Lite already worked by using the protobuf project, but would bring in
extra dependencies that are not intended to work with lite. Although
protobuf is not yet providing a lite package on Maven Central, we will
be able to swap to it once it is available.
There isn't any new original code in the Java portion, except for a new
overload in ProtoUtils that accepts Message instead of MessageLite.
Depending on Message in ProtoUtils allows us to support extra features
out-of-the-box without any changes to the generated code. For example,
JSON encoding could be supported in this way if Marshaller is enhanced.
However, now codegen must be aware of Lite in order to choose with Util
class to use. That is new code.
Without the attributes, fc loses its mind a bit when comparing the
codegen output against the golden; the golden would have DOS newlines
(assuming default git configuration) and the generated code would have
Unix newlines.
The jenkins-pre script just reduces the amount of code is backed into
the jenkins project.