260 lines
8.2 KiB
260 lines
8.2 KiB
# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2004,2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
# $Id: rep035.tcl,v 12.17 2007/05/17 18:17:21 bostic Exp $
# TEST rep035
# TEST Test sync-up recovery in replication.
# TEST We need to fork off 3 child tclsh processes to operate
# TEST on Site 3's (client always) home directory:
# TEST Process 1 continually calls lock_detect.
# TEST Process 2 continually calls txn_checkpoint.
# TEST Process 3 continually calls memp_trickle.
# TEST Process 4 continually calls log_archive.
# TEST Sites 1 and 2 will continually swap being master
# TEST (forcing site 3 to continually run sync-up recovery)
# TEST New master performs 1 operation, replicates and downgrades.
proc rep035 { method { niter 100 } { tnum "035" } args } {
source ./include.tcl
if { $is_windows9x_test == 1 } {
puts "Skipping replication test on Win 9x platform."
# Valid for all access methods.
if { $checking_valid_methods } {
return "ALL"
set saved_args $args
set logsets [create_logsets 3]
foreach l $logsets {
set envargs ""
set args $saved_args
puts "Rep$tnum: Test sync-up recovery ($method)."
puts "Rep$tnum: Master logs are [lindex $l 0]"
puts "Rep$tnum: Client 0 logs are [lindex $l 1]"
puts "Rep$tnum: Client 1 logs are [lindex $l 2]"
rep035_sub $method $niter $tnum $envargs $l $args
proc rep035_sub { method niter tnum envargs logset largs } {
source ./include.tcl
global testdir
global rep_verbose
set verbargs ""
if { $rep_verbose == 1 } {
set verbargs " -verbose {rep on} "
env_cleanup $testdir
replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR
set clientdir1 $testdir/CLIENTDIR1
set clientdir2 $testdir/CLIENTDIR2
file mkdir $masterdir
file mkdir $clientdir1
file mkdir $clientdir2
set m_logtype [lindex $logset 0]
set c_logtype [lindex $logset 1]
set c2_logtype [lindex $logset 2]
# In-memory logs require a large log buffer, and cannot
# be used with -txn nosync.
set m_logargs [adjust_logargs $m_logtype]
set c_logargs [adjust_logargs $c_logtype]
set c2_logargs [adjust_logargs $c2_logtype]
set m_txnargs [adjust_txnargs $m_logtype]
set c_txnargs [adjust_txnargs $c_logtype]
set c2_txnargs [adjust_txnargs $c2_logtype]
# Open a master.
repladd 1
set env_cmd(M) "berkdb_env_noerr -create $verbargs \
-log_max 1000000 $envargs -home $masterdir $m_logargs \
-errpfx MASTER -errfile /dev/stderr $m_txnargs -rep_master \
-rep_transport \[list 1 replsend\]"
set env1 [eval $env_cmd(M)]
# Open two clients
repladd 2
set env_cmd(C1) "berkdb_env_noerr -create $verbargs \
-log_max 1000000 $envargs -home $clientdir1 $c_logargs \
-errfile /dev/stderr -errpfx CLIENT $c_txnargs -rep_client \
-rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]"
set env2 [eval $env_cmd(C1)]
# Second client needs lock_detect flag.
repladd 3
set env_cmd(C2) "berkdb_env_noerr -create $verbargs \
-log_max 1000000 $envargs -home $clientdir2 $c2_logargs \
-errpfx CLIENT2 -errfile /dev/stderr $c2_txnargs -rep_client \
-lock_detect default -rep_transport \[list 3 replsend\]"
set env3 [eval $env_cmd(C2)]
error_check_good client_env [is_valid_env $env3] TRUE
# Bring the client online by processing the startup messages.
set envlist "{$env1 1} {$env2 2} {$env3 3}"
process_msgs $envlist
# Clobber replication's 30-second anti-archive timer, which will have
# been started by client sync-up internal init, so that we can do a
# log_archive in a moment.
$env1 test force noarchive_timeout
# We need to fork off 3 child tclsh processes to operate
# on Site 3's (client always) home directory:
# Process 1 continually calls lock_detect (DB_LOCK_DEFAULT)
# Process 2 continually calls txn_checkpoint (DB_FORCE)
# Process 3 continually calls memp_trickle (large % like 90)
# Process 4 continually calls log_archive.
puts "\tRep$tnum.a: Fork child process running lock_detect on client2."
set pid1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl \
rep035script.tcl $testdir/lock_detect.log \
$clientdir2 detect &]
puts "\tRep$tnum.b: Fork child process running txn_checkpoint on client2."
set pid2 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl \
rep035script.tcl $testdir/txn_checkpoint.log \
$clientdir2 checkpoint &]
puts "\tRep$tnum.c: Fork child process running memp_trickle on client2."
set pid3 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl \
rep035script.tcl $testdir/memp_trickle.log \
$clientdir2 trickle &]
puts "\tRep$tnum.d: Fork child process running log_archive on client2."
set pid4 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl \
rep035script.tcl $testdir/log_archive.log \
$clientdir2 archive &]
# Pause a bit to let the children get going.
tclsleep 5
set logfilelist [list lock_detect.log \
txn_checkpoint.log memp_trickle.log log_archive.log]
set pidlist [list $pid1 $pid2 $pid3 $pid4]
# Sites 1 and 2 will continually swap being master
# forcing site 3 to continually run sync-up recovery.
# New master performs 1 operation, replicates and downgrades.
# Site 3 will always stay a client.
# Set up all the master/client data we're going to need
# to keep track of and swap. Set up the handles for rep_test.
set masterenv $env1
set mid 1
set clientenv $env2
set cid 2
set testfile "test$tnum.db"
set args [convert_args $method]
set omethod [convert_method $method]
set mdb_cmd "{berkdb_open_noerr} -env $masterenv -auto_commit \
-create $omethod $args -mode 0644 $testfile"
set cdb_cmd "{berkdb_open_noerr} -env $clientenv -auto_commit \
$omethod $args -mode 0644 $testfile"
set masterdb [eval $mdb_cmd]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $masterdb] TRUE
process_msgs $envlist
set clientdb [eval $cdb_cmd]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $clientdb] TRUE
tclsleep 2
puts "\tRep$tnum.e: Swap master and client $niter times."
for { set i 0 } { $i < $niter } { incr i } {
# Do a few ops
eval rep_test $method $masterenv $masterdb 2 $i $i 0 0 $largs
set envlist "{$masterenv $mid} {$clientenv $cid} {$env3 3}"
process_msgs $envlist
# Do one op on master and process messages and drop
# to clientenv to force sync-up recovery next time.
eval rep_test $method $masterenv $masterdb 1 $i $i 0 0 $largs
set envlist "{$masterenv $mid} {$env3 3}"
replclear $cid
process_msgs $envlist
# Swap all the info we need.
set tmp $masterenv
set masterenv $clientenv
set clientenv $tmp
set tmp $masterdb
set masterdb $clientdb
set clientdb $tmp
set tmp $mid
set mid $cid
set cid $tmp
set tmp $mdb_cmd
set mdb_cmd $cdb_cmd
set cdb_cmd $tmp
puts "\tRep$tnum.e.$i: Swap: master $mid, client $cid"
error_check_good downgrade [$clientenv rep_start -client] 0
error_check_good upgrade [$masterenv rep_start -master] 0
set envlist "{$masterenv $mid} {$clientenv $cid} {$env3 3}"
process_msgs $envlist
# Close old and reopen since we will get HANDLE_DEAD
# otherwise because we dropped messages to the new master.
error_check_good masterdb [$masterdb close] 0
error_check_good clientdb [$clientdb close] 0
set masterdb [eval $mdb_cmd]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $masterdb] TRUE
set clientdb [eval $cdb_cmd]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $clientdb] TRUE
process_msgs $envlist
# Communicate with child processes by creating a marker file.
set markerenv [berkdb_env_noerr -create -home $testdir -txn]
error_check_good markerenv_open [is_valid_env $markerenv] TRUE
set marker [eval "berkdb_open_noerr \
-create -btree -auto_commit -env $markerenv marker.db"]
error_check_good marker_close [$marker close] 0
# Wait for child processes; they should shut down quickly.
watch_procs $pidlist 1
# There should not be any messages in the log files.
# If there are, print them out.
foreach file $logfilelist {
puts "\tRep$tnum.f: Checking $file for errors."
set fd [open $testdir/$file r]
while { [gets $fd str] != -1 } {
error "FAIL: found message $str"
error_check_good masterdb [$masterdb close] 0
error_check_good clientdb [$clientdb close] 0
error_check_good env1_close [$env1 close] 0
error_check_good env2_close [$env2 close] 0
error_check_good env3_close [$env3 close] 0
error_check_good markerenv_close [$markerenv close] 0
replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR