362 lines
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362 lines
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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2002,2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
# $Id: rep067.tcl,v 1.8 2007/06/15 14:39:51 carol Exp $
# TEST rep067
# TEST Replication election test with large timeouts.
# TEST Test replication elections among clients with widely varying
# TEST timeouts. This test is used to simulate a customer that
# TEST wants to force full participation in an election, but only
# TEST if all sites are present (i.e. if all sites are restarted
# TEST together). If any site has already been part of the group,
# TEST then we want to be able to elect a master based on majority.
# TEST Using varied timeouts, we can force full participation if
# TEST all sites are present with "long_timeout" amount of time and
# TEST then revert to majority.
# TEST A long_timeout would be several minutes whereas a normal
# TEST short timeout would be a few seconds.
proc rep067 { method args } {
source ./include.tcl
if { $is_windows9x_test == 1 } {
puts "Skipping replication test on Win 9x platform."
# Skip for all methods except btree.
if { $checking_valid_methods } {
set test_methods { btree }
return $test_methods
if { [is_btree $method] == 0 } {
puts "Rep067: Skipping for method $method."
set tnum "067"
set niter 10
set nclients 3
set logsets [create_logsets [expr $nclients + 1]]
# We don't want to run this with -recover - it takes too
# long and doesn't cover any new ground.
set recargs ""
foreach l $logsets {
puts "Rep$tnum ($recargs): Replication election\
mixed long timeouts with $nclients clients."
puts -nonewline "Rep$tnum: Started at: "
puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
puts "Rep$tnum: Master logs are [lindex $l 0]"
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
puts "Rep$tnum: Client $i logs are\
[lindex $l [expr $i + 1]]"
rep067_sub $method $tnum \
$niter $nclients $l $recargs $args
proc rep067_sub { method tnum niter nclients logset recargs largs } {
source ./include.tcl
global rand_init
error_check_good set_random_seed [berkdb srand $rand_init] 0
global rep_verbose
set verbargs ""
if { $rep_verbose == 1 } {
set verbargs " -verbose {rep on} "
env_cleanup $testdir
set qdir $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
replsetup $qdir
set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR
file mkdir $masterdir
set m_logtype [lindex $logset 0]
set m_logargs [adjust_logargs $m_logtype]
set m_txnargs [adjust_txnargs $m_logtype]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
set clientdir($i) $testdir/CLIENTDIR.$i
file mkdir $clientdir($i)
set c_logtype($i) [lindex $logset [expr $i + 1]]
set c_logargs($i) [adjust_logargs $c_logtype($i)]
set c_txnargs($i) [adjust_txnargs $c_logtype($i)]
# Open a master.
repladd 1
set env_cmd(M) "berkdb_env_noerr -create -log_max 1000000 \
-event rep_event \
-home $masterdir $m_logargs $verbargs -errpfx MASTER \
$m_txnargs -rep_master -rep_transport \[list 1 replsend\]"
set masterenv [eval $env_cmd(M) $recargs]
set envlist {}
lappend envlist "$masterenv 1"
# Open the clients.
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
set envid [expr $i + 2]
repladd $envid
set env_cmd($i) "berkdb_env_noerr -create \
-event rep_event -home $clientdir($i) \
$c_logargs($i) $c_txnargs($i) -rep_client $verbargs \
-errpfx CLIENT.$i -rep_transport \[list $envid replsend\]"
set clientenv($i) [eval $env_cmd($i) $recargs]
lappend envlist "$clientenv($i) $envid"
# Process startup messages
process_msgs $envlist
# Run a modified test001 in the master.
puts "\tRep$tnum.a: Running test001 in replicated env."
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter 0 0 0 0 $largs
# Process all the messages and close the master.
process_msgs $envlist
error_check_good masterenv_close [$masterenv close] 0
set envlist [lreplace $envlist 0 0]
# Make sure all clients are starting with no pending messages.
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
replclear [expr $i + 2]
# Run the test for all different timoeut combinations.
set c0to { long medium short }
set c1to { medium short long }
set c2to { short medium long }
set numtests [expr [llength $c0to] * [llength $c1to] * \
[llength $c2to]]
set m "Rep$tnum"
set count 0
set last_win -1
set win -1
set quorum { majority all }
foreach q $quorum {
puts "\t$m.b: Starting $numtests election with\
timeout tests: $q must participate"
foreach c0 $c0to {
foreach c1 $c1to {
foreach c2 $c2to {
set elist [list $c0 $c1 $c2]
rep067_elect env_cmd envlist $qdir \
$m $count win last_win $elist \
$q $logset
incr count
foreach pair $envlist {
set cenv [lindex $pair 0]
error_check_good cenv_close [$cenv close] 0
replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
puts -nonewline \
"Rep$tnum: Completed at: "
puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
proc rep067_elect { ecmd celist qdir msg count \
winner lsn_lose elist quorum logset} {
global elect_timeout elect_serial
global timeout_ok
upvar $ecmd env_cmd
upvar $celist envlist
upvar $winner win
upvar $lsn_lose last_win
# Set the proper value for the first time through the
# loop. On subsequent passes, timeout_ok will already
# be set.
if { [info exists timeout_ok] == 0 } {
set timeout_ok 0
set nclients [llength $elist]
set nsites [expr $nclients + 1]
# Set long timeout to 3 minutes (180 sec).
# Set medium timeout to half the long timeout.
# Set short timeout to 10 seconds.
set long_timeout 180000000
set med_timeout [expr $long_timeout / 2]
set short_timeout 10000000
set cl_list {}
foreach pair $envlist {
set id [lindex $pair 1]
set i [expr $id - 2]
set clientenv($i) [lindex $pair 0]
set to [lindex $elist $i]
if { $to == "long" } {
set elect_timeout($i) $long_timeout
} elseif { $to == "medium" } {
set elect_timeout($i) $med_timeout
} elseif { $to == "short" } {
set elect_timeout($i) $short_timeout
set elect_pipe($i) INVALID
set err_cmd($i) "none"
replclear $id
lappend cl_list $i
# Select winner. We want to test biggest LSN wins, and secondarily
# highest priority wins. If we already have a master, make sure
# we don't start a client in that master.
set elector 0
if { $win == -1 } {
if { $last_win != -1 } {
set cl_list [lreplace $cl_list $last_win $last_win]
set elector $last_win
set windex [berkdb random_int 0 [expr [llength $cl_list] - 1]]
set win [lindex $cl_list $windex]
} else {
# Easy case, if we have a master, the winner must be the
# same one as last time, just use $win.
# If client0 is the current existing master, start the
# election in client 1.
if {$win == 0} {
set elector 1
# Winner has priority 100. If we are testing LSN winning, the
# make sure the lowest LSN client has the highest priority.
# Everyone else has priority 10.
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
set crash($i) 0
if { $i == $win } {
set pri($i) 100
} elseif { $i == $last_win } {
set pri($i) 200
} else {
set pri($i) 10
puts "\t$msg.b.$count: Start election (win=client$win) $elist"
set msg $msg.c.$count
# If we want all sites, then set nsites and nvotes the same.
# otherwise, we need to increase nsites to account
# for the master that is "down".
if { $quorum == "all" } {
set nsites $nclients
} else {
set nsites [expr $nclients + 1]
set nvotes $nclients
run_election env_cmd envlist err_cmd pri crash \
$qdir $msg $elector $nsites $nvotes $nclients $win \
0 "test.db" 0 $timeout_ok
# Sometimes test elections with an existing master.
# Other times test elections without master by closing the
# master we just elected and creating a new client.
# We want to weight it to close the new master. So, use
# a list to cause closing about 70% of the time.
set close_list { 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}
set close_len [expr [llength $close_list] - 1]
set close_index [berkdb random_int 0 $close_len]
# Unless we close the master, the next election will time out.
set timeout_ok 1
if { [lindex $close_list $close_index] == 1 } {
# Declare that we expect the next election to succeed.
set timeout_ok 0
puts -nonewline "\t\t$msg: Closing "
error_check_good newmaster_flush [$clientenv($win) log_flush] 0
error_check_good newmaster_close [$clientenv($win) close] 0
# If the next test should win via LSN then remove the
# env before starting the new client so that we
# can guarantee this client doesn't win the next one.
set lsn_win { 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 }
set lsn_len [expr [llength $lsn_win] - 1]
set lsn_index [berkdb random_int 0 $lsn_len]
set rec_arg ""
set win_inmem [expr [string compare [lindex $logset \
[expr $win + 1]] in-memory] == 0]
if { [lindex $lsn_win $lsn_index] == 1 } {
set last_win $win
set dirindex [lsearch -exact $env_cmd($win) "-home"]
incr dirindex
set lsn_dir [lindex $env_cmd($win) $dirindex]
env_cleanup $lsn_dir
puts -nonewline "and cleaning "
} else {
# If we're not cleaning the env, decide if we should
# run recovery upon reopening the env. This causes
# two things:
# 1. Removal of region files which forces the env
# to read its __db.rep.egen file.
# 2. Adding a couple log records, so this client must
# be the next winner as well since it'll have the
# biggest LSN.
set rec_win { 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 }
set rec_len [expr [llength $rec_win] - 1]
set rec_index [berkdb random_int 0 $rec_len]
if { [lindex $rec_win $rec_index] == 1 } {
puts -nonewline "and recovering "
set rec_arg "-recover"
# If we're in memory and about to run
# recovery, we force ourselves not to win
# the next election because recovery will
# blow away the entire log in memory.
# However, we don't skip this entirely
# because we still want to force reading
# of __db.rep.egen.
if { $win_inmem } {
set last_win $win
} else {
set last_win -1
} else {
set last_win -1
puts "new master, new client $win"
set clientenv($win) [eval $env_cmd($win) $rec_arg]
error_check_good cl($win) [is_valid_env $clientenv($win)] TRUE
# Since we started a new client, we need to replace it
# in the message processing list so that we get the
# new Tcl handle name in there.
set newelector "$clientenv($win) [expr $win + 2]"
set envlist [lreplace $envlist $win $win $newelector]
if { $rec_arg == "" || $win_inmem } {
set win -1
# Since we started a new client we want to give them
# all a chance to process everything outstanding before
# the election on the next iteration.
process_msgs $envlist