffff_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void pFEXLiiuuLipii_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void iFXLLlliLBL_pBL_BL_Bp__32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFuiiiiiiiiiuup_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFuuuuuuuuuuuuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);
void vFuUuuuuuuuuuuu_32(x64emu_t *emu, uintptr_t fnc);

View File

@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ GO(inet_pton, iFipp)
//GOW(initstate_r, iFupup)
// inl // Weak
// innetgr
//GO(inotify_add_watch, iFipu)
GO(inotify_add_watch, iFipu)
GO(inotify_init, iFv)
GO(inotify_init1, iFi)
GO(inotify_rm_watch, iFii)
@ -1102,10 +1102,10 @@ GO(__mempcpy, pFppL)
GOW(memrchr, pFpiL)
GO(memset, pFpiL)
GO(__memset_chk, pFpiLL)
//GO(mincore, iFpLp)
GO(mincore, iFpLp)
GOW(mkdir, iFpu)
//GO(mkdirat, iFipu)
//GO(mkdtemp, pFp)
GO(mkdtemp, pFp)
GO(mkfifo, iFpu)
//GO(mkfifoat, iFipu)
//GO(mkostemp, iFpi)
@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ GOWM(mremap, pFEpLLiN) //%% 5th hidden paramerer "void* new_addr" if flags is MR
//GOW(msgget, iFpi)
//GOW(msgrcv, lFipLli)
//GOW(msgsnd, iFipLi)
//GOW(msync, iFpLi)
GOW(msync, iFpLi)
// mtrace
GO(munlock, iFpL)
//GO(munlockall, iFv)
@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ GOWM(open64, iFEpOu) //%%
//GO(__openat64_2, iFipON)
// __open_catalog
GOW(opendir, pFp)
//GO(openlog, vFpii)
GO(openlog, vFpii)
// open_memstream
// open_wmemstream
//DATAB(optarg, 4)
@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ GOW(posix_memalign, iFBp_LL)
//GOM(posix_spawnp, iFEpppppp) //%%
//GO(ppoll, iFpupp)
GOW(prctl, iFiLLLL)
//GOW(pread, lFipLl)
GOW(pread, lFipLl)
//GOW(pread64, lFipLI)
// __pread64 // Weak
// __pread64_chk
@ -1432,9 +1432,9 @@ GOM(scandir, iFEpppp) //%%
GOM(scandir64, iFEpppp) //%%
//GO2(scanf, iFpp, vscanf)
//GO(__sched_cpualloc, pFu) //TODO: check, return cpu_set_t* : should this be aligned/changed?
//GO(__sched_cpucount, iFup)
GO(__sched_cpucount, iFup)
//GO(__sched_cpufree, vFp)
//GO(sched_getaffinity, iFiup)
GO(sched_getaffinity, iFiup)
GO(sched_getcpu, iFv)
//GO(__sched_getparam, iFip)
//GOW(sched_getparam, iFip)
@ -1639,8 +1639,8 @@ GOW(strdup, pFp)
GO(__strdup, pFp)
GO(strerror, tFi)
//GO(strerror_l, pFip)
//GO(__strerror_r, pFipu)
//GOW(strerror_r, pFipu)
GO(__strerror_r, pFipL)
GOW(strerror_r, pFipL)
//GO(strfmon, lFpLpppppppppp) //vaarg, probably needs align, there are just double...
// __strfmon_l
// strfmon_l // Weak
@ -1671,7 +1671,7 @@ GO(strrchr, pFpi)
// __strsep_2c
// __strsep_3c
// __strsep_g
//GO(strsignal, pFi)
GO(strsignal, tFi)
GO(strspn, LFpp)
// __strspn_c1
// __strspn_c2
@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ GO(__strtod_l, dFpBp_a)
GOW(strtod_l, dFpBp_a)
GO(strtof, fFpBp_)
//GO(__strtof_internal, fFppp)
GO(__strtof_l, fFppa)
GO(__strtof_l, fFpBp_a)
//GOW(strtof_l, fFppu)
//GO(strtoimax, IFppi)
GO(strtok, pFpp)
@ -1782,7 +1782,7 @@ GO(__sysconf, lFi)
//DATA(_sys_siglist, 4)
//DATA(sys_siglist, 4)
GOW(system, iFp) // Need to wrap to use box86 if needed?
//GOM(__sysv_signal, pFEip) //%%
GO2(__sysv_signal, pFEip, my___sysv_signal) //%%
//GOWM(sysv_signal, pFEip) //%%
GOW(tcdrain, iFi)
GO(tcflow, iFii)

View File

@ -466,13 +466,13 @@ static void* my32_glXChooseFBConfig_##A(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, int screen, in
{ \
if(!my32_glXChooseFBConfig_fct_##A) \
return NULL; \
static ptr_t fbconfig[1024]; \
void** res = my32_glXChooseFBConfig_fct_##A (dpy, screen, list, nelement); \
if(!res) \
return NULL; \
ptr_t* fbconfig = (ptr_t*)res; \
for(int i=0; i<*nelement; ++i) \
fbconfig[i] = to_ptrv(res[i]); \
return &fbconfig; \
return res; \
#undef GO
@ -495,12 +495,12 @@ static void* my32_glXGetVisualFromFBConfig_##A(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, void* c
{ \
if(!my32_glXGetVisualFromFBConfig_fct_##A) \
return NULL; \
static my_XVisualInfo_32_t vinfo = {0}; \
void* res = my32_glXGetVisualFromFBConfig_fct_##A (dpy, config); \
if(!res) \
return NULL; \
convert_XVisualInfo_to_32(&vinfo, res); \
return &vinfo; \
my_XVisualInfo_32_t* vinfo = (my_XVisualInfo_32_t*)res; \
convert_XVisualInfo_to_32(vinfo, res); \
return vinfo; \
#undef GO
@ -554,22 +554,22 @@ EXPORT void my32_glShaderSource(x64emu_t* emu, uint32_t shader, int count, ptr_
EXPORT void* my32_glXChooseFBConfig(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, int screen, int* list, int* nelement)
static ptr_t fbconfig[1024];
void** res = my->glXChooseFBConfig(dpy, screen, list, nelement);
return NULL;
ptr_t *fbconfig = (ptr_t*)res;
for(int i=0; i<*nelement; ++i)
fbconfig[i] = to_ptrv(res[i]);
return &fbconfig;
return res;
EXPORT void* my32_glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, void* config)
static my_XVisualInfo_32_t vinfo = {0};
void* res = my->glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(dpy, config);
if(!res) return NULL;
convert_XVisualInfo_to_32(&vinfo, res);
return &vinfo;
my_XVisualInfo_32_t* vinfo = (my_XVisualInfo_32_t*)res;
convert_XVisualInfo_to_32(vinfo, res);
return vinfo;
#include "wrappedlib_init32.h"

View File

@ -2946,10 +2946,10 @@ GO(glXCreateContext,pFXppi)
//GO(glXCreateGLXPixmap, pFppp)
//GO(glXCreateGLXPixmapWithConfigSGIX, pFppp)
//GO(glXCreateGLXVideoSourceSGIX, pFpippip)
//GO(glXCreateNewContext, pFppipi)
GO(glXCreateNewContext, pFXpipi)
//GO(glXCreatePbuffer, pFppp)
//GO(glXCreatePixmap, pFppp)
//GO(glXCreateWindow, pFpppp)
GO(glXCreateWindow, pFXppp)
GO(glXChooseVisual, pFXip) // need to wrap XVisualInfo?
//GO(glXCopyImageSubDataNV, vFppuiiiiipuiiiiiiii)
//GO(glXCopySubBufferMESA, vFppiiii)
@ -2960,17 +2960,17 @@ GO(glXDestroyContext,vFXp)
//GO(glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV, pFpip)
//GO(glXEnumerateVideoDevicesNV, pFpip)
//GO(glXFreeContextEXT, vFpp)
GO(glXGetClientString, pFXi)
//GO(glXGetConfig, iFppip)
//GO(glXGetContextIDEXT, uFp)
//GO(glXGetCurrentContext, pFv)
//GO(glXGetCurrentDisplay, pFv)
//GO(glXGetCurrentDrawable, pFv)
//GO(glXGetCurrentReadDrawable, pFv)
GO(glXGetCurrentContext, pFv)
GO(glXGetCurrentDisplay, XFv)
GO(glXGetCurrentDrawable, pFv)
GO(glXGetCurrentReadDrawable, pFv)
@ -2993,12 +2993,12 @@ GOM(glXGetVisualFromFBConfig, pFEXp)
GO(glXJoinSwapGroupNV, iFXpu)
//GO(glXLockVideoCaptureDeviceNV, vFpp)
//GO(glXQueryDrawable, iFppip)
//GO(glXQueryExtension, iFppp)
GO(glXQueryExtension, iFXpp)
GO(glXQueryFrameCountNV, iFXip)
//GO(glXQueryGLXPbufferSGIX, vFppip)
@ -3016,19 +3016,19 @@ GO(glXReleaseTexImageEXT, vFXpi)
//GO(glXReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV, vFpp)
//GO(glXReleaseVideoDeviceNV, iFpip)
//GO(glXReleaseVideoImageNV, iFpp)
//GO(glXRender, vFv)
//GO(glXRenderLarge, vFv)
GO(glXRender, vFv)
GO(glXRenderLarge, vFv)
GO(glXResetFrameCountNV, iFXi)
//GO(glXSelectEvent, vFppu)
//GO(glXSelectEventSGIX, vFppu)
//GO(glXSendPbufferToVideoNV, iFppipi)
//GO(glXVendorPrivate, vFv)
//GO(glXVendorPrivateWithReply, vFv)
GO(glXVendorPrivate, vFv)
GO(glXVendorPrivateWithReply, vFv)
//GO(glXWaitVideoSyncSGI, iFiip)
GOM(glXGetProcAddress, pFEp)
GOM(glXGetProcAddressARB, pFEp)

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ GO(aio_write64, iFp)
GO(clock_getcpuclockid, iFup)
GO(clock_getres, iFup)
GO(clock_gettime, iFuBLL_) // *timespec
//GO(clock_nanosleep, iFuipp)
GO(clock_nanosleep, iFuirLL_BLL_)
//GO(clock_settime, iFup)
// lio_listio
// lio_listio64

View File

@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
#define LIBNAME libx11
#include "libtools/my_x11_defs.h"
#include "libtools/my_x11_defs_32.h"
void convertXEvent(my_XEvent_32_t* dst, my_XEvent_t* src);
void unconvertXEvent(my_XEvent_t* dst, my_XEvent_32_t* src);
typedef int (*XErrorHandler)(void *, void *);
void* my32_XSetErrorHandler(x64emu_t* t, XErrorHandler handler);
#if 0
@ -34,12 +39,9 @@ typedef int (*XIOErrorHandler)(void *);
void* my32_XSetIOErrorHandler(x64emu_t* t, XIOErrorHandler handler);
void* my32_XESetCloseDisplay(x64emu_t* emu, void* display, int32_t extension, void* handler);
typedef int (*WireToEventProc)(void*, void*, void*);
typedef int(*EventHandler) (void*,void*,void*);
int32_t my32_XIfEvent(x64emu_t* emu, void* d,void* ev, EventHandler h, void* arg);
#include "libtools/my_x11_defs.h"
#include "libtools/my_x11_defs_32.h"
void UnwrapXImage(void* d, void* s);
void WrapXImage(void* d, void* s);
@ -349,12 +351,15 @@ static void* findXConnectionWatchProcFct(void* fct)
printf_log(LOG_NONE, "Warning, no more slot for libX11 XConnectionWatchProc callback\n");
return NULL;
// xifevent
#define GO(A) \
static uintptr_t my32_xifevent_fct_##A = 0; \
static int my32_xifevent_##A(void* dpy, void* event, void* d) \
static uintptr_t my32_xifevent_fct_##A = 0; \
static int my32_xifevent_##A(void* dpy, my_XEvent_t* event, void* d) \
{ \
return RunFunctionFmt(my32_xifevent_fct_##A, "ppp", dpy, event, d); \
static my_XEvent_32_t evt = {0}; \
convertXEvent(&evt, event); \
return RunFunctionFmt(my32_xifevent_fct_##A, "ppp", dpy, &evt, d); \
#undef GO
@ -371,6 +376,7 @@ static void* findxifeventFct(void* fct)
printf_log(LOG_NONE, "Warning, no more slot for libX11 xifevent callback\n");
return NULL;
#if 0
// XInternalAsyncHandler
#define GO(A) \
static uintptr_t my32_XInternalAsyncHandler_fct_##A = 0; \
@ -1304,13 +1310,15 @@ EXPORT void* my32_XESetCloseDisplay(x64emu_t* emu, void* display, int32_t extens
void* ret = my->XESetCloseDisplay(display, extension, findclose_displayFct(handler));
return reverse_close_displayFct(my_lib, ret);
EXPORT int32_t my32_XIfEvent(x64emu_t* emu, void* d,void* ev, EventHandler h, void* arg)
int32_t ret = my->XIfEvent(d, ev, findxifeventFct(h), arg);
my_XEvent_t event = {0};
int32_t ret = my->XIfEvent(d, &event, findxifeventFct(h), arg);
convertXEvent(ev, &event);
return ret;
#if 0
EXPORT int32_t my32_XCheckIfEvent(x64emu_t* emu, void* d,void* ev, EventHandler h, void* arg)
int32_t ret = my->XCheckIfEvent(d, ev, findxifeventFct(h), arg);
@ -1322,8 +1330,15 @@ EXPORT int32_t my32_XPeekIfEvent(x64emu_t* emu, void* d,void* ev, EventHandler h
int32_t ret = my->XPeekIfEvent(d, ev, findxifeventFct(h), arg);
return ret;
EXPORT int my32_XFilterEvent(x64emu_t* emu, my_XEvent_32_t* evt, XID window)
my_XEvent_t event = {0};
unconvertXEvent(&event, evt);
return my->XFilterEvent(&event, window);
void WrapXImage(void* d, void* s)
XImage *src = s;
@ -1512,7 +1527,7 @@ EXPORT int my32_XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback(x64emu_t* emu, void* d, void* d
return my->XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback(d, db, res_name, res_class, reverse_register_imFct(my_lib, cb), data);
EXPORT int my32_XQueryExtension(x64emu_t* emu, void* display, char* name, int* major, int* first_event, int* first_error)
int ret = my->XQueryExtension(display, name, major, first_event, first_error);
@ -1523,7 +1538,7 @@ EXPORT int my32_XQueryExtension(x64emu_t* emu, void* display, char* name, int* m
return ret;
#if 0
EXPORT int my32_XAddConnectionWatch(x64emu_t* emu, void* display, char* f, void* data)
return my->XAddConnectionWatch(display, findXConnectionWatchProcFct(f), data);
@ -1924,7 +1939,12 @@ void convertXEvent(my_XEvent_32_t* dst, my_XEvent_t* src)
dst->xclient.message_type = to_ulong(src->xclient.message_type);
dst->xclient.format = src->xclient.format;
for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) dst->xclient.data.l[i] = to_ulong(src->xclient.data.l[i]);
for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
dst->xclient.data.l[i] = to_ulong(src->xclient.data.l[i]&0xffffffff); // negative value...
dst->xclient.data.l[i] = to_ulong(src->xclient.data.l[i]);
memcpy(dst->xclient.data.b, src->xclient.data.b, 20);
@ -2395,6 +2415,70 @@ EXPORT void my32_XSetWMProperties(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, XID window, void* wi
my->XSetWMProperties(dpy, window, window_name?(&window_name_l):NULL, icon_name?(&icon_name_l):NULL, argv?argv_l:NULL, argc, normal_hints?(&wm_size_l):NULL, wm_hints?(&wm_hints_l):NULL, class_hints?(&class_hints_l):NULL);
EXPORT void my32_Xutf8SetWMProperties(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, XID window, void* window_name, void* icon_name, ptr_t* argv, int argc, void* normal_hints, my_XWMHints_32_t* wm_hints, ptr_t* class_hints)
int wm_size_l[17+2] = {0};
my_XWMHints_t wm_hints_l = {0};
char* class_hints_l[2] = {0};
char* argv_l[argc+1];
convert_XSizeHints_to_64(&wm_size_l, normal_hints);
convert_XWMints_to_64(&wm_hints_l, wm_hints);
if(class_hints) {
class_hints_l[0] = from_ptrv(class_hints[0]);
class_hints_l[1] = from_ptrv(class_hints[1]);
if(argv) {
memset(argv_l, 0, sizeof(argv_l));
for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i)
argv_l[i] = from_ptrv(argv[i]);
my->Xutf8SetWMProperties(dpy, window, window_name, icon_name, argv?argv_l:NULL, argc, normal_hints?(&wm_size_l):NULL, wm_hints?(&wm_hints_l):NULL, class_hints?(&class_hints_l):NULL);
EXPORT void* my32_XListExtensions(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, int* n)
char** ret = my->XListExtensions(dpy, n);
if(!ret) return NULL;
ptr_t* ret_s = (ptr_t*)ret;
// shrinking
for(int i=0; i<*n; ++i)
ret_s[i] = to_ptrv(ret[i]);
ret_s[*n] = 0;
return ret;
EXPORT int my32_XFreeExtensionList(x64emu_t* emu, ptr_t* list)
// need to expand back the list
int n = 0;
//first grab n
while(list[n]) ++n;
// now expand, backward order
void** list_l = (void**)list;
for(int i=n-1; i>=0; --i)
list_l[i] = from_ptrv(list[i]);
return my->XFreeExtensionList(list);
EXPORT int my32_XQueryTree(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, XID window, XID_32* root, XID_32* parent, ptr_t* children, uint32_t* n)
XID root_l = 0;
XID parent_l = 0;
XID* children_l = NULL;
int ret = my->XQueryTree(dpy, window, &root_l, &parent_l, &children_l, n);
*root = to_ulong(root_l);
*parent = to_ulong(parent_l);
*children = to_ptrv(children_l);
for(int i=0; i<*n; ++i)
((XID_32*)children_l)[i] = to_ulong(children_l[i]);
return ret;
#define CUSTOM_INIT \
AddAutomaticBridge(lib->w.bridge, vFp_32, *(void**)dlsym(lib->w.lib, "_XLockMutex_fn"), 0, "_XLockMutex_fn"); \
AddAutomaticBridge(lib->w.bridge, vFp_32, *(void**)dlsym(lib->w.lib, "_XUnlockMutex_fn"), 0, "_XUnlockMutex_fn"); \

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ GOM(XCheckTypedEvent, iFEXip)
//GO(XClearWindow, iFpL)
//GO(XClipBox, iFpp)
GOM(XCloseDisplay, iFEX)
//GO(XCloseIM, iFp)
GO(XCloseIM, iFp)
//GO(XCloseOM, iFp)
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ GO(XDefineCursor, iFXLL)
//GO(XDeleteProperty, iFpLL)
//GO(_XDeq, vFppp)
//GOM(_XDeqAsyncHandler, vFEpp)
//GO(XDestroyIC, vFp)
GO(XDestroyIC, vFp)
GOM(XDestroyImage, iFEp) //need to unbridge
//GO(XDestroyOC, vFp)
//GO(XDestroyRegion, iFp)
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ GO(XEventsQueued, iFXi)
//GO(XFillPolygon, iFpLppiii)
//GO(XFillRectangle, iFpLpiiuu)
//GO(XFillRectangles, iFpLppi)
//GO(XFilterEvent, iFpL)
GOM(XFilterEvent, iFEpL)
//GO(XFindContext, iFpLip)
//GO(XFindOnExtensionList, pFpi)
GO(_XFlush, vFX)
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ GO(XFreeCursor, iFXL)
//GO(_XFreeEventCookies, vFp)
//GO(XFreeEventData, vFpp)
//GO(_XFreeExtData, iFp)
//GO(XFreeExtensionList, iFp)
GOM(XFreeExtensionList, iFEp)
GO(XFreeFont, iFXp)
//GO(XFreeFontInfo, iFppi)
//GO(XFreeFontNames, iFp)
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ GO(XGetErrorText, iFXipi)
//GO(_XGetHostname, iFpi)
//GO(XGetIconName, iFpLp)
//GO(XGetIconSizes, iFpLpp)
//GO(XGetICValues, pFpppppppppp) // use varargs...
GO(XGetICValues, pFpppppppppp) // use varargs...
GOM(XGetImage, pFEXLiiuuLi) // return an XImage with callbacks that needs wrapping
//GO(XGetIMValues, pFppppppp) // use varargs
//GO(XGetInputFocus, iFppp)
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ GOM(XGetSubImage, pFEXLiiuuLipii)
//GO(XGetVisualInfo, pFplpp)
//GO(_XGetWindowAttributes, iFpLp)
GOM(XGetWindowAttributes, iFEXLp)
//GO(XGetWindowProperty, iFpLLlliLppppp)
GO(XGetWindowProperty, iFXLLlliLBL_pBL_BL_Bp_)
//GO(XGetWMClientMachine, iFpLp)
//GO(XGetWMColormapWindows, iFpLpp)
//GO(XGetWMHints, pFpL)
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ GO(XGrabServer, iFX)
//GO(XHeightOfScreen, iFp)
//DATAB(_Xi18n_lock, 4)
//GO(XIconifyWindow, iFpLi)
//GOM(XIfEvent, iFEpppp)
GOM(XIfEvent, iFEXppp)
//GO(XImageByteOrder, iFp)
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ GO(XInternAtom, LFXpi)
//GO(XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes, iFpui)
//DATA(_XkbInternAtomFunc, 4)
//GO(XkbKeycodeToKeysym, LFpCii)
GO(XkbKeycodeToKeysym, LFXCii)
//GO(XkbKeysymToModifiers, uFpL)
//GO(XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols, iFpipupp)
//GO(XkbLatchGroup, iFpuu)
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ GO(XInternAtom, LFXpi)
//GO(XkbSetCompatMap, iFpupi)
//GO(XkbSetControls, iFpLp)
//GO(XkbSetDebuggingFlags, iFpuupuupp)
//GO(XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat, iFpip)
GO(XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat, iFXip)
//GO(XkbSetDeviceButtonActions, iFppuu)
//GO(XkbSetDeviceInfo, iFpup)
//GO(XkbSetDeviceLedInfo, iFppuuu)
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ DATA(_XlcPublicMethods, 4)
//GO(XListDepths, pFpip)
//GO(XListExtensions, pFpp)
GOM(XListExtensions, pFEXp)
//GO(XListFonts, pFppip)
//GO(XListFontsWithInfo, pFppipp)
//GO(XListHosts, pFppp)
@ -968,13 +968,13 @@ GO(XPutPixel, vFXiiL)
//GO(XQueryBestTile, iFpLuupp)
//GO(XQueryColor, iFpLp)
//GO(XQueryColors, iFpLpi)
//GOM(XQueryExtension, iFEppppp)
GOM(XQueryExtension, iFEXpppp)
//GO(XQueryFont, pFpL)
//GO(XQueryKeymap, iFpp)
//GO(XQueryPointer, iFpLppppppp)
//GO(XQueryTextExtents, iFpLpipppp)
//GO(XQueryTextExtents16, iFpLpipppp)
//GO(XQueryTree, iFpLpppp)
GOM(XQueryTree, iFEXLpppp)
//GO(XRaiseWindow, iFpL)
//GO(_XRead, iFppl)
//GO(XReadBitmapFile, iFpLpppppp)
@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ GO(XPutPixel, vFXiiL)
//GO(XScreenOfDisplay, pFpi)
//GO(_XScreenOfWindow, pFpL)
//GO(XScreenResourceString, pFp)
//GO(XSelectInput, iFpLl)
GO(XSelectInput, iFXLl)
//GO(_XSend, vFppl)
GOM(XSendEvent, iFEXLilp)
//GO(XServerVendor, pFp)
@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ GOM(XSetErrorHandler, pFEp)
//GO(XSetForeground, iFppL)
//GO(XSetFunction, iFppi)
//GO(XSetGraphicsExposures, iFppi)
//GO(XSetICFocus, vFp)
GO(XSetICFocus, vFp)
//GO(XSetIconName, iFpLp)
//GO(XSetIconSizes, iFpLpi)
//GOM(XSetICValues, pFEpV)
@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ GOM(XSetErrorHandler, pFEp)
//GOM(XSetIOErrorHandler, pFEp)
//GO(_XSetLastRequestRead, LFpp)
//GO(XSetLineAttributes, iFppuiii)
//GO(XSetLocaleModifiers, pFp)
GO(XSetLocaleModifiers, pFp)
//GO(XSetModifierMapping, iFpp)
//GO(XSetNormalHints, iFpLp)
//GO(XSetOCValues, pFpppppppppppppppp) // use vaarg
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ GO(XSync, iFXi)
//GO(XTextWidth, iFppi)
//GO(XTextWidth16, iFppi)
//DATAB(_Xthread_self_fn, 4)
//GO(XTranslateCoordinates, iFpLLiippp)
GO(XTranslateCoordinates, iFXLLiippBL_)
@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ GO(XUngrabPointer, iFXL)
GO(XUnlockDisplay, vFX)
DATA(_XUnlockMutex_fn, 4)
//GO(XUnmapSubwindows, iFpL)
//GO(XUnmapWindow, iFpL)
GO(XUnmapWindow, iFXL)
//GOM(XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback, iFEpppppp)
//GO(_XUnregisterInternalConnection, vFpi)
@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ DATA(_XUnlockMutex_fn, 4)
//GO(Xutf8LookupString, iFpppipp)
//GO(Xutf8ResetIC, pFp)
//GO(Xutf8SetWMProperties, vFpLpppippp)
GOM(Xutf8SetWMProperties, vFEXLpppippp)
//GO(Xutf8TextEscapement, iFppi)
//GO(Xutf8TextExtents, iFppipp)

View File

@ -126,6 +126,50 @@ EXPORT void* my32_XRRGetScreenResources(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, XID window)
return ret;
EXPORT int my32_XRRSetCrtcConfig(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, void* res, XID crtc, unsigned long timestamp, int x, int y, XID mode, uint16_t rotation, XID_32* outputs, int noutputs)
XID outputs_l[noutputs];
memset(outputs_l, 0, sizeof(outputs_l));
int ret = my->XRRSetCrtcConfig(dpy, res, crtc, timestamp, x, y, mode, rotation, &outputs_l, noutputs);
for(int i=0; i<noutputs; ++i)
outputs[i] = to_ulong(outputs_l[i]);
return ret;
EXPORT void* my32_XRRGetPanning(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, void* res, XID crtc)
void* ret = my->XRRGetPanning(dpy, res, crtc);
if(ret) {
// shrink XRRPanning: L and 12i
*(ulong_t*)res = to_ulong(*(unsigned long*)res);
memmove(res+4, res+8, 12*4);
return ret;
EXPORT int my32_XRRSetPanning(x64emu_t* emu, void* dpy, void* res, XID crtc, void* panning)
// enlarge panning
unsigned long timestamp = from_ulong(*(ulong_t*)panning);
memmove(panning+8, panning+4, 12*4);
*(unsigned long*)panning = timestamp;
int ret = my->XRRSetPanning(dpy, res, crtc, panning);
// shrink XRRPanning: L and 12i
*(ulong_t*)panning = to_ulong(*(unsigned long*)panning);
memmove(panning+4, panning+8, 12*4);
return ret;
void inplace_XRRCrtcInfo_shrink(void* s)
if(!s) return;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ GO(XRRQueryVersion, iFXpp)
GO(XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo, vFp)
GOM(XRRGetCrtcInfo, pFEXpL)
//GO(XRRListOutputProperties, pFpLp)
//GO(XRRQueryExtension, iFppp)
GO(XRRQueryExtension, iFXpp)
//GO(XRRAllocModeInfo, pFpi)
//GO(XRRGetProviderProperty, iFpLLlliiLppppp)
//GO(XRRListProviderProperties, pFpLp)
@ -26,27 +26,27 @@ GOM(XRRGetScreenResources, pFEXL)
//GO(XRRDeleteProviderProperty, vFpLL)
//GO(XRRSetScreenConfig, iFppLiWL)
//GO(XRRAllocGamma, pFi)
//GO(XRRSetScreenSize, vFpLiiii)
GO(XRRSetScreenSize, vFXLiiii)
//GO(XRRSetScreenConfigAndRate, iFppLiWwL)
GO(XRRFreeScreenResources, vFp)
GO(XRRGetOutputPrimary, LFXL)
//GO(XRRCreateMode, LFpLp)
//GO(XRRConfigCurrentRate, wFp)
//GO(XRRDestroyMode, vFpL)
//GO(XRRSetCrtcConfig, iFppLLiiLWpi)
GOM(XRRSetCrtcConfig, iFEXpLLiiLWpi)
//GO(XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration, WFpp)
//GO(XRRSizes, pFpip)
//GO(XRRAddOutputMode, vFpLL)
//GO(XRRFreePanning, vFp)
GO(XRRFreePanning, vFp)
//GO(XRRFreeProviderResources, vFp)
//GO(XRRChangeProviderProperty, vFpLLLiipi)
//GO(XRRGetPanning, pFppL)
GOM(XRRGetPanning, pFEXpL)
//GO(XRRSetProviderOffloadSink, iFpLL)
//GO(XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent, pFpL)
//GO(XRRConfigTimes, LFpp)
//GO(XRRSetCrtcGamma, vFpLp)
//GO(XRRSetProviderOutputSource, iFpLL)
//GO(XRRGetScreenSizeRange, iFpLpppp)
GO(XRRGetScreenSizeRange, iFXLpppp)
//GO(XRRRates, pFpiip)
//GO(XRRFreeProviderInfo, vFp)
//GO(XRRConfigRates, pFpip)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ GO(XRRFreeCrtcInfo, vFp)
//GO(XRRFreeModeInfo, vFp)
//GO(XRRChangeOutputProperty, vFpLLLiipi)
//GO(XRRGetCrtcGamma, pFpL)
//GO(XRRSetPanning, iFppLp)
GOM(XRRSetPanning, iFEXpLp)
//GO(XRRSelectInput, vFpLi)
//GO(XRRGetCrtcTransform, iFpLp)
//GO(XRRTimes, LFpip)