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netty: create adaptive cumulator
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import javax.annotation.Nullable;
public abstract class GrpcHttp2ConnectionHandler extends Http2ConnectionHandler {
protected static final int CUMULATOR_COMPOSE_MIN_SIZE = 1024;
protected final ChannelPromise channelUnused;
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ public abstract class GrpcHttp2ConnectionHandler extends Http2ConnectionHandler
Http2Settings initialSettings) {
super(decoder, encoder, initialSettings);
this.channelUnused = channelUnused;
setCumulator(new NettyAdaptiveCumulator(CUMULATOR_COMPOSE_MIN_SIZE));
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
* Copyright 2020 The gRPC Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.grpc.netty;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf;
class NettyAdaptiveCumulator implements io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.Cumulator {
private final int composeMinSize;
NettyAdaptiveCumulator(int composeMinSize) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(composeMinSize >= 0, "composeMinSize must be non-negative");
this.composeMinSize = composeMinSize;
* "Adaptive" cumulator: cumulate {@link ByteBuf}s by dynamically switching between merge and
* compose strategies.
* <p>This cumulator applies a heuristic to make a decision whether to track a reference to the
* buffer with bytes received from the network stack in an array ("zero-copy"), or to merge into
* the last component (the tail) by performing a memory copy.
* <p>It is necessary as a protection from a potential attack on the {@link
* io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder#COMPOSITE_CUMULATOR}. Consider a pathological case
* when an attacker sends TCP packages containing a single byte of data, and forcing the cumulator
* to track each one in a separate buffer. The cost is memory overhead for each buffer, and extra
* compute to read the cumulation.
* <p>Implemented heuristic establishes a minimal threshold for the total size of the tail and
* incoming buffer, below which they are merged. The sum of the tail and the incoming buffer is
* used to avoid a case where attacker alternates the size of data packets to trick the cumulator
* into always selecting compose strategy.
* <p>Merging strategy attempts to minimize unnecessary memory writes. When possible, it expands
* the tail capacity and only copies the incoming buffer into available memory. Otherwise, when
* both tail and the buffer must be copied, the tail is reallocated (or fully replaced) with a new
* buffer of exponentially increasing capacity (bounded to {@link #composeMinSize}) to ensure
* runtime {@code O(n^2)} is amortized to {@code O(n)}.
public final ByteBuf cumulate(ByteBufAllocator alloc, ByteBuf cumulation, ByteBuf in) {
if (!cumulation.isReadable()) {
return in;
CompositeByteBuf composite = null;
try {
if (cumulation instanceof CompositeByteBuf && cumulation.refCnt() == 1) {
composite = (CompositeByteBuf) cumulation;
// Writer index must equal capacity if we are going to "write"
// new components to the end
if (composite.writerIndex() != composite.capacity()) {
} else {
composite = alloc.compositeBuffer(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
.addFlattenedComponents(true, cumulation);
addInput(alloc, composite, in);
in = null;
return composite;
} finally {
if (in != null) {
// We must release if the ownership was not transferred as otherwise it may produce a leak
// Also release any new buffer allocated if we're not returning it
if (composite != null && composite != cumulation) {
void addInput(ByteBufAllocator alloc, CompositeByteBuf composite, ByteBuf in) {
if (shouldCompose(composite, in, composeMinSize)) {
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, in);
} else {
// The total size of the new data and the last component are below the threshold. Merge them.
mergeWithCompositeTail(alloc, composite, in);
static boolean shouldCompose(CompositeByteBuf composite, ByteBuf in, int composeMinSize) {
int componentCount = composite.numComponents();
if (composite.numComponents() == 0) {
return true;
int tailSize = composite.capacity() - composite.toByteIndex(componentCount - 1);
return tailSize + in.readableBytes() >= composeMinSize;
* Append the given {@link ByteBuf} {@code in} to {@link CompositeByteBuf} {@code composite} by
* expanding or replacing the tail component of the {@link CompositeByteBuf}.
* <p>The goal is to prevent {@code O(n^2)} runtime in a pathological case, that forces copying
* the tail component into a new buffer, for each incoming single-byte buffer. We append the new
* bytes to the tail, when a write (or a fast write) is possible.
* <p>Otherwise, the tail is replaced with a new buffer, with the capacity increased enough to
* achieve runtime amortization.
* <p>We assume that implementations of {@link ByteBufAllocator#calculateNewCapacity(int, int)},
* are similar to {@link io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBufAllocator#calculateNewCapacity(int, int)},
* which doubles buffer capacity by normalizing it to the closest power of two. This assumption
* is verified in unit tests for this method.
static void mergeWithCompositeTail(ByteBufAllocator alloc, CompositeByteBuf composite,
ByteBuf in) {
int newBytes = in.readableBytes();
int tailIndex = composite.numComponents() - 1;
int tailStart = composite.toByteIndex(tailIndex);
int tailBytes = composite.capacity() - tailStart;
int totalBytes = newBytes + tailBytes;
ByteBuf tail = composite.component(tailIndex);
ByteBuf merged = null;
try {
if (tail.refCnt() == 1 && !tail.isReadOnly() && totalBytes <= tail.maxCapacity()) {
// Ideal case: the tail isn't shared, and can be expanded to the required capacity.
// Take ownership of the tail.
merged = tail.retain();
* The tail is a readable non-composite buffer, so writeBytes() handles everything for us.
* - ensureWritable() performs a fast resize when possible (f.e. PooledByteBuf simply
* updates its boundary to the end of consecutive memory run assigned to this buffer)
* - when the required size doesn't fit into writableBytes(), a new buffer is
* allocated, and the capacity calculated with alloc.calculateNewCapacity()
* - note that maxFastWritableBytes() would normally allow a fast expansion of PooledByteBuf
* is not called because CompositeByteBuf.component() returns a duplicate, wrapped buffer.
* Unwrapping buffers is unsafe, and potential benefit of fast writes may not be
* as pronounced because the capacity is doubled with each reallocation.
} else {
// The tail is shared, or not expandable. Replace it with a new buffer of desired capacity.
merged = alloc.buffer(alloc.calculateNewCapacity(totalBytes, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
merged.setBytes(0, composite, tailStart, tailBytes)
.setBytes(tailBytes, in, in.readerIndex(), newBytes)
// Store readerIndex to avoid out of bounds writerIndex during component replacement.
int prevReader = composite.readerIndex();
// Remove the tail, reset writer index, add merged component.
composite.removeComponent(tailIndex).setIndex(0, tailStart)
.addFlattenedComponents(true, merged);
merged = null;
in = null;
// Restore the reader.
} finally {
// Input buffer was merged with the tail.
if (in != null) {
// If merge's ownership isn't transferred to the composite buf, release it to prevent a leak.
if (merged != null) {
@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
* Copyright 2020 The gRPC Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.grpc.netty;
import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
import static com.google.common.truth.TruthJUnit.assume;
import static io.netty.util.CharsetUtil.US_ASCII;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyInt;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil;
import io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.buffer.UnpooledByteBufAllocator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.runners.Enclosed;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
public class NettyAdaptiveCumulatorTest {
// Represent data as immutable ASCII Strings for easy and readable ByteBuf equality assertions.
private static final String DATA_INITIAL = "0123";
private static final String DATA_INCOMING = "456789";
private static final String DATA_CUMULATED = "0123456789";
private static Collection<Object[]> cartesianProductParams(List<?>... lists) {
return Lists.transform(Lists.cartesianProduct(lists), new Function<List<Object>, Object[]>() {
@Override public Object[] apply(List<Object> input) {
return input.toArray();
public static class CumulateTests {
private static final ByteBufAllocator alloc = new UnpooledByteBufAllocator(false);
private NettyAdaptiveCumulator cumulator;
private NettyAdaptiveCumulator throwingCumulator;
private final UnsupportedOperationException throwingCumulatorError =
new UnsupportedOperationException();
// Buffers for testing
private ByteBuf contiguous = ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(alloc, DATA_INITIAL);
private ByteBuf in = ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(alloc, DATA_INCOMING);
public void setUp() {
cumulator = new NettyAdaptiveCumulator(0) {
void addInput(ByteBufAllocator alloc, CompositeByteBuf composite, ByteBuf in) {
// To limit the testing scope to NettyAdaptiveCumulator.cumulate(), always compose
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, in);
// Throws an error on adding incoming buffer.
throwingCumulator = new NettyAdaptiveCumulator(0) {
void addInput(ByteBufAllocator alloc, CompositeByteBuf composite, ByteBuf in) {
throw throwingCumulatorError;
public void cumulate_notReadableCumulation_replacedWithInputAndReleased() {
ByteBuf cumulation = cumulator.cumulate(alloc, contiguous, in);
assertEquals(DATA_INCOMING, cumulation.toString(US_ASCII));
assertEquals(0, contiguous.refCnt());
// In retained by cumulation.
assertEquals(1, in.refCnt());
assertEquals(1, cumulation.refCnt());
public void cumulate_contiguousCumulation_newCompositeFromContiguousAndInput() {
CompositeByteBuf cumulation = (CompositeByteBuf) cumulator.cumulate(alloc, contiguous, in);
assertEquals(DATA_INITIAL, cumulation.component(0).toString(US_ASCII));
assertEquals(DATA_INCOMING, cumulation.component(1).toString(US_ASCII));
assertEquals(DATA_CUMULATED, cumulation.toString(US_ASCII));
// Both in and contiguous are retained by cumulation.
assertEquals(1, contiguous.refCnt());
assertEquals(1, in.refCnt());
assertEquals(1, cumulation.refCnt());
public void cumulate_compositeCumulation_inputAppendedAsANewComponent() {
CompositeByteBuf composite = alloc.compositeBuffer().addComponent(true, contiguous);
assertSame(composite, cumulator.cumulate(alloc, composite, in));
assertEquals(DATA_INITIAL, composite.component(0).toString(US_ASCII));
assertEquals(DATA_INCOMING, composite.component(1).toString(US_ASCII));
assertEquals(DATA_CUMULATED, composite.toString(US_ASCII));
// Both in and contiguous are retained by cumulation.
assertEquals(1, contiguous.refCnt());
assertEquals(1, in.refCnt());
assertEquals(1, composite.refCnt());
public void cumulate_compositeCumulation_inputReleasedOnError() {
CompositeByteBuf composite = alloc.compositeBuffer().addComponent(true, contiguous);
try {
throwingCumulator.cumulate(alloc, composite, in);
fail("Cumulator didn't throw");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException actualError) {
assertSame(throwingCumulatorError, actualError);
// Input must be released unless its ownership has been to the composite cumulation.
assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
// Initial composite cumulation owned by the caller in this case, so it isn't released.
assertEquals(1, composite.refCnt());
// Contiguous still managed by the cumulation
assertEquals(1, contiguous.refCnt());
} finally {
public void cumulate_contiguousCumulation_inputAndNewCompositeReleasedOnError() {
// Return our instance of new composite to ensure it's released.
CompositeByteBuf newComposite = alloc.compositeBuffer(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
ByteBufAllocator mockAlloc = mock(ByteBufAllocator.class);
try {
// Previous cumulation is non-composite, so cumulator will create anew composite and add
// both buffers to it.
throwingCumulator.cumulate(mockAlloc, contiguous, in);
fail("Cumulator didn't throw");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException actualError) {
assertSame(throwingCumulatorError, actualError);
// Input must be released unless its ownership has been to the composite cumulation.
assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
// New composite cumulation hasn't been returned to the caller, so it must be released.
assertEquals(0, newComposite.refCnt());
// Previous cumulation released because it was owned by the new composite cumulation.
assertEquals(0, contiguous.refCnt());
public static class ShouldComposeTests {
* Cartesian product of the test values.
@Parameters(name = "composeMinSize={0}, tailData=\"{1}\", inData=\"{2}\"")
public static Collection<Object[]> params() {
List<?> composeMinSize = ImmutableList.of(0, 9, 10, 11, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
List<?> tailData = ImmutableList.of("", DATA_INITIAL);
List<?> inData = ImmutableList.of("", DATA_INCOMING);
return cartesianProductParams(composeMinSize, tailData, inData);
@Parameter(0) public int composeMinSize;
@Parameter(1) public String tailData;
@Parameter(2) public String inData;
private CompositeByteBuf composite;
private ByteBuf tail;
private ByteBuf in;
public void setUp() {
ByteBufAllocator alloc = new UnpooledByteBufAllocator(false);
in = ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(alloc, inData);
tail = ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(alloc, tailData);
composite = alloc.compositeBuffer(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// Note that addFlattenedComponents() will not add a new component when tail is not readable.
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
public void tearDown() {
public void shouldCompose_emptyComposite() {
assertTrue(NettyAdaptiveCumulator.shouldCompose(composite, in, composeMinSize));
public void shouldCompose_composeMinSizeReached() {
assume().that(tail.readableBytes() + in.readableBytes()).isAtLeast(composeMinSize);
assertTrue(NettyAdaptiveCumulator.shouldCompose(composite, in, composeMinSize));
public void shouldCompose_composeMinSizeNotReached() {
assume().that(tail.readableBytes() + in.readableBytes()).isLessThan(composeMinSize);
assertFalse(NettyAdaptiveCumulator.shouldCompose(composite, in, composeMinSize));
public static class MergeWithCompositeTail {
private static final String DATA_INCOMING_DISCARDABLE = "xxxxx";
private static final String DATA_COMPOSITE_HEAD = "hhhhh";
private static final int TAIL_READER_INDEX = 1;
private static final int TAIL_MAX_CAPACITY = 128;
* Cartesian product of the test values.
* <p>Test cases when the cumulation contains components, other than tail, and could be
* partially read. This is needed to verify the correctness if reader and writer indexes of the
* composite cumulation after the merge.
@Parameters(name = "compositeHeadData=\"{0}\", cumulationReaderIndex={1}")
public static Collection<Object[]> params() {
List<?> compositeHeadData = ImmutableList.of("", DATA_COMPOSITE_HEAD);
// From the start, or within of head/tail.
List<?> compositeReaderIndex = ImmutableList.of(0, 3);
return cartesianProductParams(compositeHeadData, compositeReaderIndex);
@Parameter(0) public String compositeHeadData;
@Parameter(1) public int cumulationReaderIndex;
// Use pooled allocator to have maxFastWritableBytes() behave differently than writableBytes().
private final ByteBufAllocator alloc = new PooledByteBufAllocator();
private CompositeByteBuf composite;
private ByteBuf tail;
private ByteBuf head;
private ByteBuf in;
public void setUp() {
in = alloc.buffer()
// Tail's using full initial capacity by default.
tail = alloc.buffer(DATA_INITIAL.length(), TAIL_MAX_CAPACITY)
composite = alloc.compositeBuffer();
head = alloc.buffer().writeBytes(compositeHeadData.getBytes(US_ASCII));
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, head);
public void tearDown() {
public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailExpandable_write() {
// Make incoming data fit into tail capacity.
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
// Confirm it fits.
// Capacity must not change.
testTailExpansion(DATA_CUMULATED.substring(TAIL_READER_INDEX), DATA_CUMULATED.length());
public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailExpandable_fastWrite() {
// Confirm that the tail can be expanded fast to fit the incoming data.
// To avoid undesirable buffer unwrapping, at the moment adaptive cumulator is set not
// apply fastWrite technique. Even when fast write is possible, it will fall back to
// reallocating a larger buffer.
// int tailFastCapacity = tail.writerIndex() + tail.maxFastWritableBytes();
int tailFastCapacity = alloc.calculateNewCapacity(DATA_CUMULATED.length(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
// Tail capacity is extended to its fast capacity.
testTailExpansion(DATA_CUMULATED.substring(TAIL_READER_INDEX), tailFastCapacity);
public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailExpandable_reallocateInMemory() {
int tailFastCapacity = tail.writerIndex() + tail.maxFastWritableBytes();
String inSuffixOverFastBytes = Strings.repeat("a", tailFastCapacity + 1);
int totalBytes = tail.readableBytes() + inSuffixOverFastBytes.length();
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
// Make input larger than tailFastCapacity
in.writeCharSequence(inSuffixOverFastBytes, US_ASCII);
// Confirm that the tail can only fit incoming data via reallocation.
// Confirm the assumption that new capacity is produced by alloc.calculateNewCapacity().
int expectedTailCapacity = alloc.calculateNewCapacity(totalBytes, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
private void testTailExpansion(String expectedTailReadableData, int expectedNewTailCapacity) {
int composeOriginalComponentsNum = composite.numComponents();
NettyAdaptiveCumulator.mergeWithCompositeTail(alloc, composite, in);
// Composite component count shouldn't change.
assertEquals(composeOriginalComponentsNum, composite.numComponents());
ByteBuf expandedTail = composite.component(composite.numComponents() - 1);
// Discardable bytes (0 < discardable < readerIndex) of the tail are kept as is.
String expectedTailDiscardable = DATA_INITIAL.substring(0, TAIL_READER_INDEX);
String actualTailDiscardable = expandedTail.toString(0, expandedTail.readerIndex(), US_ASCII);
assertEquals(expectedTailDiscardable, actualTailDiscardable);
// Verify the readable part of the expanded tail:
// 1. Initial readable bytes of the tail are kept as is
// 2. Discardable bytes (0 < discardable < readerIndex) of the incoming buffer are discarded.
// 3. Readable bytes of the incoming buffer are fully read and appended to the tail.
assertEquals(0, in.readableBytes());
assertEquals(expectedTailReadableData, expandedTail.toString(US_ASCII));
// Verify expanded capacity.
assertEquals(expectedNewTailCapacity, expandedTail.capacity());
// Reader index must stay where it was
assertEquals(TAIL_READER_INDEX, expandedTail.readerIndex());
// Writer index at the end
assertEquals(TAIL_READER_INDEX + expectedTailReadableData.length(),
// Verify resulting cumulation.
verifyResultingCumulation(expandedTail, expectedTailReadableData);
// Incoming buffer is released.
assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailNotExpandable_maxCapacityReached() {
// Fill in tail to the maxCapacity.
String tailSuffixFullCapacity = Strings.repeat("a", tail.maxWritableBytes());
tail.writeCharSequence(tailSuffixFullCapacity, US_ASCII);
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailNotExpandable_shared() {
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailNotExpandable_readOnly() {
composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail.asReadOnly());
private void testTailReplaced() {
int cumulationOriginalComponentsNum = composite.numComponents();
int taiOriginalRefCount = tail.refCnt();
String expectedTailReadable = tail.toString(US_ASCII) + in.toString(US_ASCII);
int expectedReallocatedTailCapacity = alloc
.calculateNewCapacity(expectedTailReadable.length(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
NettyAdaptiveCumulator.mergeWithCompositeTail(alloc, composite, in);
// Composite component count shouldn't change.
assertEquals(cumulationOriginalComponentsNum, composite.numComponents());
ByteBuf replacedTail = composite.component(composite.numComponents() - 1);
// Verify the readable part of the expanded tail:
// 1. Discardable bytes (0 < discardable < readerIndex) of the tail are discarded.
// 2. Readable bytes of the tail are kept as is
// 3. Discardable bytes (0 < discardable < readerIndex) of the incoming buffer are discarded.
// 4. Readable bytes of the incoming buffer are fully read and appended to the tail.
assertEquals(0, in.readableBytes());
assertEquals(expectedTailReadable, replacedTail.toString(US_ASCII));
// Since tail discardable bytes are discarded, new reader index must be reset to 0.
assertEquals(0, replacedTail.readerIndex());
// And new writer index at the new data's length.
assertEquals(expectedTailReadable.length(), replacedTail.writerIndex());
// Verify the capacity of reallocated tail.
assertEquals(expectedReallocatedTailCapacity, replacedTail.capacity());
// Verify resulting cumulation.
verifyResultingCumulation(replacedTail, expectedTailReadable);
// Incoming buffer is released.
assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
// Old tail is must be released once
assertThat(tail.refCnt()).isEqualTo(taiOriginalRefCount - 1);
private void verifyResultingCumulation(ByteBuf newTail, String expectedTailReadable) {
// Verify the readable part of the cumulation:
// 1. Readable composite head (initial) data
// 2. Readable part of the tail
// 3. Readable part of the incoming data
String expectedCumulationData = compositeHeadData.concat(expectedTailReadable)
assertEquals(expectedCumulationData, composite.toString(US_ASCII));
// Cumulation capacity includes:
// 1. Full composite head, including discardable bytes
// 2. Expanded tail readable bytes
int expectedCumulationCapacity = compositeHeadData.length() + expectedTailReadable.length();
assertEquals(expectedCumulationCapacity, composite.capacity());
// Composite Reader index must stay where it was.
assertEquals(cumulationReaderIndex, composite.readerIndex());
// Composite writer index must be at the end.
assertEquals(expectedCumulationCapacity, composite.writerIndex());
// Composite cumulation is retained and owns the new tail.
assertEquals(1, composite.refCnt());
assertEquals(1, newTail.refCnt());
public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailExpandable_mergedReleaseOnThrow() {
final UnsupportedOperationException expectedError = new UnsupportedOperationException();
CompositeByteBuf compositeThrows = new CompositeByteBuf(alloc, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
tail) {
public CompositeByteBuf addFlattenedComponents(boolean increaseWriterIndex,
ByteBuf buffer) {
throw expectedError;
try {
NettyAdaptiveCumulator.mergeWithCompositeTail(alloc, compositeThrows, in);
fail("Cumulator didn't throw");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException actualError) {
assertSame(expectedError, actualError);
// Input must be released unless its ownership has been to the composite cumulation.
assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
// Tail released
assertEquals(0, tail.refCnt());
// Composite cumulation is retained
assertEquals(1, compositeThrows.refCnt());
// Composite cumulation loses the tail
assertEquals(0, compositeThrows.numComponents());
} finally {
public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailNotExpandable_mergedReleaseOnThrow() {
final UnsupportedOperationException expectedError = new UnsupportedOperationException();
CompositeByteBuf compositeRo = new CompositeByteBuf(alloc, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
tail.asReadOnly()) {
public CompositeByteBuf addFlattenedComponents(boolean increaseWriterIndex,
ByteBuf buffer) {
throw expectedError;
// Return our instance of the new buffer to ensure it's released.
int totalBytes = tail.readableBytes() + in.readableBytes();
ByteBuf merged = alloc.buffer(alloc.calculateNewCapacity(totalBytes, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
ByteBufAllocator mockAlloc = mock(ByteBufAllocator.class);
try {
NettyAdaptiveCumulator.mergeWithCompositeTail(mockAlloc, compositeRo, in);
fail("Cumulator didn't throw");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException actualError) {
assertSame(expectedError, actualError);
// Input must be released unless its ownership has been to the composite cumulation.
assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
// New buffer released
assertEquals(0, merged.refCnt());
// Composite cumulation is retained
assertEquals(1, compositeRo.refCnt());
// Composite cumulation loses the tail
assertEquals(0, compositeRo.numComponents());
} finally {
Reference in New Issue