
387 lines
9.7 KiB

# A perl script to be run from cron which creates an rpm database of
# all your binary RPMS. This database contains the most recent
# version of every branch of each package found in the package
# repositories. The database is useful for querying since it is as if
# you have installed all these packages into your system. You can
# find which packages hold a file or which packages satify a
# dependency. We are only load the information from the packages and
# do not save the contents of the packages into the file system.
# Branch is a Version Control concept and is coded into the packages
# rpm version by convention. We build the same packages for many
# different projects. Each project works on its own branch and may
# have different source code for the same rpm. The branch name is
# encouded in the version number of the package followed by a '.'.
# The full database needs to have the most recent copy of each package
# on each branch. For example rpm package version "3.43" would be the
# "43" release of the branch "3" and rpm package version "potato.91"
# would be the "91" release of the "potato" branch.
# written by Ken Estes kestes@staff.mail.com
use File::Basename;
use File::stat;
# An rpm_package is a hash of:
# $package{'fqn'}="perl-5.00502-3"
# $package{'rpm_file'}="$RPMS_DIR/".
# "./sparc/perl-5.00502-3.solaris2.6-sparc.rpm"
# $package{'srpm_file'}="$SRPMS_DIR/".
# "./perl-5.00502-3.src.rpm"
# $package{'name'}="perl"
# $package{'version'}="5.00502"
# $package{'release'}="3"
# fqn is "fully qualified name"
# the packages are stored in the datastructure
# $BY_NAME{$name}{$branch}{$version}{$release};
sub set_static_vars {
# This functions sets all the static variables which are often
# configuration parameters. Since it only sets variables to static
# quantites it can not fail at run time. Some of these variables are
# adjusted by parse_args() but asside from that none of these
# variables are ever written to. All global variables are defined here
# so we have a list of them and a comment of what they are for.
$VERSION = ( qw$Revision: 1.1 $ )[1];
# The pattern for parsing fqn into ($name, $version, $release).
# This is difficult to parse since some hyphens are significant and
# others are not, some packages have alphabetic characters in the
# version number.
$PACKAGE_PAT ='(.*)-([^-]+)-([^-]+).solaris2.6-\w*.rpm';
# packages which will end up in the database match this pattern
# currently we are not retricting the packages which go into the
# database.
# the list of directories where rpms are stored
@RPM_ARCHIVES = ('/export/rpms/redhat',);
# the full path name of the database we are creating.
$RPM_DB_DIR = "/export/rpms/redhat/repository.rpmdb";
# set a known path.
# the correct path has not been finalized yet, but this is close.
$ENV{'PATH'}= (
# taint perl requires we clean up these bad environmental
# variables.
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
return 1;
} #set_static_vars
sub get_env {
# this function sets variables similar to set_static variables. This
# function may fail only if the OS is in a very strange state. after
# we leave this function we should be all set up to give good error
# handling, should things fail.
$| = 1;
$PID = $$;
$PROGRAM = basename($0);
$TIME = time();
$LOCALTIME = localtime($main::TIME);
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,
$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
# convert confusing perl time vars to what users expect
$year += 1900;
$DATE_STR = sprintf("%02u%02u%02u", $year, $mon, $mday, );
$TIME_STR = sprintf("%02u%02u", $hour, $min);
# a unique id for cache file generation
return 1;
} # get_env
sub parse_fqn {
# This is difficult to parse since some hyphens are significant and
# others are not, some packages have alphabetic characters in the
# version number.
# Also remember that the format of the file is dependent on how RPM
# is configured so this may not be portable to all RPM users.
(!("@_" =~ m/^$PACKAGE_PAT$/)) &&
die("rpm_package_name: '@_' is not in a valid format");
return ($1, $2, $3);
sub new_rpm_package {
# An rpm_package is a hash of:
# $package{'fqn'}="perl-5.00502-3"
# $package{'rpm_file'}="$RPMS_DIR/".
# "./sparc/perl-5.00502-3.solaris2.6-sparc.rpm"
# $package{'srpm_file'}="$SRPMS_DIR/".
# "./perl-5.00502-3.src.rpm"
# $package{'name'}="perl"
# $package{'version'}="5.00502"
# $package{'release'}="3"
my ($rpm_file) = @_;
my $error = '';
my($name, $version, $release) = main::parse_fqn(basename($rpm_file));
my ($package) = ();
# these are needed to do proper sorting of major/minor numbers in
# the version of the package
$package->{'version_cmp'}=[split(/\./, $version)];
$package->{'release_cmp'}=[split(/\./, $release)];
# our packages have a naming convention where then branch name is
# the first part of the version.
$package->{'branch'}= @{ $package->{'version_cmp'} }[0];
return $package;
# return the most recent version of package for a given package name/branch pair
sub get_latest_fqn {
my ($name, $branch) =(@_);
my @out = ();
foreach $version ( keys %{ $BY_NAME{$name}{$branch} }) {
foreach $release ( keys %{ $BY_NAME{$name}{$branch}{$version} }) {
push @out, $BY_NAME{$name}{$branch}{$version}{$release};
# the $BY_NAME datastructure is fairly good but the list can not be
# sorted right. Sort again using the Schwartzian Transform as
# discribed in perlfaq4
my @sorted = sort {
# compare the versions but make no assumptions
# about how many elements there are
my $i=0;
my @a_version = @{ $a->{'version_cmp'} };
my @b_version = @{ $b->{'version_cmp'} };
while (
($#a_version > $i) &&
($#b_version > $i) &&
($a_version[$i] == $b_version[$i])
) {
my $j = 0;
my @a_release = @{ $a->{'release_cmp'} };
my @b_release = @{ $b->{'release_cmp'} };
while (
($#a_release > $j) &&
($#b_release > $j) &&
($a_release[$j] == $b_release[$j])
) {
return (
($b_version[$i] <=> $a_version[$i])
($b_release[$j] <=> $a_release[$j])
return @sorted[0];
# traverse the package repositories and create a data structure of all
# the packages we find.
sub parse_package_names {
my $db_dir = basename($RPM_DB_DIR);
foreach $archive (@RPM_ARCHIVES) {
open(FILES, "-|") ||
exec("find", $archive, "-print") ||
die("Could not run find. $!\n");
while ($filename = <FILES>) {
# we want only the binary rpm files of interest
($filename =~ m/\.rpm$/) || next;
($filename =~ m/\.src\.rpm$/) && next;
($filename =~ m/$PICKLIST_PAT/) || next;
# do not mistake database files for packages
($filename =~ m!/$db_dir/!) && next;
chomp $filename;
$pkg = new_rpm_package($filename);
$BY_NAME{$pkg->{'name'}}{$pkg->{'branch'}}{$pkg->{'version'}}{$pkg->{'release'}} = $pkg;
close(FILES) ||
die("Could not close find. $!\n");
return %BY_NAME;
# traverse the data structure of all the packages and load the most
# recent version from each branch into the database. We are only
# loading the information from the package not saving the files into
# the file system.
sub create_new_db {
my $uid = $<;
# eventually there will be a builder id who will run this code but
# for now.
($uid == 0 ) &&
die("Must not run this program as root\n");
# set up to load the database
my $tmp_db = "$RPM_DB_DIR.$UID";
system("mkdir", "-p", $tmp_db, );
($?) &&
die("$0: System error: $! \n");
system("rpm", "--initdb",
"--dbpath", $tmp_db, );
($?) &&
die("$0: System error: $! \n");
open(README, ">$tmp_db/README") ||
die("Could not open $tmp_db/README. $! \n");
print README <<EOF;
# This directory is updated daily by a cron job.
# program: $0
# version: $VERSION
# updated ran at: $LOCALTIME
# This directory contains an rpm database which has been loaded with
# the most recent version of every package in our archive. It is
# intended to be used for queries to find packages. Example:
# rpm --dbpath /net/master-mm/export/rpms/redhat/rpmfulldb
# -q --whatprovides 'java(com.iname.site.context.LoginContext)'
# rpm --dbpath /net/master-mm/export/rpms/redhat/rpmfulldb
# -qf /usr/local/bin/rpmdiff
close(README) ||
die("Could not close $tmp_db/README. $! \n");
# load the database with the packages we want.
foreach $pkg_name (keys %BY_NAME) {
foreach $branch (keys %{ $BY_NAME{$pkg_name} }) {
$pkg_file = get_latest_fqn($pkg_name, $branch)->{'rpm_file'};
system("rpm", "-i", "--nodeps", "--noscripts", "--justdb",
"--dbpath", $tmp_db,
($?) &&
die("$0: System error: $! \n");
# do the update as close to atomically as is practicale.
system("rm", "-rf", $RPM_DB_DIR,);
($?) &&
die("$0: System error: $! \n");
rename($tmp_db, $RPM_DB_DIR,) ||
die("Could not rename file: $tmp_db => $RPM_DB_DIR. $! \n");
return ;
# Main
my %by_name=parse_package_names();
exit 0;