
165 lines
6.2 KiB

%global debug_package %{nil}
%global sha512hmac bash %{_sourcedir}/sha512hmac-openssl.sh
%global buildarch x86_64
%define uname_r %{version}-%{release}
Summary: Signed Linux Kernel for MOS systems
Name: kernel-mos-signed-%{buildarch}
Release: 1%{?dist}
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Microsoft Corporation
Distribution: Mariner
Group: System Environment/Kernel
URL: https://github.com/microsoft/CBL-Mariner-Linux-Kernel
# This spec purpose is to take an input kernel rpm and input secure-boot-signed
# kernel binary from the same build and generate a new "kernel" rpm with the
# signed kernel binary + all of the other original kernel files, triggers,
# scriptlets, requires, provides, etc.
# We need to ensure the kernel modules and kernel binary used are from the exact
# same build because at build time the kernel modules are signed with an
# ephemeral key that the kernel enrolls in its keyring. We enforce kernel
# module signature checking when we enable security features like kernel
# lockdown so our kernel can only load those specific kernel modules at runtime.
# Additionally, to complete the UEFI Secure Boot chain, we must PE-sign the
# kernel binary. Ideally we would enable secure-boot signing tools like pesign
# or sbsign to be callable from inside the rpmbuild environment, that way we can
# secure-boot sign the kernel binary during the kernel's rpmbuild. It is best
# practice to sign as soon as possible. However there are issues getting that
# secure boot signing infrastructure in place today. Hence we sign the
# resulting kernel binary and "repackage" the kernel-mos RPM (something rpm itself
# actively tries to make sure you never do...generally for good reasons).
# To achive this repackaging, this spec creates a new subpackage named
# "kernel-mos". To retain all of the initial kernel-mos package behaviors, we make sure
# the subpackage has the same requires, provides, triggers, post steps, and
# files as the original kernel package.
# This specific repackaging implementation leaves room for us to enable the
# more ideal secure-boot signing flow in the future without introducing any
# sort of breaking change or new packaging. Users still install a "kernel-mos"
# package like they normally would.
# Maintenance Notes:
# - This spec's "version" and "release" must reflect the unsigned version that
# was signed. An important consequence is that when making a change to this
# spec or the normal kernel-mos spec, the other spec's version version/release must
# be increased to keep the two versions consistent.
# - Make sure the kernel-mos subpackage's Requires, Provides, triggers, post/postun
# scriptlets, and files match the normal kernel-mos spec's. The kernel subpackage
# should contain the same content as the input kernel-mos package but replace the
# kernel binary with our signed kernel binary. Since all the requires, provides,
# etc are the same, this new kernel-mos package can be a direct replacement for the
# normal kernel-mos package and RPM will resolve packages with kernel-mos dependencies
# correctly.
# To populate the input sources:
# 1. Build the unsigned packages as normal
# 2. Sign the desired binary
# 3. Place the unsigned package and signed binary in this spec's folder
# 4. Build this spec
Source0: kernel-mos-%{version}-%{release}.%{buildarch}.rpm
Source1: vmlinuz-%{uname_r}
Source2: sha512hmac-openssl.sh
BuildRequires: cpio
BuildRequires: openssl
BuildRequires: sed
This package contains the Linux kernel package with kernel signed with the production key
%package -n kernel-mos
Summary: Linux Kernel for MOS
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Requires: filesystem
Requires: kmod
Requires(post): coreutils
Requires(postun): coreutils
%description -n kernel-mos
The kernel-mos package contains the signed Linux kernel for MOS.
mkdir rpm_contents
pushd rpm_contents
# This spec's whole purpose is to inject the signed kernel binary
rpm2cpio %{SOURCE0} | cpio -idmv
cp %{SOURCE1} ./boot/vmlinuz-%{uname_r}
pushd rpm_contents
# Don't use * wildcard. It does not copy over hidden files in the root folder...
cp -rp ./. %{buildroot}/
# Recalculate sha512hmac for FIPS
%{sha512hmac} %{buildroot}/boot/vmlinuz-%{uname_r} | sed -e "s,$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,," > %{buildroot}/boot/.vmlinuz-%{uname_r}.hmac
cp %{buildroot}/boot/.vmlinuz-%{uname_r}.hmac %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{uname_r}/.vmlinuz.hmac
%triggerin -n kernel-mos -- initramfs
mkdir -p %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/initramfs/pending
touch %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/initramfs/pending/%{uname_r}
echo "initrd generation of kernel %{uname_r} will be triggered later" >&2
%triggerun -n kernel-mos -- initramfs
rm -rf %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/initramfs/pending/%{uname_r}
rm -rf /boot/initrd.img-%{uname_r}
echo "initrd of kernel %{uname_r} removed" >&2
%postun -n kernel-mos
if [ ! -e /boot/mariner.cfg ]
ls /boot/linux-*.cfg 1> /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
list=`ls -tu /boot/linux-*.cfg | head -n1`
test -n "$list" && ln -sf "$list" /boot/mariner.cfg
%post -n kernel-mos
/sbin/depmod -a %{uname_r}
ln -sf linux-%{uname_r}.cfg /boot/mariner.cfg
%files -n kernel-mos
%license COPYING
%exclude %dir %{_libdir}/debug
%config(noreplace) /boot/linux-%{uname_r}.cfg
%config %{_localstatedir}/lib/initramfs/kernel/%{uname_r}
%exclude /lib/modules/%{uname_r}/build
%exclude /lib/modules/%{uname_r}/kernel/drivers/accessibility
%exclude /lib/modules/%{uname_r}/kernel/drivers/gpu
%exclude /lib/modules/%{uname_r}/kernel/sound
%exclude /module_info.ld
* Wed Jan 31 2024 Gary Swalling <gaswal@microsoft.com> -
- Update to
* Tue Jan 16 2024 Gary Swalling <gaswal@microsoft.com> -
- Update to
* Mon Dec 11 2023 Rachel Menge <rachelmenge@microsoft.com> -
- Update to
* Wed Nov 08 2023 Rachel Menge <rachelmenge@microsoft.com> -
- Original version for CBL-Mariner.
- License verified