#============================================================================== # Macro naming conventions (preliminary): # # Macros that begin with an underscore are "local" in the sense that # they (if used) will not be exported in rpm headers. # #============================================================================== # ---- filesystem macros. # %_usr @prefix@ %_usrsrc %{_usr}/src %_var @varprefix@ #============================================================================== # ---- path macros # %__bzip2 %(which bzip2) %__cat %(which cat) %__chgrp %(which chgrp) %__chmod %(which chmod) %__chown %(which chown) %__gzip %(which gzip) %__install %(which install) %__libtoolize %(which libtoolize) %__make %(which make) %__mkdir %(which mkdir) %__patch %(which patch) %__ranlib %(which ranlib) %__rm %(which rm) %__strip %(which strip) %__tar %(which tar) #============================================================================== # ---- rpmrc macros. # Macros that are initialized as a side effect of rpmrc parsing. # These are the default values that will be overridden by any # explicit values found in /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc or /etc/rpmrc. # %_buildarch Unknown %_builddir %{_topdir}/BUILD %_buildos Linux %_bzip2bin @BZIP2BIN@ %_dbpath %{_var}/lib/rpm %_defaultdocdir /usr/doc %_fixperms @FIXPERMS@ %_gzipbin @GZIPBIN@ %_rpmdir %{_topdir}/RPMS %_rpmfilename %{ARCH}/%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}.rpm %_sourcedir %{_topdir}/SOURCES %_specdir %{_topdir}/SPECS %_srcrpmdir %{_topdir}/SRPMS %_tmppath %{_var}/tmp %_topdir %{_usrsrc}/redhat # # XXX use the rpmrc instantiated macro for now #%optflags -O2 #============================================================================== # ---- script environment macros. # Macro(s) that establish the environment for running a script. # %_preScriptEnvironment \ RPM_SOURCE_DIR=\"%{_sourcedir}\"\ RPM_BUILD_DIR=\"%{_builddir}\"\ RPM_OPT_FLAGS=\"%{optflags}\"\ RPM_ARCH=\"%{_target_cpu}\"\ RPM_OS=\"%{_target_os}\"\ export RPM_SOURCE_DIR RPM_BUILD_DIR RPM_OPT_FLAGS RPM_ARCH RPM_OS\ RPM_DOC_DIR=\"%{_docdir}\"\ export RPM_DOC_DIR\ RPM_PACKAGE_NAME=\"%{name}\"\ RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION=\"%{version}\"\ RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE=\"%{release}\"\ export RPM_PACKAGE_NAME RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE\ %{?buildroot:RPM_BUILD_ROOT=\"%{buildroot}\"\ export RPM_BUILD_ROOT\ } #============================================================================== # ---- configure macros. # Macro(s) similar to those used by configure. # %_prefix @prefix@ %_build %{_host} %_build_alias %{_host_alias} %_build_cpu %{_host_cpu} %_build_vendor %{_host_vendor} %_build_os %{_host_os} %_host @host@ %_host_alias @host_alias@ %_host_cpu @host_cpu@ %_host_vendor @host_vendor@ %_host_os @host_os@ %_target %{_host} %_target_alias %{_host_alias) %_target_cpu %{_host_cpu) %_target_vendor %{_host_vendor) %_target_os %{_host_os) #============================================================================== # ---- specfile macros. # Macro(s) here can be used reliably for reproducible builds. # (Note: Above is the goal, below are the macros under development) # # The configure macro does the following: # optionally change to a subdirectory. # attempt to update onfig.guess and config.sub. # run configure with correct prefix, platform, and CFLAGS. # optionally restore current directory. # The configure macro should be invoked as %configure (rather than %{configure}) # because the rest of the arguments will be expanded using %*. Another # gotcha is that arguments, if present, should be on the same line as the # %configure. # %configure \ %{?__libtoolize:[ -f configure.in ] && %{__libtoolize} --copy --force} \ CFLAGS="%{optflags}" ./configure %{_target} --prefix=%{_prefix}