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To Do List for neon -*- text -*-
Please submit feature requests to <mailto:neon@webdav.org>
For one-point-oh
23. Mechanism for aborting a request mid-response; e.g., when a GET
fails due to out of disk space, abort the download.
31. Make it threadsafe:
socket.c: getservbyname -> getservbyname_r.
38. Replace all use of split_string/pair_string with ne_token.
40. XML body acceptance callback should check Content-Type. Should
also pass encoding to expat if one is given (how about libxml?).
Recent mod_dav's return XML bodies in 424 responses which need
displaying properly.
44. Finer-grained connection status feedback, i.e., "Sent Request",
"Got response status-line"... "Reading response body"
58. 2616 is quite strict about when to retry non-idempotent requests
and when not to. neon may not be compliant here.
61. Make everything namespace-safe:
remove split_string/pair_string.
62. Select which auth mechanisms are allowed, e.g. JUST SAY NO to
basic might very well be useful to some apps.
64. Add options to only enable SSLv2 support, etc.
Longer term
1. Support for HTTP-extended authoring methods ala WebRFM etc; using
New-URI header etc. Also support the BROWSE and INDEX methods. The
protocol is documented at:
DON'T do this inside ne_basic.c, do it separately in
ne_author.c or something.
2. Add proper domain support to authentication code. (requires full
URI parsing support). Need to tell the auth layer the server
6. PUT with ranges... ne_put_range
9. DeltaV support (http://www.webdav.org/deltav/). See also the
subversion project (http://subversion.tigris.org/) who might build
a versioning system over DAV.
10. ACL support (http://www.webdav.org/acl/)
11. DASL support (http://www.webdav.org/dasl/). Xythos have server
support for this (www.sharemation.com). The UI is probably the
hardest problem here.
=> Jim Whitehead's UCI postgrad team is working on this and
has written a DASL implementation.
14. Improved request-header manipulation... some kind of indexed table
(a la Apache, libghttp, so we're sure we don't add the same header
to the request twice. Better control over adding Cache-Control
headers would be good too.
17. Should we really be i18n'izing the low-level error messages in
ne_request.c, ne_207.c ? It seems nice and clever to, so the user
REALLY know what is going wrong with the server (probably), but it
is maybe a bit frightening.
20. Add decent and proper URI parser + handling. Or stop pretending we
are doing "URI" parsing, and just handle HTTP URL's.
21. Storing multiple authentication "sessions" within an actual
auth_session, so I can log into e.g. /foo/ and /bar/ (which are
not in the same authentication domain) and switch between them
without having to re-enter passwords all the time.
28. Support response caching?
35. Allow i18n'ization if building a shared library, iff gettext
support is on the system (and hence add -lintl or whatever to
NEON_LIBS). If system has no gettext support, then it's probably
impossible to support i18n in the library (although *applications*
can support it by bundling gettext themselves). Take a look at how
other libraries handle this.
46. Asynchronous request-dispatching? Makes integration into GUI loop
easy... any other reasons? Must leave existing request_dispatch
interface intact.
47. Indexed table-based response-header access? Might simplify things
like response body acceptance callbacks (i.e., can get access to
Content-Type header for XML).
48. Possibly, store the time of last interaction over the TCP socket,
call it 't'. If the next request is made after t+20, presume the
persistent connection is dead, so re-connect automatically. If we
don't do this, then we have two wasted write() calls making the
request, then failing, then re-connecting. It's really only worth
doing this if this actually saves any packets on the wire, which
it probably doesn't. strace / tcpdump might help here.
50. opendir/readdir/closedir-esque interface for PROPFIND depth 1,
a la EZDAV. (cadaver has it already)
53. "ne_session" concept is hazy. Abstract out a "connection" concept
too, and allow >1 connection per-session in multi-threaded use,
57. Add function to map of status-code values to i18n-ized reason
65. Add ne_uri_copy function and use it in ne_lock_copy. (patch
sent to neon@webdav.org)