#include "system.h" #if !defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #define HAVE_MACHINE_TYPES_H 1 #define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1 #define HAVE_NETINET_IN_SYSTM_H 1 #define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1 #endif #ifndef __LCLINT__ #if HAVE_MACHINE_TYPES_H # include #endif #endif #if HAVE_NETINET_IN_SYSTM_H # include # include #endif #if ! HAVE_HERRNO extern int h_errno; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "rpmlib.h" #include "rpmio.h" #if !defined(HAVE_INET_ATON) int inet_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *inp); #endif #define TIMEOUT_SECS 60 #define BUFFER_SIZE 4096 #if defined(USE_ALT_DNS) && USE_ALT_DNS #include "dns.h" #endif #include "url.h" #include "ftp.h" static int ftpDebug = 0; static int ftpTimeoutSecs = TIMEOUT_SECS; static int httpTimeoutSecs = TIMEOUT_SECS; static rpmCallbackFunction urlNotify = NULL; static void * urlNotifyData = NULL; static int urlNotifyCount = -1; void urlSetCallback(rpmCallbackFunction notify, void *notifyData, int notifyCount) { urlNotify = notify; urlNotifyData = notifyData; urlNotifyCount = (notifyCount >= 0) ? notifyCount : 4096; } static int checkResponse(int fd, int secs, int *ecp, char ** str) { static char buf[BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; int bufLength = 0; fd_set emptySet, readSet; char *se, *s; struct timeval timeout; int bytesRead, rc = 0; int doesContinue = 1; char errorCode[4]; errorCode[0] = '\0'; do { /* * XXX In order to preserve both getFile and getFd methods with * XXX HTTP, the response is read 1 char at a time with breaks on * XXX newlines. */ do { FD_ZERO(&emptySet); FD_ZERO(&readSet); FD_SET(fd, &readSet); timeout.tv_sec = secs; timeout.tv_usec = 0; rc = select(fd + 1, &readSet, &emptySet, &emptySet, &timeout); if (rc < 1) { if (rc == 0) return FTPERR_BAD_SERVER_RESPONSE; else rc = FTPERR_UNKNOWN; } else rc = 0; s = buf + bufLength; bytesRead = read(fd, s, 1); bufLength += bytesRead; buf[bufLength] = '\0'; } while (bufLength < sizeof(buf) && *s != '\n'); /* * Divide the response into lines. Skip continuation lines. */ s = se = buf; while (*se != '\0') { while (*se && *se != '\n') se++; if (se > s && se[-1] == '\r') se[-1] = '\0'; if (*se == '\0') break; /* HTTP header termination on empty line */ if (*s == '\0') { doesContinue = 0; break; } *se++ = '\0'; /* HTTP: look for "HTTP/1.1 123 ..." */ if (!strncmp(s, "HTTP", 4)) { char *e; if ((e = strchr(s, ' ')) != NULL) { e++; if (strchr("0123456789", *e)) strncpy(errorCode, e, 3); errorCode[3] = '\0'; } s = se; continue; } /* FTP: look for "123-" and/or "123 " */ if (strchr("0123456789", *s)) { if (errorCode[0]) { if (!strncmp(s, errorCode, 3) && s[3] == ' ') doesContinue = 0; } else { strncpy(errorCode, s, 3); errorCode[3] = '\0'; if (s[3] != '-') { doesContinue = 0; } } } s = se; } if (doesContinue && se > s) { bufLength = se - s - 1; if (s != buf) memcpy(buf, s, bufLength); } else { bufLength = 0; } } while (doesContinue && !rc); if (ftpDebug) fprintf(stderr, "<- %s\n", buf); if (str) *str = buf; if (ecp) *ecp = atoi(errorCode); return rc; } static int ftpCheckResponse(urlinfo *u, char ** str) { int ec = 0; int rc = checkResponse(u->ftpControl, ftpTimeoutSecs, &ec, str); switch (ec) { case 550: return FTPERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; break; case 552: return FTPERR_NIC_ABORT_IN_PROGRESS; break; default: if (ec >= 400 && ec <= 599) return FTPERR_BAD_SERVER_RESPONSE; break; } return rc; } static int ftpCommand(urlinfo *u, char * command, ...) { va_list ap; int len; char * s; char * buf; va_start(ap, command); len = strlen(command) + 2; s = va_arg(ap, char *); while (s) { len += strlen(s) + 1; s = va_arg(ap, char *); } va_end(ap); buf = alloca(len + 1); va_start(ap, command); strcpy(buf, command); strcat(buf, " "); s = va_arg(ap, char *); while (s) { strcat(buf, s); strcat(buf, " "); s = va_arg(ap, char *); } va_end(ap); buf[len - 2] = '\r'; buf[len - 1] = '\n'; buf[len] = '\0'; if (ftpDebug) fprintf(stderr, "-> %s", buf); if (write(u->ftpControl, buf, len) != len) { return FTPERR_SERVER_IO_ERROR; } return ftpCheckResponse(u, NULL); } #if !defined(USE_ALT_DNS) || !USE_ALT_DNS static int mygethostbyname(const char * host, struct in_addr * address) { struct hostent * hostinfo; hostinfo = gethostbyname(host); if (!hostinfo) return 1; memcpy(address, hostinfo->h_addr_list[0], hostinfo->h_length); return 0; } #endif static int getHostAddress(const char * host, struct in_addr * address) { if (isdigit(host[0])) { if (!inet_aton(host, address)) { return FTPERR_BAD_HOST_ADDR; } } else { if (mygethostbyname(host, address)) { errno = h_errno; return FTPERR_BAD_HOSTNAME; } } return 0; } static int tcpConnect(const char *host, int port) { struct sockaddr_in sin; int sock = -1; int rc; sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; do { if ((rc = getHostAddress(host, &sin.sin_addr)) < 0) break; if ((sock = socket(sin.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP)) < 0) { rc = FTPERR_FAILED_CONNECT; break; } if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin))) { rc = FTPERR_FAILED_CONNECT; break; } } while (0); if (rc < 0 && sock >= 0) { close(sock); return rc; } if (ftpDebug) fprintf(stderr,"++ connect %s:%d on fd %d\n", inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr), ntohs(sin.sin_port), sock); return sock; } int httpOpen(urlinfo *u) { int sock; const char *host; const char *path; int port; char *buf; size_t len; if (u == NULL || ((host = (u->proxyh ? u->proxyh : u->host)) == NULL)) return FTPERR_BAD_HOSTNAME; if ((port = (u->proxyp > 0 ? u->proxyp : u->port)) < 0) port = 80; path = (u->proxyh || u->proxyp > 0) ? u->url : u->path; if ((sock = tcpConnect(host, port)) < 0) return sock; len = strlen(path) + sizeof("GET HTTP 1.0\r\n\r\n"); buf = alloca(len); strcpy(buf, "GET "); strcat(buf, path); strcat(buf, " HTTP 1.0\r\n"); strcat(buf, "\r\n"); if (write(sock, buf, len) != len) { close(sock); return FTPERR_SERVER_IO_ERROR; } if (ftpDebug) fprintf(stderr, "-> %s", buf); { int ec = 0; int rc; rc = checkResponse(sock, httpTimeoutSecs, &ec, NULL); switch (ec) { default: if (rc == 0 && ec != 200) /* not HTTP_OK */ rc = FTPERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; break; } if (rc < 0) { close(sock); return rc; } } return sock; } int ftpOpen(urlinfo *u) { const char * host; const char * user; const char * password; int port; int rc; if (u == NULL || ((host = (u->proxyh ? u->proxyh : u->host)) == NULL)) return FTPERR_BAD_HOSTNAME; if ((port = (u->proxyp > 0 ? u->proxyp : u->port)) < 0) port = IPPORT_FTP; if ((user = (u->proxyu ? u->proxyu : u->user)) == NULL) user = "anonymous"; if ((password = u->password) == NULL) { if (getuid()) { struct passwd * pw = getpwuid(getuid()); char *myp = alloca(strlen(pw->pw_name) + sizeof("@")); strcpy(myp, pw->pw_name); strcat(myp, "@"); password = myp; } else { password = "root@"; } } if ((u->ftpControl = tcpConnect(host, port)) < 0) return u->ftpControl; /* ftpCheckResponse() assumes the socket is nonblocking */ if (fcntl(u->ftpControl, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) { rc = FTPERR_FAILED_CONNECT; goto errxit; } if ((rc = ftpCheckResponse(u, NULL))) { return rc; } if ((rc = ftpCommand(u, "USER", user, NULL))) goto errxit; if ((rc = ftpCommand(u, "PASS", password, NULL))) goto errxit; if ((rc = ftpCommand(u, "TYPE", "I", NULL))) goto errxit; return u->ftpControl; errxit: close(u->ftpControl); u->ftpControl = -1; return rc; } static int copyData(FD_t sfd, FD_t tfd) { char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; fd_set emptySet, readSet; struct timeval timeout; int bytesRead; int bytesCopied = 0; int rc; int notifier = -1; if (urlNotify) { (*urlNotify) (NULL, RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE, 0, 0, NULL, urlNotifyData); } while (1) { FD_ZERO(&emptySet); FD_ZERO(&readSet); FD_SET(fdFileno(sfd), &readSet); timeout.tv_sec = ftpTimeoutSecs; timeout.tv_usec = 0; rc = select(fdFileno(sfd) + 1, &readSet, &emptySet, &emptySet, &timeout); if (rc == 0) { rc = FTPERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT; break; } else if (rc < 0) { rc = FTPERR_UNKNOWN; break; } bytesRead = fdRead(sfd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (bytesRead == 0) { rc = 0; break; } if (fdWrite(tfd, buf, bytesRead) != bytesRead) { rc = FTPERR_FILE_IO_ERROR; break; } bytesCopied += bytesRead; if (urlNotify && urlNotifyCount > 0) { int n = bytesCopied/urlNotifyCount; if (n != notifier) { (*urlNotify) (NULL, RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS, bytesCopied, 0, NULL, urlNotifyData); notifier = n; } } } if (ftpDebug) fprintf(stderr, "++ copied %d bytes: %s\n", bytesCopied, ftpStrerror(rc)); if (urlNotify) { (*urlNotify) (NULL, RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE, bytesCopied, bytesCopied, NULL, urlNotifyData); } fdClose(sfd); return rc; } int ftpAbort(FD_t fd) { urlinfo *u = (urlinfo *)fd->fd_url; char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; int rc; int tosecs = ftpTimeoutSecs; if (ftpDebug) fprintf(stderr, "-> ABOR\n"); sprintf(buf, "%c%c%c", IAC, IP, IAC); send(u->ftpControl, buf, 3, MSG_OOB); sprintf(buf, "%cABOR\r\n", DM); if (write(u->ftpControl, buf, 7) != 7) { close(u->ftpControl); u->ftpControl = -1; return FTPERR_SERVER_IO_ERROR; } if (fdFileno(fd) >= 0) { while(read(fdFileno(fd), buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) ; } ftpTimeoutSecs = 10; if ((rc = ftpCheckResponse(u, NULL)) == FTPERR_NIC_ABORT_IN_PROGRESS) { rc = ftpCheckResponse(u, NULL); } rc = ftpCheckResponse(u, NULL); ftpTimeoutSecs = tosecs; if (fdFileno(fd) >= 0) fdClose(fd); return 0; } static int ftpGetFileDone(urlinfo *u) { if (u->ftpGetFileDoneNeeded) { u->ftpGetFileDoneNeeded = 0; if (ftpCheckResponse(u, NULL)) return FTPERR_BAD_SERVER_RESPONSE; } return 0; } int ftpGetFileDesc(FD_t fd) { urlinfo *u; const char *remotename; struct sockaddr_in dataAddress; int i, j; char * passReply; char * chptr; char * retrCommand; int rc; u = (urlinfo *)fd->fd_url; remotename = u->path; /* * XXX When ftpGetFileDesc() is called, there may be a lurking * XXX transfer complete message (if ftpGetFileDone() was not * XXX called to clear that message). Clear that message now. */ if (u->ftpGetFileDoneNeeded) rc = ftpGetFileDone(u); if (ftpDebug) fprintf(stderr, "-> PASV\n"); if (write(u->ftpControl, "PASV\r\n", 6) != 6) return FTPERR_SERVER_IO_ERROR; if ((rc = ftpCheckResponse(u, &passReply))) return FTPERR_PASSIVE_ERROR; chptr = passReply; while (*chptr && *chptr != '(') chptr++; if (*chptr != '(') return FTPERR_PASSIVE_ERROR; chptr++; passReply = chptr; while (*chptr && *chptr != ')') chptr++; if (*chptr != ')') return FTPERR_PASSIVE_ERROR; *chptr-- = '\0'; while (*chptr && *chptr != ',') chptr--; if (*chptr != ',') return FTPERR_PASSIVE_ERROR; chptr--; while (*chptr && *chptr != ',') chptr--; if (*chptr != ',') return FTPERR_PASSIVE_ERROR; *chptr++ = '\0'; /* now passReply points to the IP portion, and chptr points to the port number portion */ dataAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; if (sscanf(chptr, "%d,%d", &i, &j) != 2) { return FTPERR_PASSIVE_ERROR; } dataAddress.sin_port = htons((i << 8) + j); chptr = passReply; while (*chptr++) { if (*chptr == ',') *chptr = '.'; } if (!inet_aton(passReply, &dataAddress.sin_addr)) return FTPERR_PASSIVE_ERROR; fd->fd_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP); if (fdFileno(fd) < 0) { return FTPERR_FAILED_CONNECT; } retrCommand = alloca(strlen(remotename) + 20); sprintf(retrCommand, "RETR %s\r\n", remotename); i = strlen(retrCommand); while (connect(fdFileno(fd), (struct sockaddr *) &dataAddress, sizeof(dataAddress)) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; fdClose(fd); return FTPERR_FAILED_DATA_CONNECT; } if (ftpDebug) fprintf(stderr, "-> %s", retrCommand); if (write(u->ftpControl, retrCommand, i) != i) { return FTPERR_SERVER_IO_ERROR; } if ((rc = ftpCheckResponse(u, NULL))) { fdClose(fd); return rc; } u->ftpGetFileDoneNeeded = 1; return 0; } int httpGetFile(FD_t sfd, FD_t tfd) { return copyData(sfd, tfd); } int ftpGetFile(FD_t sfd, FD_t tfd) { urlinfo *u; int rc; /* XXX sfd will be freed by copyData -- grab sfd->fd_url now */ u = (urlinfo *)sfd->fd_url; /* XXX normally sfd = ufdOpen(...) and this code does not execute */ if (fdFileno(sfd) < 0 && (rc = ftpGetFileDesc(sfd)) < 0) { fdClose(sfd); return rc; } rc = copyData(sfd, tfd); if (rc < 0) return rc; return ftpGetFileDone(u); } int ftpClose(FD_t fd) { int fdno = ((urlinfo *)fd->fd_url)->ftpControl; if (fdno >= 0) close(fdno); return 0; } const char *ftpStrerror(int errorNumber) { switch (errorNumber) { case 0: return _("Success"); case FTPERR_BAD_SERVER_RESPONSE: return _("Bad server response"); case FTPERR_SERVER_IO_ERROR: return _("Server IO error"); case FTPERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT: return _("Server timeout"); case FTPERR_BAD_HOST_ADDR: return _("Unable to lookup server host address"); case FTPERR_BAD_HOSTNAME: return _("Unable to lookup server host name"); case FTPERR_FAILED_CONNECT: return _("Failed to connect to server"); case FTPERR_FAILED_DATA_CONNECT: return _("Failed to establish data connection to server"); case FTPERR_FILE_IO_ERROR: return _("IO error to local file"); case FTPERR_PASSIVE_ERROR: return _("Error setting remote server to passive mode"); case FTPERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return _("File not found on server"); case FTPERR_NIC_ABORT_IN_PROGRESS: return _("Abort in progress"); case FTPERR_UNKNOWN: default: return _("Unknown or unexpected error"); } }