
1626 lines
38 KiB

# rpmsync - written by Ken Estes kestes@staff.mail.com
# $Revision: 1.2 $
# $Date: 2001/09/15 13:49:39 $
# $Author: jbj $
# $Source: /home/boston/jkeating/rpmcvs/cvs/devel/rpm/scripts/rpmsync,v $
# $Name: $
use Fcntl;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Socket;
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX;
use Symbol;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Sys::Syslog;
# An rpm_package is a hash of:
# $package{'fqn'}="perl-5.00502-3"
# $package{'rpm_file'}="$RPMS_DIR/".
# "./sparc/perl-5.00502-3.solaris2.6-sparc.rpm"
# $package{'srpm_file'}="$SRPMS_DIR/".
# "./perl-5.00502-3.src.rpm"
# $package{'name'}="perl"
# $package{'version'}="5.00502"
# $package{'release'}="3"
# fqn is "fully qualified name"
# The state of the system is an ordered list (topologically sorted by
# dependencies) of fqn's. The list may contain additional RPM flags
# to be used on a particular list entry.
# we are going to compare two states the actual state of the machine
# %INSTALLED_BY_NAME this is indexed by package names and gives a list
# of rpm_package objects which are installed currently on the machine.
# Each entry is a list of the packages with the given name which are
# installed.
# The keys of the hash %LISTED_BY_FQN are the fqn's which are listed
# in the manifest package list.
# Here are a bunch of interesting RPM error messages:
# rpm: --oldpackage may only be used during upgrades
sub usage {
my $usage = <<"EOF";
$PROGRAM --update | --force |--force_and_verify | --rollback | --test
[--log_file file] [--manifest_file file]
[--script_file file]
[--skip_check] [--verbose] [--silent]
[--help] [--version]
Required Arguments:
--test test what an update would change. Compare the installed
packages with the packages listed in the manifest file.
This option will show what commands would be executed if
we were to run an update without actually changing anything.
When an --update finishes it automatically runs --test
and exits with error if there is any work not
completed. This command has nothing to do with the
'--verify' (-V) option to rpm.
--update Update the packages installed on the system with the newer
versions listed in the manifest file. This will not reinstall
packages which are listed and already installed but are
corrupted or were installed with the wrong set of arguments.
It will erase packages which are installed on the system but
not listed in the package list. All packages must have a
later version number then the previous packages.
--rollback Rollback a previously installed update. This command
requires that the previous manifest file be reinstalled. All
update commands are run in the reverse order from the --update,
this ensures that the packages are undone exactly as they were
--force Ensure that the packages installed on the machine are
exactly those packages listed in the manifest file and that no
installed files are corrupted. First each package in the
manifest file is installed using --force (even if it is already
installed) then each package which is installed but not listed
in the manifest list is removed from the machine.
--force_and_verify This command behaves as if you ran this program first with
--force then ran rpm -Va. The program will exit with
error if either of these steps fail. This allows you to
perform unsafe operations (changing the name of a package
in a manifest list via a force) in a relatively safe
Optional Arguments:
--rpm_args Specify additional arguments to pass to rpm for all package
operations. This option is used by both the update and erase
commands. This option can appear more then once on the
command line and the concatenation of all options will be sent
to rpm. This option should not be need sometimes it is useful,
in an emergency, to install packages with broken dependencies
or packages with duplicate files. This is a quick way of
getting the --nodeps and --force and any other needed
arguments to rpm.
--log_file specify a log file different from the default:
--manifest_file specify a manifest file different from the default:
--skip_check turn off internal sanity checks used by this script. This
is not related to the --check option or to rpm -V.
--script_file do not run any commands on this machine instead create a
shell file which can be used to install all the packages
in the manifest. This script is useful during machine
creation. To use this option you must specify
--update or --force.
--verbose provide verbose output, only useful for debugging
this program.
--silent Do not send any output to stdout/stderr messages will
still go to $LOG_FILE or syslog
--help show this usage page.
--version print the version number of this program.
This program is used to ensure that the RPM packages installed on a
system match the list of packages in a manifest. The package list
looks like the output of 'rpm -qa' but is required to be in a
topological order. If special flags are needed for particular
packages (like --nodeps or --force or --oldpackage or --noscripts or
--root <dir> or --relocate oldpath=newpath or --rcfile <file>) they
can be added on the line after package name with a space separating
the two. Shell style comments (starting with \# and lasting till the
next \\n) are legal in the package list. The default package list
It is expected that most updates will use the --update command with
--force saved for those rare situations where the machine is known to
be in a very bad state or there are installed packages which are
rpmsync --help
rpmsync --version
rpmsync --update
rpmsync --force
rpmsync --test
rpmsync --force --rpm_args nodeps
rpmsync --update --rpm_args nodeps --rpm_args noscripts \\
--skip_check --verbose
rpmsync --update --script_file /tmp/rpmpkg.bootstrap.sh
print $usage;
exit 0;
sub new_rpm_package {
# An rpm_package is a hash of:
# $package{'fqn'}="perl-5.00502-3"
# $package{'rpm_file'}="$RPMS_DIR/".
# "./sparc/perl-5.00502-3.solaris2.6-sparc.rpm"
# $package{'srpm_file'}="$SRPMS_DIR/".
# "./perl-5.00502-3.src.rpm"
# $package{'name'}="perl"
# $package{'version'}="5.00502"
# $package{'release'}="3"
my ($fqn, $error_context) = @_;
my $error = '';
my($name, $version, $release) = main::parse_fqn($fqn, $error_context);
my ($rpm_file, $install_script_file) =
main::which_binary_package_path($name, $version, $release);
($rpm_file) ||
($error .= "Could not find binary file for package: '$fqn'\n");
# my ($srpm_file) = main::which_source_package_path($name, $version, $release);
# ($srpm_file) ||
# ($error .= "Could not find source file for package: '$fqn'\n");
if ($error) {
if (!$SKIP_CHECK) {
} else {
my ($package) = ();
return bless($package, $class);
sub is_installed {
# returns true iff the package passed in is in fact installed on the
# machine.
my ($required_pkg) = @_;
my $installed_pkgs = $INSTALLED_BY_NAME{$required_pkg->{'name'}};
# look for the right version/release of this package
foreach $installed_pkg ( @{ $installed_pkgs } ) {
($installed_pkg->{'fqn'} eq $required_pkg->{'fqn'}) &&
return 1;
return 0;
sub clean_up {
# any cleanup actions to be performed on exit should go here
return 1;
} # clean_up
sub fatal_error {
my @error = @_;
foreach $_ (split("\n",join('',@error))) {
(!$SILENT) && print STDERR ("$PROGRAM (fatal): $_\n");
print LOG ("[$LOCALTIME] (fatal): $_\n");
syslog('crit', "fatal error at: ".localtime(time()));
die("[$LOCALTIME] $PROGRAM: fatal error at: ".localtime(time()) );
sub log_error {
my @error = @_;
foreach $_ (split("\n",join('',@error))) {
(!$SILENT) && print STDERR ("$PROGRAM (warn): $_\n");
print LOG ("[$LOCALTIME] (warn): $_\n");
sub info_error {
my @error = @_;
foreach $_ (split("\n",join('',@error))) {
(!$SILENT) && print STDERR ("$PROGRAM (info): $_\n");
print LOG ("[$LOCALTIME] (info): $_\n");
sub which_binary_package_path {
# this line will depend on the 'rpmfilename: ' in the rpmrc file in
# the future we will need to try 'noos' as well as noarch, it is not
# implemented in our RPM version.
my ($name, $version, $release) = @_;
foreach $dir ( split(':', $SEARCH_PATH) ) {
foreach $arch ($ARCH, 'noarch', '') {
foreach $os ($OS, 'noos', '') {
my $filename = '';
my $install_script_filename = '';
$filename = eval "return \"$BINARY_PACKAGE_FILE_PAT\";";
$install_script_filename = $filename;
$install_script_filename =~ s/^$dir/\$REPOSITORY/;
( -f $filename ) && ( -s $filename ) && ( -r $filename )
&& return ($filename, $install_script_filename);
return ;
sub which_source_package_path {
# Each binary rpm package encodes the name of the source file which it
# came from. This is important since some sources generate several
# binary packages (emacs, vim, perl), given one of those packages it
# would be hard to find the source file name just doing regular
# expressions on the name. We extract this information using an rpm
# query.
my ($name, $version, $release) = @_;
$binary_package_file = (which_binary_package_path(@_))[0];
$binary_package_file || return ;
# this command would be better
# rpm -qp --queryformat '[%{SOURCERPM}\n]'
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
system3('cmd_vec' => [$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, '-qip', $binary_package_file],);
my ($source_rpm_file) = grep (/Source RPM: /, split(/\n+/, $log_out ));
( $source_rpm_file =~ m/Source RPM:\s([-.\w]+)/ ) ||
return ;
$source_rpm_file = $1;
foreach $dir ( split(':', $SEARCH_PATH) ) {
my $filename = '';
$filename = eval "return \"$SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_PAT\";";
( -f $filename ) && ( -s $filename ) && ( -r $filename )
&& return $filename;
return ;
sub parse_fqn {
# This is difficult to parse since some hyphens are significant and
# others are not, some packages have alphabetic characters in the
# version number.
# Also remember that the format of the file is dependent on how RPM
# is configured so this may not be portable to all RPM users.
my ($fqn, $error_context) = @_;
(!("$fqn" =~ m/^$PACKAGE_PAT$/)) &&
die("package name '$fqn' is not in a valid format, $error_context");
return ($1, $2, $3);
sub system3 {
# Launch a new child and wait for it to die. This is like a call to
# system but we get the stdout and stderr in addition to $?.
# call the function like this
# my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
# open3(
# 'cmd_vec' => [],
# 'stdin_str' => '',
# 'log_cmds'=> '';
# 'ignore_error' => ''
# );
# cmd_vec is a command to run in execv format. It is a list not a
# string since we want the safe version of exec
# stdin_str is a string to pass on the standard in to the child program.
# If log_cmds is set then the command will be sent to syslog and the
# log file. All output from the command is also sent to the log file.
# open3 signals all errors through a die so will I. If the command
# exits with nonzero wait_status then system3 calls die. This feature
# can be turned of by setting ignore_error.
# the system3 function returns:
# wait_status: the wait_status of the child process
# log_out: the stdout that the child process wrote.
# log_err: the stderr the child process wrote.
my (%args) = @_;
my ($log_cmds, $ignore_error, $cmd_ref, $stdin) = @_;
# if ( ! ( (-x $args{'cmd_vec'}->[0]) && (-f $args{'cmd_vec'}->[0]) ) ) {
# die ("Command not executable: '$args{'cmd_vec'}->[0]',\n");
# }
my $info ="executing: '@{ $args{'cmd_vec'} }',\n";
if ($args{'log_cmds'} || ($VERBOSE) ) {
# start the process
my $fh_in = gensym();
my $fh_out = gensym();
my $fh_err = gensym();
($fh_in && $fh_out && $fh_err) ||
die ("Could not create new symbol, 'gensym()' object.\n");
my $child_pid = IPC::Open3::open3(
# this check should be redundant but better safe then sorry
($child_pid) ||
die ("Open3() did not start: '@{$cmd}'. $!\n");
if ($args{'stdin_str'}) {
# we should not have a deadlock with this syswrite since this
# process writes and then the child reads. It is hard to
# imagine how this could fail and the machine still be in a
# reasonable shape.
my $write_len = length($args{'stdin_str'})+1;
my $rc = syswrite ($fh_in,
$args{'stdin_str'}."\n", $write_len);
(defined ($rc) && ( $rc == $write_len ) ) ||
die("Syswrite to child stdin failed. ".
"Could not write: '$write_len' ".
"only wrote: '$rc' characters. ".
"Trying to write to stdin: '$stdin'. ".
": $!\n");
close($fh_in) ||
die("Could not close child stdin: $!\n");
my $log_out = undef;
my $log_err = undef;
my $reaped_pid = -1;
my $wait_status = 0;
# wait for child to die, but keep clearing out stdout and stderr
# buffers for process so we do not deadlock.
# WE seem to be losing childrens' signals occasionally, so actively
# check if the child is alive.
while ($reaped_pid != $child_pid) {
$reaped_pid = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG | POSIX::WUNTRACED);
if ($reaped_pid == $child_pid) {
($wait_status = $?);
# child signaled but did not exit
# set to the same pid as 'no child waiting'
(WIFSTOPPED($wait_status)) &&
($reaped_pid = -1);
my $data_out = '';
my $data_err = '';
my $rc = '';
# do the reading after reaping so we are sure that we exit the
# loop only after draining the sockets.
# I do not think we need to log $rc errors as they happen
# frequently and nothing seems wrong:
# Resource temporarily unavailable file_handle
do {
$rc = sysread($fh_out, $data_out, POSIX::BUFSIZ, 0);
$log_out .= $data_out;
} until ($rc <= 0);
do {
$rc = sysread($fh_err, $data_err, POSIX::BUFSIZ, 0);
$log_err .= $data_err;
} until ($rc <= 0);
($data_err) && warn($data_err);
} # while pid
# the reads are at the bottom of the loop so we do not need to do
# any more reading of the filehandles.
close($fh_out) ||
&$log_error("Could not close child stdout: $!\n");
close($fh_err) ||
&$log_error("Could not close child stderr: $!\n");
my @info = (
"command results: \n",
" wait_status: $wait_status\n",
" stdout: '\n",
# turn string into a list and indent each element
(map {" $_\n"} (split /\n+/, $log_out)),
" stdout: '\n",
" stderr: '\n",
# turn string into a list and indent each element
(map {" $_\n"} (split /\n+/, $log_err)),
" stderr: '\n",
if ( (!$args{'ignore_error'}) && ($wait_status) ) {
print "\n\n";
die("Cmd exited with error:\n",
if ( ($VERBOSE) ||
( ($args{'log_cmds'}) &&
($wait_status || $log_out || $log_err) ) ) {
return ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err);
} # system3
sub get_rpm_info {
my (@rpm_args) = @_;
my (@rpm_info) = '';
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
system3('cmd_vec' => [$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, '-qa'],);
(@rpm_info) = split(/\n+/, $log_out);
my $lineno =0;
foreach $fqn (@rpm_info) {
chomp $fqn;
my ($pkg) = new_rpm_package($fqn, "System Info lineno: $lineno");
push @{ $INSTALLED_BY_NAME{$pkg->{'name'}} }, $pkg;
return ;
sub remove_extra_packages {
# arguments are not used but allowed for symmetry with other
# functions
my(@pkg_list) = @_;
# Remove packages installed on the machine but not not in the
# manifest. This is important as we sometimes change the package
# names while upgrading them and if we did not remove all packages
# which are not listed these packages would remain.
# We also need to remove old versions of just upgraded packages.
# Currently we have a problem, some old packages are not being
# removed when we do an rpm update. Since we are currently only
# installing one version of each package, remove all other versions
# then what was required.
# We would like to remove all packages in reverse topological order.
# I have no way of finding out what that order is, so I use a single
# command which removes all packages. RPM will figure out the
# correct order at run time. This will cause us to reach the
# command line limit if the list of packages to remove is large
# enough.
my @extra_packages = ();
foreach $pkgname ( keys %INSTALLED_BY_NAME ) {
foreach $pkg (@{ $INSTALLED_BY_NAME{$pkgname} }) {
($LISTED_BY_FQN{$pkg->{'fqn'}}) && next;
push @extra_packages, $pkg->{'fqn'};
if (@extra_packages) {
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
'cmd_vec' => [$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, '-e', @RPM_ARGS,
'log_cmds'=> 1,
return ;
# update the installation with packages
sub update_packages {
my(@pkg_list) = @_;
# first just test and see if this upgrade could work.
# this may blowup some OS maximal argument size limit
# my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
# system3(
# 'cmd_vec' => [$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, "--test", '-U',
# @upgrade_list],
# 'log_cmds'=> 1,
# );
foreach $pkg (@pkg_list) {
(is_installed($pkg)) && next;
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
'cmd_vec' => [
$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, '-U',
@{ $pkg->{'rpm_flags'} }, @RPM_ARGS,
$pkg->{'rpm_file'} ],
'log_cmds'=> 1,
} # each $fqn
return ;
} # update
# rollback the previous update installation
sub rollback_packages {
my(@pkg_list) = @_;
# first just test and see if this upgrade could work.
# this may blowup some OS maximal argument size limit
# my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
# system3(
# 'cmd_vec' => [$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, "--test", '-U',
# @upgrade_list],
# 'log_cmds'=> 1,
# );
foreach $pkg (reverse @pkg_list) {
(is_installed($pkg)) && next;
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
'cmd_vec' => [
$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, '-U', '--oldpackage',
@{ $pkg->{'rpm_flags'} }, @RPM_ARGS,
'log_cmds'=> 1,
} # each $fqn
return ;
} # rollback
# force ALL the packages to be reinstalled
sub force_packages {
my(@pkg_list) = @_;
# force all the packages in the list to be reinstalled
# first just test and see if this upgrade could work.
# this may blowup some maximal argument size
# my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
# system3(
# 'cmd_vec' => [$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, "--test", '-U', '--force',
# @pkg_list],
# 'log_cmds'=> 1,
# );
foreach $pkg (@pkg_list) {
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
'cmd_vec' => [
$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, '-U', '--force', '--oldpackage',
@{ $pkg->{'rpm_flags'} }, @RPM_ARGS,
'log_cmds'=> 1,
return ;
} # force
# check that the verify command exits without error.
sub verify_packages {
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
'cmd_vec' => [
$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, '-Va',
'log_cmds'=> 1,
return ;
} # verify
sub create_scriptfile {
my(@pkg_list) = @_;
my $num_pkgs = scalar(@pkg_list);
if ($FORCE) {
@args = ('-U', '--force');
} elsif ($UPDATE) {
@args = ('-U', );
} else {
die("Scripts can only be created for --update or --force")
my $out = '';
$out =<<EOF
# This file automatically generated by program: $0
# version: $main::VERSION
# on host: $main::HOSTNAME
# localtime: $main::LOCALTIME
# This install file automatically installs
# manifest file $MANIFEST_FILE
$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'} --rebuilddb
foreach $pkg (@pkg_list) {
my @cmd = (
$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, @args,
@{ $pkg->{'rpm_flags'} }, @RPM_ARGS,
$out .=<<EOF;
if [ \$\? \-ne 0 ]; then
echo \>\&2 "\$0: Error running: @cmd"
exit 1;
$out .=<<EOF;
# check that the install for accuracy
$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'} --rebuilddb;
$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'} -Va;
if [ \$\? \-ne 0 ]; then
echo \>\&2 "\$0: Error installing Packages";
echo \>\&2 "\$0: 'rpm -Va' reports errors";
exit 1;
num_installed_pkgs=\` $SYS_CMDS{'rpm'} -qa | wc \-\l | sed "s/[^0-9]//g" \`;
if [ \$num_installed_pkgs \-ne $num_pkgs ]; then
echo \>\&2 "\$0: Error installing Packages";
echo \>\&2 "\$0: rpm -qa gives \$num_installed_pkgs packages installed";
echo \>\&2 "\$0: expected $num_pkgs installed";
exit 1;
exit 0;
return $out;
} # create_script
# check what running with --update would do. If I were to write a
# check_rollback_packages the output would be similar but the package
# update order would be reversed.
sub test_update {
my(@pkg_list) = @_;
# find what we will upgrade
foreach $pkg (@pkg_list) {
is_installed($pkg) && next;
push @out, "out of sync, must update: $pkg->{'fqn'}\n";
} # each $fqn
# remove old versions of what we installed.
foreach $pkgname ( keys %INSTALLED_BY_NAME ) {
foreach $pkg (@{ $INSTALLED_BY_NAME{$pkgname} }) {
($LISTED_BY_FQN{$pkg->{'fqn'}}) && next;
push @out, "out of sync, must delete: $pkg->{'fqn'}\n";
return @out;
} # test_update
sub nonblock {
# unbuffer a fh so we can select on it
my ($fh) = shift;
my $rc = '';
my $flags = '';
$flags = fcntl($fh, F_GETFL, 0) ||
fatal_error("Could not get flags of socket: $fh : $!\n");
$flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
$rc = fcntl($fh, F_SETFL, $flags) ||
fatal_error("Could not set flags of socket: $fh : $!\n");
return 1;
sub mkdir_R {
# a recursive mkdir function
my ($dir, $mode) = @_;
my @dir = split('/', $dir);
foreach $i (0..$#dir) {
my ($dir) = join('/', @dir[0..$i]);
($dir) || next;
(-d $dir) ||
mkdir($dir, $mode) ||
die("Could not mkdir: $dir, for writing: $!\n");
return ;
sub chk_system_config {
# refuse to start if the system is in a dangerous state
@problem = ();
# this is just a placeholder for now
# checks go here and failures add to @problem
return @problem;
# park a bunch of unused function here for future scripts
sub run_local_rcscripts {
my @script_args = @_;
(-d $LOCAL_RC2_DIR) || return ;
my @rc_files = ();
opendir(DIR, "$LOCAL_RC2_DIR") ||
die("Could not opendir: '$LOCAL_RC2_DIR': $!\n");
@rc_files = grep(/^S/, readdir(DIR));
closedir(DIR) ||
die("Could not closedir : '$LOCAL_RC2_DIR': $!\n");
( scalar(@rc_files) > 0 ) || return ;
if ($script_args[0] eq 'start') {
@rc_files = sort @rc_files;
@rc_files = reverse sort @rc_files;
foreach $script (@rc_file) {
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
'cmd_vec' => ["$LOCAL_RC2_DIR/$script", @script_args],
'log_cmds'=> 1,
return ;
sub update_package_list {
my $update_script = '';
# learn what updates we wish to make
die("Could not open build file: '$BUILD_FILE': $!\n");
my $lineno = 0;
while ($fqn=<FILELIST>) {
$fqn =~ s/\#.*$//;
$fqn =~ s/\s+//g;
# untaint the input. As a security precaution only allow a few
# "good characters" in the package name, or our eval of the
# update_script might do some really unexpected things.
if ($fqn =~ m/([-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+)/) {
my $pkg = new_rpm_package($1, "file: $BUILD_FILE lineno: $lineno");
$update_script .= "\$fqn =~ s/^$pkg->{'name'}-\\d.*\$/$pkg->{'fqn'}/;\n"
close(FILELIST) ||
die("Could not close build file: '$BUILD_FILE': $!\n");
# Perform the modifications to the file list
rename($MANIFEST_FILE, $MANIFEST_FILE.".bak") ||
die("Could not rename ".
"file: $MANIFEST_FILE, ${PACKAGE_FILE}.bak: $!\n");
open(FILELIST_IN, "<${PACKAGE_FILE}.bak") ||
die("Could not open for writing ".
"packagefile: '${PACKAGE_FILE}.bak': $!\n");
die("Could not read from packagefile: '${PACKAGE_FILE}.bak': $!\n");
while ($fqn=<FILELIST_IN>) {
eval $update_script;
print FILELIST_OUT $fqn;
close(FILELIST_OUT) ||
die("Could not close packagefile: '$MANIFEST_FILE': $!\n");
close(FILELIST_IN) ||
die("Could not close packagefile: '${PACKAGE_FILE}.bak': $!\n");
return ;
sub include_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
my (@inc) = ();
my $fh = gensym();
(-f "$INCLUDE_DIR/$filename") ||
die("include file: $INCLUDE_DIR/$filename, \n".
"found while expanding: $BUILD_FILE, does not exist.\n");
open($fh, ">$INCLUDE_DIR/$filename") ||
die("Could not open include file: '$INCLUDE_DIR/$filename': $!\n");
while (defined($line = <$fh>) ) {
if ($line =~ m/\w*\$([-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+)/) {
push @inc, include_file($line);
} else {
push @inc, $line;
close($fh) ||
die("Could not close include file: '$INCLUDE_DIR/$filename': $!\n");
return @inc;
sub expand_package_list {
my $update_script = '';
# learn what updates we wish to make
open(INFILE, "<$BUILD_FILE") ||
die("Could not open build file: '$BUILD_FILE': $!\n");
open(OUTFILE, ">$TMP_FILE") ||
die("Could not open tmp file: '$TMP_FILE': $!\n");
while ($line=<INFILE>) {
# untaint the input. As a security precaution only allow a few
# "good characters" in the package name.
if ($line =~ m/\w*\$([-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+)/) {
print include_file($1);
} else {
print $line;
close(INFILE) ||
die("Could not close build file: '$BUILD_FILE': $!\n");
close(OUTFILE) ||
die("Could not close tmp file: '$TMP_FILE': $!\n");
return ;
sub update_time {
$TIME = time();
$LOCALTIME = localtime($main::TIME);
return ;
sub set_static_vars {
# This functions sets all the static variables which are often
# configuration parameters. Since it only sets variables to static
# quantities it can not fail at run time. Some of these variables are
# adjusted by parse_args() but aside from that none of these
# variables are ever written to. All global variables are defined here
# so we have a list of them and a comment of what they are for.
$TMP_FILE = "";
# the old hard mounted master-mm package repository
# the new auto mounted master-mm package repository
# look in obvious places on the machine for packages
# for testing: this is how the current build machine
# is set up.
$VERSION = ( qw$Revision: 1.2 $ )[1];
# The pattern for fqn. remember that the format of the file is
# dependent on how RPM is configured so this may not be portable to
# all RPM users.
$SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_PAT = '$dir/SRPMS/$source_rpm_file';
# The pattern for parsing fqn into ($name, $version, $release).
# This is difficult to parse since some hyphens are significant and
# others are not, some packages have alphabetic characters in the
# version number.
$PACKAGE_PAT ='(.*)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)';
# set a known path
$ENV{'PATH'}= (
# taint perl requires we clean up these bad environmental variables.
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
'hostname' => 'hostname',
'rpm' => 'rpm',
'uname' => 'uname',
return ;
sub get_env {
# this function sets variables similar to set_static variables. This
# function may fail only if the OS is in a very strange state. after
# we leave this function we should be all set up to give good error
# handling, should things fail.
$| = 1;
$PROGRAM = basename($0);
$PID = $$;
$TIME = time();
$LOCALTIME = localtime($main::TIME);
$UID = $<;
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
system3('cmd_vec' => ['hostname'],);
$HOSTNAME = $log_out;
chomp $HOSTNAME;
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
system3('cmd_vec' => ['uname', '-a'],);
$uname = $log_out;
( $uname =~ m/sparc/ ) && ( $ARCH="sparc");
( $uname =~ m/i\d86/ ) && ( $ARCH="i386" );
$osname = $^O;
( $osname =~ m/solaris/ ) && ( $OS="solaris2.6" );
( $osname =~ m/linux/ ) && ( $OS="linux" );
return ;
} # get_env
sub parse_args {
Getopt::Long::config('require_order', 'auto_abbrev', 'ignore_case');
my ($help, $version, $force_and_verify);
%option_linkage = (
"version" => \$version,
"verbose" => \$VERBOSE,
"silent" => \$SILENT,
"help" => \$help,
"skip_check" => \$SKIP_CHECK,
"log_file" => \$LOG_FILE,
"manifest_file" => \$MANIFEST_FILE,
"rpm_args" =>\@RPM_ARGS,
"script_file" =>\$SCRIPT_FILE,
GetOptions (\%option_linkage, qw(
silent! verbose! version! help! skip_check!
update! force! force_and_verify! rollback! test!
manifest_file=s script_file=s
log_file=s manifest_file=s
)) ||
die("Illegal options in \@ARGV: '@ARGV',");
if ($force_and_verify) {
$FORCE = 1;
$VERIFY = 1;
if ($version) {
print "$0: Version: $VERSION\n";
exit 0;
if ($help) {
my $args=0;
($UPDATE) &&
($FORCE) &&
($TEST) &&
($args == 0) &&
die("Must have: 'update', 'force', 'test', 'rollback', argument.\n");
($args > 1) &&
die("Can not choice more then one: ".
"'update', 'force', 'test', 'rollback', arguments.\n");
return 1;
} # parse_args
sub set_logging {
# setup the logging facilities to send errors to syslog/log file.
# this needs to come after parse_args() so that we send usage and argv
# errors to the stderr.
my $logopt = 'cons,ndelay';
my $facility = 'daemon';
# no need to test if this succeeds. It calls croak so we will
# die if there is a problem.
openlog($PROGRAM, $logopt, $facility);
$SIG{'__WARN__'} = \&log_error;
$SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&fatal_error;
my @sys_errors = chk_system_config();
if (@sys_errors) {
if ($SKIP_CHECK) {
# even though we are skipping the test put a record of the
# problems in the log
"Warning Error list:\n",
"End Warning Error list\n",
"These Errors would be fatal, ".
"if run without '--skip_check'\n"
} else {
# should not start with these problems
die("Fatal Error list:\n",
"End Fatal Error list\n");
if ($LOG_FILE) {
# redirect error log
mkdir_R(dirname($LOG_FILE), 0755);
open (LOG, ">>$LOG_FILE") ||
die("Could not open log_file: $LOG_FILE, ".
"for writing: $!\n");
print LOG "\n";
chmod 0744, $LOG_FILE;
sub get_package_list {
# load the $package_file into memory
# this function must follow get_env() since we need $skip_check to be
# respected, if set.
my ($package_file) = @_;
my @pkg_list = ();
(%LISTED_BY_FQN) = ();
my %package_count = ();
open(FILELIST, "<$package_file") ||
die("Could not open packagefile: '$package_file': $!\n");
my $fqn;
my $lineno = 0;
while ($fqn=<FILELIST>) {
my $new_package = '';
my $pkg_flags = '';
chomp $fqn;
$fqn =~ s/\#.*$//;
if ($fqn =~ s/\s+(.*)$// ) {
$pkg_flags = $1;
($fqn) || next;
$new_package = new_rpm_package($fqn, "file: BUILD_FILE lineno: $lineno");
($pkg_flags) &&
($new_package->{'rpm_flags'} = [ split(/\s+/, $pkg_flags) ] );
$package_count{ $new_package->{'name'} }++;
$LISTED_BY_FQN{$new_package->{'fqn'}} = 1;
push @pkg_list, $new_package ;
close(FILELIST) ||
die("Could not close packagefile: '$package_file': $!\n");
foreach $pkg_name (sort keys %package_count) {
($package_count{ $pkg_name } > 1) &&
die("Package: $pkg_name is listed ".
"$package_count{ $pkg_name } times ".
"in file: $package_file\n");
return (@pkg_list);
sub get_package_hash {
# load the $package_file into memory
# this function must follow get_env() since we need $skip_check to be
# respected, if set.
my $package_file = @_;
my $pkg_hash = ();
open(FILELIST, "<$package_file") ||
die("Could not open packagefile: '$package_file': $!\n");
my $lineno = 0;
while ($fqn=<FILELIST>) {
$fqn =~ s/\#.*$//;
$fqn =~ s/\s+//g;
chomp $fqn;
($fqn) || next;
my ($pkg) = new_rpm_package($fqn, "file: $package_file lineno: $lineno");
push @{ $pkg_hash{$pkg->{'name'}} }, $pkg;
close(FILELIST) ||
die("Could not close packagefile: '$package_file': $!\n");
return ($pkg_hash);
sub pkg_diff {
my ($pkg_out, $file_out);
my @warnings = ();
my %seen = ();
foreach $pkg_name ( keys %{$hash0}, keys %{$hash1} ) {
$seen{$pkg_name} && next;
$seen{$pkg_name} = 1;
if (
( scalar($hash0->{$pkg_name}) > 1) ||
( scalar($hash1->{$pkg_name} > 1 ) )
) {
push @warnings, $pkg_name;
if ( ($hash0->{$pkg_name}) &&
(!($hash1->{$pkg_name}) ) ) {
$pkg_out .= "missing $hash0->{$pkg_name}->{'fqn'}\n";
} elsif ( (!($hash0->{$pkg_name})) &&
($hash1->{$pkg_name}) ) {
$pkg_out .= "added $hash1->{$pkg_name}->{'fqn'}\n";
} else {
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
system3('cmd_vec' => [
$file_out .= $log_out;
} # each $pkg_name
print ("Package Differences:\n\n".
sort( split(/\n+/, $pkg_out) ).
"\n\nFile Differences:\n\n".
sort( split(/\n+/, $file_out) ) );
if (@warnings) {
print STDERR ("The following packages have more then one version\n".
" mentioned in the pkglist: ".
join(", ", @warnings)."\n".
"The diff algorithm assumes only single versions\n".
"in pkglist file.\n");
return ;
# -----------------------main--------------------------
@MANIFEST = get_package_list($MANIFEST_FILE);
# Learn the state of the machine and ensure that we have the srpms
# and rpms for this state. This must be done after parsing the
# arguments since we may have set '--skip_check'
info_error("starting argv: '@ORIG_ARGV' \n");
syslog('info', "starting argv: '@ORIG_ARGV' \n");
my ($exit_with_error) = 0;
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) = ();
($UID == 0 ) &&
( ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
system3('cmd_vec' => [$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, '--rebuilddb'],));
if ($TEST) {
my (@todo) = test_update(@MANIFEST);
if (@todo) {
$exit_with_error = 1;
} elsif ($SCRIPT_FILE) {
die("Could not write to file: $SCRIPT_FILE. $!\n");
my $script = create_scriptfile(@MANIFEST);
print SCRIPT_FILE $script;
close(SCRIPT_FILE) ||
die("Could not close file: $SCRIPT_FILE. $!\n");
} else {
# eventually there will be a installer id who will run this code but
# for now rpm must be run as root.
($UID == 0 ) ||
die("Must run this program as root\n");
($FORCE) &&
($UPDATE) &&
my ($wait_status, $log_out, $log_err) =
system3('cmd_vec' => [$SYS_CMDS{'rpm'}, '--rebuilddb'],);
my @problems = test_update(@MANIFEST);
(@problems) && die("@problems");
($VERIFY) &&
info_error("finished argv: '@ORIG_ARGV' \n");
syslog('info', "finished argv: '@ORIG_ARGV' \n");
($exit_with_error) &&
exit 9;
exit 0;