62 lines
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62 lines
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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1996,2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
# $Id: memp002.tcl,v 12.5 2007/05/17 15:15:55 bostic Exp $
# TEST memp002
# TEST Tests multiple processes accessing and modifying the same files.
proc memp002 { } {
# Multiple processes not supported by private memory so don't
# run memp002_body with -private.
memp002_body ""
memp002_body "-system_mem -shm_key 1"
proc memp002_body { flags } {
source ./include.tcl
puts "Memp002: {$flags} Multiprocess mpool tester"
set procs 4
set psizes "512 1024 2048 4096 8192"
set iterations 500
set npages 100
# Check if this combination of flags is supported by this arch.
if { [mem_chk $flags] == 1 } {
set iter [expr $iterations / $procs]
# Clean up old stuff and create new.
env_cleanup $testdir
for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $psizes] } { incr i } {
fileremove -f $testdir/file$i
set e [eval {berkdb_env -create -lock -home $testdir} $flags]
error_check_good dbenv [is_valid_env $e] TRUE
set pidlist {}
for { set i 0 } { $i < $procs } {incr i} {
puts "$tclsh_path\
$test_path/mpoolscript.tcl $testdir $i $procs \
$iter $psizes $npages 3 $flags > \
$testdir/memp002.$i.out &"
set p [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl \
mpoolscript.tcl $testdir/memp002.$i.out $testdir $i $procs \
$iter $psizes $npages 3 $flags &]
lappend pidlist $p
puts "Memp002: $procs independent processes now running"
watch_procs $pidlist
reset_env $e