# rpmpython.at: test rpm python bindings # TODO: conditionalize on python availability AT_BANNER([Python bindings]) RPMPY_TEST([module import],[ myprint(rpm.__version__) ], [AT_PACKAGE_VERSION] ) RPMPY_TEST([macro manipulation],[ def prexp(m): myprint(rpm.expandMacro('%%{?%s}' % m)) mname = '__no_such_macro_yet' prexp(mname) rpm.addMacro(mname, '/bin/sh') prexp(mname) rpm.addMacro(mname, '/bin/false') prexp(mname) rpm.delMacro(mname) prexp(mname) rpm.delMacro(mname) prexp(mname) ], [ /bin/sh /bin/false /bin/sh ], []) RPMPY_TEST([basic rpmio],[ msg = 'Killroy was here\n' data = msg * 10 # TODO: test other compression types too if built in for iot in [ 'fpio', 'fdio', 'ufdio', 'gzdio' ]: fn = 'pyio.%s' % iot fd = rpm.fd(fn, 'w', iot) pos = fd.tell() if pos != -2 and pos != 0: myprint('bad start pos %d' % fd.tell()) if fd.write(data) != len(data): myprint('%s write fail' % iot) if fn != fd.name: myprint('bad file name %s' % fd.name) fd.flush() pos = fd.tell() if pos != -2 and pos != len(data): myprint('bad end pos %d' % fd.tell()) fd = rpm.fd(fn, 'r', iot) rdata = fd.read() if rdata != data: myprint('%s read fail (got %d bytes)' % (iot, len(rdata), rdata)) # compressed io types can't seek if iot == 'ufdio': fd.seek(0) else: fd = rpm.fd(fn, 'r', iot) if fn != fd.name: myprint('bad file name %s' % fd.name) rdata = fd.read(len(msg)) if rdata != msg: myprint('%s sized read fail (got %d bytes)\n%s' % (iot, len(rdata), rdata)) ], []) RPMPY_TEST([spec parse],[ # TODO: add a better test spec with sub-packages etc spec = rpm.spec('${RPMDATA}/SPECS/hello.spec') for (name, num, flags) in spec.sources: myprint('src %s %d %d' % (name, num, flags)) for pkg in spec.packages: myprint(pkg.header.format('%{nvr}')) myprint(spec.sourceHeader.format('%{nvr}')) ], [src hello-1.0-modernize.patch 0 2 src hello-1.0.tar.gz 0 1 hello-1.0-1 hello-1.0-1 ]) RPMPY_TEST([basic header manipulation],[ h = rpm.hdr() h['name'] = 'testpkg' h['version'] = '1.0' h['release'] = '1' h['epoch'] = 5 h['arch'] = 'noarch' myprint(h['nevra']) del h['epoch'] myprint(h['nevra']) for a in ['name', 'bugurl', '__class__', '__foo__', ]: try: x = getattr(h, a) myprint(x) except AttributeError, exc: myprint(exc) ], [testpkg-5:1.0-1.noarch testpkg-1.0-1.noarch testpkg None 'rpm.hdr' object has no attribute '__foo__'] ) RPMPY_TEST([invalid header data],[ h1 = rpm.hdr() h1['basenames'] = ['bing', 'bang', 'bong'] h1['dirnames'] = ['/opt/', '/flopt/'] h1['dirindexes'] = [ 1, 0, 3 ] h2 = rpm.hdr() h2['basenames'] = ['bing', 'bang', 'bong'] h2['dirnames'] = ['/opt/', '/flopt/'] h2['dirindexes'] = [ 0, 0, 1 ] for h in [h1, h2]: try: myprint(','.join(h['filenames'])) except rpm.error, exc: myprint(exc) ], [invalid header data /opt/bing,/opt/bang,/flopt/bong] ) RPMPY_TEST([reading a package file],[ ts = rpm.ts() h = ts.hdrFromFdno('${RPMDATA}/RPMS/hello-1.0-1.ppc64.rpm') myprint(h['arch']) ], [ppc64] ) RPMPY_TEST([add package to transaction],[ ts = rpm.ts() ts.addInstall('${RPMDATA}/RPMS/foo-1.0-1.noarch.rpm', 'u') for e in ts: myprint(e.NEVRA()) ts.clear() for e in ts: myprint(e.NEVRA()) ], [foo-1.0-1.noarch] ) RPMPY_TEST([add bogus package to transaction 1],[ ts = rpm.ts() h = rpm.hdr() h['name'] = "foo" try: ts.addInstall(h, 'foo', 'u') except rpm.error, err: myprint(err) for e in ts: myprint(e.NEVRA()) ], [adding package to transaction failed] ) RPMPY_TEST([add bogus package to transaction 2],[ ts = rpm.ts() h = rpm.hdr() h['name'] = 'foo' h['version'] = '1.0' h['release'] = '1' h['os'] = 'linux' h['arch'] = 'noarch' h['basenames'] = ['bing', 'bang', 'bong'] h['dirnames'] = ['/opt' '/flopt'] h['dirindexes'] = [ 1, 2, 3 ] try: ts.addInstall(h, 'foo', 'u') except rpm.error, err: myprint(err) for e in ts: myprint(e.NEVRA()) ], [adding package to transaction failed] ) AT_SETUP([database iterators]) AT_KEYWORDS([python rpmdb]) AT_CHECK([ RPMDB_CLEAR RPMDB_INIT runroot rpm -i \ --justdb --nodeps --ignorearch --ignoreos \ /data/RPMS/foo-1.0-1.noarch.rpm \ /data/RPMS/hello-2.0-1.i686.rpm ], [0], [], []) RPMPY_CHECK([ ts = rpm.ts() ix = 0 mi = ts.dbMatch() mi.pattern('name', rpm.RPMMIRE_STRCMP, 'hello') for h in mi: ix = h['dbinstance'] break del mi for h in ts.dbMatch('packages', ix): myprint(h['nevra']) ], [hello-2.0-1.i686 ], []) RPMPY_CHECK([ ts = rpm.ts() for h in ts.dbMatch('name'): myprint(h['nevra']) ], [foo-1.0-1.noarch hello-2.0-1.i686 ], []) RPMPY_CHECK([ ts = rpm.ts() for h in ts.dbMatch('obsoletes'): myprint(h['nevra']) ], [foo-1.0-1.noarch ], []) RPMPY_CHECK([ ts = rpm.ts() for h in ts.dbMatch('provides', 'hi'): myprint(h['nevra']) ], [foo-1.0-1.noarch ], []) RPMPY_CHECK([ ts = rpm.ts() for h in ts.dbMatch('basenames', '/usr/share/doc/hello-2.0/FAQ'): myprint(h['nevra']) ], [hello-2.0-1.i686 ], []) RPMPY_CHECK([ ts = rpm.ts() for di in ts.dbIndex('obsoletes'): myprint(di) ], [howdy ], []) RPMPY_CHECK([ ts = rpm.ts() for di in ts.dbIndex('provides'): myprint(di) ], [foo hello hello(x86-32) hi ], []) AT_CLEANUP RPMPY_TEST([dependency sets 1],[ ts = rpm.ts() h = ts.hdrFromFdno('${RPMDATA}/RPMS/hello-1.0-1.ppc64.rpm') for dep in rpm.ds(h, 'requires'): myprint(dep.DNEVR()) ], [R /bin/sh R /bin/sh R /bin/sh R /bin/sh R libc.so.6 R libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) R rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 R rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 R rtld(GNU_HASH)] ) RPMPY_TEST([dependency sets 2],[ ts = rpm.ts() h = ts.hdrFromFdno('${RPMDATA}/RPMS/hello-2.0-1.i686.rpm') ds = rpm.ds(h, 'provides') myprint('%d %d' % (ds.Instance(), ds.Count())) ], [0 2 ], []) RPMPY_TEST([file info sets 1],[ ts = rpm.ts() h = ts.hdrFromFdno('${RPMDATA}/RPMS/hello-2.0-1.i686.rpm') fi = rpm.fi(h) myprint(fi.FC()) for f in fi: myprint('%x: %s' % (fi.FFlags(), fi.FN())) ], [5 0: /usr/bin/hello 0: /usr/share/doc/hello-2.0 2: /usr/share/doc/hello-2.0/COPYING 2: /usr/share/doc/hello-2.0/FAQ 2: /usr/share/doc/hello-2.0/README ], []) RPMPY_TEST([string pool 1],[ p = rpm.strpool() for s in ['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'zoo']: p.str2id(s) myprint('%s' % len(p)) for i in range(1, len(p)+1): myprint('%s: %s' % (i, p[i])) ], [3 1: foo 2: bar 3: zoo ], []) RPMPY_TEST([string pool 2],[ p = rpm.strpool() d1 = rpm.ds(('foo', rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL, '2.0'), rpm.RPMTAG_PROVIDES, pool=p) d2 = rpm.ds(('bar', rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL, '2.0'), rpm.RPMTAG_PROVIDES, pool=p) d3 = rpm.ds(('bar', rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL, '2.0'), rpm.RPMTAG_PROVIDES, pool=p) myprint('%s' % len(p)) del p myprint(d1.DNEVR()) myprint(d2.DNEVR()) myprint(d3.DNEVR()) ], [3 P foo = 2.0 P bar = 2.0 P bar = 2.0 ], [])