
1405 lines
29 KiB
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#include "system.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#define isblank(_c) ((_c) == ' ' || (_c) == '\t')
#define STREQ(_t, _f, _fn) ((_fn) == (sizeof(_t)-1) && !strncmp((_t), (_f), (_fn)))
#define FREE(_x) { if (_x) free(_x); ((void *)(_x)) = NULL; }
#define rpmError fprintf
#define RPMERR_BADSPEC stderr
#define _(x) x
#define xfree(_p) free((void *)_p)
#include "rpmlib.h"
#include "rpmmacro.h"
struct MacroContext globalMacroContext;
typedef struct MacroBuf {
const char *s; /* text to expand */
char *t; /* expansion buffer */
size_t nb; /* no. bytes remaining in expansion buffer */
int depth; /* current expansion depth */
int macro_trace; /* pre-print macro to expand? */
int expand_trace; /* post-print macro expansion? */
void *spec; /* (future) %file expansion info */
MacroContext *mc;
} MacroBuf;
#define SAVECHAR(_mb, _c) { *(_mb)->t = (_c), (_mb)->t++, (_mb)->nb--; }
#define DELECHAR(_mb, _c) { if ((_mb)->t[-1] == (_c)) *((_mb)->t--) = '\0', (_mb)->nb++; }
static int expandMacro(MacroBuf *mb);
#define MAX_MACRO_DEPTH 16
int max_macro_depth = MAX_MACRO_DEPTH;
int print_macro_trace = 0;
int print_expand_trace = 0;
int print_macro_trace = 0;
int print_expand_trace = 0;
/* =============================================================== */
static int
compareMacroName(const void *ap, const void *bp)
MacroEntry *ame = *((MacroEntry **)ap);
MacroEntry *bme = *((MacroEntry **)bp);
if (ame == NULL && bme == NULL) {
return 0;
if (ame == NULL) {
return 1;
if (bme == NULL) {
return -1;
return strcmp(ame->name, bme->name);
static void
expandMacroTable(MacroContext *mc)
if (mc->macroTable == NULL) {
mc->macrosAllocated = MACRO_CHUNK_SIZE;
mc->macroTable = (MacroEntry **)malloc(sizeof(*(mc->macroTable)) *
mc->firstFree = 0;
} else {
mc->macrosAllocated += MACRO_CHUNK_SIZE;
mc->macroTable = (MacroEntry **)realloc(mc->macroTable, sizeof(*(mc->macroTable)) *
memset(&mc->macroTable[mc->firstFree], 0, MACRO_CHUNK_SIZE * sizeof(*(mc->macroTable)));
static void
sortMacroTable(MacroContext *mc)
qsort(mc->macroTable, mc->firstFree, sizeof(*(mc->macroTable)),
dumpMacroTable(MacroContext *mc, FILE *f)
int i;
int nempty = 0;
int nactive = 0;
if (mc == NULL)
mc = &globalMacroContext;
if (f == NULL)
f = stderr;
fprintf(f, "========================\n");
for (i = 0; i < mc->firstFree; i++) {
MacroEntry *me;
if ((me = mc->macroTable[i]) == NULL) {
fprintf(f, "%3d%c %s", me->level,
(me->used > 0 ? '=' : ':'), me->name);
if (me->opts && *me->opts)
fprintf(f, "(%s)", me->opts);
if (me->body && *me->body)
fprintf(f, "\t%s", me->body);
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, _("======================== active %d empty %d\n"),
nactive, nempty);
static MacroEntry **
findEntry(MacroContext *mc, const char *name, size_t namelen)
MacroEntry keybuf, *key, **ret;
char namebuf[1024];
if (mc == NULL)
mc = &globalMacroContext;
if (! mc->firstFree)
return NULL;
if (namelen > 0) {
strncpy(namebuf, name, namelen);
namebuf[namelen] = '\0';
name = namebuf;
key = &keybuf;
memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key));
key->name = (char *)name;
ret = (MacroEntry **)bsearch(&key, mc->macroTable, mc->firstFree,
sizeof(*(mc->macroTable)), compareMacroName);
/* XXX TODO: find 1st empty slot and return that */
return ret;
/* =============================================================== */
/* fgets analogue that reads \ continuations. Last newline always trimmed. */
static char *
rdcl(char *buf, size_t size, FILE *fp, int escapes)
char *q = buf;
size_t nb = 0;
do {
*q = '\0'; /* next char in buf */
nb = 0;
if (fgets(q, size, fp) == NULL) /* read next line */
nb = strlen(q);
q += nb - 1; /* last char in buf */
*q-- = '\0'; /* trim newline */
if (nb < 2 || *q != '\\') /* continue? */
if (escapes) /* copy escape too */
*q++ = '\n'; /* next char in buf */
size -= nb;
} while (size > 0);
return (nb > 0 ? buf : NULL);
/* Return text between pl and matching pr */
static const char *
matchchar(const char *p, char pl, char pr)
int lvl = 0;
char c;
while ((c = *p++) != '\0') {
if (c == '\\') { /* Ignore escaped chars */
if (c == pr) {
if (--lvl <= 0) return --p;
} else if (c == pl)
return (const char *)NULL;
static void
printMacro(MacroBuf *mb, const char *s, const char *se)
const char *senl;
const char *ellipsis;
int choplen;
if (s >= se) { /* XXX just in case */
fprintf(stderr, _("%3d>%*s(empty)"), mb->depth,
(2 * mb->depth + 1), "");
if (s[-1] == '{')
/* If not end-of-string, print only to newline or end-of-string ... */
if (*(senl = se) != '\0' && (senl = strchr(senl, '\n')) == NULL)
senl = se + strlen(se);
/* Limit trailing non-trace output */
choplen = 61 - (2 * mb->depth);
if ((senl - s) > choplen) {
senl = s + choplen;
ellipsis = "...";
} else
ellipsis = "";
/* Substitute caret at end-of-macro position */
fprintf(stderr, "%3d>%*s%%%.*s^", mb->depth,
(2 * mb->depth + 1), "", (int)(se - s), s);
if (se[1] != '\0' && (senl - (se+1)) > 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%-.*s%s", (int)(senl - (se+1)), se+1, ellipsis);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static void
printExpansion(MacroBuf *mb, const char *t, const char *te)
const char *ellipsis;
int choplen;
if (!(te > t)) {
fprintf(stderr, _("%3d<%*s(empty)\n"), mb->depth, (2 * mb->depth + 1), "");
/* Shorten output which contains newlines */
while (te > t && te[-1] == '\n')
ellipsis = "";
if (mb->depth > 0) {
const char *tenl;
while ((tenl = strchr(t, '\n')) && tenl < te)
t = ++tenl;
/* Limit expand output */
choplen = 61 - (2 * mb->depth);
if ((te - t) > choplen) {
te = t + choplen;
ellipsis = "...";
fprintf(stderr, "%3d<%*s", mb->depth, (2 * mb->depth + 1), "");
if (te > t)
fprintf(stderr, "%.*s%s", (int)(te - t), t, ellipsis);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#define SKIPBLANK(_s, _c) \
while (((_c) = *(_s)) && isblank(_c)) \
#define SKIPNONBLANK(_s, _c) \
while (((_c) = *(_s)) && !(isblank(_c) || c == '\n')) \
#define COPYNAME(_ne, _s, _c) \
{ SKIPBLANK(_s,_c); \
while(((_c) = *(_s)) && (isalnum(_c) || (_c) == '_')) \
*(_ne)++ = *(_s)++; \
*(_ne) = '\0'; \
#define COPYOPTS(_oe, _s, _c) \
{ while(((_c) = *(_s)) && (_c) != ')') \
*(_oe)++ = *(_s)++; \
*(_oe) = '\0'; \
#define COPYBODY(_be, _s, _c) \
{ while(((_c) = *(_s)) && (_c) != '\n') { \
if ((_c) == '\\') \
(_s)++; \
*(_be)++ = *(_s)++; \
} \
*(_be) = '\0'; \
/* Save source and expand field into target */
static int
expandT(MacroBuf *mb, const char *f, size_t flen)
char *sbuf;
const char *s = mb->s;
int rc;
sbuf = alloca(flen + 1);
memset(sbuf, 0, (flen + 1));
strncpy(sbuf, f, flen);
sbuf[flen] = '\0';
mb->s = sbuf;
rc = expandMacro(mb);
mb->s = s;
return rc;
#if 0
/* Save target and expand sbuf into target */
static int
expandS(MacroBuf *mb, char *tbuf, size_t tbuflen)
const char *t = mb->t;
size_t nb = mb->nb;
int rc;
mb->t = tbuf;
mb->nb = tbuflen;
rc = expandMacro(mb);
mb->t = t;
mb->nb = nb;
return rc;
static int
expandU(MacroBuf *mb, char *u, size_t ulen)
const char *s = mb->s;
char *t = mb->t;
size_t nb = mb->nb;
char *tbuf;
int rc;
tbuf = alloca(ulen + 1);
memset(tbuf, 0, (ulen + 1));
mb->s = u;
mb->t = tbuf;
mb->nb = ulen;
rc = expandMacro(mb);
tbuf[ulen] = '\0'; /* XXX just in case */
if (ulen > mb->nb)
strncpy(u, tbuf, (ulen - mb->nb + 1));
mb->s = s;
mb->t = t;
mb->nb = nb;
return rc;
static int
doShellEscape(MacroBuf *mb, const char *cmd, size_t clen)
char pcmd[BUFSIZ];
FILE *shf;
int rc;
int c;
strncpy(pcmd, cmd, clen);
pcmd[clen] = '\0';
rc = expandU(mb, pcmd, sizeof(pcmd));
if (rc)
return rc;
if ((shf = popen(pcmd, "r")) == NULL)
return 1;
while(mb->nb > 0 && (c = fgetc(shf)) != EOF)
SAVECHAR(mb, c);
DELECHAR(mb, '\n'); /* XXX delete trailing newline (if any) */
return 0;
static const char *
doDefine(MacroBuf *mb, const char *se, int level, int expandbody)
const char *s = se;
char buf[BUFSIZ], *n = buf, *ne = n;
char *o = NULL, *oe;
char *b, *be;
int c;
int oc = ')';
/* Copy name */
COPYNAME(ne, s, c);
/* Copy opts (if present) */
oe = ne + 1;
if (*s == '(') {
s++; /* skip ( */
o = oe;
COPYOPTS(oe, s, oc);
s++; /* skip ) */
/* Copy body, skipping over escaped newlines */
b = be = oe + 1;
if (c == '{') { /* XXX permit silent {...} grouping */
if ((se = matchchar(s, c, '}')) == NULL) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Macro %%%s has unterminated body"), n);
se = s; /* XXX W2DO? */
return se;
s++; /* XXX skip { */
strncpy(b, s, (se - s));
b[se - s] = '\0';
be += strlen(b);
se++; /* XXX skip } */
s = se; /* move scan forward */
} else { /* otherwise free-field */
COPYBODY(be, s, c);
/* Trim trailing blanks/newlines */
while (--be >= b && (c = *be) && (isblank(c) || c == '\n'))
*(++be) = '\0'; /* one too far */
/* Move scan over body */
if (*s == '\n')
se = s;
/* Names must start with alphabetic or _ and be at least 3 chars */
if (!((c = *n) && (isalpha(c) || c == '_') && (ne - n) > 2)) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Macro %%%s has illegal name (%%define)"), n);
return se;
/* Options must be terminated with ')' */
if (o && oc != ')') {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Macro %%%s has unterminated opts"), n);
return se;
if ((be - b) < 1) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Macro %%%s has empty body"), n);
return se;
if (expandbody && expandU(mb, b, (&buf[sizeof(buf)] - b))) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Macro %%%s failed to expand"), n);
return se;
addMacro(mb->mc, n, o, b, (level - 1));
return se;
static const char *
doUndefine(MacroContext *mc, const char *se)
const char *s = se;
char buf[BUFSIZ], *n = buf, *ne = n;
int c;
COPYNAME(ne, s, c);
/* Move scan over body */
if (*s == '\n')
se = s;
/* Names must start with alphabetic or _ and be at least 3 chars */
if (!((c = *n) && (isalpha(c) || c == '_') && (ne - n) > 2)) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Macro %%%s has illegal name (%%undefine)"), n);
return se;
delMacro(mc, n);
return se;
#ifdef DYING
static void
dumpME(const char *msg, MacroEntry *me)
if (msg)
fprintf(stderr, "%s", msg);
fprintf(stderr, "\tme %p", me);
if (me)
fprintf(stderr,"\tname %p(%s) prev %p",
me->name, me->name, me->prev);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static void
pushMacro(MacroEntry **mep, const char *n, const char *o, const char *b, int level)
MacroEntry *prev = (*mep ? *mep : NULL);
MacroEntry *me = malloc(sizeof(*me));
me->prev = prev;
me->name = (prev ? prev->name : strdup(n));
me->opts = (o ? strdup(o) : NULL);
me->body = strdup(b ? b : "");
me->used = 0;
me->level = level;
*mep = me;
static void
popMacro(MacroEntry **mep)
MacroEntry *me = (*mep ? *mep : NULL);
if (me) {
/* XXX cast to workaround const */
if ((*mep = me->prev) == NULL)
FREE((char *)me->name);
FREE((char *)me->opts);
FREE((char *)me->body);
static void
freeArgs(MacroBuf *mb)
MacroContext *mc = mb->mc;
int c;
/* Delete dynamic macro definitions */
for (c = 0; c < mc->firstFree; c++) {
MacroEntry *me;
int skiptest = 0;
if ((me = mc->macroTable[c]) == NULL)
if (me->level < mb->depth)
if (strlen(me->name) == 1 && strchr("#*0", *me->name)) {
if (*me->name == '*' && me->used > 0)
skiptest = 1;
; /* XXX skip test for %# %* %0 */
} else if (!skiptest && me->used <= 0) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Macro %%%s (%s) was not used below level %d"),
me->name, me->body, me->level);
static const char *
grabArgs(MacroBuf *mb, const MacroEntry *me, const char *se)
char buf[BUFSIZ], *b, *be;
char aname[16];
const char *opts, *o;
int argc = 0;
const char **argv;
int optc = 0;
const char **optv;
int opte;
int c;
/* Copy macro name as argv[0] */
argc = 0;
b = be = buf;
strcpy(b, me->name);
be += strlen(b);
*be = '\0';
argc++; /* XXX count argv[0] */
addMacro(mb->mc, "0", NULL, b, mb->depth);
/* Copy args into buf until newline */
*be++ = ' ';
b = be; /* Save beginning of args */
while ((c = *se) != 0) {
char *a;
if (c == '\n')
if (isblank(c))
if (argc > 1)
*be++ = ' ';
a = be;
while (!(isblank(c) || c == '\n')) {
*be++ = c;
if ((c = *se) == '\0')
*be = '\0';
/* Add unexpanded args as macro */
addMacro(mb->mc, "*", NULL, b, mb->depth);
#ifdef NOTYET
/* XXX if macros can be passed as args ... */
expandU(mb, buf, sizeof(buf));
/* Build argv array */
argv = (const char **)alloca((argc + 1) * sizeof(char *));
b = be = buf;
for (c = 0; c < argc; c++) {
b = be;
if ((be = strchr(b, ' ')) == NULL)
be = b + strlen(b);
*be++ = '\0';
argv[c] = b;
argv[argc] = NULL;
opts = me->opts;
/* First count number of options ... */
optind = 0;
optc = 0;
optc++; /* XXX count argv[0] too */
while((c = getopt(argc, (char **)argv, opts)) != -1) {
if (!(c != '?' && (o = strchr(opts, c)))) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Unknown option %c in %s(%s)"),
c, me->name, opts);
return se;
/* ... then allocate storage ... */
opte = optc + (argc - optind);
optv = (const char **)alloca((opte + 1) * sizeof(char *));
optv[0] = me->name;
optv[opte] = NULL;
/* ... and finally copy the options */
optind = 0;
optc = 0;
optc++; /* XXX count optv[0] */
while((c = getopt(argc, (char **)argv, opts)) != -1) {
o = strchr(opts, c);
b = be;
*be++ = '-';
*be++ = c;
if (o[1] == ':') {
*be++ = ' ';
strcpy(be, optarg);
be += strlen(be);
*be++ = '\0';
sprintf(aname, "-%c", c);
addMacro(mb->mc, aname, NULL, b, mb->depth);
if (o[1] == ':') {
sprintf(aname, "-%c*", c);
addMacro(mb->mc, aname, NULL, optarg, mb->depth);
optv[optc] = b;
for (c = optind; c < argc; c++) {
sprintf(aname, "%d", (c - optind + 1));
addMacro(mb->mc, aname, NULL, argv[c], mb->depth);
optv[optc] = argv[c];
sprintf(aname, "%d", (argc - optind + 1));
addMacro(mb->mc, "#", NULL, aname, mb->depth);
return se;
static void
doOutput(MacroBuf *mb, int waserror, const char *msg, size_t msglen)
char buf[BUFSIZ];
strncpy(buf, msg, msglen);
buf[msglen] = '\0';
expandU(mb, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (waserror)
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "%s", buf);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf);
static void
doFoo(MacroBuf *mb, const char *f, size_t fn, const char *g, size_t glen)
char buf[BUFSIZ], *b = NULL, *be;
int c;
buf[0] = '\0';
if (g) {
strncpy(buf, g, glen);
buf[glen] = '\0';
expandU(mb, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (STREQ("basename", f, fn)) {
if ((b = strrchr(buf, '/')) == NULL)
b = buf;
/* XXX watchout for conflict with %dir */
} else if (STREQ("dirname", f, fn)) {
if ((b = strrchr(buf, '/')) != NULL)
*b = '\0';
b = buf;
} else if (STREQ("suffix", f, fn)) {
if ((b = strrchr(buf, '.')) != NULL)
} else if (STREQ("expand", f, fn)) {
b = buf;
} else if (STREQ("uncompress", f, fn)) {
int compressed = 1;
for (b = buf; (c = *b) && isblank(c);)
for (be = b; (c = *be) && !isblank(c);)
*be++ = '\0';
isCompressed(b, &compressed);
switch(compressed) {
case 0: /* COMPRESSED_NOT */
sprintf(be, "%%_cat %s", b);
case 1: /* COMPRESSED_OTHER */
sprintf(be, "%%_gzip -dc %s", b);
case 2: /* COMPRESSED_BZIP2 */
sprintf(be, "%%_bzip2 %s", b);
b = be;
} else if (STREQ("S", f, fn)) {
for (b = buf; (c = *b) && isdigit(c);)
if (!c) { /* digit index */
sprintf(b, "%%SOURCE%s", buf);
} else
b = buf;
} else if (STREQ("P", f, fn)) {
for (b = buf; (c = *b) && isdigit(c);)
if (!c) { /* digit index */
sprintf(b, "%%PATCH%s", buf);
} else
b = buf;
} else if (STREQ("F", f, fn)) {
b = buf + strlen(buf) + 1;
sprintf(b, "file%s.file", buf);
#if DEAD
fprintf(stderr, "FILE: \"%s\"\n", b);
if (b) {
expandT(mb, b, strlen(b));
/* The main recursion engine */
static int
expandMacro(MacroBuf *mb)
MacroEntry **mep;
MacroEntry *me;
const char *s = mb->s, *se;
const char *f, *fe;
const char *g, *ge;
size_t fn, gn;
char *t = mb->t; /* save expansion pointer for printExpand */
int c;
int rc = 0;
int negate;
int grab;
int chkexist;
if (++mb->depth > max_macro_depth) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Recursion depth(%d) greater than max(%d)"),
mb->depth, max_macro_depth);
mb->expand_trace = 1;
return 1;
while (rc == 0 && mb->nb > 0 && (c = *s) != '\0') {
/* Copy text until next macro */
switch(c) {
case '%':
if (*s != '%')
s++; /* skip first % in %% */
/* fall thru */
SAVECHAR(mb, c);
/* Expand next macro */
f = fe = NULL;
g = ge = NULL;
if (mb->depth > 1) /* XXX full expansion for outermost level */
t = mb->t; /* save expansion pointer for printExpand */
negate = 0;
grab = 0;
chkexist = 0;
switch ((c = *s)) {
default: /* %name substitution */
while (strchr("!?", *s) != NULL) {
switch(*s++) {
case '!':
negate = (++negate % 2);
case '?':
f = se = s;
if (*se == '-')
while((c = *se) && (isalnum(c) || c == '_'))
if (*se == '*')
fe = se;
/* For "%name " macros ... */
if ((c = *fe) && isblank(c))
grab = 1;
case '(': /* %(...) shell escape */
if ((se = matchchar(s, c, ')')) == NULL) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Unterminated %c: %s"), c, s);
rc = 1;
if (mb->macro_trace)
printMacro(mb, s, se+1);
s++; /* skip ( */
rc = doShellEscape(mb, s, (se - s));
se++; /* skip ) */
s = se;
case '{': /* %{...}/%{...:...} substitution */
if ((se = matchchar(s, c, '}')) == NULL) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Unterminated %c: %s"), c, s);
rc = 1;
f = s+1;/* skip { */
se++; /* skip } */
while (strchr("!?", *f) != NULL) {
switch(*f++) {
case '!':
negate = (++negate % 2);
case '?':
for (fe = f; (c = *fe) && !strchr(":}", c);)
if (c == ':') {
g = fe + 1;
ge = se - 1;
/* XXX Everything below expects fe > f */
fn = (fe - f);
gn = (ge - g);
if (fn <= 0) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("A %% is followed by an unparseable macro"));
s = se;
if (mb->macro_trace)
printMacro(mb, s, se);
/* Expand builtin macros */
if (STREQ("global", f, fn)) {
s = doDefine(mb, se, RMIL_GLOBAL, 1);
if (STREQ("define", f, fn)) {
s = doDefine(mb, se, mb->depth, 0);
if (STREQ("undefine", f, fn)) {
s = doUndefine(mb->mc, se);
if (STREQ("echo", f, fn) ||
STREQ("warn", f, fn) ||
STREQ("error", f, fn)) {
int waserror = 0;
if (STREQ("error", f, fn))
waserror = 1;
if (g < ge)
doOutput(mb, waserror, g, gn);
doOutput(mb, waserror, f, fn);
s = se;
if (STREQ("trace", f, fn)) {
/* XXX TODO restore expand_trace/macro_trace to 0 on return */
mb->expand_trace = mb->macro_trace = (negate ? 0 : mb->depth);
if (mb->depth == 1) {
print_macro_trace = mb->macro_trace;
print_expand_trace = mb->expand_trace;
s = se;
if (STREQ("dump", f, fn)) {
dumpMacroTable(mb->mc, NULL);
if (*se == '\n')
s = se;
/* XXX necessary but clunky */
if (STREQ("basename", f, fn) ||
STREQ("suffix", f, fn) ||
STREQ("expand", f, fn) ||
STREQ("uncompress", f, fn) ||
STREQ("S", f, fn) ||
STREQ("P", f, fn) ||
STREQ("F", f, fn)) {
doFoo(mb, f, fn, g, gn);
s = se;
/* Expand defined macros */
mep = findEntry(mb->mc, f, fn);
me = (mep ? *mep : NULL);
/* XXX Special processing for flags */
if (*f == '-') {
if (me)
me->used++; /* Mark macro as used */
if ((me == NULL && !negate) || /* Without -f, skip %{-f...} */
(me != NULL && negate)) { /* With -f, skip %{!-f...} */
s = se;
if (g && g < ge) { /* Expand X in %{-f:X} */
rc = expandT(mb, g, gn);
} else
if (me->body && *me->body) { /* Expand %{-f}/%{-f*} */
rc = expandT(mb, me->body, strlen(me->body));
s = se;
/* XXX Special processing for macro existence */
if (chkexist) {
if ((me == NULL && !negate) || /* Without -f, skip %{?f...} */
(me != NULL && negate)) { /* With -f, skip %{!?f...} */
s = se;
if (g && g < ge) { /* Expand X in %{?f:X} */
rc = expandT(mb, g, gn);
} else
if (me->body && *me->body) { /* Expand %{?f}/%{?f*} */
rc = expandT(mb, me->body, strlen(me->body));
s = se;
if (me == NULL) { /* leave unknown %... as is */
#ifndef HACK
#if DEAD
/* XXX hack to skip over empty arg list */
if (fn == 1 && *f == '*') {
s = se;
/* XXX hack to permit non-overloaded %foo to be passed */
c = '%'; /* XXX only need to save % */
SAVECHAR(mb, c);
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Macro %%%.*s not found, skipping"), fn, f);
s = se;
/* Setup args for "%name " macros with opts */
if (me && me->opts != NULL) {
if (grab)
se = grabArgs(mb, me, fe);
else {
addMacro(mb->mc, "*", NULL, "", mb->depth);
/* Recursively expand body of macro */
if (me->body && *me->body) {
mb->s = me->body;
rc = expandMacro(mb);
if (rc == 0)
me->used++; /* Mark macro as used */
/* Free args for "%name " macros with opts */
if (me->opts != NULL)
s = se;
*mb->t = '\0';
mb->s = s;
if (rc != 0 || mb->expand_trace)
printExpansion(mb, t, mb->t);
return rc;
/* =============================================================== */
/* XXX this is used only in build/expression.c and will go away. */
const char *
getMacroBody(MacroContext *mc, const char *name)
MacroEntry **mep = findEntry(mc, name, 0);
MacroEntry *me = (mep ? *mep : NULL);
return ( me ? me->body : (const char *)NULL );
/* =============================================================== */
expandMacros(void *spec, MacroContext *mc, char *s, size_t slen)
MacroBuf macrobuf, *mb = &macrobuf;
char *tbuf;
int rc;
if (s == NULL || slen <= 0)
return 0;
if (mc == NULL)
mc = &globalMacroContext;
tbuf = alloca(slen + 1);
memset(tbuf, 0, (slen + 1));
mb->s = s;
mb->t = tbuf;
mb->nb = slen;
mb->depth = 0;
mb->macro_trace = print_macro_trace;
mb->expand_trace = print_expand_trace;
mb->spec = spec; /* (future) %file expansion info */
mb->mc = mc;
rc = expandMacro(mb);
if (mb->nb <= 0)
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("Target buffer overflow"));
tbuf[slen] = '\0'; /* XXX just in case */
strncpy(s, tbuf, (slen - mb->nb + 1));
return rc;
addMacro(MacroContext *mc, const char *n, const char *o, const char *b, int level)
MacroEntry **mep;
if (mc == NULL)
mc = &globalMacroContext;
/* If new name, expand macro table */
if ((mep = findEntry(mc, n, 0)) == NULL) {
if (mc->firstFree == mc->macrosAllocated)
mep = mc->macroTable + mc->firstFree++;
/* Push macro over previous definition */
pushMacro(mep, n, o, b, level);
/* If new name, sort macro table */
if ((*mep)->prev == NULL)
delMacro(MacroContext *mc, const char *name)
MacroEntry **mep = findEntry(mc, name, 0);
if (mc == NULL)
mc = &globalMacroContext;
/* If name exists, pop entry */
if ((mep = findEntry(mc, name, 0)) != NULL)
rpmDefineMacro(MacroContext *mc, const char *macro, int level)
MacroBuf macrobuf, *mb = &macrobuf;
/* XXX just enough to get by */
mb->mc = (mc ? mc : &globalMacroContext);
(void)doDefine(mb, macro, level, 0);
return 0;
initMacros(MacroContext *mc, const char *macrofiles)
char *m, *mfile, *me;
if (macrofiles == NULL)
if (mc == NULL)
mc = &globalMacroContext;
for (mfile = m = strdup(macrofiles); *mfile; mfile = me) {
FILE *fp;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
if ((me = strchr(mfile, ':')) != NULL)
*me++ = '\0';
me = mfile + strlen(mfile);
/* Expand ~/ to $HOME */
buf[0] = '\0';
if (mfile[0] == '~' && mfile[1] == '/') {
char *home;
if ((home = getenv("HOME")) != NULL) {
mfile += 2;
strncpy(buf, home, sizeof(buf));
strncat(buf, "/", sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf));
strncat(buf, mfile, sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf));
buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
if ((fp=fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL)
/* XXX Assume new fangled macro expansion */
max_macro_depth = 16;
while(rdcl(buf, sizeof(buf), fp, 1) != NULL) {
char c, *n;
n = buf;
if (c != '%')
n++; /* skip % */
(void)rpmDefineMacro(NULL, n, RMIL_MACROFILES);
if (m)
freeMacros(MacroContext *mc)
int i;
if (mc == NULL)
mc = &globalMacroContext;
for (i = 0; i < mc->firstFree; i++) {
MacroEntry *me;
while ((me = mc->macroTable[i]) != NULL) {
/* XXX cast to workaround const */
if ((mc->macroTable[i] = me->prev) == NULL)
FREE((char *)me->name);
FREE((char *)me->opts);
FREE((char *)me->body);
memset(mc, 0, sizeof(*mc));
/* =============================================================== */
int isCompressed(const char *file, int *compressed)
FD_t fd;
ssize_t nb;
int rderrno;
unsigned char magic[4];
*compressed = COMPRESSED_NOT;
if (fdFileno(fd = fdOpen(file, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("File %s: %s"), file, strerror(errno));
return 1;
nb = fdRead(fd, magic, sizeof(magic));
rderrno = errno;
if (nb < 0) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("File %s: %s"), file, strerror(rderrno));
return 1;
} else if (nb < sizeof(magic)) {
rpmError(RPMERR_BADSPEC, _("File %s is smaller than %d bytes"),
file, sizeof(magic));
return 0;
if (((magic[0] == 0037) && (magic[1] == 0213)) || /* gzip */
((magic[0] == 0037) && (magic[1] == 0236)) || /* old gzip */
((magic[0] == 0037) && (magic[1] == 0036)) || /* pack */
((magic[0] == 0037) && (magic[1] == 0240)) || /* SCO lzh */
((magic[0] == 0037) && (magic[1] == 0235)) || /* compress */
((magic[0] == 0120) && (magic[1] == 0113) &&
(magic[2] == 0003) && (magic[3] == 0004)) /* pkzip */
) {
*compressed = COMPRESSED_OTHER;
} else if ((magic[0] == 'B') && (magic[1] == 'Z')) {
*compressed = COMPRESSED_BZIP2;
return 0;
/* =============================================================== */
/* Return concatenated and expanded macro list */
char *
rpmExpand(const char *arg, ...)
char buf[BUFSIZ], *p, *pe;
const char *s;
va_list ap;
if (arg == NULL)
return strdup("");
p = buf;
strcpy(p, arg);
pe = p + strlen(p);
*pe = '\0';
va_start(ap, arg);
while ((s = va_arg(ap, const char *)) != NULL) {
strcpy(pe, s);
pe += strlen(pe);
*pe = '\0';
expandMacros(NULL, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf));
return strdup(buf);
rpmExpandNumeric(const char *arg)
const char *val;
int rc;
if (arg == NULL)
return 0;
val = rpmExpand(arg, NULL);
if (!(val && *val != '%'))
rc = 0;
else if (*val == 'Y' || *val == 'y')
rc = 1;
else if (*val == 'N' || *val == 'n')
rc = 0;
else {
char *end;
rc = strtol(val, &end, 0);
if (!(end && *end == '\0'))
rc = 0;
return rc;
/* Return concatenated and expanded path with multiple /'s removed */
const char *
rpmGetPath(const char *path, ...)
char buf[BUFSIZ], *p, *pe;
const char *s;
va_list ap;
if (path == NULL)
return strdup("");
p = buf;
strcpy(p, path);
pe = p + strlen(p);
*pe = '\0';
va_start(ap, path);
while ((s = va_arg(ap, const char *)) != NULL) {
/* XXX FIXME: this fixes only some of the "...//..." problems */
if (pe > p && pe[-1] == '/')
while(*s && *s == '/') s++;
if (*s != '\0') {
strcpy(pe, s);
pe += strlen(pe);
*pe = '\0';
expandMacros(NULL, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf));
return strdup(buf);
/* =============================================================== */
MacroContext mc = { NULL, 0, 0};
char *macrofiles = "./paths:./environment:./macros";
char *testfile = "./test";
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char buf[BUFSIZ];
FILE *fp;
int x;
initMacros(&mc, macrofiles);
dumpMacroTable(&mc, NULL);
if ((fp = fopen(testfile, "r")) != NULL) {
while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
x = expandMacros(NULL, &mc, buf, sizeof(buf));
fprintf(stderr, "%d->%s\n", x, buf);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) {
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
x = expandMacros(NULL, &mc, buf, sizeof(buf));
fprintf(stderr, "%d->%s\n <-\n", x, buf);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
return 0;
#endif /* DEBUG_MACROS */