def _path_ignoring_repository(f): if (len(f.owner.workspace_root) == 0): return f.short_path return f.path[f.path.find(f.owner.workspace_root)+len(f.owner.workspace_root)+1:] def _gensource_impl(ctx): if len(ctx.attr.srcs) > 1: fail("Only one src value supported", "srcs") for s in ctx.attr.srcs: if s.label.package != ctx.label.package: print(("in srcs attribute of {0}: Proto source with label {1} should be in " + "same package as consuming rule").format(ctx.label, s.label)) # Use .jar since .srcjar makes protoc think output will be a directory srcdotjar = ctx.new_file( + "_src.jar") srcs = [f for dep in ctx.attr.srcs for f in dep.proto.direct_sources] includes = [f for dep in ctx.attr.srcs for f in dep.proto.transitive_imports] flavor = ctx.attr.flavor if flavor == "normal": flavor = "" ctx.action( inputs = [ctx.executable._java_plugin] + srcs + includes, outputs = [srcdotjar], executable = ctx.executable._protoc, arguments = [ "--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=" + ctx.executable._java_plugin.path, "--grpc-java_out={0},enable_deprecated={1}:{2}" .format(flavor, str(ctx.attr.enable_deprecated).lower(), srcdotjar.path)] + ["-I{0}={1}".format(_path_ignoring_repository(include), include.path) for include in includes] + [_path_ignoring_repository(src) for src in srcs]) ctx.action( command = "cp $1 $2", inputs = [srcdotjar], outputs = [ctx.outputs.srcjar], arguments = [srcdotjar.path, ctx.outputs.srcjar.path]) _gensource = rule( attrs = { "srcs": attr.label_list( mandatory = True, non_empty = True, providers = ["proto"], ), "flavor": attr.string( values = [ "normal", "lite", # Not currently supported ], default = "normal", ), "enable_deprecated": attr.bool( default = False, ), "_protoc": attr.label( default = Label("@com_google_protobuf//:protoc"), executable = True, cfg = "host", ), "_java_plugin": attr.label( default = Label("@grpc_java//compiler:grpc_java_plugin"), executable = True, cfg = "host", ), }, outputs = { "srcjar": "%{name}.srcjar", }, implementation = _gensource_impl, ) def java_grpc_library(name, srcs, deps, flavor=None, enable_deprecated=None, visibility=None, **kwargs): """Generates and compiles gRPC Java sources for services defined in a proto file. This rule is compatible with java_proto_library and java_lite_proto_library. Do note that this rule only scans through the proto file for RPC services. It does not generate Java classes for proto messages. You will need a separate java_proto_library or java_lite_proto_library rule. Args: name: (str) A unique name for this rule. Required. srcs: (list) a single proto_library target that contains the schema of the service. Required. deps: (list) a single java_proto_library target for the proto_library in srcs. Required. flavor: (str) "normal" (default) for normal proto runtime. "lite" for the lite runtime. visibility: (list) the visibility list **kwargs: Passed through to generated targets """ if flavor == None: flavor = "normal" if len(deps) > 1: print("Multiple values in 'deps' is deprecated in " + name) gensource_name = name + "__do_not_reference__srcjar" _gensource( name = gensource_name, srcs = srcs, flavor = flavor, enable_deprecated = enable_deprecated, visibility = ["//visibility:private"], **kwargs ) added_deps = [ "@grpc_java//core", "@grpc_java//stub", "@grpc_java//protobuf", "@com_google_guava_guava//jar", ] if flavor == "normal": added_deps += ["@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_java"] elif flavor == "lite": # TODO: This is currently blocked on added_deps += ["@com_google_protobuf_java_lite//:protobuf_java_lite"] else: fail("Unknown flavor type", "flavor") native.java_library( name = name, srcs = [gensource_name], visibility = visibility, deps = [ "@com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305//jar", ] + deps + added_deps, **kwargs )